
Democratic Principles Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"If Congress selects the next president instead of American voters, we'll have no need for an Electoral College. In fact, we'd have no need for presidential elections at all."
"Healthcare should be of the people, for the people, by the people."
"Whether ours shall continue to be a government of laws and not of men is ultimately for the American people to decide."
"For there to be real democracy, there has to be dissent, there has to be open communication, there has to be the ability to challenge mainstream media narratives."
"If government, in a democracy, is intended to be mandated by the consent of the governed, but we don't know what it is that they're doing, then that's not consent, or it's not informed consent. Consent that is not informed is not meaningful."
"Democracy means the rule of the people, not the rule of monarchs or the money, but the rule of the people."
"What's at stake in allowing censorship of free speech is self-government itself."
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts."
"One of the pillars of democracy is the rule of law, the idea that no one is above the law."
"If we want to keep our republic, we must ensure election integrity."
"In all my years in uniform, I haven't known such a clear threat to the principles of sovereignty and democracy."
"How we restore a government that fundamentally cares about the consent of the governed."
"Democracy is about letting people be in charge."
"Closing down Parliament in order to force through a No Deal Brexit is not democracy, it's dictatorship."
"One of the key differences between us and those adversaries is the fact that they shut down newspapers, broadcast stations, and social media platforms. We do not." - Representative Jim Himes
"We cannot permit him or anybody in the administration to dictate the manner in which we function... We will make sure that no president becomes a monarch."
"The founders believed in majority, not minority rule." - Mehdi Hasan
"The Supreme Court's job is not to represent the majority will of the people."
"Finally, a Republican leader in Wisconsin stood for democracy."
"In America, the president is not able to do what a king does because in America, the president is a spokesperson for who he's elected to speak for — the people."
"Making democracy work means holding on to our principles, having clarity about our principles, and then having the confidence to get in the arena and have a serious debate."
"We need to have the courage of our convictions and be brave on this. We have to accept some hardship and pain to defend the principles of liberty, democracy, and the rule of law."
"If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy."
"The values that matter to us: human rights, democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, privacy."
"In a government of, by, and for the People, there should be no permanent ruling class."
"We are a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers. There is not someone that just gets to pick who the next president is outside the will of the American people."
"I'm glad that Biden said the word famine because it's people like my parents that need to hear it from the authority to really start taking it seriously."
"How do you calibrate an effective response to extremism that doesn't compromise the Democratic principles that you're fighting for?"
"The power rests with the people, not the government."
"Why don't we create a politics... where I believe that being true to our Democratic and our human values will actually be the greater win?"
"People's rule, they don't believe in people's democracy. They don't believe the people should run the country."
"Any system of government must be an expression of the will of the people."
"Do not let them take away your power. Do not let them take away your democracy."
"The government serves at the pleasure of the people."
"Democracies don't run on trust, democracies run on suspicion, which is why everything's supposed to be transparent."
"If Donald Trump is a danger to democracy, it is not because he will overthrow the constitution."
"It erodes the bedrock legitimacy of the government as being of the people for the people by the people. Absolutely it does."
"This is an assault on the fundamental premise of democracy." - The Damage Report
"An attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote."
"No. The future will be electric in the passenger car world for sure."
"Sagal's peaceful transition of power showcases the country's democratic maturity and commitment to democratic principles."
"I mean, there's a lot of nuance and lot's of different ideas about it, but for the most part we know what it's supposed to be: the ability of the people to make decisions for themselves."
"We want to protect the integrity of all future elections and the very concept of separation of powers."
"The government is by the people and for the people in the United States."
"The United States was never set up under the presumption that the people were wise."
"If a democracy allowed incest you would say okay he doesn't even believe in democracy."
"No office in this land is more important than the principles that we are all sworn to protect."
"I never thought I would see the day where an American president would threaten not to accept an election defeat."
"Trust the people, but trusting the people means giving them more power relative to the elites."
"The vote winner should be president, seems pretty obvious."
"I believe democracy should stand up for that principle."
"The end point of the slippery slope is there, specifically because the principle being established by the Democratic party encompasses all of that."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the principle of losers consent."
"Recognizing women's suffrage as a fundamental Democratic right."
"The government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people."
"The question of suitability is up to us, we the people, and not they the government."
"Every citizen... should be guaranteed that their vote matters."
"The fate of the nation... lies where it always does with the people."
"Free speech means the people decide and everything else, everything else means the powerful decide."
"Democracy defending liberal democracy at home and abroad."
"If you care about democracy and you care about the survival of our Republic then you need to understand we all have to understand that we cannot give people power who have told us that they will not honor elections."
"If we can't hold accountable the figures who led us into wars... then in what sense are we a democracy?"
"The very fabric of our democratic republic is about to be tested."
"It's a government of the people, by the people, and for the people that we've abdicated."
"The right to vote is inherent to our democracy, even for terrible people."
"The people have always been in charge and now we're starting to realize that."
"The Lincoln Project is working to neuter the current GOP-controlled government to ensure that future elections are fair and democratic."
"Implicit in the pursuit of this exchange is the privilege to dissent and demonstrate in a peaceful and non-disruptive manner without unreasonable obstruction or hindrance."
"Unless something egregious was done I don't believe that it's the party's place to intervene with that democratic process."
"Our liberal democracy is based on the idea that you must respect and even at times listen to those you disagree with."
"Referendums in their various forms are a betrayal of the highest goal of democracy."
"God forbid government be predicated on the consent of the governed."
"The power must land with the people, that's where it has always been."
"In order for freedom of speech to exist you kind of have to have restrictions on speech that make it so those that would destroy it can't take power."
"In a republic, the power lies with the people through our elected representatives and the rule of law."
"The only point of the bill of rights is to say if these laws get passed with majority support they're still invalid because they violate basic fundamental rights which the majority doesn't have the right to do."
"It's a democratic republic operating, and the Congress and the Constitution provide a mechanism for that release valve."
"The real check on power comes from the people themselves."
"So if democracy is used is the method for electing governments, then democracy gives rights to everybody."
"If you are electing people who want to overturn a legitimate election, then you are the problem."
"Pro-democracy activists call it the death of the one country two systems' principle."
"This was an assault on Democracy fueled by lies of a president." - Jack Smith
"Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically to meet public needs."
"The only power they have is the power we have given them."
"Freedom stops where mine begins. But the nuances of what freedom of expression really is can make or break a democracy."
"Let's build a truly democratic government for the people. Get money out of politics."
"Out of it comes communism and fascism, out of it comes votes for every citizen, the foundation of modern democracy."
"We fight for radical democracy, even if the species itself lacks the capacity. We fight because it's right, it's just, and because we're concerned about our fellow species."
"At the heart of this Constitution is democracy, and that means that people, through their elected representatives, decide for themselves what kind of laws, rules, administrative regulations... it's their decision."
"I agree Donald Trump shouldn't be kept off the ballot by secretaries of state and it's equally undemocratic that Dean Phillips and myself are kept off ballots due to secretaries of State doing the bidding of the DNC." - Marianne Williamson
"Democrats do not like democracy, they don't want the voters to decide, they want to decide for the voters."
"To enter into dialog is to embody democracy."
"Accepting the outcomes of Elections and having a peaceful transition of power is part of what it means to be a constitutional republic."
"A free and fair election is what democracy is based on. People have to believe that their vote matters."
"It puts power in the people. It was the first constitution to ever say that. That is where power flows from. It flows from below, up not from above down."
"Democracy is a government that is run by the people."
"Roe v. Wade was anti-democratic design absolutely."
"If we don't have honest elections, what's the point? It's supposed to be a government by the people, for the people."
"It's never good for an American president to sow seeds of doubt in the legitimacy of American elections."
"A president who lost an election deployed a mob to attack the constitutional system."
"Democracy won't always lead in the direction you want, and that's the point of democracy."
"If we don't stand up for this claim, we're not a democracy. It's as simple as that."
"No election should be stolen for anybody democrat or republican."
"The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy - everything that has made America America - is at stake."
"Black people must always be democratic informing content in their organizations and shoot for democratic ideals so that ordinary people can live lives of decency and dignity."
"Freedom of speech is a baseline democratic principle."
"Our nation was founded on the peaceful transition of power, epitomized by George Washington laying down his sword to make way for democratic elections." - United States District Judge David O. Carter
"You enter Banana Republic type stuff when you start arresting political opponents for nonsensical things."
"Politics is about policies and ideas, and candidates with different opinions should have a chance to fight it out in front of the people so that people can decide."
"What does that mean? Well, it means the total disillusion of a democratic mandate and attack on the democracy of the people."
"That's a contradiction of what it means to be a liberal democracy."
"This failed Insurrection only underscores...our Republic."
"It's important that we succeed to say that we the people do create a government that's accountable to us."
"Maduro must do what's right and allow for free, fair, and credible elections in accordance with democratic principles."
"What is wrong with that how is that a power grab to allow people to vote it's the people who should have the power not politicians in state legislative bodies to take it away."
"If you can't have a clean, fast, and fair election, how can you be sure that anything that you vote on is meaningful? You can't."
"American democracy is built on a foundation of faith and belief in the fairness of the system."
"It's essential to the continuation of Democracy in America that we get a new kind of leader who is actually feeling the public service call rather than the call to power."
"The majority should rule in the United States Senate. I make this announcement with careful deliberation recognizing the fundamental right to vote as a right from which all other rights flow."
"Democracy is a process of self-determination. If you're interfering in that, you're undermining democracy not supporting it."
"The trial should be fair to the House, the President, and the American people."
"So now has has it taken 250 years yeah but the fact that we had principles based on people could rise up and vote people out or you know stand up and say we're not going to take this it has worked right it's just taking them very long."
"Speech is the fundamental prerequisite for democracy. That's why it's enshrined in the first of our constitutional amendments."
"If everyone has an equal say, then no one is bossing anyone around, so there is more freedom."
"This transcends politics. This is about a new threat to the country, and really to our core sovereignty and our democracy, things that, whether you're a Republican or Democrat, you should consider vitally important to the United States and should seek to protect and to defend."
"Majority rule isn't natural. Majority rule emerges out of the general will. It is the expression of the general will."
"We believe that the United Nations will be strengthened by the new nations which are being formed in lands now advancing toward self-government under democratic principles."
"Democracy is rule of law and an independent judiciary."
"Government is not supposed to be about who is in power; it's supposed to be about us."
"The alternative to democracy is more democracy."
"Believe me, there are few more millions who believe in these principles of democracy, hate racism in all its form to the core."
"If you support democracy, then you support democracy. You can't waiver when it's inconvenient or if it benefits us."
"Will we continue to be a country premised on the consent of the governed, a congress that respects the will of the people, and a republic that will endure?"
"It's pretty consistent principle to say that whoever gets the most votes should win."
"Democracy is the system to be decided by the people for the people."
"The principles of democratic centralism uphold autonomy and grassroots organization as vitally important."
"The sovereignty of 60 millions of free people is the working out of the divine right of man to govern himself, a manifestation of God's plan concerning the human race."
"That is democracy, and we might not like it, but that's how it is."
"American democracy is a land where everybody is created equal."
"They decided they were going to set up a bike store that ran on a different principle. It's not a corporation, it's a democratic cooperative."
"The Constitution, laws, and treaties, in that order, for democratic reasons."
"It's higher law because it has a more democratic foundation."
"Democracy is a system that promotes the participation of the citizens in how they are governed."
"Hong Kong represents all those values which they deplore: civic society, democratic accountability, rule of law, independence, courts, education which allows people to develop as you would want to develop yourself without having the party lines thrust down your throat."