
Election Results Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The people spoke. It was not a close election. The margin of victory for Biden in 2020 was larger than Trump's margin in 2016."
"Tonight, Democrats have overperformed pretty spectacularly."
"Republicans across the country last night...this is not a result that should be encouraging to a lot of Republicans."
"Kerry Lake lost to Katie Hobbs by just over 17,000 votes."
"It won over a hundred thousand votes or just over 1% of the national popular vote"
"Win or lose, Donald Trump didn't have the numbers. He betrayed the trust of the American people."
"The American people elected President Joe Biden."
"I have zero doubt that an honest vote would have elected Donald J Trump president."
"Marching up to the Capitol steps and protesting the results of this election is not anything outside of just basically using your freedom of speech and your freedom to protest and assemble."
"People are angry. They will simply not accept the results of this election."
"Progressive candidates had a great election night."
"It's about big leads on election night... rapidly evaporated."
"The battle is over, and the Liberals just haven't acknowledged it yet."
"Can you imagine if Republicans had lost that race? It would be a stunning rebuke of traditional American thought."
"We're not out of the woods when it comes to that part. We, this election, it's over, it's done. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated and there's no stopping that, but we cannot take it lightly what's happening."
"Georgia flipped blue for the first time in 28 years. Our hopes for the Senate and our entire legislative agenda hinge upon it."
"It's funny how we were forced to accept the 2016 results but now Trump wants to complain."
"Despite Donald Trump's refusal to accept the result, Joe Biden will be sworn into office in front of the Capitol building on January 20th next year."
"Joe biden flips the states of arizona wisconsin michigan pennsylvania north carolina georgia florida and nebraska's second district."
"Warnock's Victory marked a major defeat for former president Donald Trump."
"We need to normalize patience. The winner has been declared on election night exactly twice in the last five presidential elections."
"We actually have... about the best balance we could have hoped for from this election."
"Why would you lose the election for delivering for voters?"
"An honest election elects him; it may not yet be eternal truth."
"Donald Trump lost this election. It's unquestionable."
"Florida passes $15 minimum wage but the state went to Trump."
"Take the early results with a grain of salt."
"This election was a referendum on wokeness and cancel culture."
"Biden with 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump with 232."
"Donald Trump lost the popular vote. He lost the electoral vote."
"You know you're a fascist if you don't accept the results of a free and fair election."
"Fa's victory with approximately 54% of the vote indicates a significant mandate from the electorate."
"It's been almost two weeks since the election day it's been a week since everyone including Fox News and every media Outlet definitively called an election."
"But yet, on Election Day, the majority of the voters who didn't like both broke for Trump."
"Where I stand on the election in 2020 is the same place I always stood. He lost the election of 2020. I said that the day that he lost the election, that night."
"I think all of that was [__]. I think Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he lost the 2020 election."
"He won with 52-53% of the vote but governed as if he had 90% of the vote."
"how does it get better than that I mean seriously Trump crushing Biden by five or six points"
"I think Biden then really did win the national popular vote by the double digits."
"Nothing in this case casts any legitimate doubt that the people of Wisconsin lawfully chose Vice President Biden and Senator Harris to be the next leaders of our great country."
"They still have not accepted the 2016 election results."
"Donald Trump is asking the Georgia Republican secretary of state to change the election results."
"Mary Peltola's victory... is showing a change and difference in tide and direction for these midterm elections."
"Facts are Donald Trump lost everywhere and bigly."
"A landslide victory for Biden will make it virtually impossible for Trump to deny the results and is our best means for defending democracy."
"It was definitely good. A lot of them lost and surprisingly a lot of them conceded."
"We will not stand for it. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election."
"CNN projects Joseph R. Biden Jr. is elected the 46th president of the United States."
"And it wasn't just fake news, CNN. Former Vice President Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania and Nevada, putting him over the 270 electoral votes he needs to become the 46th president of the United States."
"The collapse of the Conservatives is pretty extraordinary. It's a huge number of councillors they've lost."
"The voters have spoken and this is what they're saying."
"The Democrats refuse to accept that they lost."
"Okay, okay, how many votes did Trump get compared to Hillary? Was it less? And yeah, he won. Doesn't f***ing matter, round numbers, this is the five five, that's how politics really works."
"Huge flip for Joe Biden, a state that went to Trump by nine percent back in 2016."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency with an electoral college margin of 290 to 248."
"Marina Summers with 60.7% definitely makes sense."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"Gavin Newsom was not recalled in the California election."
"Normal Labour voters, union working-class people, voted Conservative."
"He won the election by 70 thousand votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. He won because he had help by the Russians."
"Trump won big in working-class New York City districts."
"What they do? Well, one guy in Staten Island, for instance, he uh, impeachment Jeff Van Drew switched parties and then just won his primary in a landslide."
"Joe Biden won Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia."
"Georgia voters stood up for our democracy, rejected ultra-magnetism, and most importantly, sent a good man back to the Senate."
"If you believe these results, Joe Biden with a disappointing fourth place, barely edging Amy Klobuchar."
"Last night was a disaster. Bernie Sanders won the states of Colorado, Utah, Vermont, and California."
"Trump wins by two plus on that one too 44-42."
"We might not know the results on election night. OK."
"This election result is perhaps one of the greatest indictments yet of the identity politics and demographics-is-destiny thesis that we've ever seen."
"The bottom line is many, many times, the 11,779 margin that they said we lost by, we had vast."
"I think the one benefit of Joe Biden winning... is that the temperature can kind of calm down a little."
"People want to know who won the election on Election Day or election night."
"Boom DJ Phyllis with 3772 votes to say he dominated would be an understatement."
"That's an uplifting result so far if it holds."
"We got remarkably the same count three counts all remarkably close which showed that President Trump did come up short."
"The fat lady hasn't sung yet, we still got California, we still got Nevada, and there's a senator who's favored in the places where they still have to count the votes."
"It feels like it's a landslide election, like I don't... I love that like that Alabama congressional seat went to the Democrats in a republican District by 25 points."
"There's countries in the world where you put your vote into the box and it's counted automatically so that at the end of the day, they know who's won or lost."
"If the opinion polls are borne out tonight, we're likely to see one of the biggest political upsets since 1945."
"Over the next 18 hours, we shall have a succession of victors, vanquished, and walking wounded."
"Candidates in School Board elections... who were pushing far-right ideas about gender, sexuality, and race lost big."
"That is a huge vote of endorsement."
"The voters have spoken tonight, the voter is the powerful person."
"While the result tonight was not what we hoped for, I'm not discouraged, I'm inspired."
"For millions of people in our country, these results will bring dread and dismay."
"Well that's it, confirmation of the result, the Conservatives have formally won this general election."
"We want to make sure that people can get accurate information about the results of the election."