
Press Freedom Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"The Fourth Estate... is the sine qua non for our liberties and protecting our procedures in a democracy."
"This raid is a troubling development for press freedom."
"The FBI searches were an assault on the First Amendment."
"It is absolutely critical that as journalists we speak out on this critical issue of press freedom."
"Our Liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."
"Democracy thrives when the press digs deeper."
"The press... occupies in a free and open societies to contest the government's monopoly on information."
"A free and un-cowed press is necessary for our democracy."
"India is now ranked a dismal 142nd in the Press Freedom Index."
"If the press doesn't challenge and expose government secrecy and overreach then who can?"
"It's so bad that in 2013 the free press advocacy group Reporters without Borders gave a serious downgrade to America's standing in the global free press rankings, rating the Obama administration as worse than Bush's."
"You can shut down every last pro-democracy newspaper but you can't shut down the human desire for free speech and for a free press."
"The press plays a vital role in our democracy, and we need a strong and independent press now more than ever."
"This is a crackdown on local Hong Kong media and journalists...will seriously impede press freedom in Hong Kong, leading the city toward authoritarian rule."
"A free and uncowed press is part of our system of government. We stand up for ourselves as a way of standing up for our country and for our Constitution."
"A truly free press empowers people to make decisions for themselves."
"Free speech is an extension of freedom of speech and really freedom of the press is sort of a community aggregate people communicating with each other."
"Just stunning video our news Nation correspondent Evan Lambert being arrested in Ohio while reporting at a news conference."
"An independent press is not a liberal ideal or a progressive ideal or a democratic ideal; it's an American ideal."
"He has a lot of charisma. You make the case for a radical transparency of the press."
"We are not fake news, we are not failing news organizations, and we are not the enemy of the American people."
"This indictment is an attack on the Free Press, but so many Americans are too blinded by the idea that Assange is colluding with Russians."
"If the United States can do this to journalists, then certainly we can too."
"It's unconstitutional restricting uh freedom of the press."
"Press freedom under fire: the case of Rappler."
"The license for journalism is the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. It says that we have freedom of press in this country."
"You don't have freedom of the press or freedom of speech."
"I was seeking public records with the New York State Freedom of Information law as well as I was engaged in a First Amendment protected activity of freedom of press."
"Saudi Arabia ranks as one of the worst countries in the world for freedom of the press. One female journalist, Nuf Abdulaziz, was sent to prison for three years for reporting on women's rights."
"The sacrifices made by these fallen journalists highlight the pressing need for greater protection of press freedom and the pursuit of justice."
"This is a freedom of the press issue and reporting on war crimes should not get you in trouble with the federal government."
"I had to fight for my right to freedom of press and freedom of speech when Judge Keith Kelly unlawfully ordered me to remove the video from the internet."
"The press does not simply publish information about trials but guards against the miscarriage of justice by subjecting the police, prosecutors, and judicial process to extensive public scrutiny and criticism."
"I truly believe that Tommy Robinson is a kind of political prisoner and this case touches on freedom of the press."
"I'm here under the freedom of the press, the First Amendment."
"Gorbachev softened censorship and therefore increased the freedom of the press this was a giant step towards a free media and the free flow of information."
"The freedom of the press shall not be infringed. It's in the First Amendment, Bill of Rights."
"A free press is a pillar, maybe the pillar of free society. How can you have an establishment and press working together to keep ordinary people ignorant and bewildered and claim that it's anything like a free country?"
"This is an assault on all press. And no one should be okay with it."
"Journalism is not a crime. Evan and Austin should be released immediately along with every American held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad."
"It's about fighting a coordinated effort to attack, discredit, and endanger journalists."
"At the end of the day, this is America and we are the press, we the people."
"The vindication of the Free Press is the ability to deliver honest, factual reporting, and we offer a clear alternative to many in the media by doing that."
"We need to rebuild and protect a diverse and truly independent press."
"First to go was Hong Kong's democracy newspaper Apple Daily."
"We are guaranteed a free press. We're not guaranteed free health care, free cars, free land."
"The saddest part of Trump's presidency was him denigrating the Free Press."
"I believe that this is an attack on the First Amendment and the press in general by people who politically disagree with us and we will be victorious."
"When the President of the United States says that he wants to open up libel laws in order to sue members of the press for saying bad things about him, that screams unhealthy to me."
"When the President of the United States is attacking the Free Press by saying 'you're an enemy of the people,' that's massively authoritarian."
"That pesky First Amendment again is in the way that First Amendment damn it freedom of the press New York Times against Sullivan."
"A free press is a pillar of any free society."
"The First Amendment stands between a free press and executive tyranny."
"If you care about this country and a free press, today should have sickened you."
"If Assange's publishing of classified information runs afoul of the law, so does the work of just about every single serious press outlet." - Chris Hayes
"The ongoing U.S extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is disturbing and has worrying implications for all journalists." - Alan Rushbridger
"Press freedom has never been just about journalists."
"A free press is a foundation for any democracy."
"We have the single highest concentration of media ownership in print in this country of any other advanced democracy in the world."
"Having 70 percent of the print readership in this country is a problem."
"Freedom of press is the core value when we think about our democracy."
"The media's priorities: 'press Freedom issue has completely vanished. Job done.' 🟢✅"
"Democracy is under threat in India, press Freedom has gone shooting down."
"One of the gravest threats we can imagine to press freedom."
"The real threat to press freedom is this attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks and Julian Assange."
"Prior to 9/11 it was not uncommon for passengers to visit the flight deck especially children with permission from the captain."
"Support your free press. It is really starting to feel like we're going to have to do this ourselves."
"If confidential sources are not protected, journalism is dead."
"The Press Act is bipartisan legislation that guarantees and protects our most basic of First Amendment principles: the freedom of the press."
"Under British rule, people there would be able to speak freely, you know, Apple Daily, all these press would still be there, you'd have freedom, but that's no longer there under the CCP."
"The Zenger case advanced freedom of the press."
"The best way to respond to disinformation is to ensure we have a free and independent press."
"We all owe it to him and to press freedom and to the public's right to know to continue to report accurately and fairly on this case and not stop until Assange is free."
"Freedom of the press is not freedom if you're not allowed to speak until it is verified by the government as true information."
"We all must resist... if Assange is extradited and tried, it will create a legal precedent that will terminate the ability of the press... to hold power accountable."
"Democracy dies in darkness." - Washington Post
"The government is making a grave threat to press freedom."
"Every press freedom group in the West condemns this prosecution."
"Assange's extradition seriously damages journalism."
"As long as I am Attorney General no reporter who is doing his job is going to go to jail."
"The U.S. government goes after journalists." - Host
"We need a free press to scrutinize, we need elections, we need the checks and balances."
"Freedom of the press is sort of a community aggregate people communicating with each other."
"The press is not a threat to government it is not a threat to democracy but rather it is the air and tour of it."
"I'm here under the freedom of the press as Dan of Erie."
"It's an assault on journalism, but more than that, it's an assault on citizenship because it can happen to anybody."
"The democracy cannot function without a free press."
"A free press can be good or bad, but without freedom, it will never be anything but bad."
"There is no such thing as an independent western media."
"If this prosecution goes forward and ends in conviction, it will be a very dark day for press freedom in the United States." - Ben Weisner
"The U.S government's legal and extra legal war on Wikileaks is a war on journalism itself." - Democracy Now
"There was another interesting story about a journalist, his name is Evan Lambert, got arrested, got arrested actually he was trying to cover a part of the press briefing and the police said you're out of here buddy boy and they arrested him."
"I am appalled to see Canadian journalists assaulted, harassed, intimidated, and prevented from doing their jobs."
"Having a free press is fundamental to a functioning democracy or to create a functioning democracy."
"Secret Service passes for White House journalists should never be weaponized." - Fox News
"This isn't about Acosta, this is about freedom of the press." - Ana
"If something goes wrong with the free press the country will go straight to hell."
"If you continue this, you are effectively criminalizing publishing information."
"The first amendment to the constitution for free press is basically the first for a reason because it is such a fundamental part of our democracy."
"There needs to be an audit of our mainstream media. We rely on press freedom to get the message to us, not the version of the message, not the propaganda, but the real bona fide message to us."
"There might be no free press in Hong Kong at all in the coming years."
"The freedom of our press is going to continue to decline."
"We know a free press is vital for our freedoms in our society."
"The US is trying to make journalism a crime even outside the United States."
"Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one."
"Anyone who wants the press to be free should consider the implications of this case."
"It's a very serious assault on the First Amendment, a clear attempt to rescind the freedom of the press essentially."
"It's a day for journalists in general especially on everybody who values a free press and not only in this country to join ranks here now."
"It is absolutely impossible to have a democracy without a fair press."
"It is a very, very bad sign when journalists are assaulted or detained or restricted from questioning our elected officials in any capacity."
"A free press can of course be both good and bad, but the press that is not free can never be anything but bad."
"The move is significant as it now places Jamaica as the top country in the Caribbean as it relates to press freedom."
"All of the great advances in journalism have come from the non-commercial press that has going back to that shamed the way Julian did shame the traditional press into doing their job."
"The Free Press is central to our democracy."
"When there is no Free Press, when there is no free media radio and television reporters seeking to uncover information...we will have reached a sad State of Affairs in our nation."
"If the choice is between having a government with no newspapers or newspapers with no government, I'll take newspapers with no government."
"Without a free press, without free expression, without the ability to be wrong, it's not a democracy; it's an autocracy."
"A former high court judge Lord Elliston Morgan gave his opinion on the balance between press freedom and privacy in the modern age."
"They suppressed free press and the governments of the world had no choice but to conform."
"The significance of the press act cannot be understated. It ensures a free press independent from an executive branch that seeks to attack or harass journalists."
"Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy."
"Passing the Press Act is critical to a free press, protecting journalists from state-sanctioned surveillance and reaffirming their First Amendment rights."
"The Press Act appropriately addresses concerns about government intrusion, ensuring durability across administrations and less uncertainty for journalists and media outlets."
"The Press act would reduce Chill on sources, help journalists do the work we need them to do, provide Clarity in that landscape that is now muddled and uncertain."
"I do believe that the Press act... would have played a role... it forecloses the government from compelling journalist disclosure of their sources."
"We came together to support the Press act... we all agree that it's an important piece of legislation to protect... we should always be making sure that we have a free and protected press."
"The first thing Congress should do is to pass the Press act, ensure that it is signed into law... allow them to be able to give assurances to their sources that they will not be revealed."
"The press is an essential part of democracy."
"...we need to have a constant tug of war between a free press, a cantankerous press, a skeptical press, and the powerful institutions of our government."
"The people who don't want a free press are people with something to hide."
"Press freedom is something that's important; that's why we exercise in this back and forth that we do almost every day."
"We the United States of America stand for freedom of information and freedom of the press."
"The leak would end up helping take down President Nixon, help end the war in Vietnam, and lead to a major victory for press freedom."
"The Pentagon papers leak would end up helping take down President Nixon, help end the war in Vietnam, and lead to a major victory for press freedom."
"The leak would end up helping to take down President Nixon, helping to end the war in Vietnam, and would lead to a major victory for press Freedom."
"Democracy is more than just elections. Democracy is also a free press. Democracy is also freedom of religion."
"Turkey consistently ranks at or near the top among nations that imprison journalists for their reporting."
"Now the question is not only whether freedom of the press will survive in Turkey, but whether the country's democracy itself will survive."
"We have a free press in this country, that's a really important principle in a democratic system."
"The trend work, Pakistani is now ranked 150 out of 180 countries in RSF's World Press Freedom index."
"Freedom of the press means that everybody's press."
"Journalism in this country, the United States, is not run by the government; we are independent, we're like the fourth estate, the fourth branch of government."
"The freedom of the press... is the right to shame our public officials into doing what is noble."
"The UK has a free press; this means that what is written in newspapers is free from government control."
"Don't attack journalists, let them film, let them do their thing."
"With the freedom of the press, they can say whatever they want to say."
"I think the freedom of the press is very important to society."
"We're just here to bring awareness on freedom of the press."
"Our dreams, hopes, and wishes for a better tomorrow depend on a free press."
"It's a fine balancing point between the freedoms of the press and human rights and freedom of speech, everything like that, versus rights to privacy."
"Our relations with other countries have improved, there is more freedom at the universities, lively debates, and greater freedom of the press compared to the past."
"Asking tough questions in Russia is a crime, even for foreign reporters."
"That's why we need Supreme Court justices who understand the importance of protecting the right of journalists."
"Preserving democracy is contingent upon a free and robust press."
"The freedom of the press is essential to a working democracy."
"Freedom of the press means we all have the freedom to do this."
"The First Amendment grants us the right of freedom of press."
"We have the Constitution that says we have freedom of the press."
"Attacks on journalists on the freedom of speech and expression, enough is enough."
"Freedom of conscience, freedom of the press, free speech... that's straight up like Luther, Calvin, Protestant stuff right there."
"Comedy and satire falls under the press as a newsworthiness exception."
"We are on a slippery slope straight into fascism; censoring the press is a part of that."
"An attack on a newspaper office where an illegal search is not just an infringement on the rights of journalists but an assault on the very foundation of democracy and the public's right to know."
"Calling the press the enemy of the people is something that we have not seen from a president in modern history."