
Self-assertion Quotes

There are 543 quotes

"I'm a genius. I've literally taken an IQ test."
"The more people are able to assert themselves, the less aggressors they would have against them and there would be less harm, less violence, less crime, less people hurt overall in the long run."
"You become the change that you want in your life and you assert yourself with that energy for sure."
"When you speak up for yourself, people will respect you more."
"Don't give in, stand strong, own your reality."
"Your higher self is actually asking you to stand tall, stand in your power, and focus on your holding of the world, your dreams, your bold approach to your own life."
"To get rich, the first step is to acknowledge and assert your right to do so."
"It's okay to tell yourself, 'It doesn't benefit me; you don't benefit me.' It's okay because it's probably true."
"You're so powerful, you have to insist on your inclusion."
"People keep asking if I'm back, and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinking I'm back."
"Not anymore, not on my watch, I am reclaiming my destiny."
"I am the ultimate water bender. You shall fear me, me the master bender, expert at my craft."
"There's also this feeling as though you really stand for yourself, even if it is disruptive, even if it doesn't fit with the status quo or the norm."
"I did not kill myself. Let me repeat: I did not kill myself."
"It is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, you move.'"
"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger."
"Learning to stand your ground knowing what you need beforehand and also setting expectations is very very important."
"If you want it, you better go in there and go get it. Make them remember who you are." - Dianna
"Eliza intimidates the bully by introducing herself and declaring that she will be a great magician someday."
"With this new moon, you're really asserting yourself into the world unapologetically."
"India has suffered, it needs to understand and assert itself."
"They thought headlines was my critique, but I'm still King."
"Sometimes it might feel very uncomfortable to assert yourself."
"I'm scared. I'm cocky. I know I'ma go out for mine."
"This Eclipse can inspire us to be more assertive, pursuing our goals and standing up for ourselves."
"Put your fucking flag on the ground of who the fuck you are."
"You're stepping into your power and grabbing hold of your destiny."
"I am what I am independent of 500 of you sitting here."
"You guys are better than that, fuck peer pressure!"
"This is what I want or declare this is what I'm doing and see how the pieces will kind of fall."
"The most powerful word you can say is 'I do not consent' because your consent is yours."
"Standing in your truth will clear out a lot of energy. Something about setting the standards and getting things to move."
"This is your time to step up, to take some control or take some charge, and really own your power."
"Even small like when people say, 'Are you so crazy'...you say, 'I'm not crazy, don't say that to me no more.'"
"And then, she went in for the kill. 'I'm that bitch.'"
"It's done means the version of yourself that is so confident that you can achieve anything."
"So what does Soma do on his first day in school? He goes up in front of everybody and just for the sake of flexing on a person in school, he says, 'Hi, I am better than every single one of you.'"
"If you're holding your frame correctly, you need to be able to do whatever the hell you want." - Justin Waller
"He's saying that he's not taking anybody's shit anymore."
"We co-create with the higher self that is your original, guiding force."
"I'm a king in this thing, not a hat, this shit a crown, I'mma put it down for all of y'all above."
"Step into your own, stand up for yourself, stand your ground."
"Stick to your guns but you still gotta stick up for yourself and say this is who I am."
"The first thing you do is you just say I'm not gonna take this anymore."
"This is mine to have and just claim it, claim it internally with yourself now and just know that it is and it is what is coming for you."
"Eternal gatekeeper: acknowledge, assert, and protect what is right for you."
"I'm not a beta to the white man's Alpha I'm the alpha to his Alpha I'm Alpha squared Alpha plus."
"He who has to tell other people to call him king is not a king."
"We don't owe anybody an explanation for nothing."
"Commit to something, take what is yours, and present yourself as big."
"I would be glad if you can give me a chance to prove myself right."
"The essence of the pick me girl is that she's trying to prove herself superior to other women."
"It's time to apply some pressure. It is your time, your season, your moment, your hour."
"Sometimes you just gotta stand on your morals and just, yeah, you're right. And she's standing ten toes down."
"Assert yourself wisely, bring hidden talents to the fore and accept your imperfections."
"Assert yourself, stand your ground, lay down your boundaries."
"There's still some anxiety, but I'm seeing good stuffs where you stand your ground."
"You don't need anybody's permission to stand in your power and act on it."
"You've done nothing wrong, please know that and have your voice."
"I'm not scared of you, and I'm tired of you trying to wither me down. No thank you."
"You're stepping into January 2022 as 'this is me, I know what I want. If you're on my team, come get it. If not, you're missing out.'"
"You have to be really strong and you have to be very direct about what you want."
"It's cool man, this is my show. Remember that, it's my show."
"If you're a dog, you're a dog. That's what I'm saying."
"You need to stand your ground and stay stuck on your position."
"Mass represents our ability to fight, to defend ourselves, and to impose ourselves in a very combative way if necessary."
"Asserting yourself is an amoral thing it's an amoral thing."
"Got my confidence back, can't nobody really deny me."
"At least I can be the queen of the girls and be respected by these minions."
"You're a lion and you need to start roaring like one."
"I never did anything wrong and that's all to it. I never did anything."
"A win is a win if you can start pushing back a little bit."
"Bold actions, bold statements. Like I am a man exclamation mark. Bold."
"This level of confidence we can all learn something from this level of of confidence to be able to just be this way and and be a badass or whatever he says."
"I'm all about proving myself. I'll prove myself over here like I've done back home."
"I'm not a wuss. I'm not a wuss." - Asserting independence and defiance against societal norms.
"I command the wealth I desire to come to me now. I command it with my full power. Come to me, wealth. It is done, so be it."
"You're going to be feeling so ambitious, so driven, so goal-oriented, and so ready to exercise your will and assert yourself out in the world."
"Things start changing really quickly once you claim your truth and you look your doubts, your fears, and your anger straight in the eye and say no more."
"I'm a leader, let's get that clear. I don't follow."
"You've decided to be a full-on badass here, you have been wearing your stripes so differently for so long."
"Tell me I'm not the 2k rebuilding King, man. Tell me I'm not."
"I am not sorry for what is coming up... I don't feel like I owe anyone an apology at this point."
"You've never shied away from the cameras you know fuck it man you're gonna be beloved by everybody."
"The path to a woman's femininity is not paved by everybody saying yes to her."
"Move over or get out of my way, 'cause the big dog's coming through."
"You are not the crazy one here, despite what that narcissist wants you to think."
"Sovereignty is given from the being to itself. You only have to assert it and see if it stands up to scrutiny."
"I'm really proud of you. You stood up for yourself firmly but politely."
"I was really proud of the movie and I don't mind telling you that."
"I'm gonna say I'm the best and I'm gonna take that to the grave."
"We're showing up in our power. This is what it means to be a human being."
"Be a real man, stand up for yourself, say what you believe in, don't back down."
"Assert yourself through action, not just words."
"You're not letting people do that anymore, and you're just relaxed now knowing that you could be in your power."
"Stand up for yourself... Your opinion and your beliefs have value."
"This energy is about claiming who you are, claiming the sovereignty of your energy in a way that allows it to feel healthy and strong."
"Take up space. Stand there. Don't make yourself smaller."
"I would never apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own."
"I am the morning and the evening star, Rameses. It shall be as I say."
"Don't let your life get worse being timid that ain't cool."
"There's only one Spider-Man and you're looking at him."
"I'm not begging nobody for nothing, we demand."
"I'm fucking it up like I made it. Sometimes fucking the rough but I break it. I'm twice kill this shit man what you reckon."
"And once again, the show's slipping in a message of queer empowerment, telling all the Claytons watching: You're in control; stand your ground; take pride in whom you love and don't let anyone make you feel ashamed."
"You are able and allowed to stand in your power."
"Tank, it's time for me to show that I'm that man, I'm the man of the sport."
"We're essential to the functioning of our country, dare I say it."
"Assert yourself... You're more powerful than you realize and it's safe for you to be powerful."
"When I learned how to say no, it's no taking that back, like, no, I've learned, I've learned my boundaries."
"Stand up for what you believe in... claim your personal power."
"I don't think the visitor was here to destroy us or damage the map, he was simply on this meteorite, someone had put him on here. Maybe he used this pod as his escape pod from some sort of spaceship in space."
"I'm coming for you. I am the fucking slap dumpling extraordinaire."
"Being high maintenance doesn't mean you're not independent. It's a natural thing."
"Maintain consistency, boundaries, and assert your ground."
"In your power, it's almost like sitting in your throne a little bit."
"I think not, Presence. I am Thor and thou shalt judge for thyself whether I am pretending!" - Thor
"You're at the top of your game, the best of the best. You gotta communicate what you truly want, Scorpio, and you gotta be sharp with it."
"You cannot live an empowered life unless you are able to speak from a position of authority."
"Right now, you can't tell me what to do anymore."
"Stand up for what you believe in. Have confidence and claim your personal power."
"You're truly standing in your power here, Taurus."
"It's almost like you're taking your power back here... setting yourself free."
"Hold your ground, be strong, be loving. Don't let anyone step on your toes."
"Putting the crown on your head and saying this is where I stand."
"Stand in your truth, standing in your power and do what needs to be done."
"The line is yours for the taking, show the line that you are."
"You never have to do something you don't want to do you never have to submit to something you don't want to do you should always speak up for yourself"
"On the Midas Touch Network, we don't just report on the law news, we make it."
"This is me, look at me, I am here and I'm taking space, if you're not comfortable, get out of my way."
"Putting yourself first, demanding what you deserve."
"There's been this insatiable need to assert yourself, to assert your sovereignty, to become an independent person, to become more of who you are and who you were meant to be."
"If it's yours and you know it's yours, claim it and do what you need to do to keep it."
"Now's the Time to assert yourself and make yourself known. Now that Pluto has moved or will move into your first house, you might notice over the next 20 years that your vibration increases dramatically."
"Just stay in your power because this is a part of your destiny."
"Stand up for yourself, assert yourself, make the world go round for you a little bit, and find your place in the world."
"Let no one try to talk you into anything that you really do not want to do."
"Elle's journey isn't about changing who she is but rather proving herself in traditional arenas of intelligence."
"I am a child of the Divine, I call back all of my power."
"They got every god-given right to stand in their power too."
"They could be proud of you for standing up for yourself because it shows that you have a lot of respect for them and you love them."
"I am calling back my power right now; I call back my power from any energy or entity right now."
"Become unapologetic of who you are in your life. Get after it. Stay hard."
"Daniel Bryan stood up for himself."
"Stand up for yourself, and become more assertive."
"You're the boss of yourself in 2024, asking for what you want and being true to yourself above all."
"You need to learn to stand up for yourself."
"You have to take your power back."
"Now I'm going to claim my life, now I'm going to claim my power."
"I'm Noah Whitefield, the king of Grand Desire."
"I'm going to start standing up for myself and finding my voice."
"Please, my father was Mr. Spider-Man. Call me Spectacular."
"Too bad, so sad, this is my time."
"With North Node Aries, it's like taking the reins, building the life that we want and the way that we want to feel."
"Who's tougher than this [__], who's freer than me? You want to make the switch, be my guest baby."
"No, I am the champ champ forever and always."
"It takes real courage to stick up for yourself."
"You're standing up for yourself, setting healthy boundaries. You're tired of the inconsistency."
"This is a defining moment for the Joker, this is where he stood up for himself."
"One thing about me though, I'm a real ass woman"
"Even if you're afraid of how this person will react to you going your own way, it's going to be worth it."
"Pride is about self-assertion and fuels selfish ambition."
"Find proper balance in all aspects of your life, speaking up for yourself, writing a wrong, all of that comes through yet again."
"And no one can take that away from me."
"This is my time. Definitely. And it will forever be my time until I retire."
"I am Zero, the man who works miracles."
"I'm not falling for that game, pal. I am a man."
"You want to call yourself 'The Man'? I'm 'The Man'."
"You may call me a robin of Luxley. Yes, all right."
"What if you held your ground on being you? If you do it early enough, the relationship simply won't work."
"I did it. I liberated myself. I made it happen."
"...so when I say I'm the king it's for a lot of different reasons it ain't just for no no Rapture because let's be for real it's only two [ __ ] out here who before they had any type of deal they had kids falling the [ __ ] out..."
"Never ever feel like a victim, do not give your power away to anybody."
"I wish I would have stuck up more for myself."
"You may be in this time period of being ready to kind of step into your power a little bit more. There is a need to tell the universe what you will accept and what you will not accept."
"rappers are like boxers they confess themselves they're the champions"
"Find out exactly what you want... ask no one's permission."
"My name is Tiny, you have a problem with that?"
"I'm asserting the Mastery of my higher self."
"And if I had it to do it again, I'd do it again. And that's none of your business either."
"Why is everyone blaming her? All she did was stand up for herself."
"But this is the first time I ever stuck up for myself."
"Don't be afraid to speak up, to stand up for myself and to make it happen."
"It is safe for me to speak up for myself."
"You might feel like you set your progress back with fire, but you must also recognize that by standing your ground and standing up for yourself, that is huge personal growth."
"One way or another, you should do it on your own terms."
"You should do it on your own terms."
"Stop trying to explain yourself to somebody who is committed to misunderstanding you."
"Standing up for ourselves is always worth it in the end."
"I'm a grown-ass man doing grown-ass man shit."
"Don't be afraid to be yourself and step into your role that your heart is telling you to take. Making yourself small bears too high a cost."
"You're definitely being guided to stand up for yourself."
"Sometimes you gotta advocate for yourself if no one else is."
"Don't justify, don't explain yourself, don't argue."
"Be someone that stands out, speaks up for themselves."
"Even if she isn't confrontational, she still stands up for herself many times, which shows how much potential she has as a person."
"I'm the queen. See, I know I need my crown."
"You could be someone who has taken back your power, standing strong and taking charge of your life."
"As little baby said, I'm the goat."