
Intelligent Design Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"If there is a physically inexplicable coincidence of the fundamental constants of nature, this constitutes a phenomenon which very naturally invites explanation in terms of a cosmic scale designer."
"Creation speaks of a God that is all-powerful, all-intelligent, a God of infinite design, a God of careful planning, a God of purpose."
"Only classical theism, with the idea that there is a God that transcends the material universe but which is also intelligent and also active in the creation that he otherwise sustains and upholds, can account for this whole ensemble."
"The great projects of living creation are not the products of chance and error; they show us a creating intelligence."
"This most beautiful system of sun, planet, and comets could only be the product of an intelligent and Powerful being."
"Science does not deal with the question of God. However, the answers we are finding... it's all pointing towards an intelligent designer."
"People who had tried to publish anything in support of intelligent design, like Michael Behe, had tried to publish several things, and this didn't all come out in the court, but Kenneth Miller didn't just shoot him down in the courtroom; he had already shot down a number of other intelligent design arguments just in the field of science."
"If you look around you'll see flowers, birds, seasons, fruits... that tell us, or tell a reasonable mind, that an intelligent designer made it."
"The idea that God is a programmer goes along with the idea of an intelligent design."
"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force; we must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind."
"Evolution is purposeless, it's foresightless, it's extremely costly...and it's slow. Intelligent design is purposeful, somewhat foresighted, governed by cost considerations, and usually relatively fast."
"Whenever we see tightly functionally integrated systems, we know of only one cause that has produced those features, and that cause is intelligence."
"God is the best explanation for the incredible design that we see in biology as well as the design we have in the universe itself."
"History is not random; the events that are happening in our reality are scripted and structured intelligently."
"The complexity of life...looks designed. And this is why we in the ID community we say the reason that it looks designed is because it really was designed."
"The case for intelligent design is not based on... deduction from the scriptural text. It's an inference from biological evidence."
"God is the best explanation of the fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life."
"The world was created through intelligent design by a Creator."
"If there is a God, then the world was created through intelligent design by a Creator."
"So, the discovery of information at the foundation of life in even the simplest living cells provides strong grounds for inferring that a designing intelligence played a role in the origin of life."
"All the evidence shows that design demands a designer at every level. At every level, design demands a designer."
"What do these Darwinists think? The code just wrote itself?"
"Whenever we see information, we always come to a mind, not a material process."
"There's a very strong scientific basis for the theory of intelligent design."
"DNA is so complex that it has to be part of some sort of intelligent design."
"Intelligent design is not science, there's no place in the science classroom."
"Why does an acorn reliably go in a direction? Because there must be an external mind directing it."
"Did all of this synchronization, balance, harmony, variation, design, maintenance, operation, and infinite numeration happen by chance?"
"The Moon perfectly eclipses our sun, a mathematical impossibility without an intelligence."
"The entire argument for intelligent design lacks both meaning and substance."
"The only alternative you have is that there was an intelligent Creator."
"Why couldn't we be living in a universe that was created by an intelligent designer from another universe? That's my question."
"Every choice that is made in this film is done so in an intelligent and useful way."
"Lots of health things can happen because, as much as the religious people would like to call it intelligent design, it's not really that intelligently designed in a lot of ways."
"Is it more reasonable to believe that there's an intelligent mind behind order and design, or is it more intelligent to believe there's no intelligent mind behind order and design?"
"It is more rational, logical that we have a guiding force, an intelligent mind with a purpose and meaning behind our existence."
"The discovery that information is running the show in life suggests a designing intelligence."
"There had to be a designer. Whether you ever meet him or not, there just had to be one."
"Even within the most simple cartoons, there's intelligent decision-making and correct anatomy."
"Every aspect of our being reveals the signature of an intelligent and purposeful design."
"Therefore when you find information inscribed along the backbone of the DNA molecule in the cell the most rational inference based on our repeated experience is that an intelligence of some kind played a role in the origin of that information."
"He was the intelligent designer and we should worship Him."
"Almost all atheists conclude that the universe is fine-tuned for the existence of intelligent life."
"The sheer size and weight of the structure it's Cardinal alignments perfect Symmetry and craftsmanship and geographical placement hint of an intelligent design far beyond the capacities of ancient and Modern Man."
"Poking holes in evolution does nothing to further substantiate the claim of intelligent design."
"Information comes from other information and ultimately comes from an information Giver."
"Of the three alternatives before us - physical necessity, chance, or design - the most plausible as an explanation of the cosmic fine-tuning is design."
"Biological structures do appear as if they were not only intelligently designed but brilliantly designed."
"The theory of intelligent design challenges the idea that purely undirected processes can produce the complexity of living organisms."
"The RNA world doesn't eliminate the need for intelligent design, it actually demonstrates the need."
"If you take a computer, we know it's been created."
"Intelligent design just says things look as if they've been intelligently created."
"Intelligent design can actually be subscribed to even if you don't believe in God."
"Intelligent design will give us the ability to make arguments for the Divine."
"The resources in the world need to be applied very intelligently to solve human problems."
"Intelligent design needs to be taught alongside evolution."
"The only thing that makes sense is intelligent design because when we look at the things that are actually here we see wow DNA, a code, why someone must have made all this."
"Indeed this world is a dangerous place in which to live but the body's designer has given us all that we need to stay well protected."
"Every attempt to simulate [the origin of life] seems to suggest the need for a designing intelligence."
"Nature is the ultimate form of intelligent design."
"In reality, we're not a cosmic accidental sneeze into nothingness. This is quite obviously intelligently designed."
"Yonaguni: a series of rock structures that resemble square pyramids which surely can only have been created by intelligent life."
"A common sense interpretation of the evidence suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics as well as chemistry and biology."
"The universe had a beginning, it's been finely tuned from the beginning for life, and since the beginning there have been big infusions or bursts of digital information technology in our biosphere that suggests a master programmer has been at work."
"I think intelligent design is dead. So what's next?"
"Intelligent design is the only logical conclusion."
"The presence of information at the foundation of life seemed to me to provide a compelling indicator of a prior intelligent cause."
"Creation science as well as intelligent design are based upon a specific Christian doctrine called special creationism."
"Life is balanced on a Razor's Edge. There are so many ingredients that go into allowing this Earth to sustain life. It ain't no accident, sir. It's got to be an intelligent mind."
"The Netherlands is an overload of intelligent design."
"We have sufficient grounds for inferring that life was designed by an intelligent agent."
"The discovery of information at the foundation of life provides a powerful indicator of a designing intelligence at work in the origin of life."
"I think that the best explanation for the origin of the information necessary to build the first life can be best explained by intelligent design."
"Maybe these machines aren't just giving evidence of the appearance of design maybe they're giving evidence of actual design intelligent design."
"The fine-tuning, I think as Sir John and Fred Hoyle and Luke Barnes and many other physicists who've studied this question carefully have concluded, intelligent design or the theistic design hypothesis does provide the best overall explanation."
"For life to be so intricate and finely tuned, there must have been an intelligent designer."
"Common sense tells a reasonable mind that an intelligent designer made it."
"We can edit our condition, change our source code, and have intelligent design instead of evolution."
"Nearly every demarcation criteria proposed, when applied in a restrictive enough way to disqualify intelligent design, then they have the unintended consequence when applied in the same way of disqualifying, except for example Darwinian evolution."
"Only an intelligent designer could create what is called sometimes a just right universe. Chance couldn't do it."
"People who believe in intelligent design, you can basically just say wisdom teeth. If God created humans to be, you know, in His image, imperfect or whatever, we would not have our mouths be too small for wisdom teeth."
"Evolutionary biology needs a designer substitute to coordinate the incidental changes."
"Everything you see, touch, or feel in the world is the result of intelligent design."
"We don't evolve from chaos. Intelligent design is the real argument."
"Intelligent design is the idea that you can detect the activity of an intelligence from the features of life in the universe that we see around us."
"There is no science backing intelligent design because they have defined science as excluding any evidence that points to an intelligent designer."
"If it points to an intelligent designer, it is not science."
"They never teach intelligent design in the classrooms."
"Does that show that the observation that the constants are right for life is strong evidence for intelligent design?"
"I think that the best explanation is intelligent design. Physical necessity and chance just won't offer plausible accounts of this fact."
"Science itself is revealing stunning evidence that life is the product of intelligent design rather than an unguided process."
"The fine-tuning of the universe points towards a fine-tuner, an intelligent mind."
"There must be intelligent design to design all of us."
"Intelligent design is nothing but a big argument from ignorance."
"Intelligent design is creationism in a lab coat or a trojan horse for creationism."
"The bank accounts of the future are not going to be product-based, they're going to be experience-based, behaviorally based, and they're going to have intelligence built into your life."
"The Anthropic Principle is that this world was made by design. It's a defense of God."
"As the world is a mirror representing the divine life the mechanical philosophy was ever blind to this fact intelligent design on the other hand readily embraces the sacramental nature of physical reality."
"The evidence of order and design, the evidence of love, the evidence of densely-packed information in the DNA of a single cell demanding an intelligent mind... convinces me that there is a God."
"When you look at the universe, there's intelligent design."
"The theory of intelligent design holds that there are certain features of the universe and of living systems that are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected natural process."
"Intelligent design is not a form of creationism... Intelligent design starts with empirically observing the signs of intelligence."
"The universe has a beginning, the universe is finely tuned from the beginning, and there is evidence of design."
"Intelligent Drive combines all elements of active and passive safety in a well-thought-out system."
"Every detail or form or color turns out to have come into being via a fully intelligent Genesis."
"The theory of intelligent design is the idea that there are certain features of life and the universe that are best explained by a purposeful intelligence rather than an undirected material process."
"The case for intelligent design is made in the affirmative by noting features in living organisms that we know from experience are produced by one and only one type of cause."
"The plasmoid unification model is evidence that the universe is an intelligent design that design is in perfect octave harmonic resonance with itself."
"Very clever design, I like when people think, there's evidence of critical thought."
"Every realm of experience when we find codes... traces a source back to an intelligent cause."
"I believe in intelligent design. There is some form of intelligence out there that led to all this."
"Creation makes sense, intelligent design makes sense, God makes sense."
"It's far more plausible to conclude that this fine-tuned universe had a fine tuner than simply to say well it just happens coincidentally to be that way."
"The intelligent building creates a positive experience for everyone who steps inside."
"Order and design 100 times out of 100 has a designer behind it."
"The design of your eye, your central nervous system, the laws of nature point to an intelligent mind, some type of God."
"The order and arrangement of nature, the curious adjustment of final causes, the plain use and intention of every part and organ, all these bespeak in the clearest language an intelligent cause or author."
"...intelligent design provides the best, most causally adequate explanation for the origin of the information necessary to produce the first life."
"It's so clear from the things that God has made that there is a designer."
"As we observe the Universe, the Earth, and the amazing human body, it is easy to conclude that these things could not have occurred by accident."
"I think intelligent design is a worthwhile enterprise and then let's just follow the evidence wherever it is."
"I endorse intelligent design as a scientist."
"This software is both intuitive and intelligent."
"Based on the complexity, the fine-tuning, the design arguments, all those sorts of things seem to point to an ordered cause of the universe."
"What if an intelligent designer designed evolution itself?"
"We're now starting to move towards intelligent and data-rich models."
"I'd say God's a pretty intelligent designer."
"An intelligent status property is sort of a mission control for the system."
"Intelligent design leaves room for nature's peculiarities and novelties because it acknowledges that there are some things that are irreducible to mere adaptation and survival."
"How does life exist without an intelligent designer not limited by the constraints of the universe?"
"The intelligence in our 'intelligent design' is machine learning done from the ground up by a little molecule through natural selection."
"If there's design in the universe and design in life, there must be a designer."
"The design of the universe and the design of biological organisms is evidence of a designer."
"I'm able to intelligently place cuts and features on the part."
"If the intelligent being created this universe with such design, to me it's mind-blowing."
"If we look around and see the intelligent design, then that must really follow that there must be an intelligent designer."
"The complexity of the universe is evidence of design thus requires a designer."