
Corporate Greed Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"It's actually about greater greed, which gives us an opportunity as investors to think about where companies' greater greed intersects with our greater good."
"We do not benefit as individuals or as a marginalized group of people. The object of our shame neither grows nor benefits. We don't get beneficial cultural shifts. We get number going up for corporations."
"Right now, we are seeing a literally unprecedented level of corporate greed in this country."
"The average American is suffering while these CEOs are profiting, and it's not working."
"In this moment, what is extraordinary is that as we see ugly corporate greed, we also see the best in people putting their lives on the line to help others."
"Corporate profits were up 75% 5 times the rate of inflation. That's a rip off on a grander scale. That's greedflation."
"The spirit of what made D&D what it is today is being lost to what very much is typical corporate greed."
"The marriage of state power and corporate greed is unacceptable."
"Are things getting more expensive, or is it that companies are getting more greedy? The answer is yes to all of that."
"The deceitful proclivities of greedy game companies make it more important than ever that customers are given reasonable means to get their money back."
"The great crisis that we face is the unprecedented level of corporate greed."
"Let us have the courage to stand together and fight back against corporate greed...and create an economy and a government that works for all, not just the one percent."
"It was Buy n Large - corporate greed that caused this to happen."
"Nickelodeon: There's no feeling quite like watching a previous force be reckoned with in the animation scene slowly crumbled to pieces over corporate greed."
"Senior corporate Executives will forever be incentivized to enrich themselves and their shareholders without regard for their employees or Society in general."
"Corporate greed is one of the most pressing issues facing our country."
"Profiteering has come at the expense of human lives. So, it's a really astonishing thing to say... making money and profiteering is what is driving this, not saving lives."
"EA is taking advantage of The Sims and these casual players who play it."
"We must push back against inflation, pushing back against corporate greed as well." - John Fetterman
"They ONLY care about making money, no matter the non financial cost."
"It's terrible that people have lost their jobs, and it is just an absolute travesty that WWE held so many people to their contracts for this long when they didn't have any use for them. It's greed."
"When it comes to the world of big business, no one really cares about the virtue stuff. They just, frank, hey, if a dollar is to be made, a dollar is to be made."
"You caused that and you took bonuses out of it. Literally, some of them hundred million dollar bonuses and it's like what would 10 million dollars have done to you that could have done for so many families whose [ __ ] you stole from them."
"The truth as clearly spelled out as it could be is that these people propagate the war because it makes each of them a massive profit and any chance of peace is a personal threat to their bank accounts."
"I hate these media monopolies that are coming up and the people who only care about money."
"Ubisoft doesn't seem to have any sort of shame towards trying every single way to make more money off of their customers."
"We're YouTube's and we have billions of dollars and we don't give a flying [ __ ] about you."
"Anytime you get to expose blatant corporate greed, it's usually a pretty exciting time."
"Activision has showed its true colors in 2019. Their unsustainable greed with the Call of Duty franchise has forced themselves down a very dark road."
"Government intervention really right now looks to be the best way as corporations won't voluntarily out of the kindness of their heart stop implementing scummy schemes if it makes them money for them money is the king of all their endeavors."
"These people do not care what regular Americans have to say about that...it's market leader at all costs."
"Bernie Sanders got a lot of his power talking about the 99% and the 1% and corporate greed."
"Executives keep getting millions and millions while ground floor workers and developers suffer."
"This is a preempted attack on a 150-year institution. This league has been built over 150 years and these six clubs have sat together on Zoom calls and decided we're bigger than everyone else."
"In pursuit of gaudy short-term profits and the bonuses that came with them that so many folks lost their way on Wall Street."
"What these guys basically did was saw what Martin Shkreli did with that children cancer drug and be like we can definitely do that just slightly slower so people don't riot."
"Parents of the victims continued to grieve, accompanied by anger and frustration that this disaster could have been easily avoided if it weren't for the greed of the company and the lack of urgency for authorities to raise the ship before this."
"The corruption, greed, and selfish focus on profits rather than safety led to the tragic event that left hundreds of people grieving the loss of their family members, friends, and community."
"Going against the scientific consensus on climate change being an existential threat to the human species for the temporary profit of a few already rich assholes, is extreme."
"Being the richest family in the world, they also become the ugliest reflection of corporate greed."
"Just another evidence of greed as well. They don't like football, they don't like Manchester United. They bought us to make money."
"This is one of the worst cases of corporate greed. Rockstar has lost its way."
"We can literally eradicate cancer with the blink of an eye... but we're so concerned about biopharmaceutical companies making massive billions of dollars."
"Secret Lair Walking Dead is the idea that Wizards of the Coast can and will often and as a regular part of its business model sell exclusive singles at premium prices without any other way for you to buy them."
"Gus's first priority is always profit; consumer and employee well-being is always last."
"They're stepping on you so that they can get ahead because they know there's so much money to be made."
"They systematically [ __ ] the planet, abetted by whichever government is the government of the day."
"Greed is a running theme in the world of AAA corporate gaming."
"We're not just taking on Republicans, we are taking on the greed and corruption of the corporate elite."
"The men who destroyed their own companies walked away with their fortunes intact."
"Hundreds of thousands of colonists left to drift out here forever just to keep from damaging the board's bottom line. Disgraceful."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the game that shook us into awakening because it showed us how a game can be top to bottom ruined by greed."
"They care about one thing: lining their pockets at the expense of anybody and anything."
"Black Ops 4 is way too good of a game to be ruined by a season pass and greedy corporate business moves."
"Greed by EA thinking they could build something like this as a cash cow product."
"We could sit here for hours going through lists of all the anti-consumer greedy nonsense that they pull."
"How have we gotten to a point where we can have high corporate profits, and businesses can be doing so well, but the workers don't necessarily share in that prosperity?"
"This country is governed by corporate greed and corporate interests."
"What I am mad at is the fact that these private equity giants got enriched again to the tune of hundreds of billions over the last several months."
"Child stardom just became worse and worse because big corporations started thinking, 'Oh look, I can make loads of money off this child.'"
"It's genuinely depressing to watch Bethesda try to go beyond EA levels of greed and contempt."
"This is the wealthiest country in the history of the world... CEOs do not deserve to make 300 times more than their employees."
"I'm tired of large profitable corporations shutting down here and moving abroad. I am sick and tired of corporate greed."
"Imagine saying that when those same games are locked in closed online stores forever because greedy companies care more about profit than game preservation."
"Striking writers were given yet another reason to believe that the studios are purely motivated by greed and do not value their labor."
"Americans have had it. They are done supporting companies that rank in hundreds of millions and billions of dollars while trashing this country and the success that made all of it possible."
"So look, to recap, our utility system largely consists of for-profit companies with monopolies over an essential service, building as much as they possibly can so they can pass the cost along to you on your electric bill."
"The numbers are staggering but they don't begin to explain the greed and incompetence that created this mess."
"Apple doesn't care about you, they just want your money."
"Their greed is just this open festering wound that I can't wait to pour salt in."
"It affects Main Street because Wall Street was - greed, the greed of Wall Street broke mainstream."
"The gaming industry is turning into a corpulent hell bent on making as much money as possible while giving you as little experience as possible."
"There's no reason for it, there's no reason apart from greed."
"These social media companies are really trying to suck up all the money themselves and not flow it to content providers."
"If they were to spend millions of dollars a day they would literally never run out of money. It's pointless funny money but they are willing to kill you to get more of it."
"The pharmaceutical industry is enormously greedy."
"We can't keep on living in a country where bosses raking billions in profit while their employees are forced to use food banks."
"Corporations are raising prices even as they rake in record profits."
"Governments are formed to stop all of the worst aspects of corporate greed."
"They're taking the entire game and taking out bits and pieces of it and then making it separate. And they're doing this because they're [ __ ] greedy."
"They don't care that the fans of their own club can't stand them this this this message i put out to you is pure and simple they don't care all they want is the money."
"Ultimately it's all in jeopardy because greedy people are dragging this out for their own personal gain."
"Greed, greed, greed, and at this point, it's just greed, greed, greed."
"For him to be alive when we've done this, shame on you. Shame on you, Ed Woodward. Shame on you, the Glazers."
"It tells the story of a little girl who lives in a small island with her grandmother peacefully until an evil corporation shows up."
"None of this is inevitable, it's a political choice: your need or their greed."
"These corporations that own 190 plus percent of the world won't do [ __ ]."
"Blizzard has gone so far down the path of greed, they've actually outdone themselves."
"They're greedy pigs who are destroying America's game, and Manfred is a disgrace."
"Profit is what led to us not being prepared... profit is what led people to fire 52 million people... profit is what making workers... suffer lower pay and lost benefits."
"The rise and fall of Vice media... a fable about greed."
"YouTube is selling out and they're selling their content creators out, I don't like that man."
"Trust and yes that is a problem but the fact is the corrupt greedy industry Moguls who've been pumping toxic and a moral sludge into our culture for the last 60 years aren't paying us enough to write the scripts."
"Big pharma wants more patience, I mean like they want more money."
"The only thing that apparently matters to them is their pocketbook. That's the only thing they're going to listen to."
"This is the story of how a game developer killed the Golden Goose for nothing but his own greed."
"This was an attempt to cut costs, it was an unforgiving decision by a big company who just wanted money."
"I like to see the small person win... time and time again you'll see greed and kind of brazenness is what takes people down."
"We Americans have had it. We're done supporting companies that rake in hundreds of millions of dollars, sometimes billions, while trashing the country that made their success possible."
"Profits before public health, profits before patients."
"Pharmaceutical companies are immoral and driven by greed."
"Be a role model to those disgusting corporate fat cats who only care about turning a product instead of the people like you who really give a shit about making incredible fucking video games."
"Instagram built up this amazing community and then just completely sold us all out."
"The less they care about the game, the more they care about money."
"The final chapter was a victim of Konami's greed in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain."
"Profit over people, the corporations and the government are always going to win."
"It's sad really, to be honest with you. It is sad to think that there are people like that, that are genuinely motivated to keep you sick and dumb so they can profit off of it. What a shame, all right."
"Feels worse, being screwed by owners who stopped caring about fans years ago."
"She may have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat."
"The brand does not give an F about you as a human, as a person, as an individual, they want your money, that's all there is to it."
"If you go back millennia, murder, robbery, rape, you know, that was the purpose of prisons, but once the for-profits war on drugs was incentivized by greed and corporate profits that just went out the window."
"All they want to do is make money off of everything. They don't care about you."
"What a hard way to die so an airline can make more money."
"We don't have to accept the situation in which Goldman Sachs is giving massive I just picked them because they must have just the most important everyone else is saying giving them themselves huge compensations and for having tanked the economy."
"There's too much money being generated by all these corporations for them to tell the workers that we just have to keep taking less."
"It's unprecedented, the extent of greed and hunger for profits of CEOs."
"Activision... it seems like every single air-quote update has a price tag on it."
"What more do we need to know to understand that they are not going to regulate themselves? They are not interested in our public good, they're interested in profit above all else."
"It's up to the citizenry to educate themselves."
"Blizzard bleeding money out of people. This isn't even necessarily confirmed, so might be getting angrier than..."
"Only the company knew at the time I'm talking about greed from March 18, 2001."
"They rigged their own websites to showcase a false reality, quite literally stuffing their own pockets with millions of dollars from their own fans that got them there in the first place."
"These kinds of companies, including private equity firms, have made it more and more difficult throughout the years for that vehicle for wealth building to come to fruition."
"Jake has just listened to a speech about how profits are valued more than the killing of indigenous people and he is still on board with this plan."
"Corporate greed is for sure behind a lot of this kind of stuff."
"That's a seventeen thousand percent markup. That isn't inflation. It isn't supply chain issues. It's a hundred percent corporate greed."
"Bhopal is a reminder of what happens when corporate greed is allowed to triumph over safety of what happens when people who don't understand the scientific forces under their control are put in a position to make."
"Isn't it interesting how all those big conglomerates do not want children protected? In fact, they have teams of people who they hire to make their apps more addictive to children because they're making money off these kids."
"We're concerned about the failures to address corporate greed."
"Top one percent are fueled by corporate greed, we are the 99."
"This is a whole new level of greed and what the [ __ ] for Disney. Disney's always been greedy, but this is like this is [ __ ]."
"Our country had these things to provide its people, and now these things are gone to satisfy corporate greed. We just want to return to that level of prosperity."
"Something has survived, and that's corporate greed."
"This false perception was based on research conducted by the radium firms who had built an industry around the lucrative product, so they ignored all the danger signs in favor of profits."
"They're just putting profits before people."
"I don't hate them, I do hate the greediness and the inconsiderate of these people in these companies."
"If you believe your internet data belongs to you and not to greedy corporations, then ExpressVPN is the answer."
"The problem is not inflation, nor is it a worker's 50 cent raise. The problem is sociopathic corporate greed."
"This human liberation struggle is in your face... these avaricious corporate money-rich idiots want to run everything."
"Our job now is to have the guts to stand up to the greed and corruption of the insurance industry and the drug companies."
"Life is expensive and is corporate greed partially to blame? Absolutely."
"We are going to put an end to this outrageous level of corporate greed and provide the working families with the respect, the dignity, and the security that they deserve."
"Corporate greed is when two people own more wealth than the bottom 42 percent of our population."
"Between inflation and massive corporate greed, millions of people are suffering more than ever before."
"People have a right to know that behind some charitable causes there may be a greedy for-profit tech company willing to capitalize on their empathy."