
Audience Growth Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"The reason why my audience continues to grow is because when you are for truth and you are for God, who can be against you?"
"If you go into it with the right mindset of creating helpful videos and uploading it onto YouTube, expecting nothing in return and you do that consecutively over and over again, you may build up quite a big following."
"In a perfect world, you would want every single new viewer to transition into a return viewer as YouTube goes out to find more new viewers, and that would build up your core audience very, very quickly."
"Do you think our objective should be to grow the audience or should our objective to be talking about the things we want to talk about?" - Chamath
"If I upload consistently and I keep making content people enjoy watching, the YouTube algorithm will work in my favor and I can grow the channel."
"It's incredibly valuable from a new audience growth perspective."
"When things are new, whether it's Pandora or SoundCloud, TikTok, one of the best ways to grow your audience is to be new on a good platform and grow with the network."
"We just hit 100,000 subscribers, we got a million views, that's crazy."
"You should just enjoy having the best time possible and if you do get views and subscribers out of it that is amazing because other people are enjoying what you're doing too."
"The size of people that watch other people play video games is new."
"The success of The Daily Wire's media venture rests on the idea that they can continue to expand their audience."
"Video is the most engaging medium online to grow audience."
"If you enjoy these videos, like, share, comment, subscribe - all that stuff gets our videos out to more and more people."
"It's very exciting, look at us, we're here third season and it's only getting bigger and better."
"Dislikes are just a natural part of growing on YouTube."
"Brings me 10 viewers 20 viewers 30 viewers more, that's a net gain not a loss."
"This is actually insane. I was not expecting to hit six and a half thousand viewers."
"Maximize your views, subscribers, and traffic on YouTube."
"I want to give you your entire audience so that the more people that have eyes on you, the more people you convert into subscribers and actually earn revenue."
"The bigger your numbers, the bigger your following."
"As soon as you start getting people subscribing to you that you don't know you're on the right track..."
"Isn't it crazy that you just got 200 subscribers in like a second?"
"Get the youngsters in, it will fill the ground."
"I can't control who subscribes, you know, it just kind of happened."
"I think it's actually fantastic, bringing more people to appreciate anime."
"Create amazing content to potentially grow your audience."
"We're seeing a much bigger and broader audience and more diverse audience get into role-playing games and that's really exciting."
"Why not go ahead and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today?"
"We created a show that you could grow up watching and not feel like you were growing out of it."
"We believe every time Disney spends a buck attempting to push its woke agenda, it's pushing more people into our corner."
"The beginning of it is you making and no one watching."
"You will get more fans, more leads, more paying customers."
"Each thumbnail change is a reset in the system and an opportunity to find... a new audience."
"When we first started, we had like three thousand, two thousand, five hundred viewers. Our first show."
"People should be able to say what they want and their content will grow or fall based on that."
"It didn't take long for 'It's Always Sunny' to start gathering the massive audience it deserved."
"The larger my audience got, the more pressure I felt and responsibility to start putting out better videos."
"Nintendo games have always managed to grow with their audiences."
"Everything to do with TikTok projects... using the platform itself is a speed hack to an audience."
"You won't be censored and you'll have more people watching, isn't that exciting?"
"Please destroy those like buttons and share this content with more people."
"Did you know that in the past year our audience has grown more than has in the previous nine years combined?"
"We've gained a lot of subscribers in the past month."
"People will come and your channel will grow."
"It's like every time I update or upload a video I still have that same thought of like I remember when I uploaded videos and nobody watched them."
"A thousand above where I was when I started the stream, that's insane."
"Did you find it, Brett? Like and subscribe, that's how we're going to hit a million subscribers."
"If you're new and you're on your way out, hit the subscribe button, I promise you it's worthwhile. Come back for more!"
"If you want to succeed, you basically compete on one thing, and that is kindness."
"Consider pressing that subscription button alongside the bell notification."
"If you'd like to see more stuff by me in the future, please consider subscribing to the channel."
"Regardless if you agree or disagree, your comments being put down help promote the video and get it to a new audience."
"It's given them some kind of extra steam... it's inarguable that they did get a little extra audience that has now stuck around."
"Identify the videos that are driving the most subscribers, and then start trying to figure out why you think that they're driving the most subscribers."
"What matters for growth and what matters for audience sake but I also want to make sure that I do the content I want to do irrespective of what kind of audience it generates"
"Don't start for the fun of it and then only care about subscribers and views."
"Only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind later."
"Every new video you publish could potentially become a funnel that gets new people to your channel."
"When we started this, when I quit my job to do this, there were two of us who believed that it could work out like this, me and you. Two hundred million views and a million subscribers later and it isn't just us anymore."
"He made content that was so good it broke the niche, and loads of people came in, and now it is larger and better and better off for it."
"I'm sad that I lost that fan specifically but at the end of the day I probably gained two more after that, you know?"
"Grow your own audience, cement your own brand."
"Reaching out to more people that way, growing our audience."
"I had 100 viewers December 22nd 2013. December 23rd 2013 I had 10,000 viewers."
"Thank you for being here and make sure to subscribe."
"One interesting byproduct of their success was that Pink Floyd found themselves in the mainstream and were attracting a wider audience than their previous tours."
"Despite nobody watching, you build it, they will come."
"If it's something you enjoy doing and it's something that you're good at, keep practicing, keep working on it. The audience will eventually find you."
"Guys, we're trying to get to two million subscribers, so if you're watching this video and you're not subscribed, all you need to do is click down below."
"Our audiences go through the roof... we're living in these great times of Formula One."
"Build a following online by providing value. The more value you provide, the more people will follow you."
"Posting consistently helps in growing your following."
"Every real relationship you build adds up to a real and authentic community and audience."
"Start with practical content that can get you discovered and then you can do things differently once you're known."
"Views generate subscribers. Nothing happens without the click on YouTube."
"If you improve yourself, your odds of growing an audience dramatically increase."
"Early on I was pulling in so many views they were just like they looked at me and they saw dollar signs I think and then they just thought it best to like we'll just let him do his thing."
"You cannot avoid them and they could help determine the growth of your channel."
"Experiment with different strategies to reach new audiences."
"If they deliver good content, the people will come." - Travis
"The big question will be how does the audience of Superman and Lois grow? Because the numbers have been going up for it, because the show's fantastic."
"Anything that we can do to expand it, bring a bigger audience and bring more people into it is great for everybody."
"I recently made some videos that garnered an audience that I'm not particularly used to watching my channel which I'm very grateful for."
"Conservative media is dominating and maybe taking over because not only are the ratings up up up."
"Man, for so many years I was just posting for 10 people, you know what I mean."
"I never expected to have this big of an audience, the entire reason I made my YouTube is because I love animals and I love making people smile and laugh and I love entertaining people."
"It's better to cycle things that get more people interested in watching."
"30 days, 10,000 subscribers... which means at that point you can start turning on monetization AKA making a little bit of money."
"Most important thing to me is that the audience keeps on growing and the influence therefore of what we're saying and trying to lead the way with on this show is successful."
"The whole purpose is to generate as many new eyeballs as possible for the game."
"We've reached a point where there's a large enough audience that it is now consequential."
"Do me a favor if you're not subscribed, please consider subscribing."
"Personally I think this is the best way to go about growing your audience."
"If you enjoyed the video liking it helps it to get seen by more Gamers."
"Use your show as a funnel to grow your audience, to nurture them, for them to get to know you."
"Hitting the like button helps me to grow and you've come along for the journey."
"Get us the 300K by the time we go on the air on Thursday we're going to give 20 people $500 each."
"Thanks for watching please like share and subscribe to our Channel you are liking the video at the very beginning helps us reach a wider audience."
"Consider subscribing if you would like to see more live streams."
"This is the power of YouTube shorts... it's the fastest way by far to get a ton of traffic to any way you want."
"Don't forget to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, share this with all your friends and colleagues."
"Before we get started, guys, make sure you like, share, and subscribe."
"Instead of experimenting with thousands of videos, just open your eyes and see what works for other brands. It's a really good way to access a larger audience and learn as fast as possible."
"If you are not being discovered, if you are not growing your viewership, if your viewers are not coming back to other streams, you need to take a step back and look at everything you are doing and then make changes."
"You want to continue to grow your social media following and your social media presence because it helps you drive additional traffic back to your website."
"Building essentially an army base through influencers and having ads consistently get back in front of my audience really helped me grow quickly."
"All you got to do is hit that subscribe button, it helps the channel grow."
"Creating videos for social media... a great way to grow your audience on platforms like Instagram and Facebook."
"You can be on tick tock and gain an audience of 100 000 followers in a shorter time than any other platform you can be on tick tock and not have a hundred thousand followers and your song take off in no time without doing influencer campaigns"
"One of the things I want to bring up is there's this new tab that is videos growing your audience and so it tells you that and so that's actually extremely helpful."
"Consistency, that's what I tell everybody. It was the consistency. Once I started getting consistent putting out those videos, it's like the audience found us."
"Her bluntness struck a chord, and in less than a year, Casey had grown a following over a million strong."
"Thanks for watching, please like, subscribe, and follow me everywhere."
"She grew this Audience by being unapologetically herself."
"The more I give for free, the wider and bigger I grow my audience."
"With every new website that gives the Creator a chance to grow an audience, that said Creator usually takes advantage of this newfound viewership."
"Diversify to grow your audience and boost your sales."
"For you gaming streamers looking to grow your audience, this really is one of those work smarter not harder kind of things."
"Anybody dreams of having 20K subscribers in a year."
"Interviews with interesting or authoritative figures within your niche can grow your audience and expose your channel to a brand new audience."
"Plus, analytic tools to help grow a loyal audience."
"Focus on traffic instead of necessarily growing your audience."
"When you focus on traffic, your audience will grow on its own."
"We're promoting a playlist... instead of getting a hundred people coming in and 100 listens, you might be able to get 100 people in and you might get 300 or 400 listens."
"If you stick to these strategies, it is totally doable to reach 10 million monthly viewers on Pinterest in a year."
"...the audience keeps growing and when the audience grows the micro niches grow too."
"Please share my videos with your friends that is the biggest way for me to build my presence here on YouTube and of course hit that subscribe button because that really helped me get to 100 000."
"The beauty of social media really can really grow an audience at such a fast rate."
"The more subscribes I get the more I sort of try to do more videos and it sort of inspires me to do a little bit more on the channel and stuff like that."
"...creating a mini course is a great way to establish your authority and build an audience."
"The weekly release... if you have a good show, you can really grow your audience."
"By the end of the video I guarantee you'll notice some good ideas to implement into your stream and hopefully this will help you improve and grow your audience on Twitch."
"Please make sure to hit the thumbs up and comment on this video, that always helps YouTube recommend this to more authors like you."
"The best way to increase the size of your newly created audience is to capture new contacts via a sign-up form."
"Continue to like, comment, and subscribe. It helps growing the channel."
"For everyone who's new to the show, we've had hundreds of thousands of people join us in recent days, recent weeks, millions over the last couple of months."
"I didn't realize at first and I didn't really think when I bought this thing almost two years ago now of how much of an impact it would have on my channel and the growth of my audience."
"Take advantage of other people's audiences."
"Like, share, and comment, that is extremely important for my channel to grow."
"Be sure to hit that subscribe button. I would love to hit a million subscribers."
"Consistency. Just keep posting even if there's only 10 people watching. Just keep posting because people will arrive if what you're saying is interesting to them."
"If you like the video, please smash the thumbs up button, it helps YouTube know that they should recommend this video out to others."
"If you implement the info here consistently, growing a following and monetizing it is only a matter of time."
"Like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more gripping true stories like this."
"If you like the content, you should like, comment, and subscribe to help the channel grow."
"I hope you'll stick around and you'll actually subscribe to my channel because I'm trying to make YouTube my primary medium for sharing stories with the world."
"We started seeing a difference and a change. I think we got a reputation for having an energetic show and having a good vibe, and people started coming out."
"When you start to gain an audience, you're going to have a lot more opportunities."
"The Cheers premiere in 1982 was ranked almost last in ratings. Its finale, eleven years later, brought in 80.4 million viewers."
"The more people we get to watch, the more venues we get to go to."
"I went from one to one, to one to few, to one to many, and then I thought about one to infinite."
"If you're looking for a way to grow your audience, boost your Authority, add an additional income stream into the mix without a huge time and money commitment, KDP is probably the best way to do it."
"Low content books can be a great way to help grow your audience and introduce another revenue stream into your business."
"You're growing your audience... and you're monetizing your audience."
"With everything that you put out, are you meaningfully able to grow your audience with each release?"
"Quality and quantity, you don't have to choose one or the other."
"I hope you enjoyed this video. I had so much fun putting it together. Give it a thumbs up if you did, and I would love it if you subscribed if you are new to my channel."
"YouTube end cards are an incredibly powerful tool for increasing views across your channel."
"The best way to build an audience, a consistent audience, and grow an audience is to create content episodically."
"As long as you can follow the rules and put out content that people want to see, the people will follow you."
"Expanding your presence on different platforms and growing your audience will really make it so much easier for companies and all of these different avenues for you to make money to find you."
"Don't wait for a bigger audience, start, and then the audience will follow."
"Growing an audience takes time and luck, nothing is ever guaranteed."
"That's so high. Good thing is that percentage means I'm getting a lot of new viewers and returning viewers."
"I want to focus on growing my audience and I didn't want to get in the way of monetizing it."
"Shorts can be a good way to get people to subscribe to your channel as well."
"The sky is your limit; it's about you just starting out and sharing value, giving value to your audience."
"We've gone from six and a half thousand to twenty-one thousand, sold out."
"My goal for this year is to upload two to three times per week and to see my subscriber count go to at least 600,000 subscribers."
"We've grown to almost 90,000 subscribers."
"For the first time ever, YouTube has the bigger audience."
"You want people sharing your content."
"You draw more people to your channel by being consistent."
"These SEO agencies are designed to grow the client's blog by getting them more viewers and growing their audience."
"I want to tell you literally everything that I know about Instagram and how to maximize the quality and hopefully gain a larger audience."
"It helps push the video up the search rankings on YouTube and more people can find these videos more easily."
"Free is a great way of bringing new audiences into the door."
"I tried actively and hard to expand my audience into people who are just generally interested in things."
"If you like the topic, be sure to like and subscribe."
"Remember, the more people you have watched the video, the more engaging it becomes, the better it's going to rank."
"I'm maintaining a lot more viewers this March than I did last, and so that's sick."
"And so to me, that's why it is such a valuable channel for audience growth, income growth, business growth."
"Make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and become part of the target audience."
"It sends a great signal to YouTube, they show my videos to more people, helps me grow my channel, and it's a great way to say thank you to me for taking the time to make these videos."
"Everyone starts from zero; you can build an audience."
"We just had our biggest month ever at 2.5 million downloads in July."
"One of the most significant means of increasing audience size is for various streamers to stream jointly, thereby granting access to each other's audience."
"The forces that grow that audience growing, I can't help but be a little kind of optimistic."
"If you do really good work and you focus hard on creating great content and serving your audience, your audience is going to find you."
"I want my audience to be as big as possible."
"When you have like 50k, people go 'oh that's really weird what's happening there, let me go check it out' and they stick around."
"But it gradually found its audience, building up a cult following."
"You're boosting my female audience, I'm going from eight percent to 11 percent female audience today."
"It's like a feedback loop that creates a larger audience for you."
"How do we capture those new audiences, how do we bring in those extra views that may have never discovered the channel before?"
"It's an excellent strategy for growing your audience."
"Once God started blessing me and Clifton's YouTube channel, more people started watching it."
"Thank you for all of your support; my viewership, my subscribers are growing tremendously."
"Subscribe, hit that like button, really helps the channel."
"We will let the audience build as they say."