
Sports Culture Quotes

There are 793 quotes

"A king of the court would be fire because now you get to see who can really play one-on-one."
"We've lost our way as a football club. I think we've become soft."
"We're not them; we're not that. We've always been about real strong opinion, whether it upsets people or not, as long as it's about making Manchester United better."
"NASCAR is known for its controversial moments, but that's part of what makes the sport great."
"We're Manchester United; we don't take four or five years to win a title."
"Just picture this, the team walking out and the fans singing 'You'll Never Walk Alone'."
"You'll leave Anfield with a different perspective on the game of soccer, I guarantee you."
"Rangers have always been the club of the British establishment...Celtic are more republican."
"Never walk alone' rendition was unbelievable."
"The realignment of German football has had some interesting consequences; it is no exaggeration to say that the Second Bundesliga is now one of the biggest leagues in world football."
"We wanted to make it feel like a real family unit, and the Chelsea family as such, and the club from above were making incredible gestures."
"It's almost like a badge of honor that United aren't doing well, but you've got this amazing fan base and community."
"The true DNA of this football club is arrogance, aggression, ruthlessness, winning obsession."
"When it comes to football, religion, ethnicity... do not make any difference."
"I want to be excited. I want to sit in the transfer window and say, 'Wow, yes!' I want my son to be saying to me, 'Dad, can you get me a shirt with such and such on the back?'"
"The culture of Sri Lankan cricket... we had to be conscious of our social duty."
"I think the allure of playing in Madison Square Garden as your home is gone."
"He feels he belongs at Manchester United... You want him in your team."
"Get a bit frustrated...that's what most Newcastle fans do."
"Shared seasons over everything forget about if it's a gold or a diamond or any I don't care about none of that right now."
"We've got to make Old Trafford a fortress. We've got to make teams not look forward to playing there."
"It's a new Manchester United, with no connections to the past. A new identity is what we wanted."
"There's nothing more beautiful than a sea of fans inside a football stadium."
"Who talked the most trash in the league? KG talked the most [stuff] by far."
"Dion's personality, it's different. If every single coach acted like Nick Saban, how bored would we be?"
"I've got a certain amount of admiration for what I call journeyman players."
"That's what I do, Juju doing Juju Smith Shuster last year, Super Bowl to played at the flag."
"My whole life is basically about fake supporting Manchester United and reveling in the negativity of it."
"Honestly, not exaggerating, probably 45,000 of those people were chanting 'F*** you Baker' during the game."
"Jonathan, talk to me, the Duke curse is in full effect, I'm telling you, hey listen, just to remember the moment dude."
"Football undeniably has some very cult-like tendencies."
"Football is nothing without the fans. We have to listen to them."
"MMA is on the map now. Everybody knows that we're the best fighters in the world."
"The Knicks are in that situation where they need a very exciting player to come and attempt to change their culture."
"Manchester United fans have had enough. Manchester United matters. It's an institution that should be protected."
"The reality is, Manchester United fans have had enough."
"It's about protecting something that matters."
"Ultimately, I want United fans to be united and arguing with rivals, not arguing with ourselves."
"We need high standards where coming second is seen as failure."
"The club standards are on the floor. It's Disneyland FC."
"This club is taking the absolute mickey now."
"To me, you know, just back to that opportunity, Cleveland. I think in this league we really celebrate the players who came before these generations."
"It's historic isn't it you know the culture around the English game and the FA Cup's such a big part of that."
"The power is back in the fans' hands, I sense it, I feel it."
"It's true, it's really true. I've never seen or felt this much interest in every corner of Arsenal."
"We celebrated his return like a god. We're at the beginning of an important rebuild and yet again he's taking the limelight like a spoiled child. It's really, really poor."
"Makes it so special and it's not only just the fans like I say when you go to Giant Eagle people will nudge you and say good game good luck."
"Boxers perform masculinity... and the world celebrates them for this."
"Living is a positive, you know in the main United are only interested in the positives."
"Passionate with their sports teams... Sunday at 1:00 o'clock everyone's in front of the TV waiting for the Eagles."
"Baseball players are so freaking superstitious."
"Jack Grealish... everyone loves him... like every geezer down the pub now sits and goes, 'That's how I'd react.'"
"To grow up in the South and be a basketball baseball guy... That's super different, that's real different."
"It's bigger than the team, it's bigger than wins and losses."
"It's really this ecosystem that radiates out even from a name that might not on face value look like it's offensive. It's ever the culture that radiates out or the way that rival fans will use hate speech when they're cheering against those teams."
"As fans, we buy into the romance of football clubs. Let us believe that there's romance in there, let us believe that this is the job you always wanted, let us believe that it's not a job to you but it's a calling."
"If you're a Defender... coach's kid, gym rat, you're [__] right, mother hell yeah."
"The airport is... outside of leaving the stadium... the airport, Super Bowl."
"Maybe Australian cricket needed a heart replacement."
"The baggy green isn't a myth, it's a real symbol of exceptionalism."
"This shows the power of what fans, if we really do get together and we really do make up a load of noise."
"I'm confident in who I am, and if they cannot accept me for me, then I don't want to be the face of the league."
"Just be you, you don't have to worry about that face of the league."
"I hate the word business and associating it with my football club because it kind of breaks my heart."
"I care about the origins of our football clubs."
"The Drake curse is a lot worse than the Kardashian curse."
"This is more than just basketball, it's what connects us all and keeps us coming back for more."
"When you're handing out this amount of money to children, this guy's 23, 24 years old. He's just a little kid. And we've seen from Michael Vick to any number of players... they wish they had put more study time in."
"How do you treat the person that's making a million if you tough? How does he come to practice? How does that work with the coach?"
"Sports this fall is gonna be unbelievable...just guzzling down sports beer bongs."
"We just got to feed that beast and turn that into being you know the villain of the NFL."
"Maguire was the symbol of an era of terrible business and the wrong culture at the club, playing because of your price tag and not ability."
"You've got to give these youth players a chance to find out, and you don't find out after two games. So disgusting, absolutely disgusting that fans think it's a good idea to slate a young player after a couple of games."
"All the funniest stories come from the locker room."
"The Mecca's gonna be popping. The Knicks are good, and they've got the Rangers now picking up Patrick."
"This is a preempted attack on a 150-year institution. This league has been built over 150 years and these six clubs have sat together on Zoom calls and decided we're bigger than everyone else."
"Heroes move on and then it's time for you to have new heroes." - Reflecting on the cyclical nature of player turnover in sports teams.
"Manchester United fans are demanding a fresh start, they want something that's completely different."
"You keep your ear to the ground, you hear these very vocal Arsenal fans." - Mark
"We're ignoring the fact that we've created a toxic culture around little league sports and all of sports that's unhealthy."
"When you think of Boston sports for me, I think of the Red Sox."
"Definitely like playing against y'all, um, the Bay, honestly, that was one of the craziest arenas to play in."
"The fans are the lifeblood and the soul of the club that's who you should always be loyal to."
"Football brings us together in a way that nothing else does."
"It might be Cowboy season but he's the Ravens, we both know how to choke in the playoffs."
"There's nothing like it. It's as close to a college atmosphere as you're gonna find."
"Everything in the building is done with the mindset on winning."
"Hump day, hump day, what a day for football."
"College in those days, with the Fab Five and UNLV, almost felt better than the NBA."
"The name they named teams out of strength not weakness."
"We don't need the media, we don't need ESPN."
"The atmosphere, the fans, they've got this thing in the northeast at Newcastle called wall flags."
"Football is for the fans." - T-shirt being held up, league's chairman
"We're not allowed to bet, but I acknowledged I think a few of the mates and a few of the fans had."
"Duke even having the black guys and one and done, it's all gotta say y'all."
"It's not about winning the trophy, it's about seeing the team play the United way again."
"When you score a touchdown of that magnitude you got to do a little bit of a dance right."
"LeBron spoke about being grateful for people that do his celebration, saying: 'I've always been humbled that I could see other athletes and mimic some of the things that I do.'"
"It's skateboarding, it fucken rules. So, this is Brazilian skateboarding."
"Time is ticking... once fans start booing... there is only one way that it will go."
"We as fans want these players to love the club as much as we do when in reality, it's a journey for these guys."
"Ah, the hype is real! US chance coming out of the crowd for some reason."
"To be a fighter means never to be forgotten."
"It's the best sport in the world... unbelievably competitive."
"I don't want CS to be baseball. It cannot survive as baseball. Baseball can barely survive. It's doing alright."
"There's something about this season that makes it feel good. Liverpool is harking back to their roots."
"Minnesota: the state of hockey, where every family has a former professional player."
"Liverpool fans only sing when they're winning, mate, they only sing when they're winning."
"He's a road warrior... people come out and they support Javonte Davis."
"They need to build a winning culture and actually get somewhere."
"It's symbolic to say the Glazers and Woodward have destroyed our club, and it's symbolic to walk out on the 58th minute."
"Some people want to be ultra negative, but I always felt that this would be the way that Manchester United went."
"Dame is a star who'll be like, 'Man, I bought a million with the Lakers.'"
"Berta Cáceres, one of the country's most well-known indigenous environmental leaders, was gunned down in her home early Thursday, less than a year after she won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize."
"She just messed up two cities that never happens in guarantee it New York and Boston because they win they've won enough championships they know."
"I love the conversation we have at halftime."
"He is like a badass, he's over there just cheering for Giannis to miss his free throw." - Fan dedication
"To stay despite being displeased isn't necessarily a sign of disgruntled fans, it's also an indication of fan dedication."
"I swear to God and I was like serving food that morning too my first day serving food and it's happening right there all of a sudden lock down these guys come out with pellet guns and [expletive] shooting us."
"If you expand that locker room and you take it to the fraternity of being in the NFL, it's pretty special."
"I'd rather be on this journey with Solskjaer than be on the journey with Mourinho."
"And you know what basketball is important? This is what we do. But this is not who we are, yeah? Because the community that's being impacted, they look like us, right?"
"I stay in my lane, I know who I am, I know what my club is."
"Sad that we feel we can't wear our own club shirt." - Jay
"The mambo mentality was real but I also think Kobe had that kind of girl dad vibe."
"Kyrie did have that mystical appeal to everybody but also would text teenagers like teenage girl hoopers and all stars alike."
"Kyrie just walks out onto the streets of Los Angeles on the sidewalk and is just talking with the girls from Gigi's team just being there for him."
"Players, managers, even owners are only there for a particular period, the club outlasts all those people."
"Supporter means you support the club, it doesn't mean you only sing when you win it."
"Absolutely incredible scenes, the like of which only seem to happen at Anfield."
"Former U.S champion Adam Rippon talked about the culture of starvation in figure skating... poor nutrition often led to stress fractures that later developed into worse injuries."
"It is unfortunately not unusual to run into pages and forums created and managed by adult men who focus solely on junior or even novice girls."
"It was fun the the the MMA world was was on fire it was it was a blast."
"Player empowerment is here, it ain't going nowhere."
"Caffeine's never going to make that right, um, you know the adderall stuff, no one's popping that without a medical exemption anymore, it was never big in Europe anyway."
"I demand Conte as an Arsenal fan. That's my opinion. I demand him, and if it's not him, I don't accept anything less."
"Some players like Reggie that just I mean he embraced that and he thrived on that... the league is a little more influenced by that and making sure that was the standard the double standard."
"That's what's special about European football."
"I thought he'd come back for one more year because simply because the only place that guy can be a dude is in the locker room."
"Football's all about money, but we shouldn't be surprised about that."
"Trophies are part of this club, so it's important."
"That would be such an arsenal thing to do, be the first english club to qualify for the third european. I don't want it, I do not want them to want that."
"Nothing can beat the experience of matchday."
"Pete's the youngest 70-year-old guy I've ever seen in my life he's he's out in the north side of Hawaii it's incredible he it's like nothing like it it's unbelievable it's really who he is it's it's pretty special."
"I said it last week. I'm actually... I don't want United X-players, coaches, United way crap. I want a new United, because that's what Sir Alex Ferguson built."
"Once the sport's over, give me the person with the most personality all day every day."
"That's in Dallas let alone in Liverpool right they went insane and and that's kind of a way for him to connect with the fans."
"I do think it's fair for the community to criticize you for that and I think that's a staple of sports."
"They walk their dogs, they go to Starbucks, they sit ringside at cage fights and shear wildly as someone tears every ligament in their knee because they took too long to tap."
"This is Manchester United, it's not a bloody pantomime."
"Football, Family, Faith, football builds family done the right way."
"If you got those three things, you got a chance... having that, it's awesome."
"I'd rather take my young children to the women's than the men's because I can guarantee you on the final there will not be people rioting if we lose and that's the one thing about the women's especially family-friendly nature."
"Madison Square Garden is the mecca of basketball."
"Manchester belongs to the fans; the infrastructure must change."
"Fans obviously make a massive part, they make football."
"The Seahawks are known for having one of the most supportive fan bases in all of professional sports."
"If you were a fan, you would storm the court. I know you would."
"It's just that all the Canadian teams seem to think the same."
"People chasing around a ball get treated like the best people in the world when someone has to give those people the freedom to do whatever the hell you want to do."
"There's no fan base like it. If you're an NFL fan or any fan, you should come to a game in Orchard Park."
"You only have to walk around a park these days to see kids pretending to be Jack Grealish or Erling Haaland."
"This club here Chelsea is about to be ready. We have no promises to make to no players. We have no gifts to give. You have to fight hard."
"Once you're in the team, you fight hard to stay in the team. Once you get any minute, you fight hard. That's the life as a player from Chelsea."
"Trying to get back to even... that's something."
"I think we now sit like this with them expectations part of the norm."
"We've woken up to another day of United players throwing this club under the bus, and it's fans, and it's disgusting and we've had enough."
"Sports ain't for you homie. Sports ain't for you. Sport is not for you. You do not have the Mamba mentality. You're not even close to it. That is some weak-ass soy [ __ ]."
"I don't know if it's like the AFTV thing and over the years about how cocky their fans are and just... I just can't put it into words how much I hate them."
"You know, it's football. That's what people pay to see, you know. It happens."
"The tearfulness generally comes from stuff which is about a little bit more than just the football."
"Everyone spans 'show us thought plant' at the 50th minute."
"It's like such a weird way to enjoy football. People going and getting smashed off their head."
"Football's got such a weird culture. It's people going and getting smashed off their head."
"It's your body of work right yeah everybody always bring up Odell Beckham Jr."
"Sports are central to the American narrative."
"Jürgen Klopp is the most untouchable man in this club because of this fan base."
"Tailgating is sort of the pre-party of a football game where everyone's in the parking lot."
"The DNA of this football club is actually, I'm surprised they haven't copyrighted the statement 'United DNA' and sold it to a brand. United DNA sponsored by Bupa, you know?"
"I'm up for it, come on, you've got to pump it up!"
"This squad is dripping with sauce, you just love to see it."
"Remember the green wall first, then whatever city you're associated with comes second."
"Let's just win baby, let's go Al Davis and this is the team."
"Special club with special fans and a massive history."
"Football without the fans is nothing, but UEFA, FIFA, the FA, they don't think about that."
"It's a transitioning year... if we hold this with pride and we say, 'Fine, like, great, this is what it is, we're gonna move forward,' people are gonna look at our sport like, 'Wow, that's a really freaking cool community.'"
"It's a sad day for Formula One because he's been a great driver, a great spokesperson, he's been a great racer."
"None of that has stopped them from being adored by fans as the true epitome of what it means to be an anti-hero in the sport."
"He was very boisterous and very loud... he was like exactly what you would think of as young Italian club soccer player."
"Embrace the banter because that's what football fans are all about."
"If you can't acknowledge the greats then to me you're not a true football fan that's the way i see it."
"I'm here for the football and the vibes, just vibes and nice."
"Viva Ronaldo! Viva Radar!" - Viva Ronaldo! Viva Radar!
"The whole city of Boston, the whole area of New England, hands down the best sports town in the whole world."
"Manchester United have down tools and as as a supporter you cannot forgive that."
"Football is about hope. Everyone turns up to sports grounds. Hope is the reason."
"Woodley is goaded for this and this post might change boxing forever or combat sports forever. Why? Just how to handle a loss."
"We've just played a game at Wembley in front of 34,000 people."
"LeBron on sideline trash talk: 'You can't take that personal. It's part of the game.'"