
Spiritual Faith Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The reason why my audience continues to grow is because when you are for truth and you are for God, who can be against you?"
"Thank God for the doors that he opened; I praise God for the doors that he closed."
"We don't know what comes from the heavens for us when we're in those low points, but we know that the Lord that descended those verses from the heavens is the same Lord that we're calling upon."
"I serve a good God, a faithful God who gives good gifts."
"God suffers when his people are unfaithful to him."
"Never fear the events that are coming because the same father that permits them will use those events for our deliverance."
"When I lean on the faith of the universe, peace becomes real."
"Have faith in something greater than yourself."
"Just trust that what you need will always be provided for you and if you trust in that you really can't go wrong."
"Just remember all the things that you have been given and all the answered prayers."
"God is masterful at turning sufferings into blessings. Hold on and remain faithful."
"Nothing is wasted; your time, effort, and prayers are not wasted."
"Chaos and harm will not be able to touch you if you are protected by God."
"You can't take God's truth no matter how hard you try at the end of the day he's going to have the last word."
"Whatever is the outcome is in your highest good."
"The solution is always there. It's just that we're holding on to whatever it is we're holding on to."
"You have to believe in God and believe in yourself to fulfill the dream."
"God has far greater than what any man has for you."
"Not a hope in something that might happen but a faith in what God has said he will do."
"You gotta have faith... I believe in the level two."
"Do not allow negative energy or temporary setbacks to interfere with the path that you're on. Keep the faith and keep going."
"I declare that I am healed in Jesus name. Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 6 says that nevertheless I will bring health and healing to it. I will heal my people and let them enjoy abundance of peace and security."
"Don't run from it out of fear. Lean on the faith of the universe, and peace becomes real."
"Thank you Father for never leaving me nor forsaking me. I trust in you with all of my heart."
"I trust that you will work miracles in my life in your timing and purpose. Surround my life with Miracles every day."
"It's a readiness for the new path but also faith that the Sun consciousness life life itself, the sentient essence of life knowing that it's very much aware of you."
"Strength gets his strength not from the staff on which he leans but on the faith that nourishes his soul."
"My faith is in myself, God, and the beautiful world that's ahead of me."
"He's not going to reject you he's not going to cast you aside if your faith is in Christ Jesus and you are surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit"
"God's timing is always superior and should be trusted."
"We will trust in you, Lord. You are a sovereign God, and you have charge over our lives."
"If God responded to Cornelius, how much more to you? Was the spirit of God who knows the ways..."
"Eucharistic miracles, which I totally believe in."
"God's plan is far greater for us in all regards."
"Our hope is not wishful thinking, our hope is alive, our hope is real, our hope is eternal."
"Some people probably say they need Faith. Well, the faith that I've got is with all of that a lot. It's a bit corny talking about it, but it's being loved that really, really matters."
"We walk by faith, not by sight. So we don't rely on our emotions or physical senses, we rely on the word of God."
"Only those who have faith in themselves can have faith in God."
"Have faith in yourself, have faith in the universe, have faith in the Divine mind."
"The darkness itself is proof that the light is coming."
"Trust in God's plan, surrender to the most high."
"Trusting the divine, intuitive against all odds, taking action, courage."
"Greater is coming and I'm leaning into the Lord."
"Even though my circumstances seem hopeless, I have hope in your miracle."
"God said if you move in it, I'm gonna release it to you."
"No matter what happens, remain faithful to Jesus."
"There is nothing that cannot be achieved simply by asking God. If you ask for His strength, He will deliver. I guarantee it."
"As you place your hand in the nail-pierced hand of Jesus Christ, absolutely nothing is impossible to you."
"Don't let the size of your God determine the size of your dream."
"Sometimes the greatest step of faith you can take is to do nothing, but simply wait on God."
"This is the Lord's plan. I mean, he's got this all played out, all planned."
"There is nothing to fear. All is unfolding according to Divine genius."
"Hold on to your strength, faith, and commitment."
"Believe in God and believe in your abilities."
"You will never desire something that God did not already provide."
"Thank you that you didn't die for us to make us better, you died to make us alive."
"You may have become disappointed, going 'God, I'm getting older and how come it hasn't happened yet?' And God's going, 'I said I was going to do big things through you.'"
"Trust God with all of your heart."
"Princess energy is more of that childlike wonder, that innocence, that purity where I have full surrender and faith in the divine."
"God's going to meet this family's need as they draw to Him."
"Oh Lord, your word is settled in heaven."
"We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace."
"Drawing near to God can only be achieved through faith in Christ."
"It's not by my power but my might; it's just by His grace."
"God is not distant from our petitions, although He doesn't answer everything we ask for with a yes."
"God is glorified when we are trusting him in prayer."
"We believe that there is indeed a life after death."
"If you abide in me, and my word abides in you, you can ask anything of the Father, and He will do it."
"As Jehovah is living, not a single hair of your son will fall to the Earth."
"And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
"Acknowledge God in all your ways, and He will guide your steps."