
Truth Advocacy Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"The reason why my audience continues to grow is because when you are for truth and you are for God, who can be against you?"
"Telling a lie is easy, believing a lie is easy, being compliant is easy, staying silent is easy. It takes all the courage in the world to question the status quo and to speak up and tell the truth."
"We appreciate it when people speak truth to falsehood."
"We're living in a time where the truth is being suppressed."
"You all are truth seekers and you care about facts and we appreciate you and we love you for that."
"It's something that's being done... with the goodness of [people's] hearts and their devotion to the truth."
"This is a time in history to live for the truth, not to die for it."
"We encourage you guys to keep telling the truth out there. The time will come when the media narrative will change, but it's going to take time."
"We need a publicity budget for the truth, for the American future. We really, really do. And if I sound like I'm passionate about this, it's because I am."
"When we have the real message of Truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not."
"The community deserves the truth and I'm not afraid to."
"Unity around truth freedom and health not unity around BS not unity around people want to lie and make up lies the unity must come from actual truth freedom and health."
"If lies can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth."
"The only way to fight back is to bring the truth to light about what's really happened here."
"Fight for what is true and who cares the names they call you."
"We've been lied to, friends, and I think it's very important that we expose the truth."
"We believe in truth, we believe in facts, we believe our eyes and our ears."
"Those of us who think that the truth matters have to keep stressing that it matters."
"We need to value and promote people willing to endure social harm for truth."
"Truth is not something that is popular. Truth is tough. And I understand that a lot of people struggle with this."
"The only way to beat a big lie is with big truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"Every day we chisel away at that stone. We wake people up, we challenge the machine, we call out the lies."
"Deception needs to be called out, and that's facts."
"The truth needs to be heard now. This is the year of exposure."
"We need to call out the lies, call out the racism, call out the BS."
"I think compassion is on the side of truth and falsehood is not."
"This message is not going to be politically correct. But you know what? God is real, God is love, and God is also just and true."
"We need to do a better job at speaking truth to power."
"The best we can do is show people that truth is out there. You don't have to follow the narrative."
"My main worry is at the moment it feels like these big corporations don't lean in favor of truth."
"We must always prefer truth to falsehood, even when it seems uncomfortable, even when it costs us socially and professionally, even when the love and sex class protests you."
"Big news Morgans... becoming by far the biggest ally of truth as well as biggest ally of Luffy."
"Advocate for the truth regardless of it sucks or not."
"I am NOT going to allow my ex-husband and people who have their agendas to tell lies about me."
"If you repeat the same lie 9,000 times, you can convince half a billion people."
"The world desperately needs people unafraid of the truth and brave enough to stand up for it."
"I really don't view it as that political I like to just say here's my view of what the truth is and we need to call out these lies that shouldn't be political."
"Exposing lies of dictatorial regimes is the way forward to increase interest in truthful sources."
"If I had to give somebody advice for their own personal safety, I would probably tell them not to talk about it."
"If you say the truth long enough, the truth will be accepted."
"The white horse of truth is coming forth and nothing that has been manipulated can stand."
"Finally, someone tells the truth and finally we have an advocate outside who will speak with moral clarity."
"We don't worry about getting censored for telling the truth."
"I'm not gonna allow my sin to silence me from a truth that America needs to hear and needs to adhere to and obey, and we need to legalize the truth again so we can move this country forward..."
"Don't support the lies, November the 3rd is our opportunity to show up in the polls and vote truth to justice."
"This is exactly the kind of effort we need to be making to operate in a world based on truth."
"In the culture War, I don't think it's possible to go too far by speaking truth. The truth is the truth."
"You know, if you've got the truth on your side, then you just expose it."
"I want to be over here amongst the faithful, the ones who stood for the truth and stood for what was right."
"It's every person's civic duty to help spread the truth."
"As long as we are attacking lies with truth while at the same time still loving the person, this video is fruitful and good."
"The truth matters. We have to push back against those kinds of narratives."
"The positives of this win are for all victims. He's spoken truth. You never fear the truth."
"I want to give a big shout out to chantstar because they were uh ruthless like they stood up for me and continued to stand up for what's right in boxing and use their platform um to tell the truth Champions lock up the puppets man."
"The church should not be in the giving them what they want to hear business... it should be in the truth business." - Unnamed speaker
"We do absolutely stand as an arbiter of truth in a time of great fiction and deception."
"It's important to stand for the truth it's important to stand for principle one does not have to get into personalities because the truth has a personality all of its own."
"I kind of want to stay on this track where I'm bringing awareness to mental health anxiety and depression. I feel like it's not talked about. I feel like there's bad stigmas."
"We have to come together and fight the lies with truth."
"If this is truly not true, I would do everything I can to let the whole world know this is not true."
"More than ever, we need leaders who will stand up for basic truths."
"We are the truth Squad constantly trying to go against the big lie."
"A rumor is just a lie with legs don't participate in that we're Christians we deal in truth whatever things are true do your homework don't send it to your pastor and go read this first of all site source it tell me where you got it."
"By confronting the shadows of fear and standing up for truth and transparency UFO Witnesses have the power to shape the narrative surrounding extraterrestrial phenomena."
"Never apologize for being correct or for being ahead of your time. If you're right and you know it, speak your mind, even if you're a minority of one. The truth is still the truth."
"The Republicans fear most is sunlight and the truth."
"That's my wish: that we will stop having policies of lies and denials, that we will tell the truth."
"The faithful ones, the remnants, will proclaim the truth at the cost of what may come our way."
"Our first allegiance is not to partisan politics; it's to Christ. It's not to tribalism; our allegiance is to Christ and to truth, even when that truth is unpopular, especially when that truth is unpopular."
"Your dedication to truth and reason has immensely helped me."
"The best way to fight against fake news if you think fake news is dangerous then challenge it and give real news."
"This is a moment where truth is going to be uplifted. There is no way for truth to be uplifted without uplifting this movement..."
"The truth will always come out; it will prevail eventually." - Troy
"Let's cheer to everyone for good health, more joy, more love, and more truth! Definitely more truth."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if our planet could be swamped in truth?"
"I stand on the truth because all else will fall in time."
"If you belong to certain categories, you don't get to hear 'no.' But the answer should be no to sacrificing truth for feelings."
"My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about January 6th. I will not do that. This is the moment to speak the truth and to bury the lies."
"I engage in pro-reality rhetoric. That's my favorite kind of rhetoric."
"Are we going to have the clarity and the courage to impose our vision? I think our vision is true."
"Buy into what is right. If you pursue the truth, it might make you unpopular at any particular moment, but you're going to be in a much better position in the long run."
"Even if nobody believes it, the truth is still the truth."
"We together, we are making a stand for the truth against lives and hate and ignorance and intolerance."
"We fight for the truth. We stand up for the truth."
"This boycott matters. It's about achieving a victory for truth and sanity."
"Tyranny cannot succeed if truth is running rampant."
"We should be allowed to discuss material reality and tell the truth."
"Feeling confident and ready to fight these lies with the truth."
"Anything less is something other than the truth."
"I don't care if you like me love me hate me it people gotta know the truth on this."
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"The only way to defeat outrageous lies is you better start telling them some outrageous truth."
"The job of the president of the United States is to stand for truth."
"We have the best weapon in our hands which is the truth, it's just a matter of telling it."
"The truth is on your side, but it doesn't mean you'll be rewarded for it. What you need to do is realize they did this because of all the hard work that you did and that it worked."
"If we stand up for who we are and proclaim it without hesitation and without fear, then there is no doubt whatsoever that the truth will be triumphant."
"If you saw something mind-blowing, you need to speak out loud about it and not be scared."
"Push back against the lies... correct the deceit that you see... lives depend on it."
"We've got to fight for truth while maintaining a bond of peace."
"We need to start becoming bold to say what the truth is because it sets us free."
"We do remember these Patriots who are fighting to expose the truth and actually hold people accountable for doing things a little wrong."
"We belong in the conversation. If you mention Pac, Biggie, you're going to mention Pun."
"I'm not on anybody's side but I'm on the side of truth righteousness."
"Fear and deceit are far weaker than truth and joy."
"I'd rather believe the truth. I'd rather believe the facts."
"Let's not be the tools of a political viewpoint that wants world dominance let's just tell the truth."
"I'm not going to let these people stop me. I just have the truth on my side."
"Our goal here is to bring truth, that's our whole purpose."
"I just know that it's time for people to stop being so afraid to tell the truth because the reason why the evil keeps winning is because people actually think that what they have is power, what they have is influence."
"I'm just proud that what we were able to accomplish was just to simply tell the truth, and it shouldn't be this hard, and it shouldn't be this scary."
"It's almost like it's a badge of honor if they do try to de-platform you or smear you at this point. It's probably a pretty good indication that you're actually standing on some level of truth."
"We are freedom, we free the enslaved minds, we are truth, we expose lies."
"Some, however, are brave enough to share, to risk ridicule and condemnation for the sake of Truth."
"We have the truth, we have history, and we have international law on our side."
"I'm here for justice, I'm here for the truth."
"His voice speaking the truth and giving God credit speaks louder and with more credibility on the topic than even the most logical argument delivered by an eloquent Communicator."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"We will keep proclaiming truth one book at a time."
"Stand for truth: 'Subscribe for truth... hit subscribe on our YouTube channel and thank you so much for watching.'"
"Pray that open, honest, and unbiased reporting will become the norm, and that truth will be embraced."
"Many light workers who hold soul contracts to help support the truth, are going to be guided to take action this moon cycle to use their power to become leaders."
"Fear and ignorance are the real bio-weapons, and truth is the ultimate destroyer of fear and ignorance."
"It's truth keep coming out like this, and brothers chiming in on what's truth and what's real and speaking up and chanting them devils down."
"We gotta step up and spread the truth, no matter what people say about us."
"She's being attacked because she's knowledgeable and saying the truth, mistake, purposeful error on her part."
"The best remedy to what you believe to be a lie is to slam it with truth. You debate it out. That's how it's always been."
"Speaking up with the truth with the facts and actually educating the masses."
"Let's blow it up, let's make sure that the world knows the truth and let's continue spreading awareness for the truth all around the world."
"The best ally to have is the truth and that is on our side you know."
"If Wars can start with lies, peace can start with the truth."
"I don't care about the consequences. I actually am compelled more by the fact that I feel like truth needs to be said and unfairness needs to be dropped out."
"Truth, truth, truth is always the best path."
"Stand up for the truth and Amber's right to speak it."
"It's not left versus right, it's truth versus falsities and fiction."
"I came to bear witness to the truth... whoever is on the side of truth is on my side."
"I always say, when you're standing on truth, truth never changes."
"We're going to continue to produce this show... because we believe that the truth is the best form of reality."
"I'm not a supporter of these guys, but I'm in support of the truth."
"Lazar's whistleblower style made him appear to be a defender of the truth, willing to risk his safety to reveal potentially revolutionary facts."
"Rooted and grounded in truth that you don't hear in other circles."
"My aim of the Truth Project is to bring forward truth so other people don't get deceived."
"We really need to be encouraging each other, lifting each other up, and be unified in the truth."
"Every member of Congress should push back on misrepresentations and share the truth."
"I'm a truth seeker and a truth teller, and for that I am also a target."
"No matter what we win because if the truth is out we win."
"You have the right to disagree and your right is to counter with truth."
"People label you crazy because you're exposing the truth."
"I love humans. I really think we're worth fighting for."
"Nothing is more loving than the truth. To let somebody perish in a false system isn't loving at all. To rescue people out of a damning and false religion is the only loving thing to do."
"The truth is like a lion, the truth will fight for you."
"The truth is on our side, and it's worth fighting for."
"Keep pushing forward with the truth as you know it."
"Because we know that they don't necessarily want the truth to be out there... we're gonna be pounding the truth into the pavement tonight."
"Your purpose is speaking your truth, helping others to do the same."
"The Liars who have been trying to silence them shrink and they become weaker. That's the iron law of the universe. True things prevail."
"What's needed in every generation is a group of individuals and institutions that are going to boldly stand on the truth."
"My biggest goal is to bring the truth to those and let those know that are trapped in these situations that there's hope, there's somebody here to help."
"We need to do more to ensure public money is not spent on dubious bodies looking to silence those prepared to tell the truth."
"The truth is the truth whether it's one person saying it or a thousand."
"I'm a big fan of truth, and I'm also a big fan of justice."
"The truth dies in the darkness, and if we do anything in face, we spread truth and light."
"We simply want the truth to be known."
"A lot of people who say we've got the truth are so scared to talk about the truth."
"Help us always to be agents of your will."