
Racial Injustice Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"This despite their service and sacrifice, black veterans did not secure their own full citizenship; they were met only with more racism and more violence."
"Not only have Black people been historically banned from purchasing homes in white neighborhoods, but the homes in majority Black neighborhoods have been de-valued specifically because they were majority Black areas."
"White supremacy causes the redlining... white supremacy says you can't get home loans."
"African Americans are only 13% of America's population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated...about almost 50% of those exonerations were African American."
"After the collapse of slavery, a new system was born called convict leasing, which was a new form of slavery, then a new system was born, a Jim Crow system that relegated African American to a permanent second-class status, and now we have a new system of mass incarceration, which strips millions of poor people, overwhelmingly poor people of color, of the very rights supposedly won by the civil rights movement."
"What we witnessed was worse than what we witnessed in slavery. Cowboys with their reins again whipping black people."
"The legislation, the crippling of black communities deliberately, it is the criminal justice system that has created a structure that is built around the continuation of slavery of black and brown bodies and poor people in general."
"Because white people in America have historically and systemically devalued black life, it has created a context where it is justifiable for police to kill black people even when we are innocent."
"I believe that the white man has done a great injustice to the black man in this country by having kidnapped our people and brought us here, then down to the level that we're on today."
"It was not the coronavirus pandemic that killed George Floyd. It was that other pandemic that we are far too familiar with in America, that pandemic of racism and discrimination that killed George Floyd."
"Everything that these people have done to black people in America has been intentional."
"We are horrified by the racial injustice of the world."
"Progress is being made if you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches there's no progress."
"Black women are not being listened to, that the community is not being listened to, and that people prefer to listen to police departments and white news outlets."
"The state would rather terrorize and repress black people than offer us the full benefits of citizenship."
"Officers kill black and brown men and women and we get little to no consequences."
"There's no history of America without taking into context the history of slavery and injustice."
"You'd be alive right now if he wasn't [ __ ] pulled over for having air fresheners in his car."
"Being black in America should not be a death sentence. For five minutes we watched as a white officer pressed his knee into the neck of a black man for five minutes."
"I think now Black men see clearly what they have to lose. They can get killed and the president won't say a word, won't utter Jacob Blake's name, will not talk about police reform."
"We cannot wait till we see a black person on the news who has been slain."
"Jim Crow laws systematically stripped black citizens of their rights."
"You don't have to hearken back to our ancestors; you can look at Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, Tamir Rice."
"You all are the ones who are going to be able to change the way your friends, your colleagues, your white family members begin to see racial injustice and racial inequities in this country." - Oprah Winfrey
"Mass incarceration destroys lives, families, and communities, especially black and brown ones."
"But every time I turn on television another young black man or woman gets murdered you know I'm saying so it's like you can't just sit there and watch that over and over and over again."
"The reason I say that is that I am a walking example of the fact that there are still places and people that are taught that black lives do not matter."
"The disdain that these cops show black people is no different than slave patrols."
"To know that what they actually did was plant a weapon and frame an unarmed black man in our city and say that he had a weapon when he didn't... tells me all we need to know about the Kansas City Police Department."
"You know, people were separated by their skin color, and it wasn't fair."
"Being shot seven times in the back for walking away from police is a thing. There's no justification for that."
"They skip over the white folks and punish the black people damn near exclusively. That's why you got to watch it."
"Don't allow yourself to feel that you can't speak up because they are lighter than you because if this story has shown anything it's that in 2020 I spoke up and got ran off but the truth will prevail."
"Why would any person of color ever comply with a police officer when there is a 50/50 shot of getting 'accidentally shot'? This is dangerous."
"We are the daily reminder of this nation's hypocrisy, and I argue that's why we have been constantly punished because we have the audacity to survive."
"This is the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. The two white men who shot and killed him are not in jail."
"Poverty is a nightmare for half the people. Poor people of color are gunned down with impunity in the streets."
"It's always what it comes down to. Everything is rooted in white supremacy at the end of the day sadly."
"The white community in the black community smoked marijuana in about equal levels and yet blacks are six times more likely to be arrested is that a racist situation it clearly is man."
"What erupted in the US wasn't just a response to George Floyd; it's a deep-seated issue of privilege and impunity."
"It's the hunger for more that's going to heal us."
"These women have had to suffer who have had their lives stolen from them, our siblings, our Asian siblings have had their lives stolen from them."
"The United States has a serious problem with police brutality and African-American people are the group that suffers the most."
"Y'all are mad at a black person who's skeptical about taking medicine? Let's not act like medical treatment has been fair to black people in the past."
"Black women make up 12% of the population but 26% of the incarcerated women population."
"The sad fact is, anti-black and racist violence didn't take a break during the pandemic."
"The evil of American society is that it is reduced black people to property."
"Pro-life at the beginning, aborting human life that is black at the end."
"If your skin is the weapon, what do you do to stay alive?"
"What I didn't understand is the human decency that people of color don't experience."
"The whole system exploits the pain of black people for profit."
"Our very humanity is at risk because the greater society, the white society that continues to ignore our existence... that's not something that they're willing to do."
"If you think about the origin of law enforcement in this country was designed to keep us down so 2022 we still see the vestiges of slavery in this country and treating black and brown people like dogs." - Xavier Pope
"Instances of racial injustice, discrimination, and even deaths involving black individuals have been documented across different countries."
"There's a cost to it there's a price that we pay and let me say something provocative I think most white people don't actually care about racial injustice if it means experiencing any inconvenience or any discomfort."
"Blacks have no rights that white folks are bound to respect."
"We would absolutely agree there are injustices happening towards the black community."
"African-American World War two veterans were scorned by the GI Bill this Veterans Day remembering some of our veterans who protected a country that did not protect them."
"Their real intent was to remove the independency and to eliminate self-sufficiency of thriving and prosperous people of color."
"To shut someone down... because of their skin color... becomes dangerous."
"Black people have been seeing these kinds of injustices forever. Does it matter the administration, the party in power, national or local?"
"The industrialization of prisons has led to people, mostly young black men, being dealt incredibly heavy sentences for often incredibly petty offenses."
"This is a knee on our neck and we've had it. Get your knee off my neck."
"In 2020, there was a terrible situation here when a black woman named Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by Louisville police officers."
"It was the same exact thing. They wanted to change the subject because they didn't like to talk about the fact that too many Black Americans end up dead for no good reason at the hands of police."
"The immortal devaluation of black lives has been ingrained in America's political economic and is long overdue for a reckoning."
"This system is uniquely designed to grind black people up into a dust into a pulp."
"This brother is spending more time in jail for burglary than that cop is going to spend for the murder of a young black man."
"There's a long history of black men and women who've acquired massive amounts of wealth where white people realize, 'Hey wait a minute, we could just change the law, we can break the law, we can go get that money.'"
"There's a long history in the Deep South of black men suspiciously dying at the hands of police and nothing happening."
"The failure of reconstruction was a major injustice to black people in America that we're still dealing with today."
"Only in a racist culture do we ever think it is reasonable for two armed white men to demand a black man jogging to stop for them."
"Black people built the wealth of this country with free African unpaid labor; saying we just need to work hard is disrespectful."
"I understand the BLM movement because there was many black people and even to this day there's black people getting mistreated."
"Slaves were walking credit cards. Any white who owned a slave could always earn money."
"Redlining is the practice of preventing black families in particular from amassing and maintaining wealth in the same way that white families could resulting in the growth of the racial wealth gap and housing insecurity."
"White supremacy ain't just about hurting black folk, right? You got to deal with it. It's injustice. It's wrong."
"The windrush scandal wasn't exceptional because it was an injustice imposed by the home office on people of color."
"The stone speaks loud and plain: they crucified the black man and woman of America in every way."
"It feels like it's almost illegal to be black, and it just broke my heart to see him crying for his father who he'll never see again."
"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman."
"Violence experienced by black and brown people at the hands of the police is not considered violence."
"You put traps everywhere and then you hold us accountable for stepping on a trap you laid."
"We did not know black people were being moved into a system that really didn't have their best interest in mind."
"The real racism that's taking place at a deep human humanity level."
"Do you see, family, how white folks don't see your murder?"
"We're losing too many black lives because folks want to criminalize black folks and don't see our humanity."
"We cannot ignore the trauma inflicted on black people and brown people."
"War is bad enough, but to sit there and brag that we're beta testing, that's like letting a drug manufacturer test experimental drugs on African people because they're black and poor and nobody cares."
"I think once you know one black person shares their experience with injustice, it changes because it becomes a lens through a person that you care about rather than an argument."
"The idea that a black man in Georgia has to stop because a white man with a gun tells him to is not neighborly, is not right, especially if there's a death involved." - Steve Osunsami
"Addressing racial injustice through the eyes of a young girl whose father defends an African-American man falsely accused of rape."
"You don't let this racial sickness get you upset. This is not your problem. This is their problem."
"There's something about being a black woman in Oregon that is living in people's bodies in a way that is literally killing their children."
"The protest has been established that it's about police brutality, the unfairness and how people of color are being treated by the police departments across the nation."
"How can you feel this way about this man? I said, 'You see what you live with every day from white America.'"
"The prison system is another way of enslaving black people."
"I will never forget the violence of the white mob...I still see black bodies lying in the street, I still smell smoke and see fire, I still see black businesses being burned."
"Tracing everything from the racial terror of slavery to the rampant housing discrimination"
"I hope it can make a difference and I will know the difference when I see these policemen start shooting white boys in the back because they have keys in their hands that look like guns."
"A lot of rhetoric wrapping itself up into this racial injustice, racism raven waving the red flag."
"I feel like the whole world is looking at George Floyd's murder as an exclusively racial matter and I really don't think that that is an empirically valid way of looking at what happened to that man."
"There are examples today where black people are still not treated as equal citizens as proven by many of the horrendous murders that still take place."
"Black men are always going to be used as the scapegoat and the Fall Guy when it comes to the criminal activities that go on in this country behind the scenes."
"My wife was black, and I loved her very much. And in 1976, she was murdered by a white man."
"We have not tried to get folks of color out to vote. We constantly say to people of color, 'You're asking for too much, please don't bring up race, please don't talk about various voter suppression.'"
"We are punishing black people via policy for achieving in the land of opportunity."
"That guy would have been George Floyd [ __ ] version Alpha Omega 7.0 if it was white cops and that dude."
"I think California has a long history of lynching. The victims of lynching were disproportionately Mexican American and Chinese American."
"If you see a white man choke a black man out on TV, and of course, that ain't the first time I seen that happen, but when you see that as a young black man, you don't know what you're gonna do in that situation."
"White people are more likely to be forgiven for what they have done than when a person of color has done the same thing."
"She knew that this would result in a severe penalty, as it was a crime for which even a white woman--Connecticut teacher Prudence Crandall--was arrested and jailed."
"The Nickel Boys was one of my favorites."
"How exceptional can the United States be if we have to have a conversation about the fact that black Farmers lost over 90% of their land mainly because they couldn't qualify to be USDA Farms thanks to racist policies?"
"We have a shameful history of racial injustice."
"Candyman is a symbol that represents the racial injustice suffered by the black community throughout the years."
"There is no right to be anything in the United States of America when you're black."
"We can't change what happened to too many soldiers like him who went uncelebrated because our nation judged them by the color of their skin and not the content of their character."
"It sadly resonates today, as we look at this cycle of young black boys and men being so atrociously killed on our streets."
"Being a black person in America, you can see just how deeply normalized racial injustice is."