
Future Uncertainty Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"I'm very concerned that the dreams I've had in this country, and that I've been able to realize, won't be there for future generations."
"Reassurance is too tough. What it means to get reassurance is that someone is telling you that the future is going to be okay... but deep down we know that that person doesn't know that the future is going to be okay."
"That we have lived in a democracy for more than 200 years does not mean we shall do so tomorrow."
"The whole point of being prepared is so that there's less uncertainty about the future."
"We're running this grand social experiment with social media and with phones on ourselves and the next generation... and we don't know what this is going to do."
"Prophecy... proves that the future is not set."
"Do not fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it."
"Knowledge is fragile, the future uncertain. What is known today and taken for granted may be lost to the sands of time tomorrow."
"In a society where you leverage yourself very far over an entropic abyss without land on the other side, it's relatively clear that your cantilever is at some point going to break down."
"There's an appetite for real systemic change among these people... There's also a sense that no one knows what ten years, fifteen years ahead what it's going to look like."
"There is no deterministic force which mandates that the future will be better or that it will be worse; it depends on the decisions and actions that we take."
"If you think 2020 was bad, wait till it turns 21 and starts drinking."
"Who's protecting our daughter, you know? What is this going to look like?"
"Give God the what if. He knows the future. You don't."
"Who's to say when Zaya turns 18, 21, 25, 30, who's to say they will regret it?"
"The future feels more precarious than any other time."
"If you think too far ahead, of course, you'll feel lost because you have no idea what the future looks like."
"Good times aren't going to go on forever. You need to prepare."
"Past performance doesn't tell us what's going to happen in the future."
"The picture does not look good. The future doesn't look good, folks. And if you're worried, if you're scared, you should be."
"You can't control the future, you can't control other people, all you can control is yourself."
"I think that's an important part and this is what when Ray talks about the singularity, you know, it's the notion that we're... the ability to predict what's going to happen next has become impossible."
"Who knows what the future of all this holds."
"I plan not to pay social security instead of facing all sorts of uncertainties in the future."
"Wakanda's future is uncertain, but it's in good hands."
"The enemy cannot go into the future to know the outcome."
"If you're willing to go through whatever the future may look like under Trump or Biden, but you're not willing to go through a future of what four years will look like if you were able to get together with a..."
"With the SEC and the DOJ now both reportedly looking into Nikola and the company's deal with GM uncertain, what does the future hold for the one-time Wall Street darling?"
"If the GM partnership falls apart, dark days ahead."
"The future of American democracy is very uncertain."
"The most important conclusion is that we all have the same information about the present and the same ignorant about the future."
"You never know where you may be in the future, so watch how you treat people."
"Maybe it'll go sideways. Maybe it'll go wrong in the future but it's still a good thing."
"Either this virus will be eradicated altogether or it will become endemic and we'll have outbreaks of it from time to time into the indefinite future. Unfortunately, which one of those is going to transpire yet we have no idea."
"Even five years ago I wouldn't have imagined the path that my life has taken now really so any guess I would have of the next five years is entirely guesswork."
"It's pretty bad but the actual CCP itself we'll just have to wait and see what they do with these shells because once they're no longer useful then they'll feel the pinch right."
"Historians don't like telling the future so I'm not going to say what will happen... but I think we can see what the dangers are."
"Is it me or does the future feel more insecure and uncertain?"
"We're facing a very strange future for Canada."
"What happens tomorrow, in a year, in 5 years, in 10 years, when eventually we get an individual who says 'You know what? Let's flip that switch.'"
"The world in 10 years is going to be far more turbulent than it is now."
"It's hard to be optimistic about its future."
"There's no guarantee that what your business does well with today, that you will continue to do well with that for eternity."
"The worst is yet to come, but so is the best."
"I don't have patience, the world might not even be here in 10 or 20 years."
"This is a new normal that we can't even imagine because we can't get there yet in getting there we're gonna discover a whole lot of about ourselves."
"It's about people who don't have a clear future of being able to have their own homes and raise their own families."
"Sarah gets in a truck, showing she's going as far away as possible and will most likely never return."
"Every little twist and turn here feels like it might have serious implications for the immediate future of our country."
"You're allowed to be confused right now. That's what people, you know, people have been, you're not supposed to, you're allowed to not know what the future holds."
"You know, it's going to be a mess in 20 years, 30 years."
"I hope we don't get into a position where we're tempted to walk through a door and slam it shut behind us but of course I can't promise we won't." - David Schwartz
"I don't think that we can even begin to fully grasp or predict what the future really looks like here."
"Don't let your fear of the future infect your self-worth."
"Your challenge moving forward for this coming week... emotional uncertainty... I don't know if I want this."
"The future is not set; the idea of this single timeline is just not right."
"We're not going to know until later when we've actually turned the corner and that's ok because it will hopefully just encourage people to be even more cautious."
"Fortune-telling error is thinking you can predict the future, recognize when you're doing it."
"That's the choice that every Central Bank around the world will be faced with over the next coming months coming quarters and only time will tell what the rest of them choose."
"You better think about what's going to happen in the next 10 years, is it even going to exist? Will you get half of it? Will you get 25 percent of it? Don't rely on the system, ladies and gentlemen, you better have a plan."
"It might be a while before we'll be able to travel like this again."
"The truth is they can't possibly know the future with this situation and corporate mouthpieces work the exact same way."
"You're asking us to sacrifice our lives for a future we might not even be a part of."
"The next conversation is not going to be 'you know what's going to happen next', it's going to be 'you know how do I avoid, how do I, what's going to happen to me when I die.'"
"There are unexpected changes ahead, unexpected communication coming through."
"It's not like, 'Oh, 10 years later, this is what you're gonna end up.'"
"If fear lives in tomorrow, let god live in tomorrow."
"I had some realizations about my career and about my future...YouTube is a very scary place and it's very unstable."
"We have been seeing that, it's just that we're still tugging along but eventually the time will come."
"Maybe career and relationship stuff isn't going to take off for Rory at least not right now, but she still has a real shot at finding herself."
"The future becomes much more probabilistic and less certain."
"Ultimately the future is completely unknown."
"The future was clouded, always in motion was the force."
"The future is uncertain, and we don't have a crystal ball."
"Yes, when you think it can't get any worse, 2023 may once again prove that notion wrong."
"You just can't discount a project like dogecoin because you don't really know in the future how that governance is going to play out"
"The American superhero is going to fade away. It's unfortunate because I feel like we're living through the darkest times I've seen."
"It's important to do it in a way which is not boastful because none of us know what tomorrow holds."
"It's pretty insane that we control all of this just by pressing buttons. Working by design, maybe. Maybe not. We'll see."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one."
"Populism as a political force isn't going to go anywhere where it ends up is the open question over the next decade."
"We haven't seen the worst yet. It's yet to come."
"Don't be afraid, God is in control of the future."
"It's a crisis with the promise of more crises to come."
"With COVID virus, there is a perception... we are in for some very interesting times."
"You cannot predict five to ten years from now nobody can and that's why the returns are what they are because you're rewarded for taking that risk."
"So, this isn't just a passing squall, you still see storm clouds ahead as you peer out here?"
"Harvey was the future, and unfortunately without him, everyone's future doesn't look so bright anymore."
"All I can say is that I'm in big peace with myself. I'm not fully in control of my future at the moment."
"It's not a hard no, it's just that right now, I don't see it in three years."
"Some big changes are going to be coming down the pipeline, and this is going to affect everyone."
"It seems like everybody's just kind of like waiting around to see then what happens, but it feels like as the days continue to creep forward that the theory of the vibe session seems to be coming more true."
"It will come to this in the very near future, but the longer-term war will be longer, but a diplomatic war, a political war, through the brakes and through economic measures as well."
"If you thought it was bad while I was here, wait till you see the chaos and darkness that ensues when I'm gone. Survivors, gather here Monday."
"Is this next couple of years going to be utter chaos yes could it you know devolve into into something worse yes is it going to be the end of our country I don't believe so."
"Don't listen to people telling you what's going to happen when they don't know what's going to happen."
"You cannot predict the future. Life is not a simulation."
"I don't see those risks on the horizon right now. Could they happen? Possible, I just don't see it."
"He's accepted what has happened, what is happening, and what may happen in the future."
"Even if you remote view the future, it ends up changing."
"No one knows what next year holds but it'll be a lot better if you're..."
"Prices are rising, wages are falling, profits are soaring. Will this be our future or will we choose a different one?"
"This has been a big question that I've had: what happens after the CDL?"
"Predicting the future is never easy, especially when you attempt to do it in advance." - Bernard Baruch
"I'm not too sure if I can see myself doing many of these types of videos in the future."
"The survivors of yesterday are the victims of today, and those who survive today, tomorrow may be your turn."
"The decisions being made, I just don't see a future in it."
"When you see him, meaning the Mahdi, then pledge your allegiance to him even if you have to crawl over the snow."
"It's not Mahdi world right now, it could happen in our lifetime maybe, quite unlikely."
"How do you actually know anyway how do you really know how you're going to feel when you're... 80, 90, what is that, 120, 130?"
"There will always be money to be made in the fear of the future."
"The future is uncertain. We don't know. All I know is I still want to continue doing this as long as possible."
"The path you walk on is proof of where your trust lies, if you walk in God's plan it means you trust that he knows the future and he'll get you there."
"I don't know if it's necessarily going to be better six months from now than it is three months from now."
"I think we're closer to that catastrophic post-apocalyptic scenario... than we've been over the last 20, 30 years."
"You can't think about you don't know who you're going to be 10 years from now to think about how you're going to feel right and all that is real is right now." - Dr. Laura Berman
"This fall is gonna be when it all comes apart."
"Do these entries predict a greater depression just waiting there for us on the horizon?"
"At some point those things will stabilize at some point that will change and that's kind of what Dan Ives is saying here so um hopefully we do see that for 2024 but of course that remains to be seen."
"I'm not naively optimistic... if we are a democracy January 20th, 2025, I think we will have escaped the worst."
"Will they derail his presidential campaign, or will people support him with more vigor? Only time will tell."
"Start stockpiling knowledge because knowledge is power, and in the future, there may be no more Google."
"We are heading potentially into what could be very dangerous waters, unprecedented waters in this country."
"But who knows maybe all of this is beside the point because tomorrow or maybe when you're seeing this video all of the restrictions will have been lifted."
"It really could be quite chaotic... 2024 promises to be quite a year." - Barb McQuade
"I'm not going to be here to see that, and I hope many of you are not going to be here to see that also." - Escape from impending chaos.
"I think everyone should be prepared for what's coming, however you think you should prepare as an individual."
"Just what are the prospects for Ukraine in the days, weeks, and months ahead?"
"I believe we're getting ready to see the powers of this world shaken."
"It's painful but we get to put a closing to that life that without us they will be the ones left behind and the ones facing an uncertain future."
"You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow."
"Actions speak louder than words, and truly only time will tell if those remarks are meaningful."
"The future of the Sentinelese: a mystery that continues to fascinate."
"If the big reveal was to come out tomorrow it changes everything, nothing will be the same ever again."
"The end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom."
"Venice may not be around to visit for much longer."
"I don't think I'm going to see her next year. I don't even know if she's going to make it to Christmas."
"Good luck, Joe. On the current trajectory, few if any of us will be here by 2030."
"There will come a time when dips are not bought."
"The distant future is the distant future and we don't know how distant so don't worry about it."
"There's a lot of potholes coming up in 2018. There's a lot of ways for this to go sideways in 2018. Could be some pain in 2018."
"What am I gonna do with the rest of my life? My country's at stake, my kids, my grandkids. Yeah, but you're nothing compared to uh... I'm willing to do my part. Whatever that [__]."
"You do it on faith, with enough evidence to trust in the path that lies ahead."
"Humans are so bad at making that type of prediction."
"We're in desperate need of answers and the future of this Republic may very well hinge on what you do next."
"We're increasingly heading into a position where it looks like they're not going to be continuous."
"The future rushes toward us with a persistent mixture of lies and truths."
"The next few months are gonna be really telling for the future of my channel."
"I don't know what the future holds, none of us know, no one knows what is going to happen."
"You might be worried about what happens to your retirement plan."
"When the money runs out... what's going to happen?"
"Tempered recently, the three-time MVP has said how much he's enjoyed this season, but ultimately only he knows which way he's leaning." - Sports commentary on player's mindset and future decisions.
"With the closing of Poseidon's Fury, I suspect that the land will set vacant for many years to come reminding us of its former past as we witnessed the crumbled ruins of Poseidon's Temple truly abandoned."
"Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen in the future."
"Wouldn't it stand to reason that there's an expiration date because the prophecies that are now in play today weren't in play even five years ago and I would argue may not still be in play five years from now?"
"There's a lot of fundamentals there that I'm not guaranteed five years from now it'll still be a big thing."
"Everyone has the time to relax and have self-care."
"Proof of stake ethereum has created an issue for themselves, I don't know if they're going to solve it or not, we'll see."
"This is an existential moment for this democracy...whether we have a democracy in the future or not."
"Them specials, man, I might not do another special."
"The future is dependent completely upon free choice."
"The ending made you feel something, but as Ellie left her guitar and headed off to an uncertain future, I wasn't upset or angry. Instead, I felt nothing."
"Hope we won't end humanity and if we do I don't know when the last time we get an update will be like [ __ ]."
"There will come a time when you may be deprived of the sacrament of the Eucharist altogether."
"We are at a point of existential threat to our country. I don't know that we'll have a democracy in existence in 2028."
"We are at this pivotal moment in time where the future of the royal family as we know it is in crisis."
"I think nobody really understands what's coming."
"Your future may be hidden to you right now, but it's not hidden from God."
"Let's just hope that he's not completely [ __ ] from this point forward."
"Frankly it has just begun and it's getting worse and it's about to get even worse."
"Metaverse projects are going to be a trillion-dollar industry. I have no doubt about that. I do have my doubts about whether or not it's going to be sandbox or mana that do it."
"It's just like, it's about to get crazy and like I think in like 10 years, [ __ ]'s gonna get weird, like super weird."
"It will no longer be about money... it will be about near-term survival."
"We cannot predict things 20 years in the future. Nobody can."
"Don't boast of tomorrow because you don't know what tomorrow will bring."
"The world has always changed... who knows what the future will bring."
"Something happens between 2040 and 2045 which radically changes everything and I don't know what it is."
"A toast to the family as a whole, wherever they may end up."
"Nobody knows what the future has in store, and that's what's exciting."
"There's another blind 11 date chosen guarantee there's a day when those things go off in the future there's a day when the lights go out there's another blind 11 coming it is coming."
"I don't believe that we will immediately go into nuclear conflict but I do believe we are heading into World War III if not already started."
"The human climate niche is disappearing, and we are facing the end of what was."
"I would rather be cautious and say, 'Look, it could be tumultuous for the next 12 months,' than saying, 'Yeah, everything's going to be hunky-dory.'"
"Make sure you're not fearing what is coming down the pike for the world, place your faith in Jesus Christ and don't worry about tomorrow, he's going to take care of us."
"Life is hard, and all of these wear on our hopes for the future."
"I'm just gonna go forward, confidently, and, yeah, I don't know. I don't know what else to say. I'll see you tomorrow."
"You're moving forward in your life so what's going to be uh what's gonna happen here in this change in the near future."
"You don't have the confidence that Social Security will be available in the future and you want to get as much of it as you can before it all goes bankrupt."
"No, no, no. How many of you guys have been horrified at the notion of eventually having this?"
"He's got a little boy or girl that may someday end up here, you never know what that path is going to be."
"You have to take each day like that because if you start thinking ahead and what does, what am I going to look like in nine months, [it] messes you up."
"I know people in their 20s and 30s that will not have kids, because they're like, 'I'm not gonna subject a human being to what's coming.'"
"...the future will always remain a mystery until it becomes the present."
"You need to know who holds the future."
"So paradoxically, no matter if they are rich or poor, inhabitants of this Global have no way to influence their own future."
"Past performances don't equal future results."
"That's a good question. I sold my condo in Sacramento before moving here, so yeah I guess I'm thinking of being here long term although you never know what the future holds."
"The key is to stop obsessing about where you will end up someday and start trusting God by being faithful today."
"The best thing we can do is move forward because we never truly know what the future holds for us."
"The question is not whether but when it will happen; the decision as to what we do about it is about us alone."