
Patient Outcomes Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"So together, we will deliver on our mission to support those on the front line of care and help improve patient outcomes around the world."
"The majority of patients that I treat are type 2 diabetes...we see their diabetes kind of melting away."
"We just don't see repeat heart attacks. I have guys...17, 18 years ago, no repeats."
"Research has long shown that team-based healthcare leads to better outcomes for patients."
"These are not isolated cases. We actually see responses in the majority of patients because we're doing things the right way."
"Four times the admission rate, eight times higher death rate after discharge—significant results."
"Most of the time it's satisfying the tree because I would say the vast majority, if not all of our patients, get better to some extent."
"There are better systems out there that provide better outcomes for patients across the board while costing them far less."
"Half of his patients... came off all their drugs."
"You preferably you want a hundred but if I get a greater than 55 in an ARS patient that's actually pretty good."
"Knowing your own body and being a good advocate for yourself, or having a family member that knows you well and is a good advocate for you is crucial in getting better health outcomes."
"Anticoagulant therapy mainly with low molecular weight heparin appears to be associated with better prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients meeting SIC criteria or with markedly elevated D-dimer."
"Shared decision-making reduces medication prescriptions and surgical operations without compromising patient outcomes."
"That's right, I'm curious to know, like, what are some of the things, like, when you switch to focusing on metabolic health, what are some things that you saw different in your practice or maybe with your patients?"
"I have seen patients recover from putting their symptoms of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder into remission."
"It's definitely an investment but we have new technologies ... able to get some nice results for patients."
"V chain's devices can go into medical devices from end-to-end production, ensuring transparency and improving patient outcomes."
"WPATH has already cited studies that show minimal regret for these procedures."
"Educate patients... if every gynecologist knew about endometriosis, none of these patients would have fertility issues."
"I went from 3/4 of my patients on thyroid hormone to less than a quarter of them now on thyroid hormone."
"Paying nurses what they're worth improves patient outcomes."
"Understanding that for select patients with heart failure and a number of other concomitant conditions, we have therapies with evidence to indicate that we can improve the outcomes for those patients."
"Improving patient outcomes: best available evidence, individual clinical expertise, patient preferences and values."
"Ultimately, our purpose as doctors is to improve patient outcomes based on the complete totality of evidence."
"I think having that continuity of care is really important for actually the outcome for the patient."
"It's really this type of partnership that we've developed that has led to what we wake up for in the morning which is getting great patient outcomes."
"Risk assessment... our patients do better in the moment and long term."
"So you don't only get the physician expertise and the right heart cath expertise, but you get this team of individuals who are working in concert for best outcomes for the patient."
"...the endoscopic approach is associated with shorter length of stay, lower cost, and better quality of life."
"Regular use of FFR, intracoronary imaging with IVUS and OCT, and stent optimization are critical in giving our patients the best results possible."
"When private Equity buys up hospitals, Healthcare outcomes for patients may actually get worse."
"Increased hair density in 83.3% of patients and stabilized disease progression among 52% were noted."
"Patient reported outcomes are extremely important and they can be a part of real world data."
"Correcting anemia, improving the hemoglobin, might improve outcomes for patients."
"Ultimately, high-quality patient care should focus on procedures proven useful in improving patient outcomes."
"We should all be learning from each other to provide better outcomes for our patients."
"Great results are easy with great patients."
"Did the patient improve or get worse? Has the patient condition improved or declined?"
"Better information will allow doctors to deliver better patient outcomes."
"Using evidence-based practice leads to the highest quality care and patient outcomes."
"An early referral to a nephrologist actually results in a reduction in mortality and hospitalization."
"The advantage of this new framework is to facilitate a comparison across studies and to also monitor patient outcomes."
"The government would like to understand comparative effectiveness and look at what are patients' sense of outcomes for money paid."
"Hard outcomes are objectively measured endpoints which are of direct interest to the patient."
"Intravascular ultrasound leads to larger stent sizes and lumen dimensions are usually bigger, which indirectly leads to better outcomes down the line."
"The solution to evidence-based practice is the integration of evidence into practice, making evidence actionable and improving patient outcomes."
"Evaluating whether or not the practice changes we've made has improved patient outcomes is the most important part of this whole evidence-based practice methodology."
"Hospitalized women were less likely to die or be readmitted when treated by a female doctor."
"Women in the hospital are less likely to die if their doctor is a woman."
"There's a large body of literature showing the strong impact the guidelines have in terms of improving care and improving outcomes among patients with sepsis."
"We feel more fulfilled, we know we're doing our job because our patients are getting better outcomes."
"I've seen it in the real world, having patients come back to see me with really clear skin, glowing skin."
"Health systems that are built on a strong foundation of primary care have better health outcomes for patients."
"We have technology on our side now. We know that we focus on patient centered outcomes, keeping the tooth as a priority."