
Payoff Quotes

There are 606 quotes

"Regardless of the costs...the payoff is there; there's a big return on investment."
"The burnout is real, but the payoff is realer."
"Books where I'm confused for 50% of the book...as long as they have a good payoff, those are the things that keep my brain working."
"What if you put 40 hours into one book and it pays off for the rest of the year? You made ten thousand dollars and you don't have to work anymore for the rest of the year."
"Spend the time to build up the rivalry, and the payoff can be spectacular."
"The amount of payoff that we get for his story with how little we got in infinity war."
"The reason Darth Vader's appearance here is interesting is because it was unexpected and it served as a payoff to his appearance in Fallen order."
"All the work comes out in that one big breath."
"Otto wins because he went to face damon and lived which... paid off."
"The setups and payoffs in Catherine are incredible."
"Just keep going, keep working hard. It will pay off."
"Skywalker Saga is here. Did all that time and hard work pay off?"
"It's not a cost, it's an investment that can pay off in spades."
"While I usually talk a lot about shows waiting to the finale to have characters kiss and get together, this one was well worth the wait."
"All of this work is really going to pay off."
"Investing in you is a good idea because it will pay off."
"Those risks can pay off in such an amazing way."
"A little bit of extra work saves you a lot in the end."
"It's important to follow through with a satisfying payoff, especially if fans have invested their hard-earned cash as well as their time in watching it."
"The payoff at the end of the movie with the mothership was worth it."
"Hard work pays off, when you work hard, hard work pays off."
"That pre-planning phase... that's gonna pay off."
"It's nice when you work so hard on something and it's finally paying off."
"Your ships are coming in. Your hard work's paying off."
"You have truly faced the deepest, darkest parts of yourself, and it's going to pay off immensely for you."
"Maybe those old buggers will get a few bob out of it in the end. Ah, you know what? Crime does pay."
"Everything pays off, every character has clear motivations."
"The work that you put into a plan or project is about to pay off and you will reap the rewards of your efforts."
"There's a reason I held on to that, and see it's paying off."
"Your hard work will pay off; your continued effort and dedication will come to fruition."
"All the drama and toxicity started to pay off in a big way for speed."
"Hard work forever pays now you'll see in a better place."
"Despite the chaotic production, Norton's efforts paid off."
"What a great payoff for that object I was not expecting that to come up again."
"It was a nice slow burn and it made the ending just well worth it."
"Some of you, you've been working really hard and now it's finally going to pay off."
"Just when you don't think your hard work is paying off, it is."
"It feels like the greatest payoff after following Lana across nearly a decade."
"It's been months of hard work and it's paid off."
"Those moments paid dividends and allowed Max the opportunity to win that Championship."
"I swear running really paid off for you."
"Make an effort to actually eat healthy because it really does pay off."
"Keep up these challenges, it's going to pay off, I promise."
"It's all starting to pay off, and that's what this person's upset about."
"Just because the payoff is sweet doesn't mean you can let the journey be boring."
"The payoff here is the main six all getting these magical powers."
"We have faith that this diligence will pay off."
"Lacey Evans finally, this walk she does will pay off."
"The payoff for becoming a person of character, for exercising your willpower and self-discipline to live consistently with the very best that you know, is tremendous."
"Well, that ending though, it made it all worth it, didn't it?"
"It just took a little bit of leg work, it looks like it's paying off right now."
"Cody lost but there will be enough build that when he does win it, the payoff will be that much sweeter."
"Prosperity lies ahead, there's a payoff for all of this effort."
"There's a payoff for all of this effort. There's your answer. Prosperity lies ahead."
"...this is a really unique flick...there is a hell of a payoff in the trust."
"Life is hard, nobody said it was gonna be easy. But I will say the hard work definitely pays off."
"The transformations you've been going through are paying off."
"Your hard work is paying off. New romantic cycle begins."
"Arcs that are set up get their payoffs... it's on parody the King has been deposed the founding Titan stolen the thief is an enemy to every man woman and child outside of his Island an enemy of peace."
"Freaks has one of the most memorable payoffs in horror cinema. How can you fail to warm to a film in which somebody is turned into a giant chicken woman?"
"All that hard work, all those hours of preparation, suddenly pay off."
"His trust of Snape does pay off in pretty tremendous ways."
"The basic research into these grand concepts will, if you do it correctly, pay off down the road."
"Patience is a virtue. It pays off."
"The first time that bet paid off today, about time, right?"
"Every single moment I spent at Northwest High School and then Mizzou wrestling paid off tonight."
"You win some and you lose some, but you know at the end of the day, as long as you keep at it and you work hard at it, it'll pay off."
"...fans expect a substantial payoff when it comes time to executing a feud or ending one."
"How long is it going to take for this stuff to pay itself off?"
"Hard work pays off. I dedicated my whole last month, my whole life."
"Tonight's Champion: a huge payoff. 12.1 million dollars."
"All in all the adventure pays off."
"That workout was intense, but the [__] pays off and it's so worth it."
"If you're gonna hype something up in the story, you need to deliver on that hype."
"Make changes with an expected payoff larger than zero. Every time you balance a parameter, you're essentially making a gamble."
"Make time have patience I promise you it's gonna pay off."
"I think this will pay off in the long run."
"I'm willing to put in the work, and your hard work will pay off."
"A match that people want to see between two main event guys that's been built and now in the babyface's hometown you're giving them the payoff to what they've been wanting to see."
"Sometimes sticking to your gut feeling pays off"
"All those years playing here paid off big time when Casey won the US amateur public links Championship in 2007."
"Kubo took a bit of a gamble with Kenpachi, removing what made him truly unique among the captains and hoping the payoff would be worth it. In my opinion, it is."
"It's just the best feeling to see hard work pay off like this."
"A major risk will pay off, take that leap of faith, take that huge risk."
"Even cartoons understand the point of setup and payoff. Wile E. Coyote had to set up the trap first, have an idea of how the trap was supposed to go, activate the trap, and then it backfires."
"Hard work and dedication actually pays off."
"Your hard work is really going to pay off for you."
"Beating up cheating scoundrels really pays off in this world."
"It moved really, really quickly. Like, I couldn't believe how fast it was. And it was very satisfying that everything that they showed had a payoff."
"Let go of what you value now and perhaps that will pay off manifold in the future."
"The lesson that honesty pays off extends beyond the mere disclosure of facts."
"Nothing I've ever done was wasted. The payoff from it was always positive. Something of value always accrued to me when I made the sacrifices necessary to do something worthwhile."
"If you can build the muscle of patience, at some point it will pay off."
"Chcekov's butterfly. You don't introduce it earlier in the piece if you don't have some payoff."
"All of that work, all of that effort, all of that time and waiting, and all of the delicate attention to detail paid off so much in this beer."
"The humor of the show can be both a slow burn, taking a while for a satisfying payoff, but if you pay attention to the little small talk the characters engage in, you may notice little hidden jokes all over the place which are absolute gutbusters."
"All of it has payoff in the end, all of it has a reason to be there, all of it has this narrative through line to some sort of explanation or some sort of destination later on in the script."
"The emotional through line with those candy necklaces actually pays off in the end so great job sticking the landing."
"Yuji finally awakens Sakuna Shrine curse technique, giving us a payoff to a statement made by Gojo over 200 chapters ago."
"Taking a ludicrous concept and putting some heart and effort into it pays off."
"A payoff without sufficient setup is meaningless. Like, I could be reading it and going, I don't know why this is meaningful."
"Life can be pain, but all that pain means that there's something better at the end of it. There's a payoff to it."
"Time spent researching will really, really pay off."
"Efforts are about to pay off, like really pay off."
"One Piece is in a league by itself and something about the payoff of this three-decade-long journey makes it so worthwhile to me."
"It ain't nothing like having your hard work pay off."
"It's the pay off of Gru's Journey, Mando having this Arc."
"It's the type of thing where you have to give yourself a year or two to really get what you want, and I think it just pays off."
"It manages to pay off a joke set up earlier while being very poignant."
"Your hard work is about to pay off in big ways."
"These scenes are heartbreaking and have the most satisfying payoff I felt in some time."
"It will pay off, I'm pretty sure."
"The payoff of hard work is like no other."
"Your efforts are going to pay off."
"Good topology in the beginning really pays off."
"Find out what you're good at, put your all into it, and that [__] gonna pay off."
"Silence is a slow and thoughtful film, but it pays off."
"Beckwourth's gamble pays off, just as he knew it would."
"Sometimes survival skills really do pay off."
"That's where I've seen it really grow, my daughters, that it might take years that you can't give up on this thing that you're working on and eventually it pays off."
"Stay disciplined, keep working. Stay disciplined, keep working and it paid off."
"As much as it doesn't pay off quickly, [keeping in touch with your network] was super helpful in the long run."
"I knew that red would pay off eventually, folks."
"This is what I've been sacrificing for, this is the payoff moment."
"Why wouldn't we get all the normal payoffs you'd expect?"
"That's when the little girl does her song that she wasn't able to complete in her recital right at the start of the movie. And, um, that's the thing that saves their lives. Again, just a nice, really poignant, uh, well-constructed bit of setup and payoff."
"And it feels like it's going to really, really pay off for you."
"Your paycheck protection program loan has been paid off."
"All of our layout and hard work and preparatory work is actually paying off."
"Focus on yourself. I promise you it pays off. Just focus on yourself."
"All of my hard work has paid off."
"The effort you put into this step... is really going to pay off."
"Hard work pays off. It's pretty much on a loop in my head of doing the stuff that isn't fun knowing that when people are watching that's when this is going to pay off."
"Short-term payoff or long-term payoff."
"Put that little extra effort in and I promise it'll pay off in the end."
"Watching Mike in that scene, I kind of do what I kind of do. You paid it off brilliantly."
"I see that also paying off in your future so this patience this effort is paying off for you guys."
"The amount of energy and time devoted to self-examination on that ground pays off, pays off better than anything else you could do with that time. Pays off in health and happiness and in actual Financial Security."
"Persistence does pay off sometimes."
"Skillfulness is nothing but attentiveness paying off."
"Tanaka's persistence in spite of it all paid off."
"Your hard work's absolutely going to pay off right now, and we are in such a fertile time, so much potential here to really move toward this abundance, toward this happiness, and overall into this very healed and healing energy."
"The payoff is proportionate to the difficulty I find."
"Brilliant long-term booking with an amazing payoff."
"Laramie leaves it all on the line and it pays off in a big way."
"It's a thing of beauty. It pays off."
"This thing's been a ton of work, but hopefully it's going to pay off."
"All of this energy is paying off... everything is turning the right way... and things are expanding."
"...demands on a reader need to serve a discernible function and there needs to be some sort of payoff..."
"A little bit of invested time really pays off in the long run."
"patience and hard work and waiting I guess it pays off"
"Only price pays at the end of the day."
"It was a satisfying payoff after all the build up from season seven."
"This is where all the research really paid off."
"It sets up a lot of things that can be paid off later on, but it tells a cohesive, concluded story that is satisfying."
"Hard work does pay off. It definitely does."
"It's definitely a blessing. I put a lot of work in day in, day out. This journey has been rough, but at the end, it's all paying off."
"This takes a lot of work but man, payoff is huge."
"Robin Hobb is underrated. You have to invest in her books. They're not easy page turners, but they have a beautiful payoff."
"Tails' dedication to the team always pays off in the long run."
"The paying off of so many things simultaneously is really expert writing to me."
"Promise and payoff, right? Like, this is a thing that a lot of action films that I've seen could learn from."
"You really can do this and it really can pay off."
"Chris and I are so grateful to have had so many hands involved with the history of Avocet's project list and cannot wait to make all of the hard work, sweat, blood, and tears pay off soon."
"...the payoffs are much like your first time rushed, disappointing, and leaves your butt hurting for about a week."
"It did pay off, Alhamdulillah, clearly."
"The payoffs are so [ __ ] good now. Those big emotional moments just have so much more weight behind them."
"I'm so lucky. I'm so thankful and just it all paid off."
"You just have to trust that it's going to pay off."
"Excellence doesn't cost, it pays."
"Paid off great. It is the perfect record."
"It might seem tedious at first, but it's going to pay off."
"I think that physical therapy school in the long run for me, in my situation, is actually going to pay off."
"Sure enough, within a few minutes, all of our hardware was paid off."
"Patience always pays off with a reward of some kind."
"Finish with your strengths and it pays off for them."
"I think it all just like pays off in not just your personal life but in your business life as well"
"Because the payoff is gonna be big, trust me."
"I don't think Mr. T was leaving the building at that point before he got that payoff."
"The last couple of minutes truly make the first part worth sitting through."
"The Blackfire stuff is already landed in Westeros. It's got to be more than just interesting history. There has to be a payoff in the plot."
"That scooter's gonna pay for itself in at least a hundred."
"All for One burst onto the scene in My Hero Academia and it was totally worth the wait."
"I've had to work really hard to get here. The risks I've taken have paid off so far."
"Tool songs are like a one-way train ticket that you can't get off of and you don't want to get off of because there is some payoff at the end every time that makes everything before it worth it and it only is powerful by everything else that sets it up before it."
"the ability to concentrate pays off."
"Long-term story lines were starting to pay off as we saw characters blossom."
"The main issue is that just making blood thuggins alone really isn't enough of a payoff."
"The payback... what payback time."
"I think she'll pay him off and see the good news."
"Invest in your brisket, it pays off."
"That effort for the one day paid off in the form. I mean, you can't even see it."
"It's time to see if Bobby Roode's 13 years of sacrifice and dedication will pay off."
"It's nice knowing that the planning work does pay off in the end."
"Who throws a shoe? That is the greatest payoff ever."
"...it did the extremely important job of laying the groundwork for some of the most amazing scenes and stories in all of Star Wars it took a while for this moment to reach its full dramatic potential but it was absolutely worth it in the end."
"It's such a high learning curve, but it's such a great payoff because you've invested so much into it."
"I'd say it paid off and then some."
"And that's why I feel if you play your cards right and you always look for the long term, you'll always be in for like the final checkpoint could be one that really does pay off, so yeah, we're here now, um, everyone's going to benefit from this special moment in boxing."
"I think that when you read the first one you really don't see the bigger picture at all but clearly this author there are so many little things that they put from the beginning that if you're the kind of person that likes a great payoff you're gonna see it in the third one."