
Character Description Quotes

There are 609 quotes

"She was always described as a caring person, someone who would drop everything to lend a helping hand."
"I am rage incarnate, fury made flesh; I am the Inferno Titan."
"I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth."
"At face value, he is a discombobulated, frantic, frazzled eccentric muttering and murmuring man, yet he's likable, friendly, seems harmless, and comes across as completely genuine."
"He's rad as hell. But Johnny Spells doesn't fuck. Seriously."
"She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock."
"Shalltear is the embodiment of the word fetish."
"Hyperactive Earl is a sweet man and one of my dearest friends in all the world."
"Sebas is a dragonoid... a member of the dragon race in some capacity."
"He is the 100 stat man; he is literally incredible."
"Kakashi Hatake is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Hatake clan, famed as Kakashi of the Sharingan. He is one of Konoha's most talented ninja, regularly looked to for advice and leadership despite his personal dislike of responsibility."
"Cassie was a well-rounded, trustworthy, and responsible 16-year-old girl. She was shy and loved music and art and funny with a great sense of humor."
"They were all slender, frail creatures with wandering eyes and soft fluttery voices. But they were made of a thin, invisible steel."
"She's adorable, but she is a Hellion at the same time."
"Lucy is a kind and friendly and extremely dark little starfish who enjoys strawberry ice cream and functional programming."
"I'd much rather not be disturbed now. Look at his little body, he's built like a bowling ball with legs."
"He's a right blend of swagger, strength, size, and sorrow."
"Ilhan has returned dripping with coolness, shushing the two the moment Hajin saw his back he thought to him saved."
"Dan is a regular guy thrust into chaos but still finding time to crack witty northern remarks."
"He's the sweetest guy, the sweetest guy in the world."
"A woman with a reservoir of deep flowing love."
"Mina Harker: The chemist with a vampire's bite."
"There's Abigail! She's hurting them all! Oh, she's a beast. What an absolute unit."
"Miles moves with this fashionable inexperience that is so satisfying to look at."
"Draenger... one word summation of it is badass."
"Barry Bone Razer, he's a dark elf and he looks beautiful. You know what, this is going to do perfectly. He looks like a smug young bastard and that's exactly who Barry Bone Razer is."
"Kujo Sara is a fearless warrior and a formidable leader."
"she's a prostitute okay she's a golden hearted prostitute"
"Hestia has a pair of double D's and you know I did the math."
"There’s so many things that Giorno is, but not one of those things is boring."
"Your true openness, and I love that idea, this metaphor with Ted being like on a permanent kind of mushroom trip without the psychedelic effect but the idea is that he's in some ways egoless."
"That guy's big and he looks at you with intent, like those eyes, those are the eyes that have seen some [] and that wanna see some []."
"He's a bit of he's a bit of a meme he's a bit of a meme this is loud short running around being angry."
"Bold courageous authentic honest I mean a man of integrity right."
"She lives in seclusion in the woods... This chick has been preparing like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 for the return of the evil."
"Kevin is our funny fat guy, we couldn't have done it without him."
"Batman wears black and wears a mask and throws Molotov cocktails."
"This old blind priest who's built like a brick [ __ ] house is actually lethal if you couldn't tell."
"Ryan is like if spoiled sherry became a person."
"Baofu: 'For a character who fights with handfuls of spare change, Baofu is surprisingly powerful.'"
"You're an evil baby, you can eat other babies."
"The audacity! A melt a gun to the face of Fabius Bile."
"Iron Man is hyper intelligent philanthropist billionaire or whatever else but also innovative technologist who creates their own suit and then goes out and fights injustice and that is Sheree."
"Oh my god could I give this to a child apply changes okay so my brand new son and heir oh my god he looks so cool he's a Mega Chad."
"This guy is wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove."
"This is the mysterious Jailer inside the Maw."
"Here is our Templar. Born under the star of Acheron in the Cult of Sirius."
"Unfortunately, the killer is a goddamn ninja."
"If you like grace, beauty, illusions, all that stuff, Shizuru is the character for you."
"She seems like a fierce woman and a fierce lawyer."
"Oh Olga, you dirty [__]! Why you do this to me?"
"Charles Scudder was described as a friendly caring Man Who Would welcome anyone into his home."
"She's attractive, she is exotic, and she could totally pull off being a badass."
"She's full of attitude, you know, that's what we love about her."
"Angela, a master of hand-to-hand combat, Angela's known throughout the galaxy for her battle prowess and yeah, buddy!"
"She's waiting here at the top, looking very cold, but he seems happy. He's vibing, he's vibing and that's the main thing."
"Her name is Ambrosius and they are just the closest of good friends just a couple of pals just a couple of guys being dudes better than this guys being dudes."
"Miss Cyclops: Scary face, kind heart. Top spot deserved."
"Kate is not a gear nor does she abide by the rules of the COG. She is an outsider, a survivalist that knows how to live off away."
"I like strong. He's our tiny, pudgy little powerhouse."
"He is the amalgamation of the indomitable human spirit."
"This man was just an infant gentle character did nothing but give."
"One transocean named Kaizen Fest was one of the few of his people to avoid the bounty and slaver path."
"Gwendolyn answered the door with a prim smile."
"Sanji's endurance, just off the freakin' charts."
"Malachi is so cute he's definitely going to be the love interest in this book."
"He's the most unpredictable man in the world."
"Most wraiths are inherently evil. They live to hunt for unfortunate souls, taking away hope and their desire to live as they go, sounding specifically like my mind, babe."
"It was just amazing to see this very powerful, well-dressed mafia boss down on his knees."
"This guy is methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient."
"She's badass, Mila Jovovich from 'Fifth Element' and all the 'Resident Evil' films. She's fast as fuck, bioenhanced and gnarly."
"First killer, he is a monster, he is terrifying."
"First killer, man, he is a monster, he is terrifying."
"Garfield's mind was like a storehouse for knowledge, he could absorb books like a nerdy sponge."
"He's the smoothest dude in the galaxy." - Lando Calrissian
"Trayzen is the self-described archivist of the Solemnist Galleries."
"He's young, isn't he? He's a young guy in his 20s."
"Daemon... He’s cunning, smart, suave, sexy, unpredictable, brave..."
"Private Vasquez is a headstrong tough woman who shows no signs of fear."
"This Velma is just unscarable. She's so curious and wowed by the world around her that she just finds everything so interesting and fascinating."
"There was something kind of tragic about her."
"Wolverine is like a 4 foot 2 hairy bear that lives in the Canadian wilderness that smells like cigars and cheap booze." - Joe Star
"I absolutely love her, she is looking super epic, really floofy and Kirin-like."
"She also seems to possess superhuman agility."
"Venom is one of my favorite villains of all time, he's such a force of nature."
"Big damage and bleeds all around is what I think of with Ghost Rider."
"Jeremy Shada describes Lance as a Captain Kirk wannabe."
"Rintaro Okabe: beneath the veneer of a wacko in a lab coat is a sensitive soul."
"Kratos is ridiculously strong, he's also really, really tough."
"Mr. Claxton popularly known as Jawa is not your average Grandpa."
"Sydney was a breath of fresh air, very loose and fun character amidst the suits."
"She's a superior agent but Viper's Viper, she'd be on her own wavelength living her best life and we support it, do you Viper, live on."
"He was strong, stern, but had just like this redeemable warmth about him."
"Witness me! That's what he's saying now. It looks like he's wearing a giant sandwich over his torso."
"He was beautiful, intelligent, mysterious, and shining literally in the sun."
"Cat Noir's suit is made of boyfriend material."
"Humboldt is not the most cunning or clever, but he has heart and spirit, both go a long way in times of need."
"That priest is the sassiest sus that ever sussed."
"Kairos encountered the tall bald man in the gray suit with the red umbrella - the encounter stopped him in his tracks."
"Charlie the Robot is this unsettling, unthinking force. He's incredibly strong, so you can't trap him. He's nearly indestructible, so you can't fight him. And he's a machine, so you can't scare him, trick him, or reason with him."
"Percy Jackson, the troubled 12-year-old boy expelled from every school he's ever attended."
"King can't really fight and his luck is somewhat questionable, but what he can do without fail is be in the right place at the wrong time."
"An honorable man, a family man, a working man, a community man."
"He’s enjoyable, he’s ambitious, he cares for others, he has a sailor hat, what’s there not to like?"
"His very name strikes fear into the heart of man and mushroom alike."
"They're awesome, they're a big unbreakable beat stick."
"He's like a toasted marshmallow, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside."
"He's hard on the outside but soft on the inside, like a french fry."
"I love the fact that he [Beetle] was a karate fan. His face is like he thinks he's a little clock."
"The mad god does have a twisted sense of humor."
"Every body loves a thriller with an unreliable heroine with nice hair."
"This monster's main purpose is to megaton, his main purpose is there just to provide some sort of support."
"Oh, he is looking like a blob though. Maximum Blobbagio. Maximum Blobbage."
"Annette, she was a very sweet, caring person. She had a little bit of a feisty side to her, but she was loyal."
"I would say a decade older Johnny Test, like Justin Bieber with baby beard. What is baby beard? Justin Bieber doesn't have, okay, we mean stubble."
"Lee Everett from The Walking Dead: a strong boy who rescues a little girl."
"Charles Martel is a freaking honey badger. He doesn't care about your healing reduction."
"Emma Frost is known not just for being a powerful mutant and telepath but also for being an extremely gifted teacher."
"She is a delightful, vigorous, productive person."
"Cory isn't human, he's a dragon that was sealed in human form."
"Scourge is sinister, scary, and absolutely menacing."
"He comes off very aryan nation he well he absolutely is he's blonde hair blue eye superman he is literally the ubermensch."
"Hazel Wells comes across as someone who deserves fairies."
"She would give the shirt off her back for anybody."
"He's a little bit feral, right? He's a little bit unrestrained and unapologetic."
"Howard is not just a jeweler; he is himself a kind of uncut gem."
"Take a seat right here Kovac the teacher agent local incarnation cousin agile under total a clear body."
"What you're seeing is an unashamed admitted psychopath."
"Greg might be a stone cold killer, but my god is he [__] in every other aspect of life."
"Ryder is young, inexperienced, green, fairly insecure, and a little bit cocky."
"He was the epitome of cool, manners maketh the man."
"Just like Mikey dynamite kicks his opponents."
"You're always spontaneous, very energetic, very enthusiastic, very curious. You're a joy, you're mischievous, you're imaginative, you're lovable, likable."
"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."
"Miss Marvel, fan-girling with her Captain America toy."
"Risotto's soul tainted, eyes black and red with vengeance."
"Broly from Dragon Ball super is described as a pure Saiyan with a gentle heart."
"The orc noble is an honorable warrior trained by a renowned knight of Breton nobility."
"What do I know? Yeah, what do you know about Slender Man? That he's a long scary man in a suit with a questionable face that no one really knows."
"He leads an army of coyotes... but most importantly he is absolutely immortal with 8615 health."
"Known for her proficiency in small unit tactics and close combat engagements." - Roslyn "Rose" Helms
"Sacrificed his opulent and privileged life for a selfless position in protecting others." - Sammy "Zero" Zakiria
"A gun for hire who vows for justice under the old samurai code." - Hiro "Oni" Wantanabe
"He was lovely, gentle, and a soft-spoken man."
"Look at this guy, he has trusting content and lazy."
"The loxian boys are balls to the walls nuts to butts unhinged unrestrained forces of nature and it's absolutely [ __ ] great."
"It kicks ass, CIA agents capture the mercenary known as Bane."
"He twirls his blasters back up to Mikko dead or alive."
"Her dark eyes are windows upon an ancient and wicked soul."
"Loki is not consistently referred to in any specific gender term. The gender association appears to be consistent with his shape-shifting."
"Fizzerban, the most sane and hardworking spellcaster."
"Lucci has a new epithet. It's literally just 'massacre weapon.' That sends a shiver down my spine. Come on guys, let's... Oh boy, I can't wait to see Lucci in action again, that's gonna be so cool."
"We wanted Naz'off in all his big juicy tentacley glory."
"Pepper your description of your physical characteristics throughout the role-playing experience."
"She is a mechanic, an artificer, a weaponsmith, an armorer. She is all of the things that involves creating weapons of war."
"Thunder God Zeus the type of Dude to color code is dry erase and of course stepen was like well look I'm getting engagement."
"June is a babe, a bounty hunter, and can beat any bruiser in arm wrestling."
"Scrooge McDuck: The richest duck in the world, a duck so rich he keeps his accumulated wealth in a dedicated facility called a money bin."
"They're heroes, they're not emo people with superpowers."
"He’s like a somewhat sentient natural disaster."
"The Whisperers... They're really scary, you know."
"Zari is giving me very much older Vibes Witch Doctor Vibes."
"Carnage Kabuto: uber powerful mutant, beyond ridiculous strength, speed, and durability."
"Robert just kind of stays the course and does his work and does his solid work."
"There's always Francis the atrociously evil witch."
"He is incredibly determined and driven and is a 'no [__]' kind of guy when it comes to his work."
"He's the best. I love him. He's such a rapscallion raptor scallion!"
"Cereal charismatic gifted yet melancholic, that is the evening songstress Nightingale."
"He came up calm, slow, humble, and secure in himself."
"Okay, so wait who does uh who does the the uh equal guy have eagle guy has like the triangular shield in his right hand triangular um like like it has cutouts in it and stuff."
"Cory is goofy for the most part, he's very serious for the most part, he's very chill I will say."
"I love the way he refers to her in this like clinical weirdo term."
"We are the coolest pets with a passion for hair."
"Sonic, the epitome of Breakneck velocity, became known for his trademark running style, arms trailing behind, smeared red circles as his shoes cycled back and forth, and streaks of blurred Blues sweeping across the ground."
"Those fists are weapons in and of themselves. They pack a real punch."
"She was loving, she was reliable, but most of all she was just really fun."
"A hero so bright, should she stand in the light."
"Envy was an androgynous non-binary, not existing as either a woman or a man."
"Black orcs are the biggest, strongest, meanest, most brutal of all greenskins. Even by those standards, Grim Gore's big, strong, mean, and brutal."
"The less description means the less accurate it'll probably be, but it does mean I get more creative freedom." - Lavender Town
"With Batman, you've got a character that you can describe in just a few seconds."
"Once upon a time, there was a girl named Galactic. She had brown hair and gold eyes, just like this one right here."
"At this point, let's just say that Leon is basically superhuman."
"Readers who don't really care about physical descriptions will probably just ignore and not really care if it's there. However, I'm in the camp of readers who, if there is no physical description of the character, I can't picture the character."
"There's no other being that is the embodiment of pure and utter evil than Quan Chi."
"I feel kind of safe around her, you know? She's like eight feet tall, I feel like she could easily beat someone up for me if I needed her to."
"Bonita is a character with a lot of anxiety. She also uses meditation as a way to ground herself."
"Pyra is a trapper character on the ledge or in the air to get a strong hit."
"He drew his sword, striking anyone in a red tunic."
"He's like the coldest, coolest dude that you ever meet."
"Elizabeth was reserved, conscientious, and dutiful."
"I love that evil smirk she has. Everything about her is truly awesome."
"He was a kind, funny, loving person who wanted better for himself."
"Oh wow, gosh, she's wearing like a headband or like a, ear, in that moment."
"They're usually brutish thugs that are extremely aggressive, like vile animals."
"Sukuna had two faces on the front and back of his head, similar to that of Janus in Roman mythology."
"He's described as a kind-hearted swordsman who wields a red sword."
"John is evil, John is red. Thank you very much."
"Duke as you know is the carefree badass, and he doesn't give a crap about what you think."
"That Zoro moment is great, Zoro's just standing there and he's just like, okay, slash. That's it, the end, moving on."