
Social Strategy Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"I have a foolproof plan for making friends thanks to one of my favorite games, Animal Crossing."
"If you want to meet a person at a library, you'll meet a person at a library."
"Your reputation precedes you. Build and protect it carefully."
"Life is all about networking. If you make friends with important people from the beginning of your life, that's going to be massively advantageous to you."
"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control."
"If you really want to get to Ernesto, there is that music competition at the Plaza de la Cruz. Winner gets to play at his party."
"I want to like initiate operation appear human."
"It's a social strategy that you never see come up in Survivor ever."
"Hurting the poorest people first is usually the worst way to go."
"By showing intent right away, you make it easier to be the type of man who escalates."
"The purpose of respectability is not just individual social elevation; it's group appeasement."
"I think this is a strategy to silence people."
"We want to manipulate the culture in a positive direction."
"Keith Ferrazzi has a book that says never eat alone he says if you're going out to lunch you should always hit your Rolodex."
"In 17th century France, there was only one thing for it: get yourself in the presence of the king by any means necessary."
"How about the goal is to not get laid? It's a win-win game."
"Getting people invested in your personality is a great place to start."
"When you tell the world what kind of a woman you're looking for with specific answers, you help everybody in your life find that person for you."
"The gods are influential themselves and it might be that relying on that role-playing of presenting your party as the emissaries of the gods or the champions of the Gods is an important Cornerstone of how you win people over in social interactions."
"Choosing to cooperate is always a better path than choosing to have a big fight."
"Humiliation is the way to handle this. You point and you laugh and you say you are [] [] like that is not what happened."
"Finding people who are bullied, yeah, that's a terrible way to approach people. I mean, it's people who are looking for a purpose and people who are driven you want to approach them and say, 'Your mission awaits. There are people who need you.'"
"There's a strategic plan to devalue men in our country."
"No one wants to be in the spotlight for things that they shouldn't be doing."
"It's so much easier to create a following behind a person rather than a brand."
"This showed us how to really get on code with one another and the power of codification. When you're on code, you're unstoppable."
"If you want to stand out, the first thing you want to do is do the totally opposite of what everybody else is doing. Everybody's takers, the way to stand out is by giving."
"I guess my take away from this is that I probably should be studying you know different jobs that these men can have because I need to change maybe if I really want to find my ideal husband I need to change you know what rooms I'm showing up in."
"Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to... conform to whatever identity we believe in ourselves."
"Turning Idols into Rivals and then Rivals into friends is one of the biggest life hacks ever."
"The game of trust: Will they betray each other?"
"This is my commitment in 2023, I hope it's yours: I'm name dropping all year long."
"Walking away could potentially make somebody like you back and respect you."
"You never know what meeting people and being nice to someone will do for you. Because you can't really be that strategic about networking."
"It may have been genius on part of the organizer to lock in a lifelong commitment to quite literally show their faces at that event on Friday night."
"I stand with those in the Jewish community, and that Kanye is how you buy yourself some time."
"We have to be more selective with the people we choose to be around."
"Once you realize that, you'll suddenly find yourself with many more allies and many less enemies."
"This is how you convey social value based on your masculine indifference by not giving a [] not playing it safe saying whatever the [] you want."
"Guard your reputation fiercely; it's your most valuable asset."
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket socially, business-wise, or in your dating life."
"That's the key to success: Always have nice things to say and smile."
"Socializing is as important as a decisive battle. Know yourself and your enemy to succeed."
"We need a class war not a culture war strategy moving forward."
"We're tribe. We have to fight for our tribe primarily."
"We have to become great friends with everybody."
"You don't want to invest in your people who make the economy go; you want a desperate and easily manipulated and controlled population."
"How do we bring more people in rather than repel people from what we're trying to accomplish, right?"
"It's always good to get some care when you need it. Ease your mind. If nothing is really wrong, but I think more often than not we trick ourselves into thinking everything is okay and um we kind of ignore our symptoms. You're not the only one."
"Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle."
"We shouldn't be doing for them, we should be doing with them."
"Operation make Liam popular again was an overwhelming success!"
"Attention is the new oil, and she definitely knows how to get it."
"By acting like you have so much going on, it makes them want you more."
"How do you get influential people to be your friends is to do something that puts you around people who are influential."
"If you're not smart right just find smart people and be friends with them, be good to them."
"The real protest is when people start... they put their foot down, you know? That's the real protest, I think. But, you know, everybody's got their own strategy."
"Building and creating culture... that's how you win this fight."
"Don't always be available; they'll chase you if you stay busy."
"Wow, thank you. Let's be nice, we're being as nice as possible because I wanna get picked up."
"What's the vibe that would make the girl want to be around me?"
"Girls have a ranking system, gentlemen. When they choose to date men, they have backup plans."
"Volunteer to be last because then you can say, 'well I'll never know if they would have picked me as last, I picked it.'"
"Life pro tip: If you ever find yourself in this situation where you're gonna get ranked for some reason, volunteer to be last."
"There is no more middle ground. You either play the game and game the system or you let it control you."
"The biggest ROI of this event is not to take a selfie with me, it is to fundamentally meet as many of the 800 other people here as possible."
"There is a way to convince the people of this country."
"I try I have to be allowed in order to keep the attention and being loud off of me as being contrarian."
"Maintain a mystery, intentionally don't reveal everything about yourself."
"When you are able to preemptively position yourself as the default victim in every engagement, then you have positioned yourself with the higher ground in every situation you walk into."
"We need to distance ourselves from them and we need to work with, communicate with, understand, empathize with the working class of other countries."
"It's always beneficial to have a unified enemy... having an enemy can unite so many people."
"The more you separate yourself from those types of people, the better."
"Figure out who is capable of being awakened from this, awaken them, and then make your peace with what happens with the others."
"All I have to do to fix my poor broken country is let my peasants feel as if they have ownership. Sign me up."
"Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you."
"The essence of the community for us has always been the answer to the problems within our community have I always been getting rich enough to move out and never look back."
"Find one person that's already established and just meet all of their friends."
"The best thing that we can do as women is to be women—classy, dignified, respectable women. That's how you win the game."
"Staying solo makes some sense in a situation where former humans are your primary threat, but having friends can lead to an easier life."
"The simping stuff, it works when women do it, but a man, like, you can't simp extract a dude that's there with girls."
"Proper terianism is the conservative group success strategy codified into law."
"Doing something cute is a good way to get votes."
"Kill 'em with kindness, girl, what have you been doing?"
"Isn't it crazy you can, like, set the movie, set the ambience, set the tone when you walk into an interview or when you walk in to meet somebody and already get them to like you prepped because they searched you up online? Damn, yeah, that's wild."
"Your body's alright or you need to show up I would say I'm gonna try to like flirt and say humble brag of the century."
"I want to make friends in this competition because it might save me."
"And the trick of it is if Jared leaves now all of a sudden Matt and Jag feel like they can trust her again."
"Do not build fortresses to protect yourself. Better to circulate among people."
"If they are cynical enough to be together, we must be smart enough to come together."
"My main strategy today and in life in general is to make people uncomfortable." - Lindsay Jones
"You never asked anything, why are you thinking about strategy to go back to dangling money in front of her?"
"White supremacy works best when you put a black face on it because that's how you sneak under the radar."
"You have to make sure that you're engaging, that you're captivating, and that you've got interesting things to invite gorgeous women in to come and do with you."
"We pretend we don't care about status as a way of gaining status."
"Make friends with rich people, guys. Then you make them like the same stuff that you like. And then you get to do that stuff."
"Being a nice person and being a helpful person in connecting people cost you nothing; it's the dominant long-term strategy."
"It's divide and conquer, so any polarity that exists, let's divide and conquer."
"Hypergamy is your ally, hypergamy is the secretary, stop trying to circumvent it, start using it, and then develop leverage."
"We're not introverts that are sitting in the house and just afraid to talk to people. We're actually alpha males out maneuvering through people."
"People crave importance, appeal to another person's interests, not your own. Don't try to be interesting, be interested."
"Throw a feast so that way I can increase the opinion of all of my vassals."
"First of all, ladies and gentlemen, we have got a new gossip mechanic in which Yandere-chan can sneak about the school, listening and getting new bits of information that she can use in conversations against her rivals."
"By combining achievement-based compliments the person is proud of—playful teases and self-deprecating jokes—you can tease people while they laugh and love you for it."
"Cold approach is going and talking to somebody that you've never met before."
"The best way to build social connections is by having win-win deals that you can offer... when you realize whoa even social connections come out of Golden Tickets."
"Remember, 90 minutes is a magic number to stick around, circulate, and then be on your way."
"I want racists to be just comfortable enough that they let us know who they are."
"My mom always said it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask permission."
"All that befriending yesterday, winning over all those vassals, massively paid off."
"The only way I think we can beat them is being kind to each other compassionate and that's really our greatest Weapon It's Love guys even it sounds cliche I know that but it's true so don't be deceived."
"That's why Irish exits are so underrated."
"Even if you're the smartest guy in the room, you should act like you're the dumbest because everybody will be much better for it."
"Act like you belong and people won't question you."
"Community boxing clubs should be front and center of the government's new sports strategy and leveling up policy agenda."
"I think this season really proved just how masterful he is at making social bonds with people and how masterful he is at getting people to not target him."
"He's one of the strongest social players we've ever seen on Survivor."
"The Romans were able to combat social unrest by making available plenty of bread and circuses to keep the masses fed and entertained."
"...cooperation is a survival strategy."
"My strategy today, in truth, was to get to know everybody, to be kind, and figure out who I'm smarter than."
"She had good relationships with really both sides of the house."
"She's able to recover from that, she's able to build a decent relationship with both Jon, Adele, and Neda."
"People who have allies win in this world."
"You want to be one of the poorer people in your social circle because then, like osmosis, you're getting drawn up."
"Diversity doesn't happen by accident, there has to be real intentionality to build bridges."
"Tipping the bartender early, that is a fantastic move."
"This constructed self is not a unique phenomenon but a universal human strategy to interface with a complex social world."
"Always keep them wanting more, always leave them with a smile on their face."
"Use money to make friends so that when you fail, they will receive you into everlasting habitations."
"If you approach incredibly friendly, you assume that she likes you, you talk to her like you would talk to your sister, all of a sudden the defenses come down."
"The only strategy that would exist is if you do go up there, that you act like a normal human being."
"Survivor is a social experience about building relationships."
"He was very good socially; he was able to get pretty much everyone to take him to the end."
"When you go to these parties, you go to these events, have your mission."
"Invite people to things, establish yourself as a leader, and that will do so much for your popularity."
"Being aware of what your friend circle already looks like and exploring how can I deepen those friendships is a super useful strategy."
"Never have I ever gone out and flirted with the waiter/waitress/somebody in the bar to get free drinks."
"Jeremy is just like a really good social game and people feel like they're very close to him."
"People love hanging out with Cody, and if there's somebody that I wouldn't want to face socially against a Big Brother jury, it would be Cody Calafiore because people just love him so much."
"She used her social bonds to move herself forward in the game."
"The trick is to pretend you like everyone because eventually, it'll trick your brain into thinking everyone is cool with you."
"The secret to being approached by more women is maintaining mystery but not appearing distant."
"The greatest danger is to fall for the divide and conquer strategy."
"You need those social bonds; they are your bread and butter in this game."
"You need to actually participate in the game and treat people well and do jury management."
"If you are already established in a group, temporary withdrawal from it will make you more talked about, even more admired."
"Sometimes it's better to not draw attention to yourself; other times it's actually better to present yourself and just talk normally."
"His social game is impeccable this season."
"I liked what Cody did where he had like this large alliance and smaller alliances inside of this, and he was like shielding himself every step of the way, also playing in my opinion a fantastic social game."
"You just hang around the side of the dance, keep your arms kind of crossed, look like you would rather be somewhere else; it makes you mysterious and alluring."