
Supply Chain Quotes

There are 513 quotes

"We have to ensure that we can continue to remain economically viable, bringing our supply chains home, making sure that we produce what we need."
"To achieve supply chain resiliency, we need to build back better by leveraging America's greatest strengths, first and foremost American workers."
"Ensuring the continued flow of groceries and our food supply chains is a priority."
"Blockchain is being recognized as a really important technology for supply chains."
"Blockchain could help to track Scope 3 emissions which are the greenhouse gases produced along the supply chain."
"If we do succeed at building that industrial plant over that time frame, then that inflation rate will come down and we'll have supply chains that are shorter, simpler, cheaper, and closer to the end consumer."
"The supply chain disruption has imposed new frictions because the upheaval on the seas is slowing delivery, limiting sales, and having significant downstream effects."
"Raw materials become the majority of lithium-ion costs...creating a circular supply chain...will be one of the biggest long-term cost reduction drivers."
"In light of supply chain issues highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, a push to bring manufacturing home to America returned."
"We are operating in a hyper-competitive global environment which results in complex and sometimes unpredictable supply chains, but we are making progress."
"While it's going to be a mess moving forward, the United States is going to emerge on the other side of this with a manufacturing supply chain that is shorter, simpler, closer to home."
"People are not sourcing in China because they don't want to get cut off."
"Recent events have prompted governments worldwide to re-evaluate their dependencies and re-analyze their manufacturing and assembly footprints."
"Pay attention to your customer service, make sure that your suppliers fulfill their orders as they should be."
"As I've indicated, trade and supply will continue because it's critical to our health and safety and it will facilitate our economic recovery."
"The COVID-19 pandemic swiftly erupted from Wuhan and spread worldwide, compelling the entire toy industry to intensify its efforts to relocate away from China."
"The global supply chain disruptions caused by COVID have prompted overseas toy companies to place greater emphasis on diversifying their supply chain layouts."
"If you look two, three, four, five years down the road, I'm very optimistic. I think the United States of all countries is in the best position to take advantage of this new supply chain world that I described."
"The supply chain is not part of the economy; the supply chain is the economy."
"You can attribute all the value that you give to fancy food in recognition of how hard it was to make, how much history shaped the dish, how hard it was to get those ingredients all the way down the supply chain."
"However, in light of supply chain issues highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, a push to bring manufacturing home to America returned."
"There is a lot of skill and a lot of local supply chain for where all the parts are going to come from to build such a complex product that makes it a very appealing place to build."
"One solution is to speed up the reverse logistics process."
"If Tesla localised the supply chain, that could reduce the global warming potential of synthetic graphite."
"The next step beyond all of the supply chain issues could be a pretty bad recession."
"A cyclical supply chain needs to emerge for the electric vehicle market to survive and overcome these supply chain issues."
"The point of sale is where the restaurant experience kind of begins and ends but it starts at the supply chain."
"Reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of the supply chain."
"Supply chain bottlenecks is the popularized rationalization for the surge in prices but the supply chain story sheds more shade than light." - Kevin Walsh
"Money supply combined with the perfect storm, which is the supply chain shortages that got created because of COVID..."
"We saw this freight rail strike threatening supply chains, and again, the food supply - it's all interconnected."
"From the fields where they're grown right to the end consumer."
"We're strengthening the supply chain and healthcare workers around America can be absolutely certain that the president and our entire team are going to continue to put the health of America first."
"This sector to me is one of the most important in blockchain as the supply chain is set to be completely disrupted by blockchain technology."
"It's only when COVID showed... then all of a sudden they see the value in redundancy and supply chain."
"The household supply chain for toilet paper simply wasn't built for the level of demand it's now experiencing."
"Our food supply chain may be left with too few supplies to attend to consumer demand."
"Why are the shelves at the local grocery store always partly empty? Why do deliveries take so much longer than they used to? Why is everything more expensive? The short answer is the supply chain; the long answer is not that simple."
"By 2030, I think it's very possible that the largest supply chain blockchain is worth at least 250 billion."
"Ford may be ramping up its electric vehicle program goals and preparing to add more battery supplies to make that a reality."
"Tesla's ability to almost seamlessly navigate incredible supply chain challenges."
"America is better supplied and more prepared to reenter than just about any other place."
"I get excited about supply chain management."
"The key to solving these logistic problems is by using trusted suppliers and warehouses."
"The global chip shortage could be spreading from cars to smartphones."
"If anything good can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it's the revelation of America's over-reliance on China, especially when it comes to drugs."
"Supply chains break down, you can't get the medicines that you need... If you or someone you love takes any daily medication, you need to check out jacemedical.com daily."
"The chip shortage is a big, big problem for these vehicle manufacturers."
"To stop the supply, we need to stop the demand."
"We see what happens when your enemy controls the supply chain."
"China's stranglehold on the global supply of essential medicines is a security risk." - Sam Armstrong, foreign policy expert
"We can never allow China to continue to have such a stranglehold on so many critical supplies to keep our people safe, healthy, and prosperous." - Senator Tom Cotton
"Serious talk right now about real supply chain shortages."
"AMD noted explicitly that it wants to focus on sending all of its supply to a couple of SKUs that way it can support those few SKUs as best it can rather than further diluting it into more SKUs."
"All symptoms of broken international supply chains."
"It's all about building relationships with suppliers."
"Inflation won't go away until we fix supply chain shortages."
"Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson said he is anticipating higher inflation for the rest of the year. Likewise, supply chain issues are also expected to be an issue."
"It's not just the shelves anymore, it's the raw materials."
"Juice Park shortages in big retail chains such as Walmart and Costco."
"Water bottle shortages are being reported with some stores placing purchase limits."
"Carbon dioxide shortage is also impacting the production of frozen pizza."
"The longer your supply chain for food, the less healthy you are likely to be."
"It's not so much about the monetary policies but the supply constraints."
"The ultimate goal in the long run is to bring more supply online."
"Efficiency, even though we're being sold this as the way to become efficient is to go through a very narrow distribution chain."
"A global pandemic has shown us in no uncertain terms how important supply chain is..."
"All of the supply chain stuff can result in really choppy performance results for businesses."
"Amid supply chain crunch analysts warn there will definitely be weeping children during Christmas."
"The cost actually isn't in sourcing the hardware."
"Blockchain is going to be so revolutionary with Supply Chain management."
"Hopefully we'll start to see these supply shortages being fixed."
"We would appreciate shorter cycle times, we would appreciate more agile supply chains."
"We don't want to do anything that would accelerate shortages in critical supply chain and workforce pathways."
"The covid crisis woke us all up to the fact that our economy and the globalized economy was so heavily focused on a single supply chain."
"Resilient supply chains mean addressing China's role."
"So the lithium from Cornwall may one day end up in the batteries inside electric cars."
"I think there's going to be a lot of ugliness, anarchy, what have you, supply chain disruptions in America."
"This is really the anatomy of the supply chain how to win a war."
"Decentralize our manufacturing so that people around the world have the medicines that they need, the masks, and other protective equipment."
"Before the CCP virus pandemic, the global supply chain discussion was purely about economics. Four months into the pandemic, the same discussion now points to only one thing: national security."
"Without the power grid, we lose the supply chain. Without the supply chain, there's no food and water."
"President Biden announced a plan to try to untangle at least one of these knots in the supply chain... It's both needed and a huge challenge."
"The interconnected nature of the global supply chain and just in time manufacturing mean that a lot of important products used in manufacturing around the world may be in short supply for a while."
"President Trump took action to shore up our domestic supply chains."
"CEOs and investors are going to develop supply chains that are going to produce the most cost-effective goods that will give them the highest profit margins."
"The most important thing is that people understand more about their supply chain behind the spices that they use."
"Tesla has solved something in their battery supply chain."
"You've got a crisis, you've got this supply chain issue, jump all over it."
"Ethically sourced drugs would mean that everyone along the supply chains is given support, a job, and safety, which means legalization."
"The best solution to the everything shortage is to have a policy to make more of just about everything."
"Supply chains are the biggest concern that people have."
"There's so much frailness to the system, to the supply chain, to everything."
"A trusted corridor between EU and India will enhance economic opportunities for both and serve our shared interest in a resilient and assured supply chain."
"The most telling aspect of our success is that when a lot of our competitors recover from their supply chain challenges, we're still holding our share."
"Holiday goods availability could go either way depending on whether congestion eases over the next 30 days."
"Long supply chains are not a mystery... they're a direct result of the private decisions of American corporations to make more profits."
"Stop pushing things back, stop blaming the supply chain, start taking responsibility for what you should be doing."
"Let's learn from it to understand better how we are connected to the supply chain."
"American companies are moving away from China, realizing it's not a reliable partner."
"If things do not change, another 15,000 suppliers could disappear within the next 10 years."
"We have to control supply, quality, cost. So that's why we are spending what we're spending to build our own pack facility."
"In the Cold War, there was the fear of being nuked back to the Stone Age. In our day, it's just our supply chain collapsed, and now we're back in the Stone Age."
"The recent supply chain crises have left many Americans in need."
"The two big advantages are obvious, it cuts down on supply costs and problems when you can grow your food near at hand, and the very nature of extraterrestrial habitats means you have a very artificial and controlled environment."
"It meets the Department of Defense logistical supply chain requirements with the three-year shelf life."
"Blockchain technology is the best choice for textile providers to improve supply chain traceability."
"There are many contributing factors as we sit here in August: high demand for gaming GPUs, cryptocurrency mining, supply shortages, limited wafer allocations at fabs, logistics issues due to the global pandemic, tariffs, and several other reasons."
"It's very easy for governments to ignore peaceful protests, disrupting the supply chain, people will notice."
"The recent stresses on global supply lines may be enough to lead to the end of globalization."
"We're in a perfect storm right now with shortage of pretty much any kind of components."
"We're seeing a very fragile ecosystem in logistic terms through outsourcing and globalization."
"People don't realize how far ahead Tesla is when it comes to securing the supply chain for raw materials and an integrated approach to battery materials."
"Buying a new car is a nightmare thanks to supply issues."
"Challenges in supply chains make it difficult to fight inflation with the usual tools, which is adjusting interest rates."
"New era, new superpowers. Let's start shipping off as much as we can as fast as we can."
"We talk about supply chains and what he expects to happen."
"We saw the dangers of centralizing production in one part of the world and when that production goes south then we have a shortage in this country."
"If we do not get these ports back open, there's a chance that millions of people could possibly die."
"It's likely not going to be delayed... likely will still hit in 2020 but the biggest possibility we'll probably see is that there will be a significant shortage."
"The biggest risk short-term: supply chain part shortages."
"Taco Bell currently dealing with shortages of ingredients, hot sauce even napkins."
"So yeah, I could see Umit working very closely with Giberson because Giberson has the warehouses where Umit's ships pick up the goods."
"China is incredibly important when we think about the supply chain for green technology in general."
"But there is a way to have fun. If the problem is with a confusing supply chain and middlemen with bad intentions, what if we just cut them out?"
"We have done it, we have created a little supply chain loop."
"Apple's top suppliers are located in over 600 locations worldwide."
"Major supply chain issues: $5.2 billion worth of cargo stuck."
"Remember the frenzy over fast food chicken sandwiches a while back? That craze pushed demand to new heights, stretching supplies thin."
"We focused on getting Americans into the workforce by fixing a broken supply chain and lowering the cost of products."
"The important part was there seems to be this focus among employers to move from supply chains that focus more on efficiency and optimization and now the key word is being resilient."
"The longer supply issues go unaddressed, the greater the supply crisis."
"I'd rather just pay more and be secure and have our supply chains relocated back to America."
"The vessel backlog is being experienced by ports across the country."
"Mule: I do recommend Mule one, two, and three... and I'm very rarely struggling to get things to vendors."
"If you want to see a real pandemic, let those trucks stop."
"We're not going to give up until we find a good supplier."
"We're going to carve our own world with our own community and the supply chain breaking down is all part of this."
"The chip shortage will get a lot worse than it already is."
"Our just-in-time delivery system is so sensitive to any minor change in consumption trends."
"Cyber security is not about protecting a computer or protecting a file, it's actually more about making sure Supply chains work and that society as a whole is up and running."
"The spread of COVID-19 marked the beginning of a global supply chain crisis."
"Tesla has enough battery cell supply to make one and a half million cars this year."
"Apple is under a lot of pressure to diversify its supply chain outside of China."
"It's been kind of supply chain hell for several years." - Elon Musk
"Globalization has turned our demands to be met from suppliers all over the world into the norm."
"If you or your community sources anything from anywhere overseas 2023 will have you struggling to find what you need."
"Projected supply chain breakdowns... it spells the end of a large swath of humanity."
"Having fewer middlemen and shorter chains can oftentimes enhance resilience and flexibility."
"If sustained, these disruptions of key international maritime waterways could cause greater upheaval in global supply chains."
"Supply chains are being reconfigured not for optimal costs, but for resilience."
"Supply chain is a game of perfection. Perfection is a passing grade."
"Supply chain security has become a significant concern for organizations today."
"With new obstacles and endless supply chain disruptions, can your dream home still become a reality?"
"Costco's relationship with their suppliers is worlds apart from Walmart's relationship with their suppliers."
"As the world tries to shift away from China and build a reliable second supplier source, India is becoming a very preferred partner for many foreign companies."
"we're doing what we can like I said as soon as we sold out the night one replace the order just takes a while to kind of get everything in and and accounted for."
"Annual demand for Uranium is approximately 170 million PB and Supply is only 130 million PB resulting in a deficit."
"...feels more like we're going for the kind of Supply Vibe we've got some moving parts that we can easily grasp and there's a lot of tension there..."
"We're opening up the entire supply chain and trade finance world by putting it on chain and opening up so many more options and services."
"Well, iPhones, you don't know where they're getting their [ __ ]. You know, like, I mean, you can get, like, any, you can get most things without having to exploit somebody. Theoretically, you can't get CP without exploiting a child. Like, it's just impossible, you know?"
"Scan to check the entire journey of this, from orchard to you."
"Interesting how England being an island was like negative in terms of their supply chain."
"When a company is ethical, this means paying your workers fairly and treating them well throughout the supply chain."
"Many of our military capabilities are powered by advanced semiconductors, and recent years have shown how fragile these supply chains can be."
"Trust between us and the 60,000 employees, or more than 200 million suppliers, among which many smallholder farmers."
"That kind of changed the ballgame slightly because I thought it was a really good supply source."
"Volvo was the first car maker to implement the global traceability of the cobalt used in its batteries."
"By the time it gets here it may well have passed through 30, 40 different hands with a small profit accrued at every stage of the journey."
"When you go to Origin USA you are supporting not just Origin USA, you are supporting the entire supply chain that runs down to the fields in Texas, the fields in South Carolina, the factories in South Carolina, the mills in South Carolina, you're feeding the entire system."
"You're not buying things anymore, so the digital scales infinitely, and it doesn't cost the same to reproduce. You don't need supply chains and everything else."
"A push system is one where production is based on forecasted demand, a pull system means production does not happen unless demanded by the customer."
"The demand for new materials to fill that supply has weakened."
"This huge Achilles heel that they had, which is China controls the supply chain."
"Ammo resupply is a vital part of our chain. If they cannot move this kit and equipment to the people that need it, people are going to die."
"How long does it take to make? Right if you want to sell a pair of jeans you had to order that denim four or five months ago."
"If you do buy plants from Tropa, at one point that plant started at this facility in Denmark."
"These are just 10 of the most important strategies that we see as being important for managing supply chains in the 2020s and doing so effectively."
"Given the unpredictable demand and the unpredictable impacts that suppliers are having on overall supply chains, it's more important than ever that we have visibility into the overall supply chain."
"How can we get the lowest cost provider? How can we get as much through the supply chain as quickly as possible?"
"Labor shortages throughout the world are one of the key challenges that supply chains are facing."
"Supply is likely to be constrained for a very long time."
"...currently there's a 500 and some odd day supply of these things currently in the network."
"Sony will make more PS4s to solve PS5 shortage."
"The important thing is that you've got a win-win scenario between you and your strategic suppliers, so that it is, it really is a win-win scenario. That's the only way SRM works."
"The Red Bull Express essentially kept a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week highway going from the invasion front to the front lines."
"Their job was to turn grass into cows, cows into beef, and then drive the beef to market."
"But it has been clouded by the bifurcation of supply chains and the export curbs from the United States and essentially the geopolitical struggles."
"To think that a device that's EOL or end of life, you know, does not get any updates, running Windows Embedded, and basically taking the brunt of the entire food supply chain, is quite concerning to me. Well, I hope to you as well."
"Start with Walmart is a really solid simple supplier to use."
"From the source to the ultimate consumer, the journey is a long and complicated one."
"We're improving both ends of the supply chain, starting with empowering the small-scale farmers that we buy from and investing in sustainable agriculture."
"If truck drivers were replaced for all 30 million large trucks worldwide... this would change the global supply chain."
"To start buying, you need a person who is going to help you to buy your goods from the suppliers or vendors."
"Blockchain provides permanent transparency and validation of transactions shared by multiple supply chain partners."
"Walmart uses blockchain to keep track of each and every step in the supply chain."
"The demand for V8 females is so high that their heifers are sold off a waiting list straight off the cow."
"Modern logistics is all about costs and resources and the right place at the right time."
"Anything that you could think of that you would need in a supply chain and Logistics Enterprise we provide those services in one way shape or form."
"Regarding the predictable supply chain, to look at three factors as well."