
North Korea Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"After years of threatening to burn the United States in a Sea of Fire, North Korea is on the verge of having an intercontinental ballistic missile."
"In 1996, North Korea was in the midst of one of the worst famines experienced by any industrialized nation in modern history."
"In North Korea, we don't say 'I like it'; we don't allow to say 'I'; we said like 'we like water'."
"Movies are the easiest way; the population will enjoy it, they'll be so thankful for quality entertainment, and the entire movie would just be an ad for Kim Il Sung, the Kim dynasty, and devotion to North Korea."
"For years, they went back and forth from Eastern Europe to North Korea, and they just kept making movies; they didn't even make movies for Kim; they did it for the North Korean people."
"The largest prison camp in North Korea is larger than the city of Los Angeles."
"The documentary... shows North Koreans aren't a monolith. That they are not the evil other; they're just people."
"Using elaborate deceptions and coercive tools of control, the North Korean leaders were able to indoctrinate and brainwash the vast majority of its citizens."
"We first learn to say mum and dad, and then say thank you to all of the leaders."
"North Koreans are constantly inundated with anti-imperialist propaganda especially against America."
"Kim Jong Un’s morning activities typically include a series of orchestrated visits to munitions factories, naval shipyards, and other industrial centers that bolster North Korea’s military strength."
"His luxury lifestyle contrasts with the lives of ordinary North Korean people, who struggle to feed their families while the Supreme Leader spends his evenings partying and feasting on more expensive food."
"This follows a woman who was able to escape from North Korea... I just read it absolutely in awe of this author and everything that she went through."
"North Korea is trying to cover that in fact what he has proposed, what he has agreed to is a blatant violation of many multiple UN Security Council resolutions."
"We continue to urge China to take a broader, longer view here of the challenges that are presented by North Korea's burgeoning program."
"We donate to a charity every month that helps North Koreans who have escaped North Korea to kind of reintegrate into daily life wherever else they are."
"Donald Trump crossed into North Korean territory with no security... profound plus like anti-war moments of my life."
"Kim Jong-un believes that the United States is in global Retreat and that essentially he can pretty much do what he wants."
"If I weren't president you would be in a major war right now with North Korea."
"The transition that lasted from December 2011 to April 2012 ended with a 29-year-old Kim Jong-un assuming full control."
"What path do you think North Korea will take in the post-COVID era?"
"North Korea is dangerous, very very dangerous."
"North Korea has shaped itself to be one of, if not the most mysterious Nation on the planet."
"Only time will tell if what we are witnessing are the last days of North Korea or if indeed a bounce back is on its way."
"Kim Jong-un clearly considers the reform and revitalization of the country's agricultural sector a core aspect of his policy."
"Anything that improves the political climate on the Korean Peninsula and engages North Korea on its nuclear program is a good thing."
"Every year dozens of derelict boats from North Korea ominously wash up on the shores of Japan and South Korea."
"North Korea, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is frequently discussed in the news, and rarely for something positive."
"It’s a government so ruthless that even the relatives of its rulers aren’t safe."
"North Korea has rapidly escalated its provocations and such unilateral actions are a threat to the peace and stability of Japan the region as well as the International Community and are absolutely unacceptable."
"Power outages, propaganda, and poverty: the harsh realities of life in North Korea."
"Kim Jong-un ordered the confiscation of all pet dogs in Pyongyang in 2020, blaming Western decadence."
"State Room 39 is vital to the Kim family's sustained authority."
"Every year, North Korea ghost ships wash up on Japan's shores with dead or missing crews."
"They don't want a confrontation with North Korea as he reviews the policy."
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is scolding top party officials for failing to contain the CCP virus outbreak."
"North Korea announced it possessed nuclear weapons, a hallmark of this transit."
"Citizens in North Korea are expected to never speak out against what is going on in the country."
"On the 19th of October they captured Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea."
"Kim ordered the establishment of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme."
"Seeing Donald Trump cross the DMZ into North Korea with no security with Kim Jong-un wasn't kissing up to a dictator, it was a powerful sign of trust and peace."
"I came to be convinced that with the 13,000 North Koreans who escaped to South Korea and with the participation of different people, we can overthrow the Kim Jong Il government in North Korea and bring democracy to North Korea."
"It worked: Trump's tough stance on North Korea stopped the threats."
"Trump's diplomatic engagement with North Korea brought stability."
"If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, it would mark the end of the regime."
"North Korea... will only add to what Russia, China, and Iran have."
"In moments of vulnerability and need, North Korea has historically been more open to international public health or humanitarian engagement."
"Kim Jong-Un shocked the public by admitting that he had his uncle killed because he was attempting to overthrow him."
"President Trump ordering new ones. North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development is a grave threat to peace and security in our world."
"Ukraine is now a 'test site' for North Korean nuclear-capable missiles."
"Disruption is the name of the game for North Korea."
"North Korea has committed horrific human rights abuses."
"North Korea is continuing its nuclear program in defiance of increased UN sanctions."
"North Korea's military forces are potent, but leaked images seem to confirm a different reality."
"We will not allow North Korea to hide behind the Olympic banner. The reality that they enslave their people and threaten the wider region."
"The vice president clearly seems to want to keep the heat on North Korea."
"Starting from 2012 Kim jong-nam supposedly wrote a letter to his brother asking to spare his life."
"This is enormous triumph for Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader, he's built a nuclear force that has been his leverage talks."
"North Korean people don't even know they have rights as human beings."
"I think Kim Jong is amazing leader for North Korean people and he you know Kim Jong loves Trump and praises him like that."
"We actively support now in the case of North Korea we don't support them the talking to them is with the goal in mind of getting away from the brink of nuclear war."
"North Korea's continued to test shorter range missiles."
"It may provoke a bit of a tactical shift in how North Korea is behaving."
"I think it's okay for President Moon to signal in advance the need for the international community to recognize actual steps by North Korea to abide by the UN Security Council resolutions, but we're not there yet."
"Kim jong-un's leadership style, personal preferences, and the Dynamics of the governing Elite are all important factors."
"North Korea is probably one of the most bewildering countries on Earth."
"Let's talk about Kim Jong-un assassinating his own brother."
"In North Korea's largest camp, there are 50,000 prisoners."
"This story is gonna be about how people allegedly believe North Korea tried to steal a billion dollars."
"The brainwash is beyond belief in North Korea."
"North Korea with nukes is incredibly dangerous."
"Escaping from North Korea is never easy for anyone."
"He was right to meet with the North Korean leadership."
"Thank you all of you for caring our North Korean people and please continue to raise awareness for North Korean human rights to your friends."
"North Korea is so isolated, it’s impossible to know what’s really going on inside the country."
"The best scenario for North Koreans is them becoming independent. We remove the dictator and decide our destiny."
"Since 1948, three generations of the Kim bloodline have ruled the country with absolute authority."
"They claimed engineering issues had set the project back but that it would open in 1992 to celebrate the supreme leader, Kim Il-Sung's 80th birthday instead."
"North Korea claims first-ever military spy satellite ready for launch."
"North Korea got off lightly, I'm not going to lie, because they killed two Americans and America didn't unleash on them, you know what I mean? 'Cause we've seen stories like when you mess with America, bro, it's... good night."
"Room 39, North Korea: The mysterious room where illegal trading flows."
"Advocating and being involved in action for North Korean refugees is at the heart of so much of what I'm doing these days."
"North Korea is almost like a gift that is there to remind all of us what happens when individuals lose their liberty."
"This was North Korea at its best, glistening in the summer sun; the pinnacle of Communism."
"It was fine when Mao was basically a moustache-less Stalin tribute act, but after Stalin died and the USSR started steering in a new direction, it became an issue."
"At first, Kim the younger tried to make lemonades from the dessicated lemon husks life had handed him."
"By summer, 1994, there were food shortages across the nation."
"Pilgrim in North Korea. I don't want life in hard labor camp for stealing a poster like that American guy."
"So what we have to say is that North Korea has had continuous leadership from the same family and that that leadership has not deviated from the same basic principles."
"It would be a huge mistake for North Korea to do this."
"While exact figures are difficult to ascertain due to the secretive nature of the regime, it is estimated that millions of North Koreans have suffered from hunger and malnutrition."
"Kim yo Jong has proven that she truly is a child of the Kim Dynasty and North Korea's red princess."
"The famously liberal and forward-thinking country of North Korea has its own intranet."
"North Korea has already blown up all of their nuclear weapons underwater in the ocean."
"While most children her age are playing with toys and attending Elementary School, Kim Ji is already involved in the inner workings of North Korea's nuclear program and military parades."
"Kim Jong-un, the enigmatic leader of North Korea, has once again captured the world's attention with his latest move, bringing his daughter Kim Ji to a public event in Pyongyang."
"You can say almost anything about North Korea, no matter how absurd and lacking in evidence, and it'll be taken as fact."
"The regime is berating these people with propaganda materials, but the flash drives they are sending into North Korea contains truth about humanity, about the world, about freedom, and about the potential of North Korean people."
"You have the power to make a change over in North Korea, and this is getting some serious momentum, so join me so we can help Alex help the people of North Korea."
"Growing up in North Korea, I had no idea the world existed like this existed. I had zero clue."
"North Korea began in the idea of equality of outcomes. How everybody we all should be equal."
"The only way we can change North Korea is through China."
"The conditions in North Korea are not as the CIA-backed institutions represented."
"The Otto warmbier story is a perfect distillation of what I mean when I'm talking about North Korea."
"In North Korea, you only have uninterrupted electricity during a very brief window of time every day."
"As a North Korean, the first thing you learn is really looking for food."
"Two billion dollars stolen by North Korea."
"The testimonies of many other people who have been kidnapped by North Korea over the years have since been coming out little by little."
"North Korea's stunning defeat of Italy at the 1966 World Cup finals was Asia's first notable success."
"Die Another Day by using North Korea as this bad guy was a return to that, a return to the old form which is what this movie was supposed to be."
"Given the amount of secrecy surrounding North Korea, it's not surprising that there are several conspiracy theories."
"Kim Jong-un has been the supreme leader of North Korea since his father passed away in 2011."
"Do you know why over the last 80 years, only just over 209 North Korean defectors have made it to America?"
"Kim Jong-un's sister warned the US that unless it stops conducting military exercises with its allies in the region, North Korea will turn the Pacific Ocean into a firing range."
"North Korea is an absolutely gorgeous country too. It's really, really sad that this has happened to the people there because the scenery is just stunning."
"North Korea has the world's largest stadium and they fill it with hundreds of thousands of people who do very elaborately choreographed dances and presentations. It's really, really something."
"But while there were never McDonald’s in Pyongyang, the regime tolerated a surprising amount of Capitalism, a rising middle class, and even a few tourists — about 350,000 in 2019."
"Having been so recently and so vividly reminded of what can happen after surrendering nuclear weapons, Kim Jong-Un doubles, triples, quadruples down."
"North Korea faces a fundamental reform dilemma which is it knows it needs to open up to survive but it knows that the minute it starts opening up everybody's going to see that this cult personality thing is a sham."
"The sustainab ility of the regime in North Korea is as strong as the leader's ability to prove to the elites that he can sustain their Lifestyles with a surplus of food luxury goods social Privileges and other indulgences unknown to the average North Korean."
"Not exactly being very subtle about what he thinks North Korea wants to get out of this node business, is he?"
"When he wasn’t happy with North Korea’s movies, he decided he needed his favorite movie star and film director to help revamp the country’s film industry."
"It was extremely well-run. And what made it particularly interesting to me as a negotiator with the North Koreans later on, was that it came right under Kim Jong-il, then the leader of North Korea."
"What we’re talking about is forged $100 bills. It seems North Korea had graduated from making fake pharmaceuticals, to something much more profitable: fake banknotes."
"North Korea's devout isolation means that Western cars have never been imported into the country."
"Let's not get it twisted. North Korea is a bad place."
"Please join me in this movement to free North Koreans."
"Anyway, I mean, that was one of the most shocking, fascinating, and interesting conversations I've ever had with a North Korean defector."
"The largest crowd ever assembled to watch a wrestling event was in Pyongyang, North Korea, back in 1995," an estimated 300,000 plus people attended the two-day event.
"North Korea is called the Hermit Kingdom for a reason."
"The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun's history is as intriguing as its architecture."
"The kind of luxury that Kim Jong Un swims in is mindboggling."
"I strongly believe that if we educate North Korean population, then we can change North Korea."
"I hope we shine a light on humanity that hope North Korean people someday can be free like us."
"That’s right - both the US and British authorities conclude that the Lazarus group, the hacking ring they say North Korea sponsors - was also behind the WannaCry attack."
"Desperate to escape, a select few take their lives into their own hands, risking it all to escape Kim Jong-un's grasp."
"We should take a diplomatic approach to North Korea."
"The world was united to abolish the South African apartheid, now it is time for the world to stop the widespread and systematic human rights violations in North Korea."
"We should touch the Achilles heel of Kim regime."
"America is ready to help Kim Jong-un to build its economy and to make North Korea prosperous country."
"The mind of North Korea are changing towards South Korea."
"North Korea's problem is that it's a 15th century Italian city-state ruled by the Borgias."
"The North Korean army is a very large army. It is one of the largest in the world."
"Do you really know what goes on in North Korea? It's one of the world's most secretive and isolated nations, shrouded in mystery."
"Here are 20 dark secrets North Korea doesn't want you to know."
"The North Korean attack is naked aggression and must be stopped."
"I'm a North Korean defector activist."
"I'm so excited to have you on board on this journey to free North Koreans."
"North Korea's equipment isn't particularly terrifying, but a second Korean War wouldn't be a cakewalk."
"North Korea is dedicated to racial purity; it's the most racist and homogeneous country on earth."
"They left a stump to show those North Koreans who's boss."
"Room 39's mandate is to generate revenue for the luxurious lifestyles of the North Korean elite and finance the country's weapons development programs."
"It must be hard as you can not be able to escape North Korea."
"It's no secret that North Korea isn't exactly a fantastic place to live, but it's amazing."
"I have told the story of my escape from North Korea many times in many forums."
"So many people in North Korea are dying without even knowing this world exists, not even they can dream of this, they don't even hear about this."
"There must not be an attack on North Korea."
"Tourism to North Korea offers a unique and often surreal experience."
"The key to understanding who is really in charge, whether a revolution will ever occur, and what daily life is like, is to see how North Korea, both the state and the people within it, make money."
"Ironically, because of this, women's rights are surprisingly strong in North Korea."
"The footprint of North Koreans is increasing in much less obvious places."
"...North Korea is full of secrets, some are better kept than others..."
"The official name of North Korea is Democratic People's Republic of Korea."
"The oppressive grip of North Korea had been broken, and he embraced his newfound freedom."
"He managed to make a daring escape from the notorious Hermit Kingdom and settle down in South Korea."
"China conducts 88% of North Korea's trade with the international community."
"We established a roadblock there... the North Koreans came in by the truckload every day and surrendered."
"The perilous journey of North Korean escapees."
"Driven by a desperate yearning for a chance to escape the oppression that permeates every aspect of life in North Korea."
"A brave woman named Mi-hyang managed to escape North Korea and reach South Korea."
"Surviving the supreme leader, Mi-hyang's story was unlike anything that had been ever heard before."
"In North Korea, power is more centralized and controlled by the ruling Kim family."
"North Korea has maintained a nuclear weapons development program, a source of tension and conflict."
"I prefer North Korea, open it up like Nixon did China."
"The impression I got was so great; it changed my viewpoint towards society and the happenings in North Korea."
"North Korea has managed to exist as the only communist regime to practice hereditary leadership succession not one, but twice over three generations."
"It’s simply too much for some North Koreans to bear."
"That counts as eating very well in North Korea."
"There must be many more North Koreans who have tried but not made it."
"It's almost like when people find these tribes in the Amazon jungle... that's how rare the footage is of what everyday life is like in North Korea."
"Room 39 is interesting... no crime is too small."
"I defected North Korea for freedom."
"If North Korean people can have the ability to compare North Korea with the rest of the world, when they have the sense of comparability, then I think we can make a change inside North Korea."
"The name of the book is 'In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom'."
"In the year 2000, essentially 0% of North Koreans inside North Korea had seen a Bible with their own eyes. But now today, as of the 2020 data, now more than 8% of North Koreans have seen a Bible with their own eyes."
"This designation will impose increased sanctions and penalties on North Korea that will continue our progress toward that goal."
"We're focused on a mission that's going to change North Korea's trajectory, change their path."
"North Korea is an absolutely fascinating place, detached from the rest of the world but yet its own bizarre society."
"This is North, North, North Korea, and its administrative divisions, it's real nice to teach you."
"Of course it sounds crazy, but what the North Korean people go through is crazy."
"The Interview... every scene makes me laugh."
"There is tremendous potential in North Korea, and I think he's going to lead it to a very important thing, economically."
"Putting extreme pressure on North Korea is very important."