
Criteria Quotes

There are 594 quotes

"You might choose the one with the lowest price, the best availability, the best footprint, or the best features."
"I will be rating the products based on three things: branding, quality, and longevity."
"I kind of wanted to rate these on a scale, obviously we're going to be rating them on how good they are."
"The government has set out five tests that must be met before we begin to adjust social distancing measures."
"It's got to be one thing, it's got to be who would be a good president. I mean, you always have to think that because, yeah, that is the number one thing."
"If you don't play great without a great pianist, are you really playing great?"
"Doesn't matter if it's legal or legit or makes sense, the question is does it do what it says it can do."
"What makes a good starter Pokémon? Everything that Greninja has."
"I think the number one criteria for our fighter judge who's doing the most damage but if there's not a lot of damage then you have to go to something else clean effective striking."
"You knew you'd check the boxes, you just didn't realize how important they were."
"All I care about is monsters being monsters. That's my bar."
"Temperament, intellect, and judgment are what matters in who is president."
"This series is not about ranking my personal favorite racing games but rather aggregating them based on a number of criteria."
"Liverpool can't be the best without winning the league or Champions League."
"Would you vote for best song based on absolute quality or contextual effect?"
"The criteria was did we like it, that was it really tough criteria."
"Well, not every Beyblade character. To be on this list, you have to have battled at least five times in the anime. So if your favorite character isn't here, that's why."
"It's very hard for a law to pass strict scrutiny."
"The biggest thing... that I'm looking for as a judge is creativity."
"Criteria for valid meaning: consistency, comprehensiveness, and insight."
"Props to them for that and that's something I look for when doing these kinds of things."
"You just have to have probable cause, but that would be the difference between a person of interest."
"Nowhere in here did I mention that the premium price was a criteria for me."
"I identified 20 criteria that were really important for me to evaluate in a current employer."
"One of the criterias I have for discovering a 10x company is they need to have world-class execution."
"The powers that be on this show... were very adamant on who they brought into this job." - Nicholas
"When you're picking a candidate, the three most important things are proposed policies, record, and strategy."
"Who's going to be the one deciding whether there are sufficient education, documentation, scientific or artistic context?"
"It must be a show that is nominated for the award, must tell a complete non-recurring story."
"Donkey Kong meets these two criteria perfectly."
"So just to clarify this list it only includes cars that have actually been made and sold by manufacturers multiple times."
"It's all about ticks on the board and it's got plenty of them."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"Three criteria for a good radar detector: easy to use, good performance, filters out false alerts."
"When I want to manifest a general person then whatever the criteria I specify the world prop there will probably be ten thousand a hundred thousand people that can meet that criteria."
"If we were basing our list on ratings, 30 Rock would definitely not be on here."
"There's an argument to be made that Griezmann is the player of the tournament." - Recognizing a player's outstanding contribution to their team.
"It’s almost the definition of an impeachable offense."
"I know what my criteria are, everything that meets my criteria, that's good enough, move on."
"Who has the best combination, who has the fullest package of those criteria."
"Try to think of something that's interesting, unique, and something that's big enough that you do have to solve some technical problems."
"Only real criteria is one song per band per entry because that way it adds variety."
"When I first get into a trade, there's a few things I want to see."
"This guitar checks off all the boxes of what kind of guitar I would feature on this channel."
"Good performance requires some verifiable criterion, some feedback about the accuracy of the judgments made."
"Probabilities is the right way to do it because there's so many criteria you cannot predict."
"The way you measure the best in wrestling is not by who's the best wrestler... it's who scores the highest in most of the categories."
"Sometimes you'll meet someone who appears to have everything you're looking for in a partner, and they check all the important boxes."
"For a fast food spot to be considered in this competition, we have two rules."
"Your job is to take these 10 considerations that we've listed and to really make a list in each one what is it that you're looking for."
"I narrowed my list based on renowned faculty, robust programs that align with my interests, and a campus culture I felt would be conducive to personal and academic growth."
"This checks all the boxes, it really does."
"One thing that I'm always looking for when I'm thrifting."
"It's got to be justified, proportionate, and reasonable."
"...if food theory is not here to judge these sandwiches on taste, what are we gonna judge him on today?"
"This is the easiest vid ever to get a five out of five, all you got to do is just have a clean search history."
"A triple threat car has to make big power, have an aggressive look, and handle excellently."
"You need to only focus on men who fit the idea of the type of masculine provider male that you desire."
"We're looking for something that is audacious and achievable."
"We want it cheap, we want it light, we want it fast, and we want it safe."
"Now all we need to do is define how an enemy looks."
"Read your code descriptions, circuit descriptions, and code set criteria."
"I'm not going to cast my vote for a party or person that just checks all the wrong boxes."
"Power alone does not grant you a star. What this honor requires is far more than a selfish pursuit."
"If you're talking about criteria for bodybuilding, Nick is a 10 out of 10 in muscularity, a 10 out of 10 in conditioning, and maybe a nine out of ten in shape."
"A product is releasable when the team has developed a minimum viable product."
"It needs to make me happy, it needs to make me feel like me, and it needs to wow me. That's it. That's my criteria."
"Anything above 0.8 is generally going to be a very good result. If you can go above 0.9, you're going to have a really clean pack."
"The general criteria for a book to meet to be in the New Testament was that it had to be written by eyewitnesses of the Resurrection, historically used by the church, and consistent with the theology preserved by the church."
"A good rule of thumb is that if it moves slower than 20 knots, has an air group of less than about 35 aircraft and doesn't have all that much in the way of self-protection whether it be in the form of guns or armor, it's probably an escort carrier."
"There is no right answer to what is worth buying; develop your own criteria based on your preferences and circumstances."
"I do almost always bet on any running back that is 215 pounds or greater and runs 4-4 or under."
"I'm just looking for anything over 13 volts."
"What makes an idea a great idea... is establishing like a Criterion of what that idea is."
"It's practical. It kind of ticks all the boxes for somebody looking for a good affordable car."
"...there's a difference between who a man will sleep with and who a man will marry. The criteria to be slept with is way less than the criteria to be married."
"You may be Brad Pit, rocket scientist, or fast car, but that don't impress me much."
"Proper user stories have the customer in focus, with a proper definition of done and acceptance criteria."
"Books have to earn their way in three different ways now: ratings, which used to be the only thing, international sales, and also that thing of being repeatable."
"A worthy candidate is defined as anyone who can cast a shadow, count to 10, and throw their hat into the provided ring."
"You also got to find somebody who's 6'6" and is good-looking."
"So what do you look for in a young man? Not them old [__] a young man."
"She never did anything wrong, so overall what does this mean in terms of ranking? Comfort's kind of fine, practicality, shut up about practicality, it's off the charts."
"Knowing the path ahead and knowing that it is a workable path, that's my main criteria."
"The answer to every value prop is not that you're going to find for use obviously some value props will have only one of these things but the more that it's unworkable unavoidable urgent and underserved the more likely it is to rise the top and get attention."
"We're not only going to look at functionality, we're also going to look at costs, performance, and, lastly, maybe one of the most important things is to make a decision in a subjective way."
"Don't choose based on your old standards; choose according to the new you."
"It's a business we're looking for smart we're looking for tough we're looking for dependable."
"The Glass Bridge is a hard game to quantify, due to the assumed randomness of the game. But we’ve figured out two criteria to judge the contestants on, that being the very niche likelihood to tell the types of glass apart. Or, the second aspect, that being the player’s ego."
"That shouldn't be easy. You should have a rigorous checklist that you go through. That's right, if that's the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with."
"That's what you take out to men and men judge on that."
"One of my non-negotiables is that the person be highly adept in introspection."
"Is it fast? Is it fun? Yes, that's enough."
"All of the rankings that I will be making will be based on a combination of the abilities possessed by the sternritter, their feats that they have displayed within the series and many other means by which their power levels can be determined."
"As with all of my ranking videos, I want to first lay down the ground rules explaining my criteria for making all of the placements on this list."
"This is the criteria that I've been living off of for a long time."
"Fundamentally we're looking for low float small cap stocks with fresh news catalysts."
"You want your home on that property to meet a few different criteria and the first one that comes to mind is storage."
"one that don't have a cord, one that weighs around five pounds"
"I mean, every time we had to evaluate it, does it take all the boxes? Is it cheaper? Is it better? Is it local? Does it produce jobs?"
"That should be the only requirement in finding somebody."
"Acceptance test driven development quickly determines if acceptance criteria has been met."
"Acceptance test driven development involves defining acceptance criteria and test cases during the creation of user stories."
"Say when I scrolled through my list and I had to go through a different mindset on this because usually whenever I've done this in the past it's always like okay well I want it to be at least something that I saw in the theater or at least that I know 2020."
"A good story and an interesting character is all I'm looking for."
"I told her I was looking for someone that was at or above the same income level as me, driven, who is ambitious, who is ready for a long-term relationship and ready to get married."
"Diagnostic criteria for mast cell activation syndrome include typical systemic symptoms, elevated serum tryptase levels, and symptom reduction with medication."
"A card's grading criteria can be broken down into four categories: corners, edges, surface, and centering, with an overall score given on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Jim Mint pristine condition."
"What are some green flags, what are some red flags?"
"Internal consistency is the primary prism at which I try to judge everything."
"Civilization that self-terminates is probably doesn't meet the criteria of what an optimal civilization is."
"Investing in user stories ensures meaningful creations, adhering to criteria like independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, sized appropriately, and testable."
"This is sort of the short version for how you diagnose substance use disorders using the DSM-5."
"The ins are looking for four things: intellectual ability, motivation, advocacy potential, and personal qualities."
"Quantity will become the only criteria."
"But not just any man will do, that's right, we out here looking for some Big Boys."
"At the heart of it, there's two things which we look really, really hard for. I mean, there's the kind of surface level stuff you look for. So if you look for a huge market, you look for, you know, differentiating technology. And you look for you know, incredible people."
"That's a keeper, that's a short. Oh, he's a keeper. Just goes by any part of their fin, yeah. Just check the oven, he's a keeper."
"These vermilion snappers are so good to eat. If he touches 12, he's a keeper."
"Major criteria are the ones that you know: joint disease, carditis, subcutaneous nodules, erythema marginatum, and Sydenham's chorea."
"You don't have to have X1 and lost record to get into the Royal Rumble. You just obviously... I think the criteria should be you're a recognized WWE star of past or present or some maybe even some pro athlete."
"...if a model's going to get a five from me on mechanism it really can't be missing features like this..."
"Does this code meet those three goals?"
"As long as these values here will say one, two, or three, I will get a yes, and otherwise I'll just get a no."
"Only the best will make it through to the quarter final. I'm just looking for skill, passion, determination, and then we get some great food."
"You guys will be judged based off of how beautiful your abstract painting is."
"For me, it comes down to simplicity, reliability, and weight. The gas engine is lighter, which means that the vehicle has more payload."
"These fighters will be judged by their firepower, maneuverability, historical significance, sheer aesthetics, and special design features."
"I would love you to review movies that were great because not only the screenplay and acting but also because of the score."
"There are three key areas to a successful project delivery: value, deliverables, and quality."
"Defining what makes someone good at English should be an important thing for us all to consider. It's not just about accuracy or complexity, but about functionality."
"So that is how we can use those three super useful formulas to return results based on one piece of criteria."
"One of the quickest ways to be sent to the bottom of an agent's list is to tell them your crystal clear criteria, the agent sends you that deal, and then you don't write an offer on it."
"You need it to have a good story and interesting characters too."
"What makes it treasure? Well, it checks all the boxes."
"As we kept walking around the house it checked off every single box that we had."
"What constitutes a member you know like what like does like what like what constitutes a member"
"That's more of the stuff I'm used to. When they're talking about ranking places to live, is the crime rate being low, the education in the area being really high, the happiness being high. That's more of the stuff that I'm used to. I like it."
"Your realtor will take the criteria that you provided to them and they will input it."
"What do you look for in a theory, it doesn’t even have to be related to SpongeBob, just wondering."
"So what's interesting to me is that it's not just the skin has to be black and therefore that's the litmus test."
"The planet that would bear intelligent civilization must have many particular characteristics that aren't easy to come by individually."
"This literally checked every single box for me."
"In deciding whether to prosecute, you must have regard to admissibility, reliability, and credibility."
"you're not looking for anything special like the fact that it's a certain coin coming from a certain mint"
"Masterclass, you. I just pick them because I like them. Yeah, yeah, you know? Well, you got nothing else to base it on, have you?"
"If it's just saying blowing air then that has to be an A."
"The Living Daylights checks off a lot of what I want to see in a Bond film."
"She's a dreamer, she's a dreamer, I dreamt, Daddy, that should be your first, if you ever have to hire anyone else, just that's the first question and only question, 'Do you dream every night? Do you dream?'"
"Why do I hate streamer T list? I hate comparing [__] bro cuz [__] is so different cuz what are this the criteria."
"It's not all big opinion-based. It's like almost majority of a routine is judged on technical aspects."
"Vince McMahon wants no more midgets. No one's starting in their 30s. They want people who can be box office attractions and main characters."
"You know something, what is the mark of a good WrestleMania?"
"...they demand guys to have certain incomes, certain height, the old sixes six feet tall, six-eight figure income, six pack, six inches more down south."
"Number one: a book had to be ancient in order to be accepted as part of the scripture."
"Following these four criteria, the proto orthodox began shaping what would become the New Testament already in the second century."
"For a throat size, you pick that for the 45."
"How do you define a hit song? A lot of people like it, that's it."
"A good hiring criteria must be relevant, stable, realistic, and very clear."
"The elements in your password must have atomic numbers that added to 100... are you kidding me?"
"I just as long as I'm having fun. If it ain't fun, we're not doing it."
"Fast, fun, and cheap... those are the three boxes you want to check off when you do stuff like this."
"Our aim is that every stock we select should be so perfect in our criteria should be should be so perfect at the point of selection that the trade goes well."
"When it comes to ranking Bankai, every aspect should be considered, not just power, but the versatility, the benefits, and the drawbacks."
"Failure should be you don't get it, sorry, you have failed."
"Hey, if he meets the criteria, he meets the criteria."
"He checked all the big boxes that we looked for."
"The overall test to identify a fixture is intent, which is determined by the method of attachment, adaption to the real estate, or agreement of the parties."
"Write down exactly what you're looking for in a relationship and do not deviate from it."
"...what I recommend you do is that you come up with a list of criteria which are essential for you so whether that's an ensuite or kitchens certain facilities..."
"This gives a criterion for an elliptic curve to have an infinite number of points."
"So not easy, but definitely I would look for someone who has some experience and good equipment, okay?"
"Autofocus is important in all photography for Action Sports and Wildlife it's the most important criteria."
"This is not the group that we're looking at."
"People usually choose women on the basis of their money, their lineage, their beauty, their religion."
"What you're really looking for when you're looking for fresh is a sweet spot."
"We're going to say 'not', so we want all of the players where the name is not equal to LeBron James."
"We're gonna be judging our competitors on three categories: taste, delivery time, and most importantly, customization."
"This movie checks so many boxes for me."
"He just needs marks and good count."
"I buy things that I love, and my criteria for art is it has to move me. If it moves me, that's what I respond to."
"You also want to look for criteria like dividend growth, stock valuation, and the payout ratio to make sure you're buying the very best."
"And he looked at him and says, you have two criteria Allah loves. Imagine this, looks at you and says this."
"A truly great image is technically sound, engaging, unique, and tells a story which creates an emotional response."
"It's a fantastic way to only sum or average based on if certain criteria are met."
"So, what are the features that we want to see in a proof system?"
"So we did that and then we went back to the realtor and there was only one thing that met our criteria and we didn't even know if it did."
"It's fit for purpose. There are certain design specifications people would look for in a classic field watch and whether it was meant to or not that ticked all the boxes for me."
"...using the qualifier to make selections based on a key of either color values luminance or saturation..."
"If you're buying the car again, looking at all those things, and you're trying to get one with all those parts on it, you're just probably going to do a lot of searching and you probably won't find what you're looking for."
"In order to qualify as Undead, a creature must first have to be alive at some point."
"Profile, if it's fast enough, there you go, fair enough."
"this is a decent set of criteria to use but listen this isn't meant to be a universal checklist"
"Celebrate achievements based on newfound criteria."
"If you use that criterion, you'll find that the candidates where it might work are D equals 3, 4, 6, and 10."
"You want to look for something that is feature-rich."
"There's so many variables, do you rank them on the quality they are now, how well they play in today's society, or do you rank them on what they did for the game in terms of technology and influencing the iron market?"
"Understanding the Apgar score is key to that because there's no reason why they should be taking away babies with an Apgar score seven, eight, nines."
"Being in a place where you have like a pretty decent weather is definitely like something on the criteria that a lot of students want to have."
"...based on what value do we select."