
Selectivity Quotes

There are 887 quotes

"It's a short life, so be picky with the strangers you talk to at this metaphorical party."
"Just take what resonates. It won't resonate for everyone."
"Especially after Covid, like 2020, that is when I realized I'm like wow, I'm gonna be more selective with who I share my time with now going forward."
"Please remember, this is a general reading for many people at once, so please just take what you feel is for you and leave anything that doesn't seem to ring true for you."
"Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't."
"Out of 50 singles, 26 match, forming 13 couples. The women were much more selective, rejecting men at five times more often."
"We are 100% sponsor-based, which means that all the revenues we derive come from sponsorships, but I try to be very selective about the sponsors that I work with, specifically trying to choose those who have values well aligned to the values expressed on this show, like freedom, education, self-sovereignty, etc."
"If you're much more selective in your setups, you're going to trade a lot less but your setups are going to be a lot more choice."
"We as viewers have the ultimate power by being selective of who we choose to watch."
"You're the only T channel I watch because you cover topics that matter not just drama."
"You only respond to somebody if you think it's something being said."
"He is purposely leaving that out of the clip to manipulate you."
"Your energy is just too valuable to be given to who and what and whatever."
"There is a huge amount of choice out there. You have the right to be picky."
"There's only two men I trust. One of them's not you."
"Share your gifts spread your knowledge share your healing powers to people but to the right people to the right circle group to the right friend group."
"Believing in some parts of the book, rejecting, denying, ignoring other parts of the book."
"I only do ones that actually matter like the Oscars and the 420 awards like [__] off."
"We only accept about 10 to 15% of people who apply."
"You need to be selective of who you allow in your life because if you're not selected when you just letting anybody in your life that will fuck you up."
"I'm very selective, want to make sure I'm giving my energy to the right group of people."
"It's about being very selective over who you choose to have in your life."
"Be very picky and choosy who you hand that cup to."
"It may be an amazing opportunity but not our amazing opportunity."
"Neanderthals were like they were incredibly picky about what they ate and the materials they used for their practical tools so they were really careful generally to choose the best rocks for whatever they task they were doing."
"Your time is non-fungible, you have to be selective in whom you invest that time."
"Being the top and the best at what you do is not for everybody."
"Not everybody and not everything deserves you to pour into it."
"We have to be more selective with the people we choose to be around."
"Be open about who you meet but be very selective about who you invest emotion in."
"You ain't hanging around waiting on nobody from the past."
"Only 33 verses out of 6,236 verses in the Quran."
"You should be picky, very picky. As you become what you practice."
"All of us are not going to be able to make that fusion, but some of us will."
"Being choosy with whom you give your energy to is truly really important."
"In his immigration policy, he wanted to import people into America that will help the country rather than drain from it."
"Think of the days of Noah. Out of all the thousands, only eight were saved."
"Be smart enough to carefully invest your time in the people that you think love to work."
"Bad energy is contagious; be picky with your inner circle."
"You're not gonna see me talk about some shit just because it's happening now."
"I'm going to be so much more selective with what I read and how much I read."
"It's harder to get hired at Tesla than it is to get into Harvard."
"Freelance work on these sites can actually become a very, very big source of your income."
"The only time we want to do any shows together are with you the Hagman's because quite candidly if you get this to Doug but I could tie up my whole life talking on internet shows."
"Being picky isn't about setting unrealistic standards or expecting perfection."
"Don't give your precious energy to just anyone or anything."
"Be careful who you tell about the good things that happen to you. Limit that to people who wish you well and really want good for you."
"Having high standards means that you are happy to have nothing until the right people and circumstances manifest."
"Remember, just take the messages that resonate, leave what doesn't."
"I've become so picky and so precious with how I'm spending my time and who I'm spending it with."
"Not every brand deal that comes along is going to work out."
"That's making it, that's the fulfilling part. To take only projects that you're passionate about."
"Better to be safe than sorry – it's good to be very picky about ingredients and products."
"I've been very selective with the collectibles that I get now."
"What makes them special is not giving them out to just anybody."
"There's so many other stocks that if it's everything is not perfect just say no toss it go to the next one again say no toss it so keep tossing be a harsh grade and that'll generally work out well."
"We're in a crypto market where there is a selective amount of coins and only those who hold and actually keep their sections are those who actually strive."
"Be selective in who you share your business with, who you share your energy, time, and attention on."
"Being picky is not a problem. You should be picky."
"Of course, you need to be picky about who you get together with."
"You guys know that I don't partner up with a lot of people for discount codes I'm so picky but I love their jewelry so much."
"Men with options want the best that they can get and then they want to pick."
"Holy people obey all of God's word and not just the convenient parts."
"Your job is to not just take any old crappy pattern."
"If it doesn't resonate, don't worry about it. There's another reader out there or a messenger that you will vibe with for that reading."
"I've learned to be more picky when it comes to my reading."
"Just take what fits and leave the rest out. I always encourage to just listen with an open mind and an open heart because you never know which message may be for you."
"You don't have to say yes to the first thing that comes your way."
"We were really selective and deliberate on our strategy."
"Be picky and choosy which path you take next."
"I turn down literally over a hundred different sponsors per month now."
"You must keep your circle small and positive."
"The dating market is harsh, and being selective is necessary."
"Don't be stubborn just to be stubborn, pick and choose what it is that you're stubborn about."
"The theory of it is we don't want to catch a lot of fish, we want to catch one big one."
"Not everybody deserves your energy. Not everybody deserves what you're offering. Plain and simple."
"Just take what resonates and leave the rest."
"I try to only listen to outstanding music at this point."
"Making more selective choices is oftentimes more rewarding."
"Certain things catch your eye, but only few capture the heart."
"Curate a list of news sources that provide you with accurate, actionable information, and tune out the rest."
"Be picky with who you surround yourself with."
"Time and energy are fluid, so take what resonates here today, leave the rest for someone else."
"Take the messages that resonate with you and leave the rest."
"You have to be selective, you have to curate, and you have to pick those special books that are potentially going to resonate with you and change your life more than potentially other books."
"It's okay, even preferable, to pick and choose the stuff that captures your attention and skip the rest."
"Take what resonates and leave the rest."
"Only take what resonates, leave the rest."
"Only take what resonates and leave the rest."
"Make sure you use discernment, take what resonates and leave the rest behind."
"Only take what resonates, leave what doesn't behind."
"Know that this is a general reading not everything May resonate just take what does and leave the rest."
"One cannot tell everything, therefore one selects."
"It's not for everybody. This is for the audacious few."
"Every message is not for everyone. Please take what resonates with you, leave what doesn't."
"Just take what resonates with you, and leave the rest."
"We're very selective about that and then we're good at it we waste a lot of time uh but we're not going to waste it on things we don't want to waste it up."
"I've learned to be more selective."
"I am discerning with whom I allow into my life."
"Listen, pick up what resonates and drop the rest. It's all about discernment."
"In 2024, you're very particular about who you engage your time with."
"Be selective because you could be dealing with some illusions."
"If you really want to make it in this world, you're gonna have to be very selective."
"Take what feels right to you and leave the rest for somebody else if it's not your story or it doesn't feel like it's your message, let it go."
"Memories are a funny thing. The good times are the ones we always talk about, the ones we chose to remember."
"Only take what resonates and walk away."
"You're very choosy. So, I think what else is alluring about you is like, there's something about you that is not going to be opening up to most people."
"Women want the one guy that they want and then they will disregard all of the men in their inbox."
"The best investors that I know, to a tee without exception, are picky about their clients and they will turn down money if they don't think their clients' vision will align with theirs."
"You guys being selective about yourself and really protecting yourself has made you more attractive to people."
"He's been real picky about which questions he answers."
"I only do things that I really enjoy now."
"Analysts are notorious for being lone wolves, becoming very selective in who they choose to surround themselves with."
"Imagine if you were in a position where you had so many leads and inquiries that you could pick and choose who you wanted to work with and at what price."
"Selective beta blockers, like atenolol and metoprolol, focus only on beta1 receptors, reducing side effects like bronchoconstriction."
"Take what resonates about the rest."
"I don't know I'm just picky I guess oh yeah baby I like going deep."
"Take what resonates with you, leave what doesn't."
"I mean, I would snap away 50 percent of them."
"I'm getting so picky because, like, you are freaking beautiful in any one of these shots."
"Take what's good for you and leave the rest."
"Only take what fits and leave the rest."
"You have to be picky, you know, about what you do and what you don't do."
"If both groups on the dienophile point out, they'll be cis to each other in the product."
"Ultimately, that is what's behind the regioselectivity."
"Take what you need, leave what you don't."
"Is it all possible that maybe they had plenty of options made that clear but she was too picky?"
"They're only killing people who don't matter anymore."
"Success starts with being selective with the events."
"Insecure people aren't insecure with everyone."
"Be more exclusive, more selective, more focused."
"If we were to hang all the pictures of our thoughts on our walls, we'd become very selective."
"You're not looking for 30 fish, you're looking for one fish."
"I think narrowing down your skill set and being more selective about the projects you pick."
"This is actually a desirable trait because you're selective, you're very careful about who you get chained to, okay? Who you get chained to and who you waste your time with, okay? 'Cause you're not about that."
"Education should make people very good at discriminating, being critical, and being selective."
"You're very selective with the people you allow around you."
"Don't try to touch on every single detail listed in the job description. Your cover letter is not a checklist of your qualifications."
"We said if people cost more and it costs more to produce a new show, they're going to be a lot pickier about the show. There's going to be a lot fewer shows too."
"It is remarkably selective in that way."
"You got to be really fussy about what you want and demanding."
"I am very particular with everything that enters my home."
"You're in a state now where you can be very picky and choosy if you give your energy to."
"Like I said, to guys before, spearfishing isn't just about shooting the biggest fish. It's about being sustainable and selective."
"What was true, is that I was very picky with the women I talked to romantically."
"You have to be more selective about the people I have around me."
"We only swing at pitches we like."
"You don't have to accept every tenet of something in order to find value."
"I'm very picky about these things."
"I became a lot more selective with the PR that I was receiving."
"I'm very picky with the brands I work with."
"You guys are realizing how precious your time and energy is and you guys are being very selective about who you interact with."
"I'm only gonna touch it if it's that color."
"It's somewhere I do this for a living, so I have a tendency to be picky about where I play."
"Not only that, but I have to say I'm really fussy when it comes to picking brands who offer to sponsor."
"The amount I turn down is absolutely staggering. If I don't love it, I'm not doing it. And if I want to write about it editorially, I'm not doing it."
"I don't want to be friends with just anybody."
"Sometimes part of being an elite Trader is about the trades you don't take."
"That's all about being patient, selective, and ready."
"Take what does and leave the rest for someone else to pick up."
"We have friends...but like when it comes to friends who you can go deep with, I'd say that we have a small handful."
"She doesn't get out of the house for everyone."
"You do what I'm most stoked about? What's that? With a smaller shop and less people, we're able to be a little more particular about what we work on."
"That's the only real thing if you can't become select you know you know you don't get most women but you get the right woman you know that's the only way"
"I have been so selective with what I enjoy and love and actually use."
"Be selective and be picky and be uncompromising with your boundaries when it comes to meeting new people and keeping the people that you have in your life."
"I think it's cool, I think it's a nice place to be. I am pretty picky too, I won't lie."
"...you may rather be alone or have a very select group of people than to have this big social circle when it's all superficial..."
"I want to buy the things that I'm intrigued by but not all of it, we have to be a little bit selective."
"Only take what resonates, leave out the rest."
"Only take what fits, leave what it doesn't."
"...the majority of the public property I don't I don't even care about won't go there it has to have certain ingredients for me to pick out a public property to even want to look at it."
"It doesn't just wipe out all the brain, it can be very selective."
"Take what works for you, leave the rest. And that hopefully is good advice for literally everyone that you hear talking about writing."
"I'm very selective about the people I choose to be in my little close bubble."
"Here's the code. I don't really want to open all this garbage, I'm gonna just hand pick."
"I am not picky. Just highly selective."
"I forced myself to pick only the jeans that I do love and fit me."
"Realistically speaking, women are far more selective than men are."
"It's easy for me to share what's going wrong with people, but I am highly selective about who I share wins with."
"Quality over quantity, sometimes."
"I think one of the number one things that you can do to have healthy relationships is to be just a little bit more selective about who you allow into your space and who you allow into your body."
"Picky is good. That's why I like your group."
"You don't have to swing at every pitch. You could wait for your pitch."
"Stay picky. I'll see you in the next one. Bye now."
"Be selective about the dependencies that you take."
"Data mesh is not for everybody; it's for a very small percentage of customers."
"A high value man is selective when it comes to the women he chooses in his life."
"If we start getting more picky about the freight we choose to haul capacity won't matter as much anymore."
"The liberal is a cafeteria Catholic--they just pick what they want to know and they just pick out and then the rest they throw away."
"If I'm not involved with it, I don't watch it."
"I have permission to leave out details that detract from the painting."
"For you to be as solid as you is, for you to literally see seven battles and then pick out the one you like for your argument, it shows that you're being choosy."
"Not everyone is your client, and you always have to know that and stand firm on your ground."
"Be selective with the company that you keep. You become like the people around you."
"I'm going to be savage, I'm going to get rid of the old ones and only keep the ones that I really really enjoy."
"You don't get to cherry-pick you get to believe this part you don't have to believe this part but this part is the honest truth."
"I love everything. Not everything. I'm picky."
"Don't forget your history, just don't the bad parts."
"Sometimes you go out and catch a hundred fish and only bring home three for dinner, but we had a ton of fun."