
Preventive Care Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"Brain health is three things: brain envy, avoid things that hurt it, and do things that help it."
"It's always the right time to begin investing in their health."
"Invest in your health now and in the long run."
"Knowledge is power. So by telling me that when I get into 40, that this is going to happen, that when I'm in my 20s this is going to happen... it allows everyone to understand that what they're putting in their body can actually activate the gene that they're worried about."
"If you feel thirst, you're already five percent dehydrated."
"Everyone should be wearing sunscreen from the day they exit the womb until the day they die."
"Vitamin D is too important to ignore. It governs so many critical functions, so you need to measure, you need to know where you are."
"It costs less to take care of people, the proper way, early, than it does to deal with expensive treatments later on."
"Watch your health, make sure you're getting your checkups."
"If you yourself had a first-degree relative... who's had an unexplained death, it's extremely recommended you see a cardiologist."
"Scheduled surgeries are foundational to people's health, addressing issues like heart valve problems, tumors, and chronic diseases before they escalate into emergencies."
"Heart health and staying healthy, especially when you have family, friends, or loved ones, is so important."
"Sleep is the very best health insurance policy that you could ever wish for."
"It's easier to build up healthy children than to repair broken men."
"Food can be a killer or medicine; use it well and it's medicine."
"If we feel bad, it's because we have a lack of dopamine, a serotonin dopamine level within the brain."
"Diabetes can be reversed, and you can prevent these more serious symptoms."
"Cover your cough or sneeze not with the bare hand but with a tissue or with your elbow."
"These stretches will definitely improve your posture and also prevent you from any degenerative change due to lifting and stress."
"Coronary artery disease really need never exist and if it does exist it need never progress." - Dr. Esselstyn
"No oil, no fish, fowl, meat, or dairy. The key would be the initial meeting with the patient and the spouse." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Yeah, I think we want actual quality health care for people. Yeah, I think we want quality health care that focuses on preventive care, that gives people a reasonable path to getting better when they do get sick."
"Most of health does not get created by the doctor... it's created by your lifestyle."
"Start getting your immune system squared away. What I mean squared away, I mean start taking the elderberry syrups or zinc or whatever it is to strengthen your immune system now is the time."
"Get your health checked and know if something's creeping up on you early on so you can fix it, keep training happily for as long as possible."
"And if you haven't yet, maybe you should definitely get vaccinated."
"Vaccines and boosters prevent serious complications for unvaccinated people who get infected."
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were as healthy as possible until that happened?"
"You can see the dentist less and that's what it's about."
"My PSA to you is to wear earplugs if you're going to a loud setting whether you have tinnitus or not."
"If you had a pill that could reduce your body fat percentage and could increase your glucose control and your insulin sensitivity and could reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease... the reality is that exercise does all of those things."
"Poor diet is pretty much the leading cause of illness and early death."
"Go get a checkup, go check them out, go get a checkup."
"We are going to continue to do this for generation after generation of human beings that are not yet damaged. We do not have to damage them in the same way, even if we are not fully rescueable."
"It can save lives because now we know a lot about this disease if we intervene at the right time we can prevent a cytokine storm from coming where the patients will crash and then we cannot do much."
"I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician, I observe things about these chemicals."
"Exercise is a disease modifying treatment for people with pre-dementia."
"First do no harm. Prevent harm, then you can do a lot of good things."
"So go find a doctor, go find someone who will test your hormones and get your blood checked and take some supplements."
"Simple strategies kept people healthy for years and can keep you healthy too."
"Healthcare starts in the kitchen and in the gym."
"We're looking not for disease we're looking for imbalances or dysfunction that we can correct that will help the body do what it's supposed to do."
"Prevention is key; all treatments like this take four to six months to take effect, so act as quickly as you can. Don't wait until it's too late."
"Daily sunscreen - protect your skin from the Sun every single day."
"I think sleep is one of the hidden gems to help us not get sick."
"The message is always the sooner you stop smoking, the better."
"Vaccination remains the mainstay of defense against hospitalization."
"Chronic disease management isn't healthcare; it's just not health care."
"Focus on prevention instead of sick care only."
"From that experience, what would you tell someone thinking about possibly getting on a cycle? Get your blood work done."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"Don't just measure glucose, don't just measure A1C... measure the thing that controls glucose."
"An ounce of prevention is a pound of treatment."
"We have a sick care system not a health care system."
"Go talk to the doctor right now. Easy can be tough to tackle. It's important to get it checked out with Roman."
"A lot of the risk factors come down, and so we know that things like diabetes, for instance, diabetes is probably the biggest driver of heart disease."
"The COVID-19 vaccines are by far the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus. Anyone who isn't vaccinated should get one as soon as possible."
"How about we start treating actual disease rather than risk factors?"
"Protecting your skin from the sun is the most important thing you need to do."
"Shaming people for having insecurities is going to have a worse effect on people than the insecurities themselves."
"Your health is no joke; focus on taking care of your bones and muscles."
"Stay on top of your health, make sure you are getting proper biomarkers assessed during pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle."
"The very things that we're always telling people to do to promote their long-term health actually do fortify your immunity against this virus."
"That statement getting out in the world makes people think twice about their weight condition."
"Prevention is better than cure yeah, better is then like actually 20 cents a week on tumeric then at $20,000 hospital bed."
"Insulin resistance is implicated in causing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."
"If you want to play for as long as possible and pain free, I would recommend trying to do some kind of prehab activation and mobility work multiple times per week."
"Maybe the idea is using technology so we're healthier."
"I just think that diet and lifestyle should always be the first... line of defense."
"Regular dental checkups every six months are essential."
"Eye checks from age 12 for diabetics. Cervical cancer screening every 3-5 years."
"You're not only affecting your health right, but you're affecting the health of everybody that lives directly with you and around you."
"You don't need a medical study to show you what people are dying of."
"You gotta do the blood work, you gotta take care of yourself."
"We need to boost up our immune system, keep it strong."
"Be aggressive in the beginning so that you don't have to go to the later stages."
"I highly suggest flossing along with brushing your teeth."
"Exercising regularly, eating a diet that includes fruits and vegetables... and not smoking, of course."
"Apply neem oil after daytime temperatures start cooling."
"Listen to your dentist, start flossing, it might just save your life."
"Elevated insulin is really behind so much of what's going to happen to us."
"I know the importance of having lung health and boosting your immune system."
"Every adult should know their blood pressure and their resting heart rate."
"When you stop doing things that make people sick, they get well."
"The new paradigm to heal dental cavities is to change your lifestyle that means your turn teeth will last longer you can remineralize decay teeth and make them hard and you can stop and prevent cavities for the rest of your life."
"B complex, fish oil, vitamin D, and mitochondrial support are crucial for brain health."
"First of all, I wouldn't look at liver health..."
"You got to get your health checks done... you cannot just ignore symptoms."
"Make sure that you're healthy so that you don't just one day say to yourself, maybe this is my day."
"If I can fix metabolic health, most of the things that people come see me for will reverse."
"Stretching will prevent the muscles from becoming shorter and will also increase the blood flow to them."
"Preventative dental care: Small habits, big savings."
"Over half of future heart attacks can be predicted by the calcium scan result."
"Your health is very important. They have EKG machines and nitroglycerin pills."
"The beauty of vaccines, is that it takes instructions to build a response without the actual infection."
"Health check-up – definitely look after yourself."
"We need to encourage messages of lifestyle changes alongside immunization."
"It's just a good start to make sure the muscle's not being part of the culprit there."
"If you know your cat is predisposed to this condition, you can take steps to mitigate their stress."
"Seeing a derm once a year for a head-to-toe total body skin check."
"If you don't take time for your Wellness, you'll be forced to take time for your illness."
"Preventive measures can save you from costly repairs."
"We don't have a health care System, we have a sick care system."
"I'm a doctor, say where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician."
"Just washing your hands all the time and not touching your face."
"We encourage you to try chiropractic first because it's natural they're not going to put anything into your body or taking thing out of your body that wasn't meant to be there."
"Make sure you get plenty of rest, 7 hours of sleep, you need your energy, try some of the hot/cold contrast showers, and zinc and vitamin C and all these things to strengthen your immunity to fight Covid-19."
"Brush your teeth twice a day, that's the way to fight decay."
"Getting people healthy and getting them off medication doesn't make anyone money."
"Just because you're not having problems right now doesn't mean that in the future you're not going to have those problems."
"The best immunization you can get is the one you can get now."
"More and more research coming out on statins, do everything you can to not need them."
"An avocado a day will keep the endocrinologist away."
"We need to invest in health... not just pay for sickness."
"Nutrition could almost be medicine for almost every disease in a way."
"Preventative action is better than treating problems later."
"If you don't have a real problem, fix your sleep, diet, and what you eat."
"All the way from triaging to people to conversing, like the levels of prevention, right, that people can just do by talking with AI to handle symptoms and things early as possible, like that's going to be huge."
"Identifying rotting Roots before it's too late can really make the difference between saving a plant or watching it perish."
"Do your yearly physical... there might be something internally causing your hair to either break off, fall out, or not grow."
"Consume food as your medicine so that you don't have to consume medicine as your food."
"We aren't really taught health healthcare with our spine we're taught illness care."
"It's very treatable and it's very easily preventable, so it's very very important."
"I would rather spend five bucks on a bag of chips than eat regular chips and spend a whole lot of of money on my medical bills when I'm older."
"The future of healthcare won't just be about what your doctor or your nurse can do for you but it will be about what can I do as a patient to manage my own health."
"Our healthcare system should have evolved to focus on preventing people from getting sick and keeping you healthy in the community."
"Protect your health with preventive care, be proactive with supplements and screenings."
"Health is about if you eat healthy you’re not going to have to go to the doctor."
"Go get your blood work done so you know what good feels like."
"Walking, if you can walk, taking medicine to control blood pressure, taking medicine to control cholesterol, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, those simple things can dramatically reduce the chances of dying if you have heart disease."
"Just because you're young, that's the best time to start eating healthy."
"Think about health beyond just my health insurance, my flu shot, my yearly visit."
"Just treat your plants preventively even if you don't see bugs because sometimes they're there and you don't see them."
"It's a foundational layer of health."
"It is preventing health issues before they happen."
"Avoid walking around on bare feet... to take the strain off of the area."
"It's important to get tested regularly."
"Cardiovascular is the main focus of your longevity."
"I would like everybody to know that being healthy is not just about coming here for a problem."
"Please get a colonoscopy because you just don't know."
"It's not a concussion problem, it's a concussion management problem."
"Good oral hygiene is important... patients who have had endocarditis are at further risk of getting endocarditis again."
"The best dentistry is no dentistry, so if we can leave the healthy stuff there, let's do that."
"We are creating a new paradigm of health care rather than sick care, and it's really working."
"If you don't regularly check your skin, please do consider going to the dermatologist for at least a yearly check."
"Be proactive with your health, get blood work done, see your doctor."
"It's really not a big deal and you should go and get your smear done because it could save your life."
"Dates are exceptionally beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm."
"It's an investment in future gains and future health."
"We always recommend going the holistic way first and doing everything you can naturally before you go that way."
"Everyone should run a big five lab test once a year."
"Flossing reduces your risk of heart disease probably because of that."
"Exercise isn't a magic bullet, but it lowers your risk quite substantially."
"It's better to get it checked and it's better to find out than to just ignore it."
"Good health is not just the absence of disease; it's an active state maintained by our body's natural health defense systems."
"Enjoy your sunny day without having to pay a visit to Dr. Juno."
"I have never vaped... it's gonna hurt your lungs and I'm trying to live."
"Your lifestyle is your disease modifying therapy."
"Good oral hygiene seems to be associated with reduced rates of cardiovascular disease."
"Women tend to spend more money on healthcare, especially preventative healthcare."
"Please go and get yourself checked or help others."
"By using food as medicine, the Food Hospital aims to improve the health of the whole nation."
"I feel like so many kids are being put on the track for so many future diseases."
"If there is a family history of ovarian cancer, should I have genetic testing done?"
"Seeing the doctor regularly... early detection of diseases can be prevented."
"I'm really glad I went to my yearly health check because it would have been so easy to just skip it and say I'm fine."
"Part of me wants to get into a line of work to help kids or just people in general to prevent the injustices before they happen."
"There's no good reason not to get vaccinated."
"Checking in with your GP annually is definitely something very important."
"Make sure that you're doing your annual exams... these type of exams... can be life-saving."