
Return On Investment Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"The investment in seeds is a huge payoff, huge return on that investment."
"Regardless of the costs...the payoff is there; there's a big return on investment."
"If you work really hard towards something or you invest more time into it, you should be able to get a return on that investment."
"The investment principle says: when you as a business go out and make investments in projects or assets, make sure you earn a return on those investments that exceeds some minimum acceptable hurdle rate."
"Even if the appraisal comes in super low... your consolation prize on a bad deal is a twenty-one percent ROI."
"Never underestimate the power of a well-structured Google Ad campaign; it's not just about spending money, it's about spending it wisely to maximize returns."
"Everything in Super Human is through the lens of ROI because... it's all about energy, even more than time."
"Investing in myself, I've had way greater return on investment than any of these other companies."
"The preparation for the Flow State work is incredibly high ROI."
"Dollar for dollar, I think your capsule art is some of the best investment you can make."
"People just get obsessed with this cash on cash return idea."
"Taking profits at 20% ROI is still better than hoping for 50% then never getting any profits at all."
"Building an email list can give you a ridiculous return on investment."
"The vehicle that will drive your success... it is the ROI, the infinite ROI."
"What you invest is what you get back in terms of things that help you play the game."
"What is a profitable return on ad spend? If you put $1 in and you get $2 back, that's a return on ad spend."
"You don't own it, you can really get your return back in four to five months... you can take that money that you made and get another unit."
"A good deal for me local is one that I can control and I can start maxing out that ROI."
"This should really be what makes you go, holy crap, this is crazy potential with this business model."
"Contemporary art historically averages a 23 percent real return."
"If all that this did was finally give you a funnel that was profitable or you could've dollar advertising in and get two hours back out would it be worth it yes."
"That's where I spent three hundred and fifty-six dollars on advertising and made four thousand dollars back out, so that's over a 10x ROI."
"Make sure the degree that you're studying for has a proven ROI after you graduate."
"A one-time investment of ten thousand dollars into eBay on December thirty first twenty ten held through yesterday January 23 2023 12.1 years would have turned ten thousand dollars into forty thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars."
"The ROI of social media ensures that your business will still exist in five years if that's what you want."
"Return on character is significant. The data is in."
"We invested in things that I knew would give us our best chance at return."
"If you could spend $5 million a year and make $180 million, would you take that deal?"
"For me it's their unrelenting guts and determination and humbleness as well."
"When you talk about return on cash, you're getting a one-year return on cash right now of 9.6."
"Paid advertising is really magical if you really think about it because again you put one dollar in you make five dollars back."
"That's an awesome investment if you had a product where you spent only 123 million and you get 16 billion back."
"Investing in you is a good idea because it will pay off."
"Invest in yourself because that's going to be your highest Roi."
"You put $100 in every single week like clockwork for the last four years, you would be up $55,000."
"The cool part is they're 80 percent increase in Return of the sale."
"Your ROI has really been a phenomenal success."
"We have an ROI calculator you can punch in your actual production numbers and you can see what that means. The numbers are huge."
"Investing is simply just allocating your funds towards a future expectation of return."
"Investing in self-improvement... has the biggest ROI."
"Your success and prosperity will come back to you with dividends."
"If you keep investing in the people, you will have the greatest return."
"The ROI will be greater with you working on yourself."
"Tesla's cash ROIC is at 23, within a stone's throw of Amazon."
"Don't get caught up in buying the tools that all the cool kids have if they're just gonna collect dust and not give you an ROI."
"The best Roi, the most important Roi is time."
"A 50% drawdown takes a 100% return just to get back to even."
"a dip back down to somewhat more attractive levels then gives these guys a little bit potential theoretical roi over the course of the market cycle."
"The ROI is clearly there, and I wanna motivate people to take a second third, fifth, ninth look."
"It's hard to find, you can at least get a few percentage points back by investing in some CDs."
"What kind of dog [ __ ] return is that, bro? You get people to spend 360 euros and you get 36."
"The better you are at gaining the information to make a sound decision minimizes risk, increases return, which is exactly what you want as a business owner."
"Focus on sales and ROI, that's what matters."
"Simplifying your state is a huge return on investment."
"It's important to examine the cost of attending college including the loan interest versus your expected return on the degree over time."
"Not all investments have to be money related and in terms of what will generate the best return whatever you invest in yourself will usually get the best outcome."
"You're essentially getting that 10 and uh return on investment with every transaction."
"Paint, paint, paint. Cheapest, most cost-effective update for huge ROI."
"With affiliate marketing, it's usually more like 10 to one return on investment for the brand because they dictate the commission rate."
"Clean does sell; it can be the biggest return that you have."
"You get back, if you paid cash for this property and didn't have any debt, you'd get about six percent of what you paid for it back in one year."
"Essentially what you've done is you've generated a fifty percent return on Capital, which is obviously quite impressive in a relatively short period of time."
"So what that means is every single time you gave the Facebook ATM a dollar, it spit back out 10 dollars in your pocket."
"When I only find a few things, then that time has been spent without the return."
"Are you getting the outcome worth your return? Are you getting the return on investment? Because far too many of our women are giving their life, their actual life, to companies, organizations, and governments and getting nothing back other than the thank you."
"What are we going to put our energy into and what will give us the biggest return and what will give our customers the biggest return in the long run? That's how you get the biggest return, I think, ultimately."
"From a leaders perspective, creating that creative space for data scientists, regardless of their level, produces a lot of ROI."
"Emails are a really, really good way to make lots of return on your marketing."
"But the ROI is there, right? It saves the money. It's a money-making opportunity for you as well. Everybody wins. Sustainability wins."
"Return of investment of over 800 percent."
"Investing money into things that make you money, return on investment."
"It's my investment. I want ROI. I want as high an ROI as possible."
"The economic return is going to be higher if you invest in your health. It's your highest ROI."
"Wealthy people invest in people with an expectation of a return on investment measured by a predetermined outcome."
"Nothing goes to waste we actually get about a quarter for every dollar spent back on this."
"For every dollar you put into email marketing, you're likely to make forty-four dollars back."
"We do make sure that we have a positive Roi."
"If you can't price the risk, it's hard to understand what return you should expect, and that cuts at the core of how a healthy market should function."
"Do good stories well told and you'll see the return on it."
"...I've made $1,074 with just this video alone, which is a crazy return on my investment."
"Increasing our ROI greatly alters our timeline to financial independence."
"Every dollar that's spent on prevention will come back tenfold."
"...your return, at least for B2B provide you have strong average order values, can be really, really good."
"It is one of the advertising platforms with the highest return on investment of your money."
"When you're looking at a house, if you're going to spend a dollar before selling it, that dollar needs to make you two dollars."
"I didn't know that was called return on investment, but it was like a 32% return on investment, right?"
"With co-hosting, not only can you get a quick return because you're putting in Sweat Equity, but it's also a lot more scalable."
"The ROI in this thing... let's say $1,200 a month, 12 months a year, let's say that's all pure net profit. That's 14 grand a year, so even then it's going to take years to ROI on this $60,000 purchase."
"What's one thing that will always have a positive ROI? Your education."
"An incredible return on investment we're looking like 700 800 percent ROI for a 30 Lego set."
"The hundredfold return is working."
"It's all about having a very quick reaction time being able to fire out tests and test things and look at what users are doing and react very quickly in order to sort of maximize your ROI."
"I paid my dues and it's finally starting to I'm starting to get some return on my investment."
"For every dollar spent on workers, you're getting the same return as a dollar spent on machines."
"An average they will give you $52 back per dollar spent."
"For every dollar we invest in well-being, we're getting back two and a half dollars. What business case do you need?"
"The more return, the less price you pay; that's your margin of safety."
"You want to make sure that you're purchasing a property that if you had put 25% down, it's at least getting a 10% cash on cash return."
"The higher the cap rate, the higher the return but also the higher the risk."
"The best return that I got on my investment isn't the real estate investments that I made, it's the investments that I made in myself."
"You're getting that good return plus the dividend is a bonus, and that's how you should think of a dividend."
"One thing I'm positive about is how ROI negative complaining is, and how much I'm trying to suffocate the practice of it."
"We got back 779 dollars and we only spent 195 dollars, which is basically like a really, really good ROAS."
"I'll return you one-third of your money in year one; in three years, you have all your money back."
"In the end, you need a clear ROI."
"Invest in yourself, it's the best ROI."
"There's very little return on investment from not finishing a project; all the actual returns come from finishing a project."
"Rule number one in order to make money, you have to first do the thing that is easiest and highest ROI."
"The function of a manager is to allocate resources properly for the best return."
"If you're seriously considering investing, look at the return on investment you can get from the spending of a pound and a day or two out of your life."
"Keep investing in sales, keep investing in marketing, but boy, the investments you make in delighted customers, you get a bigger return on investment."
"You'll get a guaranteed return every year."
"Even if I was to say on average I'm only able to get twenty dollars for each domain name, that would still be about seven hundred and twenty dollars return on investment for my money."
"Are you getting a positive return on investment? That's all that ever matters in this game."
"Scrum has the potential to deliver ROI more quickly than any other strategy."
"This calculation says I made about a 12.66% return overall."
"Cardano ADA is going to be the highest ROI investment for quarter one for the next three months."
"I wanted to focus on the big things, the things that give the biggest return."
"Investors invest in things that they actually can see the return on."
"You're essentially earning 1 and a half percent per month off your investment."
"Paying off debt is a tax-free, risk-free, guaranteed rate of return."
"We also want to aim for about a hundred percent return on investment."
"We're finding bugs much sooner in the fuzzing process... and that gives us an almost immeasurable return on investment."
"Investing in yourself allows us to invest in the adjuster, and it will pay dividends."
"So we're still over our hundred ROI percentage, which is great."
"Email marketing is a very good way to generate a high return on investment."
"When you go out and invest you need to make sure you earn a return that is greater than your hurdle rate."
"The higher the return on invested capital, the bigger the moat likely."
"What is the one skill that's giving you the best ROI, and what skill can you learn to give you a greater ROI?"
"I want nothing more than to create a pack that everyone can enjoy while getting a great ROI."
"I think that's a good return in today's NBA."
"If you're going to borrow money to go to school, by God it better pay you back."
"It's no longer a freeloader if you've won 120 Grand. It's paying for itself."
"There is nothing legitimate offering a homeowner a better return on investment on the market at this time."
"Invest in yourself, it will give you the highest return on investment over time."
"This stuff works and there are not many investments we get that give you that kind of return."
"Video ads average between 28 to 43 percent higher return on ad spend than product collection ads."
"Now that we have a positive ROI, I can start making some more money."
"Not only is he smashing the sales, his ROI is through the roof."
"For every dollar I spent in advertising, I got $2.22 back."
"There are three factors that will determine how wealthy you will become from investments: time, dollars, and return."
"Using that discipline to invest in things that are going to create disproportionate returns is a good use of time."
"Find out what your ROI is... and keep it around 10x."
"A good ROI is when you spend money on something that earns you a lot more money."
"The amount of risk you take, the amount of return you can expect."
"For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you make somewhere between $35 and $40 back."
"Stop chasing tail, start putting some effort into chasing excellence, and the ROI will pay off for you at some point."
"Spending money on leveling up your skills is one of the highest ROIs you can get."
"If you're smart and selective about the events that you pay your own way to, it can actually be a very good ROI in the long term."
"The money spent for a young person studying music is paid for; every dollar spent, seven to ten comes back."
"I want to see items where I'm getting an ROI of at least like 30%."
"Hey, I'm putting in a dollar, right? I'm spending a dollar on every click, but I'm making a dollar fifty on average for every person that clicks my ad."
"Quicker ROI: The modern microservices architecture enables a platform to scale both vertically and horizontally, delivering faster ROI."
"Not only am I making a huge return on investment, but I got a cost-effective way to get this project started."
"That little bit of overhead we had creating our first one really pays us back going forwards."
"This is going to give us a more accurate representation of our overall actual returns."
"For each dollar spent on our sales contact, we should expect six dollars back."
"I've spent so much money on Shout Out Express but I promise you it pays off if you do your research."
"ROI is very important, so consider that factor before coming to the US."
"All the money you spend is coming back to you times ten."
"Facebook will aim to get the most purchase value and for your average return on ad spend to be three or higher using the minimum return on ad spend strategy."
"For every one dollar we spend on clinical pharmacy services, we're going to return approximately ten."
"If you treat it seriously and treat it like a business and have that high-quality bar, the more it's going to give you a return."
"Project closing provides significant benefits to the company, actually probably has the largest payback in terms of effort expended versus benefits for the company of any aspect of your project."
"You have to look at how much you get back for what you put in because what you want is high return."
"Giving me a 4.5 return on ad spend which is obviously very good."
"The required rate of return for Ford is fifteen point four eight two percent."
"When you're buying insurance, a hedge against inflation, guess what, you settle for a low expected return."
"I would love to offer you help in making sure that you get the ROI you're expecting."
"I can just by doing something very simple increase my ROI; I don't have to do anything really."
"There are things that I've found to be totally worth investing in that have actually either given me more of a return at the end of the day or have honestly made my life so much easier."
"We let Raven be Raven, and the ROI was fantastic."
"We are delivering a service to a client where the ROI is higher than the fee we're charging."
"We want to calculate the return we expect."
"I want attractive returns and I think that 12% annually for a REIT is very attractive."
"The results were phenomenal, the ROIs were astronomical, and the clients loved me."
"Everything that I spend comes back times 10, times 50, times 100, times a thousand."