
War Prevention Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The best way to prevent a war is being ready for a war."
"Nuclear weapons must not be used, and nuclear wars must not be fought."
"He slaughtered his entire clan to stop the revolt and prevented a coming war all by himself."
"Don't plant the seeds that will blossom into the next war."
"We have to stop it before it goes nuclear, which is what will happen if there is no resistance."
"I plead guilty throughout my adult life to doing everything that I can to prevent war and destruction." - Bernie Sanders
"War can be stopped not by making the strong weak but by making every nation weak or strong, able to defend itself."
"In a world with nuclear deterrence, no rational leader starts a war they aren't absolutely certain they can win."
"The best way to deter war is to prevent it, not create it."
"Action is needed to save this generation from the scourge of war."
"We realized then the Great War must never happen again."
"One of the things about an active foreign policy is sometimes you forestall war by preventing the conditions that lead to an outbreak in the first place." - Ben Shapiro
"I'm gonna do everything I can to prevent a war with Iran... My guess is the war in Iran would be worse."
"If people approach diplomacy the right way, then war is ultimately unsuccessful."
"Because for all his bombs and tanks and missiles, I don't believe that the Russian dictator will ever subdue the national feeling of the Ukrainians and their passionate belief that their country should be free."
"It's preventive care to keep a war from starting."
"What's going to stop a war is people getting in the streets and stopping a war."
"We want to avoid a widening of this war, correct? I mean, we all agree on that."
"If the Minsk agreements had been put in place, we would have never had the war."
"The second job of the army, and it may be the first job of the army, is to prevent war."
"Taking away his piggy bank would prevent him from going to war again."
"If you can't get rid of all nuclear weapons, another way to stop a nuclear war would be a defense against them."
"What if a war could be stopped by just one man? A man who chose to trust his gut instead of a machine."
"We have to do everything we can to wake people up so that they don't go and sleepwalk into another war, this time with China."
"We should take everything we can to prevent war."
"The war should have and could have been avoided because it's a war over NATO enlargement."
"You deter the ability for one side to create War."
"If you want to stop the war, you have to send diplomats instead of weapons."
"It's not about a desire for war, it's about preventing war."
"We must demand immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine or end up in World War III."
"So that there would be no war, so the human life may be respected."
"It's just funny because when we had Savim on just prior to the war, everything that she was saying about how the war could be averted is now what people are saying is the way the war could be ended."
"I did vote for Biden because I really thought like if there was another Trump presidency, 100% there was going to be a war on Iran."
"Wars are prevented by deterrence and military readiness."
"To stop a war... to stop a fourth War, it was more than worth it."
"We are uniting together determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war."
"The best way to fight World War III is to prevent it."
"Russia must understand that a nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought."
"If we fail in our first objective to stop war, it is by the league's effectiveness in realizing the same that the league will be judged."