
Human Limitation Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We are finite, physical animals evolved to live and perceive within a world of medium-sized objects. There is no reason whatever to suppose that our animal faculties will be adequate to fathom the origins or, possibly, the infinite history of worlds."
"Marvel at the immense mystery of everything around us and the limitations of at least my mind."
"It's tragic; there's this whole universe to explore, and we're stuck here on Earth."
"And if the whole world was to come together we wouldn't be able to create a single fly."
"You're not gonna win this battle against the devil using human effort."
"We judge motives... only God knows the heart."
"Life only comes out of what God is doing, not out of what we are doing in our own strength."
"Many believe that animals can see things that humans can't."
"How can a god possibly fault me for failing to understand something that he knows I can't understand, did not create me capable of understanding?"
"You are a divine being occupying a human form. Yes, the human form is very limited... but you are so much more than that."
"There is a tragedy in perfection... their tragedy is not that they fell from perfection but that it was never in their power to attain it."
"Your Miracles remind me that you do not depend on the elements of nature or human abilities in order to do the impossible."
"It is not because of any restriction on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men."
"The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can humans do to me?"
"God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts."
"God established [the Sabbath] pattern because man is finite."
"Just do your part and the Holy Spirit knows what's in their hearts and minds."
"How can we even dare to think of entering into the mind of God?"
"I fear him greatly. It's because I believe in the Transcendence, some Transcendence, and that we will never, as a species, be able to grasp what it is."
"Human minds cannot comprehend God in its totality."
"A man can't be God, but if God exists, He could become a man."
"The contradiction is largely in the limitations of our minds in our own thinking today."
"If you are born on the moon in one-sixth G, you can never stand up on the earth."
"God's supply is unlimited; we limit the Holy One of Israel."
"If human power can't fix you, then if there is a power that's going to do it, by necessity that power must be greater than human."
"Redemption speaks of God saving us from a situation that we could never get ourselves out of."
"Humans always see through a glass darkly, and all knowledge isn't perfect."
"Your understanding is not strong enough to support the weight of what God knows and God's purpose for your life."
"God's power is not limited by our human limitations or our judgments."
"At the end of the day, humans don't create life."
"I can run, I can jump, I can flip... we are so limited as human beings."
"The wisdom of this world is not able to discover the things of God."
"Maybe I'm a finite individual trying to comprehend infinite possibilities."
"I do not demand perfection, Haley, something which is rarely, if ever, granted to human beings, but we will approach it."
"Space is an inherently hostile environment for humans."
"Maybe our brains are the limiter here."
"When God's hand is against you, no hand of man can stand to help you."
"The mind cannot map out the entire sea or the skies, so how can it comprehend the creator of the sea and the skies?"
"There is no more difficult task than the attempt to give perfect justice with our imperfect understanding."
"Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end."
"I don't think a human being can know exactly 100% everything that's gonna happen in the future for you."
"The human mind is not capable of grasping the universe; we are like a little child entering a huge library."
"Memory can erode over time; we're not video cameras."
"Man does not have the ability, in his own volition or power, to move himself towards God."
"We're just mere mortals using our tiny pea brains; we couldn't possibly understand the workings of an omnipotent god."
"It seems God is limited by our prayer life, that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him."
"A mere mortal could never do that."
"Humans have never been to the bottom of the ocean. The pressure's too great."
"Interestingly though, most humans can only really see about 30 shades of grey."
"Strive for objectivity; perfect objectivity is not possible to a human being because our interpretation is theory-laden."
"We are not equipped to deal with the concept of eternity. Our brains don't go that far."
"If we do it ourselves, it will be a failure; we will be able to succeed only as we do the work in the name of Jesus."
"By strength no man shall prevail."
"A miracle is something which normal human beings obviously can't do on their own."
"The bottleneck for discovery with wide data is the problem of humans trying to understand and tease out all the different kind of relationships that exist."
"Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. Faith begins where man's power ends."