
Opinion Sharing Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"So it's a pretty complex topic. There you have it, the key facts about it and now I'd really like to hear your opinion."
"Be yourself and give your opinion without being scared to give it."
"Your opinion is yours; speak your opinion as much as you damn well feel like it."
"This platform could be used for that, man. Speak your mind in the comments down below; there's never anything stupid when it comes to stuff like this. It's all speculation, theories, and everything."
"Win people's minds with facts, with truth, share your opinion."
"I don't think it is ever stupid to share your opinion about something or someone especially if you think that something or someone's doing something wrong."
"Sharing your opinion is not hating on people."
"Instead of just inviting you over to eat my opinion soup which you are welcome to do at any time I decided to actually ask you."
"Opinionated but respectful, holding yourself to a standard while expressing your beliefs respectfully."
"Let me know how crazy you think it is in the comments."
"I think it's important to have a discussion, get our opinions out there."
"Introducing candid the brand new social media app that allows you to share your opinions completely anonymously."
"This is our opinion, but we will make the bracket available to you guys so you can make your voices heard."
"Be fair when you give commentary. Be fair when you give your opinion."
"Once again, Cloud9 made it out with a 3-3 record as the second seed."
"Your words will have more weight or more respect and more admiration if you have been asked for that opinion. If someone asks you for what you think about that and only when you say it, it means more than when it's unsolicited."
"I think we've entered a realm now where people have an obligation to share their opinions."
"Everything that's placed in that game was placed there on purpose with the reason."
"Let me know if you agree with the positions on the list."
"I don't care if there's thousands of them threatening to round up certain minority ethnicities and put them in camps. Two dozen? I don't care."
"Describing a colleague as Hitler... aimed successfully at destroying a twenty-four-year-old graduate student's career is slander, not free speech."
"I've spent my life, the better part of my life on the internet... I've learned the subtle art over time of not having to share every opinion I have."
"Either way those are my thoughts who do you think should have been in the top 10 greatest guitar players of all time?"
"It's completely fine for some of these smaller companies to hop in and have their opinion."
"Get paid for just sharing what you think about something."
"That's a really interesting thing to think about. We'd love to hear your opinions as well."
"What is the internet for, if not for people to randomly share opinions?"
"Leave your comment before I give you mine so that my list doesn't influence yours."
"Me just a person talking about stocks, sharing opinions, and cracking subpar jokes has been identified as harmful and dangerous."
"I would love to hear your thoughts about this movie as long as you're respectful in the comments and respect my opinions about it."
"It's nice to see a balance where you can let people freely express their opinions."
"I think everyone from 4:00 on from Nicole all the way to midnight all felt very strongly and said so on our respective shows."
"People want to hear your opinion as well if you want to get your brand awareness out there."
"It's the right thing to do, share your opinion, have your say, that's what we're for, isn't it?"
"Film is subjective, and that's why I love John's show because I can hear others' thoughts on films they liked and disliked."
"Let me know if you agree or disagree with my score."
"But who else do you think fits the bill? Let me know in the comment section below."
"Whatever your own thoughts and opinions happen to be, I'd love to hear them."
"We need platforms like this where we can express ourselves and give our opinions."
"You watch my channel because you want to hear my opinion."
"Should you see my take and find that you disagree with it, all that I ask is that you do your best to watch the entirety of my video."
"We're always happy to say what we think although we always try to be polite and constructive."
"We have people on the love coins that we don't like... We have people that have all kinds of different perspectives."
"Reviews are subjective, building rapport with someone who shares your view."
"Definitely hit me up and Greg up about where you land on this."
"Let me know what I got right let me know what I got wrong."
"Leave your thoughts about this for the world in the global thought police in the comment section below."
"Sometimes I just want to share my opinion about [stuff] because I'm a human being."
"Hopefully I provide you guys with a little bit of value rather than just giving my opinion on somebody."
"I never try to hold myself out as anything other than a guy just giving his opinion."
"All of these are my opinions. What are yours?"
"Our job here is to give our opinions on things and hopefully give our opinions in such a way that it helps you sharpen what your opinion is."
"The latest headlines, opinions, and debates."
"Get in the comments down below, give me your thoughts and opinions on what we're talking about with these rankings."
"But what do you make of the capture? Share your thoughts with us."
"You were always the one that would like to come out and you would like make the videos that are like this guy is actually [__] good."
"I'm just giving you guys my honest thoughts and opinions."
"I feel like this still needs to be said for the sake of sharing my true opinions."
"I'm not sure how unpopular these opinions are let me know below if you agree with me on any of these if you disagree with me on any of these I would like to know your opinions."
"Let me know whether or not you agree or what you would have ranked at number one."
"If you agree with me on this opinion, conspiracy theory whatever, use the like button as your vote."
"Opinions are a thing. Twitter, Instagram, follow me on there. It's a really fun time."
"I'm not necessarily known for withholding my opinion."
"I hope you enjoyed our opinions; we're curious about yours too."
"Remember, this is my opinion and I'm not personally attacking you with the list, so if you disagree let me know why instead of just disliking because your feelings are hurt by my opinion on fictional space samurai."
"What are your thoughts? What do you think about this character? Let me know in the comments below."
"I'm not here to make decisions for you, just to give you my opinion."
"It's free and easy to use, and in your spare time you can make extra cash just by giving your opinions."
"You check out my review on AOTY once I gather my thoughts."
"You're allowed to have whatever type of conversation you want to and put it out and I think that's completely fair of him."
"You're not trying to – Any creator can share their opinion at any time, but you're... It sounds like you're more a purist about, 'I want this to be what it is, and nothing more.'"
"Those are really my thoughts. What are yours? Let me know in the comments below."
"I enjoyed talking about one of the best characters in the series in my opinion."
"Everybody freaks out and like throws me under the bus. Just wait, like there's enough of this stuff anyway. That's my rant. That's a good rant."
"Yeah, I think what I took away from this point is just being curious and interested in things and then being able to share your opinion and just talk about it right? I think this applies to far more than just this specifically."
"You're going to build a community of people who share your opinions."
"If you want to get heated in the comments and talk about the art that we love, I'd love to hear what your list looks like."
"And that is it you guys just wanted to hop on here and just share my thoughts on this little bag right here."
"I hate the people who want to combat what you got to say but never really truly drop their opinion"
"I would love to hear your thoughts about this book."
"I just want everyone to know my opinions."
"Let me know for your thoughts. Put a comment down so I can find out better than that."
"Let us know what you think of both of these albums."
"I make these videos to give you my honest opinions and thoughts."
"Please don't be horrible, just be nice. Give your opinion, be respectful."
"Hydro is giving me full go-ahead to share really all of my honest opinions of both of these devices."
"I want the thoughts to come in, not just questions, not just 'what do you think of this', share your thoughts, say 'I think this about that' and it kind of create a bit of discussion."
"Let's throw some hot takes in the chat, let's start some hot takes."
"I wanted to have an outlet where I could have my own narrative out there, just my own voice, my own opinions, my own thoughts to share."
"I tell you my opinions, you guys tell me yours in the comments, and we all just have civil discourse."
"Welcome to Ask the Ballet, where you get the opinion of three hillbillies whether you want it or not."
"I believe that I'm ready to share my opinion about it."
"It pays to give your valuable opinions."
"People can share their thoughts, but don't be disrespectful."