
Taboo Quotes

There are 402 quotes

"This has always been a taboo topic, so I think the current discourse...is endlessly interesting."
"This is still a taboo topic that needs to come out... we need to create comfortable safe spaces for conversations to be had."
"Another Country is a novel about a group of people living in New York City in the 1950s and has everything that was taboo at the time."
"The seduction of a taboo is never easily spurned."
"We don't talk about mental health enough at all. It's just very taboo."
"It's the taboo subject that you're not allowed to discuss."
"Finally, we are speaking about these taboo issues in society."
"Society's fear goes even further: we cannot talk about it, we cannot desire it, and especially we cannot talk about desiring it."
"The greatest taboo on campus is to shut down those who disagree with you."
"The greatest taboo of all is teetering on the edge of acceptability."
"Dark Taboo topics that need to be discussed."
"It's subversive, irreverent, taboo-breaking."
"Survivors need to know that it's okay to speak out, that is not taboo, that they shouldn't fear for their lives. That's not how it should be, it should never be that way, guys. Never."
"Cannibalism is probably the worst taboo anyone can get involved in."
"Even that game which you find to be obviously morally reprehensible recognizes the abhorrent taboo of harming or killing children."
"When you make sex so taboo then people get all kinds of up ideas around it."
"The bible is very clear eating bugs is an abomination actually is what it says."
"Nobody wants to say it, but let me be the first to say it."
"When did it become taboo in this country to talk about getting healthy?"
"Hey listen, if they want to [ __ ] the dead let them be."
"When you forbid something, you give credence to it."
"Killing people in a church historically a no-no."
"Simply bringing up this character on the internet is usually considered cursed."
"The name was to be hidden, disguised, twisted from being spoken."
"Death has become a taboo subject in the West, but we must confront its existence."
"Most powerful system on the planet yet it is often perceived as the most taboo subject to discuss." - Tariq Nasheed
"It's time to show you the most taboo menu around; these are foods you are not allowed to eat in the USA."
"This was primarily in order to hide the filthy taboo of joining forces with a pirate, even if it was in order to overcome one of the greatest threats the sport has ever faced."
"Murdering children was one of their greatest taboos, especially in warfare."
"We're kind of moving in this direction where, in the past, there's this saying like 'Don't talk about religion and politics'; at this point, it's 'Don't talk about anything'."
"If you treat it as a source of taboos, then you're precisely not learning from it."
"Everybody have fantasies, you can't tell me you ain't never fantasized about something that you don't want to do in real life."
"We don't shy away from topics most people are too afraid to talk about."
"Ricky's rule is there isn't any topic that can't be joked about."
"Madonna goes through this too and it's the last thing I think you can make fun of openly and not get shamed for."
"You ever [__] in your car? No way. Yes, you have, Joey. Yes, you have."
"Isn't it at least conceivable that you could have lost your virginity to your mother in an out house?"
"Comedy is a very healthy release valve for society... the more things we're not allowed to talk about in public, the more funny certain jokes are."
"Amy Schumer shares one joke she couldn't say at the Oscars: 'My husband goes down on me, or as he calls it, Squid Game...'"
"Getting help should not be something that's as taboo as it once was."
"I just don't have the taboo around nakedness like a lot of people do."
"I think just us as humans we're drawn to the taboo, you know?"
"If you just don't talk about it, it's got that allure of the Forbidden."
"It's obvious that like the content creator and the family is probably making more than the other person so I don't think this is so like taboo to talk about."
"I'd probably suck his dick on TikTok for $2 million."
"If we talk about these things, it just normalizes."
"Comedians should joke about everything, but it has to be funny."
"I felt that this was important to share because it's something that not many people talk about."
"Exploring taboo subjects in art is not equivalent to endorsing them."
"It's important to make movies that don't shy away from the topics that we don't want to talk about."
"Nobody wants to see Uncle's o face."
"His existence was stricken from record and it became forbidden even to speak his name."
"It's amazing how things change. What's Taboo in one generation is okay in the next."
"Nowadays we almost get more passionate talking about money than we do sex."
"Apparently if you make a pee joke, it will drop your attention by around five percent. No pee jokes. That's just a no-go."
"The scientific community is afraid of a topic that inspires millions of people. It's absurd."
"Think about sex every seven seconds, which I think makes talking to your dad creepy."
"No, I want to kill my mom. That's a TikTok, by the way. We definitely don't want to kill our parents."
"They always say you can't make comedy out of cancer."
"I think the show prided itself on going after things you couldn't necessarily joke about."
"I think there are lots of people who you know have transgressive strange thoughts about the things that they want all the time shouldn't we all talk about it shouldn't we all think about it"
"Ask people how much they make. Controversial statement, ask people how much they make."
"Threeway, I think a threeway marriage would probably be better with a dead body. They could all be dead."
"What happens when you fall in love with your dad's best friend?"
"I hear the N-word every day. I still can't say it."
"What's taboo at the moment? Slam it."
"They're sacred, we're not supposed to see them never mind talk to them."
"Things," she said quietly. "It's kind of hard to explain. I guess it's the taboo aspect. It's not sexual, not all sexual. It's about pushing boundaries."
"How did I end this? Like, cocaine cancels out COVID? Okay, I'm kidding. I'm actually just kidding. I'm sorry, I'll see myself out."
"Most of us are taught not to worry about money because money is the root of all evil. It's bad, it's taboo."
"Or a masturbator. Yeah, that's just weird."
"So that we can remove the taboo and stigma around it."
"Comedy is the whole art of talking about the elephant in the room."
"You talked about topics that are taboo in the black community."
"When it comes to money, we definitely need to have better conversations. Somebody tells you what they do in the bedroom, how much money they make. Oh, yeah, girl, I swallow, I take it in the ass. Like, how much you make a year? I can't talk about that, that's my business."
"Jane Goodall does for Bigfoot what our military fighter pilots do for the UFO phenomenon, you know they take away some of this taboo nature that surrounds the subject."
"There's no wrong time to give away free vibrators."
"Nothing Was Taboo, You Could Do Anything."
"Everyone in that room was well aware that Katie and Steven were biologically related, they knew that they were together, they knew that they were married."
"It's very hard. It's not just a taboo for women, it's a taboo for people in general."
"If you don't learn at school you're not going to learn if you're not medical so then and maybe your parents your mum wouldn't talk about it so how do you learn about it and the only way is by trying to get more knowledge make it more acceptable less of a taboo to talk about."
"Even though some people may not want to admit it, selling coochie is one of the oldest professions in the book."
"...neither the plague nor War nor small pox nor similar diseases have produced results so disastrous to humanity as the habit of masturbation."
"Well, you know what pedophiles say, age is just a number."
"...satire is used most often when the topic at hand is considered to be taboo, controversial, violent, sex, politics, and race..."
"...masturbation is one of those kind of taboo topics, so many people do it but no one talks about it intelligently and asks the question why are you doing this."
"Then you go, okay, yeah. It makes it seem far more appropriate and justified to make jokes about certain, certain taboo topics when you're coming from a place of perspective."
"A girl meets a guy at a bar and the next day she arrives at her high school only to find out that he's her new English teacher."
"There should be nothing that's so sacred it can't be talked about."
"No one likes to talk about money. A lot of times when we even buy records we don't like to discuss how much we paid for the record."
"Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, Minecraft player how he got his stuff that burned in lava."
"Female sexuality has been taboo for so long, women's pleasure has been ignored and demonized."
"To make movies which are about metaphors which are about forbidden material which is about eroticism which is about demons yes that is interesting to me."
"That will never be made nor is it talked about like it's one movie that's not even like, nobody even [ __ ] touches it."
"The astronauts themselves are talking about UFOs. Well, some of them did, well, very many. Pilots generally will not speak out about UFOs even though they encounter them on a regular basis; it's taboo, they just won't do it."
"We have conversations that a lot of people are unwilling or afraid to have."
"We don't like any disturbing ideas, and death is only one of many ideas that does disturb."
"It's like Nelly that dare not speak its name."
"Did you hear about the mom and the dad who found out their 10-year-old boy was visiting S&M websites? No, I did not. And the mom said, 'What are we gonna do?' And the dad said, 'Well, we can't spank him, he'll jizz.'"
"Alabas had sex with a Vestal Virgin, which was a big no-no. That got him killed pretty quickly."
"I feel like it's just so normalized for like anyone with a period to suffer but like can we really talk about how horrible periods truly are."
"Deep down we'd all like our friends' brothers to undress us with their eyes."
"There's no question off limits, nothing that you should ever think is too difficult, too complicated, too weird."
"No one's talking about it. Isn't that nuts?"
"I think it is the key issue here is to talk to your children so that it's never seen as something that you can't talk about."
"Praying in a tongue that religion tells you are not to pray in."
"This issue is really coming out of the closet and we're really breaking a taboo by being here."
"Break the taboo about talking about money."
"Some people would actually [__] themselves if they could and it would not be considered"
"We're keen to dive into some of these quote unquote forbidden or taboo topics."
"The worst thing of all is no one really wanted to talk about money. It was so taboo."
"They feel something's a little bad wrong or taboo about this attraction."
"If you can talk about sex, you can talk about most things."
"You know what, if you have a hot cousin, God is [ __ ] with you. God is tempting you, Jesus Christ."
"Taboo and secrets bringing balance to something."
"It's weird that we are breastfed as children but then you know we want to still as adults soak on some titties basically every time we suck on titties like we're paying homage to our moms."
"That's the beauty of South Park, saying things that other people aren't willing to say."
"Sex is wrong. It's an arresting title."
"No one wanted to talk about it, dude, it was so [ __ ] funny."
"I mean, we know what not to joke about. You can't joke about drama, no, no. We can't joke about that at all."
"By the time I die, I want to try one of each kind of meat I can, that includes human meat."
"Pushing the boundaries of taboo only works so long as people still have a gag reflex."
"Human transmutation is strictly forbidden. For what could equal the value of a human soul?"
"Dark and taboo material is only unnerving and effective when it's earnest."
"...the idea that an individual in the creative industry might not fully understand how to be creative is a taboo concept which I fail to understand why."
"There is an overarching taboo around criticizing religious faith."
"The lack of open conversation about this is a phenomenon in our society right now."
"What if all of us started addressing something that we really need to do the elephant in the room and deal with the fact that yes there is a lot of fear taboo guilt shame all these different things related to it."
"I think sometimes people are attracted to the danger of something or what they're not supposed to have."
"Mental issues are real in our culture...but people don't want to talk about that...they rather sugarcoat it."
"Talking about money with people - yeah we're gonna have many conversations among your peers and I think for too long talking about money has been taboo its way the company gets away with paying everybody not enough."
"Every major important free man in that society would have a young boy that he would be engaged in a sexual relationship with."
"Pandas do not have the n-word pass. No, never."
"The only argument against incest is religious."
"I think most of us probably assume that our parents are having sex, but I think it is unusual for it to be so openly talked about with younger kids."
"Ain't nobody getting the hand job in the red light district."
"Humor is a great dissolver of taboos."
"Crazy, man. Okay, not romantic. I know that's not romantic. There's nothing romantic about incest, but..."
"Cannibalism is common in neighboring villages, it's a practice that takes place."
"'The dirtiest book in all the world is the expurgated book.'"
"I think there's something else out there. Maybe people don't want to talk about it, but it's there nonetheless."
"You don't break, you can talk about me, you can talk about these celebrities, but don't talk about the dead."
"So even then it was kind of a taboo thing to talk about."
"If God spoke those things, wrote those things, dictated those things, which I dare not read to you..."
"We are going to talk about sex because you can't sit all these children down and then give them a dance about you know Krishna trying to like seduce this woman and not talk about sex right it's important."
"It's almost taboo... sex was definitely and only designed for the marriage bed."
"We are using language to make accurate definition of sex difference unspeakable."
"I've never seen a movie that is of this age talking so head-on about suicide and addiction and anger in like a [__] up family."
"You cannot sleep with your granddaughter and issue this type of statement."
"Reluctant to talk about real [__]."
"If you're a woman and you're having painful sex, like pelvic floor physical therapist is your saving grace. Like so many people just don't talk about that."
"...a forbidden four-letter word that sounded like it meant worse than F head or something, huh?"
"This is the part nobody talks about."
"The stress around sex and the acceptance of sex and talking about sex in the church is doing a disservice to the people that are in the church that have this ideological view of what it should look like and be."
"I think we're doing whether it's pedophilia jokes or Catholic jokes are totally legit as a performer."
"You don't talk about politics at parties, everybody's doing drugs."
"I'm gonna say the n-word. I'm gonna do it."
"The very devil of it is the best stories are those which can never be printed."
"What makes it a joke is the sudden unexpected crassness of it. It's a joke simply because it's something you're not supposed to say."
"Exploitation Cinema carved a niche by capitalizing on the taboos and topics Hollywood dare not touch."
"Not only am I curious from like, 'Oh, I wanna know, I wanna learn,' but like, I actually pretty strongly believe that the way that people treat money as a pretty taboo thing is actually a huge net negative on most people."
"Like why do we have sort of rules on what we can't talk about and then things that are definitively subjects that cannot be made into jokes he would see that as a challenge. All of it's a challenge."
"Now I was advised very strongly by my seniors, 'Don't go near this topic. It's career death. Don't talk about hemisphere differences.'"
"Menstruation is a perfectly natural process that happens to a large percentage of the human population."
"Alchemy's first law: 'Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.'"
"What we mean by sacred is whatever it is in a culture at which you're not allowed to laugh."
"It's not afraid to touch upon taboo subjects."
"Being gay was an extremely taboo thing and it was very frowned upon."
"Let’s start with good old cannibalism, a rather taboo practice that is nonetheless as old as time."
"It feels so liberating to be able to speak freely about something so demonized and protected at the same time."
"I really want to talk about a subject that is not talked about a lot."
"Women in comedy often say the most prohibited things and they have something to teach the rest of us about personal power."
"...no one ever talks about this I haven't found anyone who's willing to even uh debate it..."
"Would you eat somebody? Yeah, and I'm not weird for that."
"True equality is being able to call anybody an [ __ ], regardless of their race. That's equality."
"What is so upsetting to people about two people making love is unbelievable to me. Whereas violence is so acceptable and we love it."
"It's like, no. Okay, so the thing is, taking away this one, we don't talk about kill shots enough, for real."
"Almost everybody is uncomfortable talking about sex and money, and those are the two biggest reasons that people get divorced. Make sure before you decide to have children, you talk about that too."
"I wish it was spoken about a bit more as I was growing up. I feel there are a lot of cultural and societal barriers to talking about it and we all inherently feel very private about money matters."
"The stigma around porn is too negative."
"I know that opening up this conversation today is kind of like talking about religion, politics, or whose mother has the best cooking."
"I project that in 50 years, it's gonna be like incest is fine."
"Because trust me, there are some things that most people fail to talk about when it comes to Gene Roddenberry and sex and Star Trek and sex and science fiction in general."
"In some African cultures, pythons are revered, and hunting them is considered taboo. True or a lie? What do you think, chat?"
"Girls don't poop! You can write that if you want, good luck, but your best friend thinks that too."
"This is the equivalent of lighting up a joint almost in the eyes of the law."
"Man eating man is the ultimate taboo."
"When you stick your neck out there and you say that which is taboo and you're 'canceled,' you essentially are a small type of human sacrifice in some way."
Name something that's perfectly okay to beat: "Beat your meat."
"Let's have a sex conversation. Try it."
"I think age gap romances give an author an opportunity to take something that is taboo and make it something that isn't so taboo."
"Age gaps give an author an opportunity to take something that is taboo and make it something that isn't so taboo."
"...against sex in general nevertheless we can tell that he broke with early Christian tradition."
"I'd like you to watch me pleasure your sister."
His songs like "take a walk on the wild side," "sweet Jane," and "heroine" covered topics previously unexplored in rock music.
"I feel like a lot of people get scared to bring those topics up because then you're going to look like those people that take it too far and too sensitive."
"You don't play about the dead, and that ain't nothing to joke about."
"black people are so scared to talk about money with each other yeah now we are"
"You can't just go buy one at a Halloween store. Well, this is from a sex shop."
"It's like a thing, like I could not in my house. You can't, this is spitting in his mouth during sex could even keep ketchup as a kid."