
Lightning Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"The temperature of a single lightning bolt is around 28,000 degrees Celsius or around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Fork lightning flickered and blazed toward the ground, splitting a mighty oak."
"Lake Maracaibo is even in the Guinness Book of World Records for highest concentration of lightning."
"The lightning strikes the ground, and this turns the sand into glass."
"Lightning is... an electrical discharge that a storm cloud and the ground causes because of an imbalance."
"The Catatumbo Lightning phenomenon is fascinating as well as kind of terrifying."
"Lightning strikes are very powerful but they can also be very deadly."
"Lightning doesn't strike twice. It does absolutely all the time."
"Lightning is one of the most powerful forces of nature around the earth."
"A bolt of lightning is hotter than the Sun, excuse me - sir, not the center of this on the surface."
"Bolt hit the ground maybe 10 to 15 feet away from me and I got shocked," he said.
"Lightning never strikes twice. This guy had no idea how close he came to getting fried by a lightning bolt. Imagine all the circumstances that could have altered that situation into a worse one."
"When lightning strikes the earth, it is swallowed up and disappears."
"I swear a lightning strike just landed... I saw the entire thing from top to bottom."
"We're creating a fortress, somebody just got hit by lightning."
"See, I told you, just relax, have fun, let the game come to you."
"It's pretty wild, right? Not as wild as being struck by lightning seven times, but still pretty wild."
"You are more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by a shark."
"Lightning strikes by my window, hits my chest right in the morning."
"I love lightning videos, they're crazy."
"It looked like Thor had just brought the lightning down from Asgard."
"Lightning is the decentralized fault tolerant non-custodial solution."
"Lightning came through the ceiling vent and struck the toilet."
"The sky exploded with lightning, echoed through the depths of space."
"The Tesla coil builds up a charge which jumps through the air to this neutral rod, just like a lightning bolt."
"We made a lightning bolt that totally jumped a long way, that was impressive."
"But now the rain is pouring and all I see is lightning around my feet. Now nothing can bring me down."
"This album is equivalent to that of capturing lightning in a bottle."
"Lightning is big lightning is powerful and we are exposed lightning is something that I'm afraid of and lightning is something I prepare for you should too."
"Before lightning strikes, you can sometimes feel an electric charge run through your body, you feel your hair rise, it's the hand of chindi, then you're probably going to be hit and the only thing to do is drop flat on the ground and pray."
"In any given year according to the CDC you have a one in five hundred thousand chance of being struck by lightning... statistically men are five times more likely to be struck than women."
"Lightning enables instant, irreversible payments."
"Lightning: the last connecting piece for exchanges."
"Lightning: driving real-world adoption."
"You deserve someone that makes you feel like you've been struck by lightning."
"I am lightning, determination, the goddess in the way of willpower."
"Listen, I'm not kidding, there's lightning out here and I am not going to be taller than you. It's going to hit you first before it hits me."
"Saturn also has its own unique weather conditions: lightning bolts there can be 10,000 times more powerful than the ones we have on Earth."
"I know how to ground this because I bought a lecture on lightning."
"I highly recommend that you go check out green light if you're a lightning user."
"Man, I freaking like the lightning."
"The lightning bolt, they're implying strength. Everyone's afraid of lightning, all right? You don't wanna get struck by it."
"I hope that in the future when you have a question about lightning and about foiling techniques you can just jump to this video and watch along."
"It is because of this that one goes back into history because there is lightning in history, there is submerged lightning there, buried power."
"We now have a fairly good explanation of what lightning consists in or how it arises."
"Lightning never strikes twice, well in fact it does."
"Lightning is one of those things that can really get the heart racing."
"But the reality is that lightning can strike from up to 10 miles away from a storm."
"Wonder Woman calls down 'By the honor of Grayskull,' a lightning bolt which rakes the ground and casts Hecate into it."
"The pointed iron rod acts like a magnet and grabs an approaching lightning bolt from the sky."
"The ball lightning did not touch a single metal object, injuring only people."
"Lightning is a pure expression of fire."
"So, for the last animation on our grid, let's look at how we can make lightning strike."
"Summoning lightning, attacking, besieging a human city—it's very useful."
"The lightning wins by a country mile."
"If you want to be inspired, if you want that lightning bolt to strike you, you need to be out there acting as a rod for it to be attracted towards."
"Last year over 18,000 people got struck by lightning. That's a fact. Eighteen thousand, yeah."
"Krayt used telekinesis and lightning as his primary tools in combat."
"I hope you're right and that the Lightning is kind of that that down market."
"Luffy clearly demonstrates that he's faster than lightning."
"There's more than enough direct evidence to suggest that Luffy is faster than lightning."
"Suddenly a big rain cloud went overhead and it got really dark I just found a couple pieces of gold where I left off last year while I was trying to recover this piece of gold lightning struck causing a huge downpour."
"The good news is that they all survived the lightning that day but I bet it certainly wasn't the day that they had planned."
"Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening."
"I'm so proud that Zuko could redirect that lightning, that was incredible."
"A bolt of lightning split the air, illuminating the rapidly approaching rain."
"The katatumbo lightning happens specifically because of the river's proximity to the Andes mountains."
"The survival rate for lightning strikes is very, very high, sitting at an impressive ninety percent."
"How to redirect lightning, oh shit!"
"He's the most likable little yellow, red-cheeked mouse on the planet, and he shoots lightning out of his tail. Are you kidding me? He's fantastic."
"Nearly a quarter million people get hit by lightning each year."
"There is literally a character that is the embodiment of the basis of all the scaling, even lightning."
"Thor also has thunder and lightning at his fingertips with Mjolnir."
"Airplanes not only get hit by lightning, but they also trigger it."
"You are within my range of divination. Lightning Style: Nerve Strike Jutsu."
"I find lightning not only entertaining but mysterious and incredible."
"The strangest part of this story is that a week after we left, the cabin in Tennessee, as reported by the Tennessee Film Commission, a bolt of lightning hit the cabin, and it burned to the ground."
"I was struck by lightning... I had an NDE, a near-death experience."
"Soren then reveals another technique called Rahu, which engulfs his body with lightning."
"The most impressive lightning I've seen in a long time."
"You are safe in a metal airplane or metal car if it is struck by lightning."
"Roy Sullivan... has the Guinness World Record for the person who has been hit the most often by lightning."
"When lightning strikes, it heats the air to over 30,000 degrees Celsius."
"There's nothing secret about lightning; it lights up the whole sky."
"You can hold a lightning bolt; it's fascinating."
"The darkness is torn by a web of lightning that vaguely resembles a spider's web. We are sailing in a vast ocean of metallic liquid hydrogen!"
"Sheets of lightning rage at the storm center, less than a second later the ground shakes with the sound of thunder."
"I was lucky enough to get hit by lightning, lucky enough to get to live my dream."
"I just saw lightning out of the corner of my eye."
"All of the flag poles are actually lightning rods because this is the lightning capital of the world."
"The record flash reached an unbelievable length of almost 770 kilometers."
"Lightning is a pure expression of firebending; it is not fueled by rage or emotion the way other firebending is."
"Lightning often strikes the same place twice."
"Lightning and electricity are one and the same thing."
"It felt like he was hit with a bolt of lightning that restarted his heart."
"You may have heard this saying: lightning never strikes the same place twice."
"Look at the lightning; it's growing. That lightning is getting more substantial."
"People die from lightning strikes and lightning can cause damage, so we want to remain aware of that."
"He can generate a smorgasbord of powerful lightning attacks."
"I really like how he has Thor's hammer and then the way they did the lightning around the figure, A plus."
"It was pretty beautiful, there was a dark purple sky with lightning lighting up a mountain opposite us."
"The chance of your mast being blown apart by lightning strike as happened here to poor old Surinam is somewhat reduced."
"Lightning by itself is just a tip of an iceberg in reality when it comes to various lightning phenomena."
"The sky suddenly light up... it was like there was lightning somewhere in the distance, but I could not see it; I could only see the purple sky and I could hear no thunder."
"Behold, he scatters his lightning about him and covers the roots of the sea."
"It really goes like lightning in the eye."
"You're more likely to get struck by lightning than even by like a shark."
"Lightning usually strikes the highest object around."
"Lightning heats up the air to a temperature of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, that's hotter than the sun, much hotter than the Sun."
"Here's lightning, don't blink or you'll miss it."
"Buildings and cars provide much-needed protection from lightning's dangerous electricity."
"Sometimes nature does this: the direction of lightning is determined by the direction of the electrical field."
"Rain produces natural nitrogen when lightning goes through the air."
"More than 1100 lightning strikes in the past 15 minutes."
"How likely would it be that I would get struck by lightning twice in the same day? Not very likely."
"Lightning becomes a deadly weapon."
"Kilua is certainly as fast as actual lightning."
"What's the word for when lightning strikes a desert and hits sand or dirt, and the heat of the lightning strike melts and fuses the sand into a glass-like rock material?"
"The charge will then move; it actually moves in the air, and that's how lightning occurs."
"The loudest boom of thunder you've heard so far coincides exactly with a massive bolt of lightning."
"The mega lightning bolt in 2020: Satellite images reveal the longest single lightning bolt ever recorded."
"The temperature of lightning is generally between 15,000 de C and 28,000 de C, this is 3 to 5 times the temperature of the Sun."
"The night descended but was soon turned into day; lightning flashed across the firmament."
"The Everlasting Catatumbo lightning starts at around 7:00 and doesn't stop until dawn."
"Lightning... is believed to contain a whopping 5 billion joules per volt."
"The great thing is, there's lightning happening across the earth all the time."
"Red sprites are flashes of light that appear above thunderstorms and come in clusters."
"The belief that lightning never strikes in the same place twice is just a common misconception."
"In the distance, silver lightning streaked between the clouds, illuminating rolling hills and terrified sheep scampering for shelter."
"You will not be able master lightning until you dealt with the turmoil inside you."
"Every single thunderstorm has lightning."
"It's going to brighten up the whole sky, and then you're going to see the actual strike or the movement of electricity."
"I just like that he's just... he has so much lightning, and it looks so cool, and it's just... he's just really cool."
"Thunder is the sound that always accompanies lightning."
"Lightning storms can be quite spectacular in parts of Africa."
"Imagine that, one lightning strike lights up the sky for 17 seconds."
"Lightning has an incredibly high temperature of about 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Since there's a lot of lightning and there's a lot of thunder, a lot of times there'll be blackouts."
"The temperature that happens when we get this lightning strike is about 30,000 Kelvin, it's 54,000 Fahrenheit. That is extremely hot."
"The safest place to be is in your car. The metal of the outside of that car, once that lightning hits it, that charge is distributed around the edge of that car."
"The sky lit top to bottom with streaks of lightning as the storm marched across the plains to the river."
"So I learned something valuable: when you see lightning, run away from it."
"I was shrouded in perfect darkness except for the pulses of lightning that glint off the outlines of the dead."
"Lightning never strikes twice in the same place? In fact, it does, and frequently."
"This ball of lightning that hit the plane seems to be a location of sorts."
"That's a lot of lightning, so very strong, very potent storms that continue to push through."
"Lightning is approximately 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit or six times hotter than the surface of the Sun."
"Zeus controls like lightning and thunder in Greek mythology whereas Thor is the god of thunder in Norse mythology."
"I was struck by lightning while talking on a landline."
"Lightning seems scary and destructive but actually it's very productive for life on Earth."
"80% of lightning victims don't get fatally injured."
"It looks like lightning in there. I love it."
"I have a reasonable, respectable fear of lightning."
"Real lightning lasts for less than ten thousandth of a second and can reach temperatures of 30,000 degrees C."
"Thor is able to outspeed his own lightning that he can create, which is pretty impressive."
"You have three main lightning shooting environments: daytime bolts, sunset/dusk bolts, and nighttime bolts."
"There's nothing quite as wonderful as sitting and watching some lightning."
"We're getting hundreds of lightning strikes here over the last half hour."
"Frequent cloud-to-ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately."
"We're gonna get into creating lightning, and this is gonna be a lot of fun."
"At elevation, if your hair suddenly stands on end, duck and cover; lightning is about to strike."
"A crack of light illuminated the sky briefly."
"Lightning doesn't look like that zigzag yellow bolt that we all think of; it's actually much more smooth and curvy and is usually white or purple."
"Well, look what happened to poor David; he got hit by a lightning bolt."
"Lightning doesn't usually strike the same place twice."
"When lightning strikes, for a split second we can see everything."
"We're seeing tons of lightning and thunder, it's got a good inflow that we're watching out for as well as just a little bit of rotation."
"You start to see more lightning strikes, especially in parts of the updraft here, that tells us it's healthy, it tells us that that storm continues to organize."
"It's gonna be like lightning that just sort of lights up the sky."