
Military Readiness Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"The best way to prevent a war is being ready for a war."
"Make no mistake, we will face ever greater threats. Our soldiers must be ready."
"We are looking at a serious threat, and we are actively dealing with espionage, cyber war, and now potentially butting heads in international waters as China expands its influence."
"The foot in the boot, that's what makes an army victorious."
"If there was ever a clue that Russia didn't have massive ready-to-go military reserves, I think the way this operation played out provides it."
"There's always the latest rumors that the Russians come back, but the evidence is Russia is rearming, is rebuilding, is remobilizing."
"Germany is doing the Anschluss, we want to fight them as soon as they demand."
"First and foremost, we want to deter any attackers. We want to show them that the Polish Army is strong and equipped with modern weapons."
"No president should ever have to hear that we have no ammunition."
"We know that China is prepared right now to take Taiwan." - Video Narrator
"This sends a clear message that Ukraine is ready to defend its airspace effectively, making any hostile air strikes a high-risk endeavor."
"Taiwanese F-16 fighters roared into the night on Wednesday in a show of force in front of the media, demonstrating the military's determination to defend the democratically governed island in the face of days of Chinese war games."
"If your sustainment is garbage then it doesn't even matter if you can be tactical."
"A Guardsman who can't fall asleep the second the perimeter is secure is not a true Guardsman."
"Russia is ready to defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and our people with all weapon systems we have."
"We don't want to give the Chinese Communist Party the impression that it's going to take a week for us to respond to their aggression."
"The United States and our allies are prepared to defend every inch of NATO territory from any threat to our collective security."
"It looks like that some NATO members are actively preparing for war."
"Ready or not, the ADF now faces major challenges."
"It brought to the admiralty's mind for the first thing that the submarine was a real threat."
"If the mission is not clear it creates hesitation if there's hesitation on the battlefield people die."
"Putting people first ensures we have cohesive teams that are highly trained, disciplined, and fit, who will win against any adversary."
"Planning an invasion around the premise of 'don't worry, they probably won't shoot back much' isn't the best idea."
"The U.S. will lose the conflict if it doesn't get ready to fight China immediately."
"That leaves Putin and Xi with a difficult, if not impossible decision: launch a war now that they’re not ready for and probably can’t win, or wait a few years, when their populations and economies are even less capable of enduring such hardships."
"The main sentiment here is pretty much everybody is either expecting this and most people are in expecting to fight back."
"The lack of readiness and capability of the Russian Black Sea Fleet... they are almost a non-factor."
"Our thoroughness and our diligence is what keeps those teeth sharp."
"The Pentagon seeks wartime procurement Powers... preparing for a war with China."
"The war in Ukraine has shown the world just how poorly prepared countries are for the return of industrial warfare."
"It gives us the green light to really get our defenses ready here."
"Our allies and partners are ready to impose severe cost and significant harm on Russia."
"In times of war or uncertainty, there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation's call."
"The DoD takes seriously all threats and potential threats to our people, our assets, and our mission."
"We can't have a Navy out there that can only fight a blue water fight."
"We need to be as clean as we can of COVID-19 within the force, ready to pounce upon anyone taking advantage of us."
"One of Dennis Pin's many advisers has actually now come forward and said that nearly all the troops that are fighting on the front lines from the Ukrainian Army are recently mobilized and untrained..."
"Being vaccinated will enable our service members to stay healthy, to better protect their families, and to ensure that our force is ready to operate anywhere in the world." - Joe Biden
"If we go to war today, we can't win a single conflict. We have no ammunition."
"I think North Korea would like nothing more than senior military leaders, junior military leaders, service members, and the US to be worried about the election more than they're worried about their readiness." - Anonymous
"The Chinese are preparing to call that bluff."
"They are made of the same strong stuff as the troops in this room, and I am absolutely confident that they will continue to succeed in the missions that we give them, in Afghanistan and beyond."
"This unit is outdated, under equipped, and not ready to tackle anything other than small security threats."
"America is fully prepared, prepared with our NATO allies to defend every single inch of NATO territory."
"All it's going to take is one little pop-off and this whole thing could go hot."
"War is hard and in war you take casualties, you have to be prepared for that."
"Air dominance is not an American birthright."
"The shield wanted to get some serious weapons cleaning done and had Karen open up the arms room."
"If you're about to go to a nuclear war you will turn the systems on."
"Roughly 40 B-52H bombers are currently assigned a 'deterrence role.'"
"Could these concerns about China’s nuclear deterrent readiness be what’s been causing trouble for high-ranking officials?"
"It was quite a sight: I had never seen such a fleet deployed in front of me."
"Most of the ground forces of Ukraine are far better equipped."
"To buy the best stuff, to have the best equipment in the world, and to never have to use it would be a really great part of my dream."
"This groundbreaking air defence network allowed Britain's defenders to be in the air, at interception altitude, within 10 minutes of the first sign of invasion on the radar screens."
"All hands to battle stations! The Titan has arrived!"
"India wants peace but if provoked we are capable of giving an appropriate response."
"Taiwan commissions a new navy warship amid heightened tensions with Beijing."
"When inclusiveness becomes the core mission, it severely damages the institution."
"To have a ship of this scale make it so deep into the core worries me greatly."
"If China figures out how to direct next steps in Europe, there's no way we're touching Taiwan or keeping Taiwan safe."
"We need all soldiers to stand up to this challenge and help us win."
"Taiwanese fighter jets landed on a makeshift runway on a highway strip today as annual drills reached their peak. They're practicing skills that would be needed in the event China attacks and targets Taiwan's vulnerable air bases."
"It's the boring stuff that's going to get you resupplied, patched up, rested, and ready for whatever comes next."
"Aviation Rescue Swimmers: Ready to go into harm's way to complete the rescue missions in the most extreme environments imaginable."
"Steadfast Defender sends a clear message: NATO is capable."
"US officials have cited the possibility of a great power conflict with China."
"There's no use having half-built Battlestars if we can't defend them."
"Our lead times have been taken off as a strategic guidance initiative but they're still impacting on our procurement programs."
"Even before the spring onslaught begins, the Ukrainian Army is having amazing success."
"Space is a warfighting domain. Comes to the outer reaches of space, you are that strength."
"We believe we're now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine."
"Lessons learned, modernizations, and refits were inherent to these carriers."
"I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory." - General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Russia knows how to fight. They've trained for the fight. The West has been on the couch, we've gotten fat, we're not training."
"I don't think we're at a point right now where that's needed right because there hasn't been a large-scale invasion yet of Ukraine."
"Resupply especially is critical. Men can't fight well for long if they're hungry."
"Arms mean whatever is necessary for a soldier in battle."
"Allied nations will take action if China uses force against Taiwan."
"The U.S is preparing for a major power conflict with China."
"This experienced pilot, taught to use one of the most advanced mechanical weapons in the military, seemed completely unprepared for being shot at in a war zone."
"Russia is on the brink of an invasion, that's how it's been presented."
"It's safe to say though the weapon system has done quite well in its service history."
"The best way to guarantee peace is to prepare for war, right?"
"The war is just going to ramp up from here, but so far at least in the economic War I think we're keeping pace."
"Our military from a Personnel standpoint is weaker today than it has been in I can't remember how long."
"Maintaining readiness is something we have to balance, but don't burn yourself out. We still need urgency and readiness."
"NATO is ready for direct confrontation with Russia. All the pieces are in place."
"It's a very different looking Ukrainian army now than it was 80 days ago. It's a well-equipped and getting better equipped with every passing day."
"The pace at which he is bringing the entire country into a state of war is accelerating."
"The stream of volunteers willing to liberate their homeland didn't stop. At the beginning of April, Ukraine announced the continuation of equipment to the offensive guard. New candidates will form a reliable reserve for every brigade."
"We stand ready if called upon by NATO to support the NRF in the defense of the alliance and we'll absolutely do that."
"It would be a bad day for the United States if we ever had to go up against the Russian or Chinese."
"The Pentagon is putting more than 8,000 troops on high alert for potential deployment over the tension between Russia and Ukraine."
"Troops are provided with First Aid on the battlefield within the first few minutes after being wounded."
"Get prepared now guys, we have top U.S generals saying we must prepare."
"Active and retired military members are not forgetting, they are preparing for it as an active threat right now."
"We may lose the next War without aircraft carriers."
"We will face ever greater threats. Our soldiers must be ready."
"The US can field an army of well-trained, experienced professionals."
"Troop morale and unit cohesion: essential for the success of any campaign."
"The only way for an army to really know what it lacks is by actually going to war."
"Ready soldiers and loyal commanders." - Chinese leader Xi Jinping
"If you don't have the right equipment, you cannot deal with your enemy."
"I believe this is the decade of consciousness, where we can create a more humane society."
"This bill would strengthen our military's readiness, rebuild our defense industrial base, and assist our partners and allies at a volatile and dangerous time in world history."
"Wars are prevented by deterrence and military readiness."
"Military organizations will never be prepared fully for the war that they're asked to fight."
"We're sending people into combat that are not physically ready to be in combat and that has to stop."
"...quality of life initiatives are supremely important to our sailors soldiers and airmen and are not only beneficial from recruiting and retention standpoint but they're directly tied to our military readiness."
"The soldier overseas must be combat ready not only in terms of equipment training and conviction but also in terms of ability to withstand the rugged demands of physical combat."
"How can you go to war day after day with equipment you have no confidence in?"
"When we speak, our army stands up."
"To strike at the enemies of my country and of mankind. That I will hit them hard when ready..."
"Operational readiness figures achieved by F-100s in Vietnam sometimes registered above 95 percent."
"Delaware's adaptability makes it highly responsive to changing mission requirements and provides the nation with capabilities required to be a decisive factor in any conflict."
"The division was as hard as nails and ready for anything."
"Their readiness is a reflection of his leadership and command, the proud culmination of the life and career of a man who fields one of the most responsible jobs the nation has to offer."
"It stands ready to fight and win the nation's wars."
"America's Army stands ready. We are ready today to deploy, fight, and win our nation's wars."
"In a heartbeat, a routine mission can turn into a survival situation in enemy territory."
"We are the most military-ready, the most combat-ready army in all of Europe, and we are the guardians of Europe."
"You're going to be doing lots of laundry... so it's going to be a lot easier if you have a nice mesh laundry bag."
"When dawn breaks on the morning of Friday the 27th, Smith’s division is well-entrenched and ready for any attack that might come their way."
"For the first time in history, U.S. Strategic Air Command moved to DEFCON 2."
"The empire is able to take an offensive posture again."
"As officers, we have to make sure that every airman that we send into harm's way is properly organized, properly trained, properly equipped, and properly led to get the mission done."