
Moral Behavior Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Just because somebody says they believe, but if their actions are not consistent with what they believe, and someone else says they don't believe and their actions are very fine, very refined like a Godly person, so then what do these words mean anyway?"
"To do the right thing even when no one is looking, that's another great definition of integrity."
"Any sensible group of people wouldn't steal from, kill, or commit adultery against each other."
"Religions must use moral behavior and religious education, not war, coercion, or social pressure, to influence and inspire."
"He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake."
"You absolutely cannot be mean to somebody that is continually being nice to you. It's actually impossible. You will feel like [expletive] unless you are actually an evil human being."
"I guess ultimately I'm a proponent of the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"You do unto others how you would want to be done unto yourself."
"A good man's actions set him up for a better future."
"Be the right, just do the right thing and be a good person."
"You cannot in the same moment of thought, want to harm someone and want to do good."
"If you want self-esteem, you have to do esteemable things."
"The Christ-like thing to do is to serve others, to go and help others."
"I think the Christ-like thing to do there would be to do what Christ did: to sit down with the people that you perceive to be sinners."
"Most people in the world are good... even when put in tough spots the vast majority of the world."
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"When you and I treat other people the way we want them to treat us, the Father will bless us in ways we could never begin to imagine."
"God forbid that we start treating each other with love and respect and kindness."
"When he thought he would be punished, he dared not shoot. But the moment he believed himself free from consequence, he acted."
"What makes you a bad person is not acknowledging that what you did was wrong and refusing to change."
"Mary remained humbly patient and charitable, returning good for evil."
"We don't get right, we get righteous."
"Doing good things for others is what gets you into heaven."
"It's not only about remarkable realization but it's also doing the right thing."
"The fear of God puts a sanctifying effect on human behavior."
"If you don't do the right thing, sooner or later you will pay for it, one way or another."
"Let's follow the example of scripture in our own behavior and let's call for others in leadership over us to do the same."
"It's just not that hard to be a decent person."
"If they really wanted to deal with abortion, preachers would preach on fornication."
"Treat others how you want to be treated because it's like crazy that like I don't know it's just so mindblown to me that some people can stoop so low."
"If you get your heart right, it leads to success even in worldly ways."
"You should not take advantage of people who have disabilities."
"A good-hearted Christian would not suddenly become vile and mean-spirited if they stopped believing in God."
"Santa still knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!"
"Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching."
"Throughout his mortal ministry, the Savior of the world turned outward when the natural man or woman in any of us would have been self-centered and focused inward."
"The virus of doing evil badly - very inefficient and terrible at being selfish and greedy."
"The principle of repentance is that you stop sinning."
"Love always protects, love rejoices in the truth, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing."
"Just have to try to do right by people around you."
"Through the fear of the Lord, men depart from evil."
"Like do good and people might want to do good too."
"Until he does come back, you're supposed to do the right thing."
"Karma was tenfold on them... treat people good even if you don't want to be with someone..."
"If people are raised right, they typically do right."
"A boy lies, cheats, and deceives but a man always tells the truth."
"People are gonna start to realize that's good to do good."
"When you do the right thing, it becomes contagious."
"You do good because you are saved, not to get saved."
"Do the right thing even when no one is looking."
"What do we do? We have to enact virtue, not vice."
"It's not what we preach but how we treat people."
"Obedience should be the fruit of encouragement."
"The grace thing will give him extra credit because he just keeps the Lord's commandments."
"Being kind, loving, and honest can at least help you find your place in it."
"It's one of the worst things you can do to be mean to somebody that doesn't deserve it."
"The best amongst you is the one who is God-fearing, well-mannered, and looks out for their neighbors, especially those being discarded by society."
"Don't gain pleasure from someone else's downfall."
"These small acts of kindness just out of karma."
"Rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior but for evil."
"Let your light shine before others, and they may see your good deeds and glorify your father's in heaven."
"If you're gonna be a complete piece of garbage like this, the least you can do is actually try to redeem yourself and do the right thing."
"He has told you, oh man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you: but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. Amen."
"This kind of comes back to what we were saying earlier about a moral compass where doing the right thing in other countries just happens by default."
"Don't be a horrible person because you have no idea how that ripple can change the course of you and everyone else's life around you."
"Just do the right thing, get into the habit of doing the right thing, and your life just goes better overall."
"Love is patient and kind... It does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth."
"Being fair is something that you should be bearing in mind."
"It doesn't take much to be a decent person. It really doesn't."
"If you truly understand the laws of karma, the cause and effect of everything you do in your life and how it affects other people and the life review, you're gonna be the best person you can possibly be."
"The right thing to do is still doing the right thing."
"Just because he ain't striking you down with a lightning strike every time you step wrong, you think God's stupid?"
"When any person harms you or speaks badly of you, remember that he acts or speaks from a supposition of it being his duty."
"Karma is about action, your actions on a regular basis."
"Real men treat people with respect and dignity until they no longer deserve it. That's what a real man does."
"You shouldn't bribe a kid to do something; they should do it simply because it's the right thing to do."
"Once you know how to do the right thing, it's way easier than higher math for data science."
"Grandpa Joe is the human manifestation of do onto others as you'd have them do to you."
"Be long-suffering, and pitiful, and guileless, and gentle, and good, and always trembling at the words which you have heard."
"With the kind you show yourself kind, with the blameless you show yourself blameless."
"God cares deeply about how we treat each other and how we act as human beings."
"Right and wrong when you follow what's right, you benefit."
"Good behavior is the only prize you don't need top grades for."
"Careful what you do, cause God is watching your every move."
"A person well settled in this settled wisdom will not do bad things."
"Some common obsessions that come along with scrupulosity are wondering if they've committed some type of sin, if they are behaving morally, or if they are doing things that are immoral."
"Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them."
"If you'll be good to God, then God will be good to you."
"When you're busy all day, you don't have time to sin."
"You're a brand-new creature; you won't try to take advantage of this. When you believe this, you will actually love more and sin less."
"The golden rule is do unto others what you would like to be done to you."
"If you actually believed that there's going to be heaven and hell, would this act as an incentive for you or not?"
"You should behave the way you want everyone to behave."
"If I can make a person feel better doing the right thing than making them feel better doing the wrong thing, then they're going to do the better thing."
"I treat my fellow man and woman as I would like to be treated."
"Our data suggests that empathy is insufficient for explaining moral behavior at least in this setting because people are nicer than an empathy account would predict."