
Open Dialogue Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Having a candid and frank discussion on these matters is far better than just avoiding the discussion."
"People were very honest and they were very open and sincere, and nobody was jeering or searing or mocking."
"The mainstream media and the foreign policy establishment are bad enough at this point in time in shutting down contrary opinions... we don't want to reinforce that. What we want to do is open things up even more."
"We should always be open to open conversation in a very civil manner."
"I really appreciate talking to people that disagree, so I thank you for having me."
"Maybe if we awaken individually, we can do something powerful collectively together by telling the truth, by allowing opposing opinions to be discussed in an open forum, by maintaining our hope and our strength."
"We need to be humble enough to admit that the other person's argument should be heard."
"If you ever do anything where you need someone like myself, I'm always available to have these open discussions."
"Nothing here is meant to be offensive. I'm not trying to attack anybody. I'm just giving my opinions and you're welcome to disagree just as I am welcome to disagree with you."
"We want to protect Free Speech, clearly we want to have a free exchange of ideas."
"I'll go down on the side of compassion with people actually accusing me of just weakness rather than go down on the side of condemnation which closes any doors of opportunity for future engagement."
"It's great to hear people's opinions, especially if they can support it with facts."
"One of the great parts of sitting in this chair each day is getting to discuss different points of view."
"that was pretty good I didn't agree with everything but that's what's so great you know about America is that we can have conversations"
"I want to share with you guys my passion for learning, for investigation, and especially for real free and open dialogue."
"You're not gonna find another show where we can have these types of conversations."
"Why can't we just have a conversation about how we're going to deal with it?"
"Nuance and diversity of opinion is a good thing."
"A Cheeto was willing to listen to at least some of what I had to say, and that's something that can't really be said about most reactionary internet figures."
"I want to have an open conversation with you about these issues because I understand that I might not have any story."
"I love wholesome videos like that that are kind of exploring a topic but doing so in a way that's just like fun open wholesome conversation."
"I embrace open discussion and open dialogue... that is a fundamental element of our republic that makes our democracy strong."
"It's important to be able to talk about these things especially because they are a scientific reality."
"Sexual assault can affect satisfaction with sex. Opening up this conversation was really important."
"If you disagree with me, that's great. We can have a conversation about it."
"My goal when I'm having an intimate conversation with somebody... I want the other person to feel like they could say anything that they genuinely believe and I'm not going to jump down their throat for it."
"Universities are places where you should be free to speak your mind and listen even to something that you don't like."
"Let's start a genuine conversation and just chat."
"Football is not a cult worship, it's okay to have different opinions."
"You're exploring the known and the unknown as best you can... keeping a dialogue open and staying friends."
"Anyway, we should question everything but we should have an open and honest dialogue about it."
"You can have differing opinions from me. Don't ever be afraid to say I disagree with you."
"How can you truly understand your own worldview if you aren't actually allowed to engage with the ideas that might contradict it?"
"We need to have a society where all different views are respected and appreciated."
"Let's have a conversation, let's have an open dialogue, let's have a discussion, let's not exist in a community with a unilateral point of view"
"I just genuinely want to understand your view."
"Anything that's of intellectual or philosophical debate should be up for discussion."
"I want to give everyone an opportunity to say their piece."
"Open conversation is great... a willingness to dive into your beliefs and a willingness to talk to someone that you think you'll have nothing in common with... is like the most beautiful path towards growing and learning for both parties."
"We need to start to be comfortable having conversations about such gruesome heinous acts."
"We need to be able to understand both sides here and not let censorship and slander dictate Our World Views."
"You're allowed to be constructive and you're allowed to not like things we do."
"We have to be very careful about not limiting or shutting down the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech for those who we disagree with."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Feel free to disagree, I’d love to hear your own thoughts on this fascinating character!"
"I don't mind us having the conversation if it's needed."
"If we don't have a frank honest discussion y'all got to accept this and you're not there yet."
"This is a real window when we can get beyond the propaganda and actually have a discussion of ideas."
"If we're going to have a conversation about colorism and we really want to heal from it, we have to have an honest conversation."
"You will grow. Ask your questions, offend us, don't worry about it."
"It's okay to see and hear things you don't agree with. We want free speech everywhere."
"The whole idea of like, 'Don't platform these people, don't give them a voice, don't give them oxygen,' I don't know, I just don't care for it."
"It doesn't matter that at the end of the call you hang up and you still believe a God exists. I'm okay with that. I just want to have a conversation."
"It's okay to have discussions where you don't agree 100%. That's something very prominent."
"We want to have a place where people can exchange ideas, have a debate."
"I actually love it... it opens up a lot of dialogue... we're having open discussions that's moving people forward."
"It's not hurting anyone to have a conversation."
"An open development of ideas... your opinions."
"Parahesia as an antidote to social justice madness particularly when we couple parahesia with a willingness to revise our beliefs in an open conversation with which we engage people."
"Allowing people to be able to share their side of the story and not silencing people, I think that's incredibly important."
"Open dialogue and open conversation usually fixes that because the truth always prevails in an environment where you can speak to each other."
"The only way we can ever make progress is by hearing others."
"There is nothing more liberating than being able to say... I have a lot of opinions about like cancel culture and [ __ ] like that that when I was younger I definitely guarded and didn't want to talk about."
"But we're going to try. I don't want to convince you of anything..."
"There's somebody here who wants to clear the air with you."
"We want to have conversations with each other. We don't want conversations shut down by calls of racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia."
"I want people to be able to come to me and have an open dialogue and we speak about it and show the person I really am."
"We have to be able to have conversations about anything without allowing our identities to prevent us from being able to think."
"Maybe the biggest thing to take away from sequelitis is that by ignoring dissenting opinion, we encourage stagnation."
"I love the fact that you allow rivals to call in and have their say."
"You've got to just pick certain things that you can kind of say maybe there's something going on where if the lines of communication are open at least right."
"He'll have discussions with people who are in completely different groups... and have a perfectly nice conversation."
"Thank you for allowing me to expand and speak about things that other people wouldn't. I feel better now than before we started this talk because I got to share things that I feel need to be told."
"this is a move to let to let people know that yeah you can't just kind of box us in because oh we can't go talk to the other side because of public backlashes and third we're going to go wherever the best deal is"
"We're not doing anything strange, we're just having dialogue."
"I think the reality is that we're lucky that we are in a community where people feel open to talk about this stuff because we're liberated, right?"
"Also it may seem like a self evident statement but you don’t have to agree with me I want to hear from you if you don’t too respectfully of course."
"On this show, you're entitled to your opinion regardless if I agree with them or not, okay? I'll respect your stance but I will straight-up fight you if you're not taking care of yourselves, okay?"
"If you raise your hand and you disagree with me, then you go to the front of the line."
"It's the best I can do as a defense is just keeping it real with all the possibilities not that anyone asked me to defend you we're just having a conversation."
"You don't get to good decisions with silencing people who question narratives."
"I'm not like the word of god... if you have any advice or different opinions, please feel free to leave that down below."
"What better way for a court to show its confidence in the process than to pronounce that it has no fear of speech outside its walls. It should invite it."
"There is nothing that the Church says, there's nothing that the Pope ever does, there's nothing that any bishop ever does that isn't open to question somehow."
"We get very candid. We get unfiltered. We make sure we have uncomfortable conversations."
"We want to tell the truth, we want to say why we believe what we believe, we want to listen to the other side when they're not being jackasses."
"We have to start listening to One Another, be open with our ideas, and start focusing on Solutions."
"This may hurt our feelings for five seconds, but let's continue the conversation."
"How does this world work if we are not allowed to have the conversation?"
"Here's what we do: we go beyond the headline. We are willing to engage in transparent conversations with those who do not think like me."
"People can speak their mind and you don't have to agree with it right away but you can at least hear what they really think."
"Knowing how controversial this topic is, we want to thank you for coming on and your willingness to discuss your experiences in these communities."
"We want to keep that momentum and positivity going, what we don't want to do is stop people having an opinion."
"There's room for a lot of differences of opinion at least at the very least differences in priority right"
"Independent media and a free, open, honest conversation is where it's at."
"You can have a different opinion than me and I can respect that, absolutely."
"The internet is now more open, more understanding, and will share their point of view instead of shoving it down people's throat."
"Not everybody agreeing but everybody having an opinion... that's what it's all about."
"Things like this are important because it opens up a dialogue."
"Just look at how much can be accomplished by actually talking with people grab your neighbor pick the brains ask them the real questions that you might have been afraid to and you might be surprised with the answers."
"Communication, communicate, just have that convo."
"The push and pull of the republic or the democracy is based on open free transparent and authentic dialogue."
"One thing I like to talk about is things that people don't normally talk about, and let's talk about loneliness."
"I felt like this is a guy I could sit down with and ask some basic but difficult questions of and I don't think he would be threatened by it."
"We're opening up actual free speech and open debate in this country."
"There's almost always room for questions in the conversation."
"We all could stand to have a little open-minded peaceful conversation about these topics."
"The pillar of democracy is open dialogue, right? It's nobody... I don't even have to be right. I think the fact that we can openly discuss what's going on..."
"The real conversations are about to begin in the freedom zone."
"We need more of this: people brought into conversations, allowed to say all their views."
"What constitutes a healthy society is open dialogue, not restriction of dialogue."
"I don't agree with a lot of what's being expressed in this opinion but there is enough here for me to pick out, tell you why I disagree, start a conversation, and we can have conversation and dialogue about this opinion."
"We should be able to have the conversation but you know simultaneously let me explain to you why the things you're wondering about why they don't make sense or whatever we can have that conversation that's that's totally fine."
"Let's talk about everything, everything you want to know."
"We stand for all free speech. We say bring it on. We're not afraid of the opposing view."
"We go beyond the headline, willing to engage in transparent conversations with those who do not think like me."
"I will not allow people to be shamed, especially kids, when folks aren't even willing to have a conversation."
"All opinions are welcome, but if you're just posting nonsense..."
"Speak to somebody, speak out, talk to somebody if you can."
"Opinion is the key word here, and if you feel differently, that is completely fine."
"The school has prioritized mental health, trying to prevent anxiety becoming a serious problem by encouraging students to talk openly."
"I really just want to find a way for us as adults to connect and have those kind of like open and honest and real conversations that kids have."
"I'm excited to have this conversation. I think we should. So, you guys talk in the comments and stuff, but let's have it in love. If we don't do it, why would we have it any other way? Thanks for listening. Bye."
"Lynn did not hide from her truth ever. She talked openly about drugs, alcohol, partying, her past record, past mistakes, all of it."
"We must focus on creating an environment where people are allowed to say the wrong thing as long as it's said in an effort to understand."
"Safe space should be a place where people are safe to share their ideas, not once safe from it."
"I'm always for the widest possible discussion because I always suspect that if you have the widest possible discussion, you've got the largest chance of getting to the truth."
"It's important to have dialogues about all these issues."
"It's all about talking to different people with differing opinions and starting a conversation because I genuinely believe that's the way that we're going to find the best way forward."
"The best chance of uncovering the truth of the matter... is by the unhindered exchange of ideas."
"It's finally time for every opinion and experience to have a safe space."
"The more we can talk openly about these things, it will help a lot."
"Free speech sharing of opinions through open discussion, ways to exchange, teach, learn, and challenge each other's perspective."
"The bottom line is this: I want to hear your opinion."
"I think we ought to have these discussions more often as a society, whether we agree, disagree, whatever, because that's part of life."
"I love talking to people who disagree with me; it's a great time right now to talk to people who disagree."
"If people disagree with something I've said, you're always welcome to disagree in the comments and tell me why."
"Approach it with an open mind, share different opinions in a respectful and productive way down in the comments."
"Ernest questions and concerns should be welcome, not stifled."
"It's when you're able to have the open dialogue with other people and not have a sense of fear of sharing your thoughts, that we have a free and open dialogue."
"Thank you for being a part of this community and for giving me a space where I could actually talk about stuff so earnestly."
"We are an organization dedicated as an open forum to the social good."
"All I care about is can we actually have a conversation about where we differ that people can benefit from and understand."
"I tell you my opinions, you guys tell me yours in the comments, and we all just have civil discourse."
"Free speech allowed: we want people to say what they think and say why they think what they think."
"Choose the media that you want, and don't complain if you don't. Educate yourself, and then be willing to talk to people that don't agree with you because, you know what, they might be right."
"We should make this the new normal, like having these conversations having very open conversations about periods."
"I will talk to the worst people on earth, I don't care, except for pedophiles."
"Open-ended questions allow one to talk; they open up one to further communication."
"I really tried to lead the conversation that feels open and sincere, like we're really trying to look at what these issues are to better understand them."
"I think it's that open conversation that helps us get closer to truth."
"For the sake of honesty, for the sake of discourse, for the sake of honest discussion, we need to have these ideas."
"Community development is about free and open participation, that everyone in the community has the right to be heard and participate."
"Joe Rogan is now the guy willing to talk to these people."
"If somebody's willing to have a conversation with you, and you are not too exhausted to do it, and you want to do it, I don't see any reason not to."
"We live in a pluralistic society and we have to find ways to actually engage with each other in a way that we can communicate in an open dialogue."
"We should be able to come to the table and say we have difference of opinions."
"We're not going to get all shouty; we just want to listen to what you believe and examine those beliefs."
"I don't believe in dividing us even more. I rather have a conversation."
"I welcome discourse, it's always going to be the way that we lead ourselves to the truth."
"That's how we're going to get this country back, is actually all of us starting to speak openly again."
"We all have differing opinions and we can share those without bashing one another."