
Shadows Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"Distance fields can also be used to generate soft shadows."
"The most important stage of painting? Form rendering and cast shadow decisions."
"Amleth needs not fight nor fear the shadows for he is the shadows."
"We just saw like a shadow fly up the wall behind us."
"Just get back in the shadows where you belong."
"A lot of times when either our own projected shadows or other people's projected shadows come into our lives they're just seeking forgiveness acknowledgement and a little bit of love."
"This full moon is about us learning how to finally work with the shadows to actually support us and help us move forward instead of letting them hold us back."
"Cutting back on shadows or removing contact shadows could have been more detrimental."
"I was intrigued with her creativity, convinced she was seeing bizarrely shaped shadows and making them into fictional characters for her enjoyment."
"Shadowcat can blend in with shadows, making her fantastic at sneaking."
"I'm not going as dark as possible because I'm still gonna look for an opportunity to create a bit of texture within the shadows."
"Fear is a tool. They think I'm hiding in the shadows, but I am the shadows."
"I always want to make sure that my shadows are dark and my highlights are bright."
"This is the world of darkness and it's a world of deep shadows and half glimpsed truths."
"Basically, 100 is pure white, zero is black, and if you push your image either above 100 or below black, you start to crush those highlights or shadows."
"The shadows in these I think are the best that you can find at the drugstore."
"The scattered shadows and darkness of the hall seemingly stared right back at me."
"These five shadows are so beautiful that I'm actually offended. I'm insulted by how perfect they are. It's the gradient of the mattes and the impact of the shimmers. They are my favorite lid shades, like of life."
"I'm more in the shadows. If you see me doing my job, then I'm not doing my job right."
"And so it's allowing me to get a perfect sky result here, while at the same time, I've also got perfect shadow information."
"It's all about light shimmery shadows and dark matte shadows."
"Such shadows as I bring forth here will be terrible, and no creature of the dark will stand before them."
"Shadows are the servants of light, the children of fire."
"The light hid more than it revealed, shadows danced on the wall."
"Shadows dance upon this canvas casting ever-changing patterns that narrate Tales of light and time."
"Shadows, don't ever lose your center shadow or your bowl shadow."
"A moment of seeing the Shadows, the power struggles, obsessions, difficult emotions get illuminated with this Transit."
"It's really challenging it's really challenging for a lot of the 12th house energy I do find like I said a lot of them end up in an energy of disappointments they might fall into shadows if they're not aware this is why I made these videos so you can be aware of these things."
"No paradise is without its shadows."
"Large houses have large shadows and large secrets."
"Far out on Long Island, New York, sits a large house with very large shadows - the Sagamore estate."
"Goodnight, Peppa. Goodnight, George. Goodnight, shadows."
"I think what's nice about shadows is that you don't have to be super precise. You can kind of be a little bit more sloppy because then once you apply you can kind of just blend and that's it. So, it doesn't have to be perfect."
"The flickering Candlelight created dancing Shadows on the walls adding to the dramatic atmosphere."
"So because it, to me, sometimes it's just a lot easier to build to the light than it is to have to push these shadows in later."
"You know, the shadows really do give you a lot of interest here."
"When it comes to painting shadows especially in flesh tones I always approach them with the thought that every shadow is a color not just a change in value."
"You can really have fun with the shadows as they're being cast upon like your leaves and stuff."
"There's the theme of everyone being in the shadows."
"I love the cream shadows... they're fantastic for creating smokier looks."
"Nobody here can see you, you're but Shadows, Shadows of what's been."
"The dark shadowy figures hiding between the trees... were simply outlined voids that were vaguely human-shaped."
"Shadows are meant to obey their masters' directives, devoid of independent thoughts, emotions, or intellect."
"Humanity was no longer confined to the shadows of the stars."
"Nobody is afraid of a shadow, for a shadow cannot stop a man's pathway, even for a moment."
"A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows."
"Shadows are the god particle... if you don't know where to put core shadows you don't know what the volume shape is."
"Moving shadows can be real monsters, very real dreams are real until we wake up."
"Even in the grave, all is not lost. There are shadows of memory which tell us indistinctly of tall figures that lifted me and bore me in silence down, down, still down."
"The bigger the light, the softer the shadows; the smaller the light, the harsher the shadows."
"This is someone who's listening to their intuition and reflecting on their shadows."
"Now that we're friends, do you want to tell me what's causing the shadow in your eyes?"
"I trusted you completely even when you walked in Shadows."
"One big mistake that I regularly see amateur artists making is being too afraid of Shadows."
"'This world is equal parts shadows and light, and this village is no different.'"
"These shadows, if you apply them slightly in the front of your eyes, you can take a pretty selfie."
"The shadows may have receded, but they're still there, waiting, watching, reminding us that we're not alone in this world."
"That was just the beginning. Small oddities followed: electronic glitches, lights flickering on and off, inexplicable shadows skimming past windows."
"These feel like amazing high-end shadows."
"Never underestimate the danger lurking in the shadows."
"A cautionary tale of the dangers that lurk in the shadows, waiting to ensnare the unwary."
"The shadows were receding but they were still there, lurking in the corners, watching, waiting."
"Because I am the Shadows. I am the darkness. I'm vengeance."
"the city gleamed under the Warm Glow of a million lights unsettling Shadows lurked beneath the surface"
"The substance is better than the shadows."
"When you read the Old Testament, you’re actually reading about the shadows of Jesus all the way."
"Let's create a Warrior without the shadow."
"the devil loves to operate in the shadows"
"Zayden Ryerson's Signet power is that he can wield shadows."
"Shadows are a major part of what gives us the depth information of our objects."
"The regally dressed Harlequin at Hesperax's side chuckled quietly, bowing a theatrical kiss towards the sbus before bowing deeply and Vanishing into the Shadows."
"You cannot win a war against shadows."
"Shadows can’t be alive… can they?"
"Another weird thing that I've noticed is sometimes I'll see shadows moving."
"The use of Shadows for the horror scenes is quite effective."
"Flat minimizes wrinkles because wrinkles and seeing shadows through the eyes has to do with the light causing shadows."
"Shadows can be used to frame and guide your composition."
"It's very hard to communicate the scale and the shape of the shadows that is taking India over."
"From shadows and stillness, mystery weaves a spell of strangest fascination."
"Your fill light should be less intense, just to fill those shadows."
"It's not about what you do it's who you know and who you know changes what you do that's the foundation of the Gospel I live by that I believe it with all my heart."
"It seemed as if he was walking in lost circles, until he caught a sight of the lone figure standing in the shadows."
"Love seeing the shadow on the ground there. It gives a real sense for your position spatially, and without having that beautiful sunset in the background, you can really see what's going on."
"...humans and their entire civilization is only shown in silhouettes."
"The brighter the light, the longer your shadows."
"The fx3 has more dynamic range and more latitude in the shadows."
"...if you want to hear all about the Tea, let's delve into the shadows of tinsel town."
"Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been pursued by its shadows. Ancient tales speak of darkened figures lurking on the peripherals of our vision, transient yet persistently present."
"Do you think that stars have shadows? But I have always been comforted, and do you know why? Because they signify possibility."
"How do you fight a mist, crow? Shadows with teeth, air so cold it hurts to breathe..."
"So instead of having shadows that are all kind of grayish or darker version of your base color, you could have shadows that have a bit of blue to them or a bit of purple to them."
"We're going to play around with the positioning of the light and the modifier on the light to create different shadow patterns and different amounts of shadow."
"It's all about proportion. The softer the lights are, that is, the bigger the lights and the more diffused they are, the less likely they are to throw noticeable shadows."
"I was facing the wall spooning her and I seen Shadows go across the wall."
"Shadows: when in doubt, use gray. Gray is the common complementary to every color."
"The family's shadows flicker across the walls as they dance to an unbeaten rhythm."
"Shadows can be weaponized, you know, shadows in the natural are just a reflection of light against an object, but in the spirit, they take on a life of their own."
"Don't be afraid to explore and come across it because the only way we're going to be our true selves is if we examine all the shadows, all the shadow corners."
"The shadows cannot be controlled, only unleashed."
"Half effaced within the dim light and all the attitudes of pain, abandonment and despair, they were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now, nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation."
"I like having strong shadows. I find it more interesting."
"Shadows don't show details like lines or colors; they just show the shapes of things."
"I learned something cool today. I know it upside down and inside out. I learned all about shadows!"
"It's not the light you should be afraid of; it's the shadowy figures that appear at night that you should be worried about."
"We're more able to recover detail in the shadows of an image than we are in the highlights."
"Shadows are really essential in photography; they give shape, form, three dimensions."
"Look at that shadow up against those trees."
"That shadow looked like angel wings."
"What hits you is the light from the afternoon sun that makes long shadows as it slants through."
"It's the perfect atmosphere for figures to dart between the rooftops and the shadows created by the lamps and the fog and mist."
"Shadows are the way for our mind to position things in the 3D world."
"It's mandatory on this ascension process to be exposed to our own shadows."
"I started playing with trying to make landscapes with the shapes and the shadows and the waves."
"He saw two figures standing beneath a crystalline glaze, their shadows perfect columns of blackness on the livid pavement."
"Color likes to party in the shadows."
"You always want to make sure that you can see the character's face, even though you're going to use dark shadows."
"Everything that's in the shadow is darker than the objects which are in the lighter part of the scene which are exposed to the light source."
"Because to find shadows, one had to become a shadow oneself."
"That's what my favorite part is, seeing the multiple images of eclipses on the ground made by things that are just otherwise shadows of leaves."
"You can see what natural shadows do; they really make things pop on the diorama."
"The more intensely that the lights shine, the darker the shadow would cast."
"A palpable sense of wrongness saturates the Gloom spires; shadows flicker and move in unnatural directions."
"Yes, Emily, when the sun sets, the shadows go away."
"The subtlety in the shadows and the number of grays that there are between black and white... it's just a delight."
"Part of what gives chip carving its characteristic look is shadows."
"Make sure to disable Opaque, which means you will get transparent shadows which glass actually has."
"You don't get a fully black shadow with glass; you always get some light passing through."
"The shadows on the snow are going to radiate from the Sun."
"You add shadows where one element meets another."
"I want those shadows; those shadows will give this whole sense of depth and dimension to the photograph."
"I'm not gonna lie, one thing I really do like, look at his eyes slowly coming into like from the shadows."
"I hope that you agree that putting in the shadows at the end can be really effective."
"It's nice to see like shadows still preserved like this."
"Though our dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns, we are now but fitful shadows clinging to the edge of existence."
"Shadows are not just light and dark; there's a hundred and one shades of mid-tone in there as well."
"It's tempting to think that this is a loving position to hold in somebody else's life. When in fact, there can be and often are deep, deep shadows involved in why you want to occupy that space in someone's life."
"She lives in illusions, in shadows; maybe on some level, we all do."
"It's all in the shadows, and if you get your shadows correct, especially with architectural subjects, your painting will read."
"I had overcome the fear of that closet and those shadows."
"The only object that can project a circular shadow from any direction is a sphere."
"The tricks to these is you want to add the highlights to the shadows."
"The trees grew so densely together that the sunlight was always of a muted quality, distorting the shadows of things."
"Shadows are cloaked and hunted vampires waiting to pounce. Stone angels are conduits for demons."
"The light sending flickering shadows dancing up the walls."
"I really like the quality of these shadows, I think so far everything is looking quite beautiful."
"This patient yet murderous nature has been the doom of many an enemy whose attention drifted from the shadows for even a moment too long."
"The warning at the top left here is gone and the shadows have been fixed."
"A bright focused light will create well-defined and sharp shadows, providing a high contrast look to a scene."
"The sun's starting to dip away here, creating some really interesting shadows."
"A vase full of shadows, that sounds pretty cool."
"Mayhaps the shadows mean you no harm; they drape around you like a well-worn cloak."
"What do you do in the shadows? Well, it turns out there is light in the shadows."
"We're still adding highlights, we're just limiting them to the shadows."
"...let's not use our shadows as more fuel and fodder at the other person more ammo for the fight."
"The day is coming to a close, the sun is dipping, the shadows becoming longer."
"In the Phong model, there are two major phenomena that this model is not accounting for: we're not really properly accounting for indirect light or shadows."
"The silent countryside appeared even more eerie as the shadows of twisted bare trees danced in the breeze."
"The sun flamed up slowly, sullenly above the jungle, flooding the towers with a dull gold that left shadows lurking beneath the tottering walls."
"You can't see in the shadows but you can see in the light."
"I enjoy the mood and drama of shadows and highlights."
"The shadows are really, really important."
"These Shadows are the making of the piece really, it binds it all together."
"The enemy is attempting to cast shadows, but I say to you, I am calling a people to remove the veil of that shadow and step into the light."
"So once we have our main colors mapped out like this, it is time to start layering them to create some shadows as well as just general color variation."
"Don't be afraid of the shadows and have fun with it."
"Using a blending mode is going to allow you to paint all these shadows using only one color, and that color is going to adapt with the color under it, creating really nice shadows super quickly."
"Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless."
"Now we have some nice strong shadows, they look pretty good."
"The shadows were the coolest part; shadows were weird."
"Help me," a voice echoed, calling out from the shadows of the tree line.
"So long as there is light, erasing shadows will do no good."
"Utilizing the value scale... add in the really dark shadows as well."
"You'll be quite surprised how three-dimensional this will get very quickly just by the careful application of these shadows."
"If you do your shadows right, you can basically tell what's going on even without the drawing."
"The shadows are where the light goes to gain energy."
"His story is a stark reminder of the complex socioeconomic factors that drive individuals towards a life in the shadows."
"I love the shadows and the darkness, and it's forever changing."
"I love very sunny days because then you have more light to work with, and you can create shadows."
"That's a shadow. And if I move my body, I can change my shadow."
"You made your shadow look like a big, spooky bat! That's so cool!"
"The soft glow grew brighter, casting long stretching shadows as it drew near."
"The sun hung low on the horizon, casting elongated shadows across the sprawling parking lot."
"The moon cast long, sinister shadows that seemed to dance in time with our racing hearts."
"If you're sitting in your house and you see something, a shadow moving independently by itself, then there is no other way to put it other than you're gonna be terrified."
"It allows that sun to shine directly onto the building and we're going to start casting shadows across the streetscape."
"I was today years old when I realized that flames don't have shadows."
"The light from the flickering fire filled the room, casting dancing shadows on the wall behind her."
"We now see that we have hyper-realistic shadows."
"The less sharpness the shadows have, the softer the lighting appears."
"Shadows are the only truly two-dimensional objects that exist within our three-dimensional world."
"Shadows are very interesting because they come and they go."
"Trees made shadows over the pond, and water plants grew at the deep end."
"You are one with the shadows, without nightmare."
"We are going to be rotating the sun over time, and that is going to change the angle of our shadows as well as the intensity of the light."
"Shadows provide an important depth cue."
"What if our shadows are the reason we can't see them? What if our shadows protect us from them? We were never meant to see them."
"Everyone has shadows inside their souls."
"Lighting is just as much about shadows, more so maybe, as it is about light."
"What's really cool about that is I now have my shadows and my reflections set to a separate piece of geometry."
"Just one little deeper cut and you really create those shadows and that's what makes them stand out."