
Silver Lining Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"All of this is painful, but there is a silver lining because there's always a silver lining."
"There is a bizarre silver lining perhaps still out there."
"What has been done here is a small but incredible silver lining in the dark cloud that is COVID-19."
"The only silver lining to this case is the animals - all four of them have been adopted."
"The silver lining to being hurt for two years was that I had a lot of stuff come out."
"When bad things happen, the only positive thing is it wakes people up."
"For all the faults, at least something good came out of this disaster."
"I've been trying to focus on the silver lining."
"There are good things that come out of really bad situations."
"I try my best when things like this happen to find some sort of positive or the Silver Lining."
"This is a positive that can come from these situations."
"It's a blessing in disguise, dude."
"It's not optimal. It sucks. But what can you do? At least there's a silver lining to it all."
"Is there anything positive to take from this?"
"My thing is, something good came out of it."
"With all the bad comes something good."
"That means I'm single again. Silver lining."
"This is in no way a good thing, but at the same time, this is one of the better case scenarios."
"The only good thing was one time I saw the sun rise in the West. But other than that, it was awful, it really was."
"It's a blessing in disguise that you went through this."
"Even in darkness, there was a silver lining."
"There's usually some good that comes out of everything."
"There's actually a lot more good than you'd expect."
"...it was so organic I think, you know, a lot of horrible things happened because of Co but a lot of really incredible things happened out of Co and it was just an excuse to see each other, you know?"
"Good things can come out of bad times."
"Good has come out of evil however, for the barmaid, finding from the papers that he is in serious trouble and likely to be hanged, has thrown him over utterly."
"Many times in life when something bastardly happens to you, it leads to something good as a result of it."
"I'm fascinated by the idea that something bad in your life happens but it leads to something good."
"It's one of those... like the Silver Lining or the icing on the cake."
"The Silver Lining is that you learn something really, really powerful along the way."
"There's good news that can come in your life from the same situation."
"Sometimes clouds have two sides, a dark and light, and a silver lining in between. It's like a silver sandwich. So when life seems hard, take a bite out of the silver sandwich."
"Everything bad, something good will come if you look hard enough for it."
"A blessing in disguise... It sparked so much interest for the series."
"One of the many good things that COVID created."
"There are a number of positives that have come from this."
"Honestly, yeah, that's a blessing in disguise."
"The blessing in this may be that we help control the pandemic a little bit more."
"Even though this has been so difficult for you, there is some good that has come out of it."
"The longest I had been home since I can remember, and I was able to... you know, it was a blessing in disguise for me personally."
"I can come home and be with my daughter. I probably wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for COVID."
"There's always a bonus silver lining for everything."
"But here's a good thing that came out of that too, right?"
"Things that are really bad sometimes are actually kind of good."
"There was one redeeming quality from that game."
"There is a silver lining to each cloud and one day Scott suddenly found himself in the World of Martial Arts."
"Look on the bright side, there's always a silver lining."
"It was a blessing in disguise, something good will come out of it."
"I'm thrilled that she's got two broken wrists now, so that sort of takes the sting out of it."
"The silver lining with stuff like this though, is that there is a really solid idea that isn't right for right now. They can just do it eventually at some point."
"There's a silver lining in it, there's something that's going to come because of it that wouldn't have come otherwise."
"It was probably a good thing about it, was a good thing that Kobe hit, so you get a lot of time to spend with the family, you know?"
"There's always a silver lining, everything happens for a reason, for real life, so yeah, we've got a really fun weekend planned, we have got Daily News."
"Something terrible happened to me, but it turns out to be the best thing ever happened to me."
"There's actually a lot of good news that came out of the pandemic. It was a terrible event for humans, but there's a silver lining."
"Even grey clouds have a silver lining."
"At least he saw the whales. At least at the end he got to see the whales."
"There's a silver lining, I wouldn't say it's necessar, yeah, it's a lining, yeah, I would say it's, it's definitely not something that we were hoping for but it's definitely nice to have Clarity."
"I hope this video can serve as a silver lining to the unfortunate events that befell Shields's once promising MLB career."
"There's been a few silver linings this year."
"It's okay, at least... at least they got one."
"The blessing in disguise in this whole thing is that now you actually have time to do something."
"Suffering can sometimes have a silver lining."
"Something great did come out of this mess."
"I felt there had to be something positive out of John's death."
"The happiness is, I guess, the only silver lining around the whole thing."
"There is no evil that does not come for good."
"Life takes some twists and turns, doesn't it? Yeah, it sure does. I always look at the silver lining in everything that happens in my life these days."
"There's at least one positive from this whole situation, I'll tell you that much."
"The bright side, this is the best thing that's ever happened."
"Finally something good came out of 2020."
"I think it's like the best way forward, and I think one of the positives to come out of this is at least OP's debt-free, right?"
"That was such a nice canoe ride, yeah, so worth it, so Silver Lining, nice, canoe rides, okay."
"A positive, light or a silver lining kind of track."
"There's actually a good Silver Lining about this all, there really is."
"There's opportunities in every crisis."
"So that was fairly disgusting, but there is a silver lining to that cloud, and I'll tell you what it is."
"There's always some good in every bad thing."
"That little piece, you know if there is a silver lining to the pandemic, that was absolutely it for me."
"It's the worst thing that had ever happened to me, turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to me in more ways than one."
"I think if I can take a positive from this because I do believe you should try and take a positive from every bad situation although it is sometimes hard."
"Remember out of every negative comes a positive. I just can't think of one right now."
"If there's any silver lining it's the fact that remarkably there were no deaths."
"It's sad that this is what had to happen, but the silver lining is that it did bring us all closer together."
"That's at least a positive on a sad thing."
"Life is all about Silver Linings, right? Like sure, you're 100 lb heavier than you wanted to be, but it gave you Olympia gray calves."
"It's a weird silver lining to have a brief moment to breathe."
"Quarantine and the coronavirus hasn't been the most fun thing, but if there's one silver lining it's that in our city, the golf courses have been open the entire time."
"It just goes to show you that there always is a silver lining."
"Excitement went up when the typical Silver Lining appeared."
"Guess there's a silver liner for everyone."
"Marrying Jack was a mistake, but getting to know such kind and wonderful in-laws was a silver lining."
"Even this dark cloud has a silver lining."
"One of the silver linings of this whole tragedy is that it unites us."
"2020, as bad as it was for business for people everywhere, if it had a silver lining for the sewing world, it was that a lot of people came to sewing."
"The best thing, if there's any silver lining to being sick, is that when I'm sick, I'm bedridden, which means that there is no excuse to not watch basketball."
"The silver lining for me through all this has been the ability to connect with people and to get it and to understand."
"One of the silver linings is that I had so much time to stay home and craft."
"So there's always a silver lining."
"It's like the best thing that can happen to it. Okay, so there's a benefit to this leak. A silver lining!"
"I always like to find the silver lining things despite our disappointments."
"If COVID has bought us one tiny tiny silver lining, it is that comfortable clothes are absolutely king."