
Welfare Quotes

There are 793 quotes

"Welfare is a mechanism that enhances human freedom because it means the circumstances of one's birth are less capable of preventing them from living an enriching, fulfilling life with equal opportunity to others."
"Harm is removed...it's permissible to do things that in order to remove harm from people."
"We're also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting help so that they can be in a position where they're not gonna ever miss a paycheck."
"Our focus, the bottom line, is our focus is communicating with the American people about how the American Rescue Plan can help put food on the table."
"Joe Biden wants all of our kids to grow up with leaders who won't just serve themselves and their wealthy peers but will provide a safety net for people facing hard times."
"Historically, socialism managed to do something incredible: it managed to house, feed, and care for its whole population while providing high-quality medical care and high-quality education."
"The plain fact is that black the black poverty rate declined from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent in 1960, prior to the expansion of the welfare state."
"If you want to have a fair society and a well-functioning society, it has to be a society in which ordinary people in ordinary circumstances can do well."
"What moved me in the first instance to attempt a work like this was the discomfort and suffering which I had seen brought upon men and women by household mismanagement."
"Everyone gets taxed, but on the plus side, you have a legal system that protects you from random violence, and people get like welfare or UBI."
"But as the workhouse moved into the 20th century, its original mission to punish the poor was replaced by new ideas about social welfare."
"We need a government that will make sure Americans are taken care of and organize the economy to serve the people, not the profits."
"Public safety is the protection of people from harm."
"The government in London talks about welfare; that perhaps is why you have a problem because you don't realize it's about the importance of that safety net for our society."
"USDA to permanently boost food stamp benefits by 25%."
"Just because you have welfare doesn't make it socialism; you have to seize the means of production."
"Bernie's plan: every American will receive direct cash payments of $2,000 every month."
"It's there to look after people through thick and thin."
"Good Patriots are willing to pay taxes so that complete strangers will have education and welfare."
"Society is going to take care of you, no matter what problem you have."
"The only viable approach to making welfare meaningful and effective is through universal programs."
"This money is designed to help the people who need it the most."
"We want to lift our people from welfare to work from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity."
"The idea that society will provide for you is imprudent planning."
"Giving money indiscriminately to people who refuse to work is not making their lives any better. All you're doing is destroying our city and turning it into a cesspool."
"Globalization is a powerful force. It can lift the well-being, improve the living standards... but it hasn't been doing that."
"What Ben Carson is talking about is that the welfare system incentivizes bad behavior and since they're more black people disproportionately in poverty they are more likely to be affected by those bad incentives."
"Leaders must be concerned about the well-being of those they lead."
"Politics fundamentally should be about affecting real substantive change and changing people's material conditions."
"It's a mistake to not give people the resources they need. A $2000 one-time payment isn't enough."
"This is serious and we're talking about people's lives."
"The state is going to be the major employer but we're going to make sure that everyone has the basics."
"Three things that will greatly reduce your chances of a welfare struggle...do not have a child out of wedlock, get a high school diploma or a GED, get a job working full time until the wheels fall off."
"The work capability assessment is going to be scrapped... sounds like a good thing."
"If you want like a truly good society that serves you the best possible way you probably want most people to be doing pretty well inside of it."
"Is the answer to their hopes and dreams just to increase their benefits?"
"America first rallying cry makes sense if you actually do things that bring livable conditions to your people, right?"
"I don't want that for your kids. I really don't. I don't want that for you. I don't want that for anybody."
"The best form of welfare is still a good high paying job."
"President-elect Joe Biden wants to expand the program, meaning bigger benefit checks to the Americans who need it most."
"I'm a big proponent for player care because I think players give a lot, and a lot is expected of them."
"Both offer free daycare, free preschool programs, and free college."
"Every time it happens, the safety net needed for people to survive has to go up."
"There's nothing progressive about having people sleeping in 10 degree weather."
"Incentives, not even incentives, just taking care of people."
"The welfare state stepped in and actually had a huge positive impact."
"The tragedy is that the people who suffer the most are the ones that are told we're going to take care of you."
"If people have education, if they have health care, if they have jobs and are happy to live here, they're not going to want to go anywhere else."
"Bernie Sanders: 'There are some Democrats who want to lower the income eligibility for direct payments.'"
"I hope they figure out a way to be able to take care of everybody."
"The founders wanted general welfare, not welfare in general."
"Minimum income protection and universal basic services are crucial for a fair society."
"We need to be a country that takes care of people."
"Social security should be an anti-poverty program."
"Tying recurring direct cash payments and federal unemployment benefits to the country's economic conditions not only makes sense but it also shows the American people that their government is prepared to help them."
"Guaranteeing adequate incomes, living wages, and general welfare."
"We will lift millions of more citizens from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity together."
"It's a fact that we live in the most prosperous society ever."
"Most important of all perhaps was his founding of the Department of Health a hugely significant step which paved the way for the National Health Service and which reinforces Lloyd George's claim to be the true creator of the welfare state."
"We should help the people that can't help themselves, but we don't need to help the people that can."
"Ultimately, if they're still lesser, it doesn't matter how well-off they are."
"Two thousand dollars would not only give people enough money to provide for themselves today but they also have a little bit left over."
"These people get a place to stay, fresh food, and clean water, and are protected 24/7 by an army."
"You don't understand how many poor welfare Queens are driving Cadillacs and [__]."
"It really is the child tax credit alone is like, you know, a universal benefit for parents."
"Spending that goes beyond just maintaining the status quo and actually helps people."
"Our country has to live within its means and we will left an unaffordable welfare system."
"Maybe just maybe we might want to do what every other major country on earth does."
"I fear most obviously for the welfare of my family."
"Europe is drowning in welfare spending; income inequality isn't solved by making everyone equally poor."
"Liverpool's probably the most socialist part of the UK. Like, scousers are like let's make sure everyone's okay."
"I just really hate the demonization of people that are on benefits and like treating like the whole Welfare Queen stereotype that Reagan invented that is so harmful."
"Mothers and children sent to poor conditions."
"I think a lot of animals have feelings, and it's probably a better world if they're happy."
"There needs to be some form of protection for these children."
"Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is one of the biggest names in politics today."
"I would add to what Francis just said about a collaboration that we need to think about social protection and welfare."
"One year of improved welfare programs in the US will save ten thousand times as many lives as any decision made with regards to the death penalty for international criminals ever could."
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive; you have to give them what they need to live."
"The more we think about the welfare of others, the less the vagaries, the problems of our minds trouble us."
"Implement policy that will help the lives of average Americans."
"The welfare system... will be stronger for people to provide as bigger safety net for as many people as is practically possible."
"I will protect and strengthen Social Security."
"To the extent that a nation follows biblical principles of governance, human pain, suffering, and poverty will be reduced."
"Just a horrible situation especially for the children."
"Education and healthcare should be socialist... It's just sheer investment in your people."
"The welfare of our country is the great object to which our cares and efforts ought to be directed."
"I would make sure my kids didn't have to work to eat."
"Let's increase the work requirement to get food. If you don't make enough to get food, it's absurd."
"Your influence is significant and carries a weight that could contribute greatly to the welfare of many children."
"The suffering is the point, not only are they saying they're going to remove you from your job unless you comply but you're not going to get any of the benefits that you paid into with your taxes."
"The purpose of government is the welfare of the people."
"Single moms get food stamps, cash grants, and housing assistance."
"Every Canadian deserves a secure retirement. Let's ensure that."
"If I see one third of a nation ill housed, ill clad, ill nourished, I'll make amends."
"She definitely needs to be in a stable environment."
"You might hate Jake Paul, but we all surely want fighters to be well looked after."
"Just imagine getting $500 to $1,000 a month just to help you get back on your feet. Wouldn't that be something?"
"The welfare state is toxic to children... it is an environment that is toxic... it is extremely toxic to the development of children."
"That pressure on a child is not good and not fair."
"Unemployment benefits are expiring for over 7.5 million Americans."
"We've never cut off benefits for this many people all in one fell swoop."
"We spend more money on pregnant people in this country in the state that we do on educating them or feeding them or housing them or clothing them."
"Helping fellow American citizens that want help, that deserve help."
"The process of these political machines was really simple... they provide basic welfare type services."
"He wants to move the PGML welfare on to ensure that we don't have situations like this."
"People shouldn't have to do this, not in a developed nation."
"More than seven million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps."
"The Canada Pension Plan plays in the lives of all Canadians from coast to coast to coast. This is the basis for the security of millions and millions of Canadians."
"You can have open borders and a welfare state, but you can't really have both."
"Why are all these other Western democracies and industrialized countries able to provide free healthcare, free childcare, free elder care, free college, and we don't when we're the richest country on the planet?"
"More Americans can get off of welfare now and they're being put back into the workforce."
"Governor Ned lyman's Administration mailed out nearly 248,000 checks to low-income households this past weekend."
"21 states signed on for more payments next month for November."
"This should be the common good fund, the social safety net that everyone invests in."
"Her goal is to make sure the bulk of the population is comfortable."
"Implementing universal basic income nationwide is long overdue."
"Providing the people with a comfortable place to work was one of his duties."
"She's in charge of affairs in court like support for cultural development, welfare for the working class, charity, and diplomacy with smaller countries."
"The welfare state does have an obligation to look after people."
"We've got to focus on what's best for students and what's best for parents."
"That's what makes life tolerable in modern society, that we do have progressive taxes and welfare."
"We have created this society with low job security, virtually no pension for old people, and basically lack of welfare state."
"We're not going to throw money at people if they're going to sit there and just do nothing."
"I just was looking for the baby, that's all I wanted to know where the baby was, why the baby wasn't, where she was."
"Business!" cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my business."
"We risk not only letting those people down but creating a deep sense of unfairness among those whose taxes fund our social safety net."
"A conservative government will significantly reform and control welfare."
"There is nothing fair about expecting taxpayers to support those who could work but choose not to."
"If every school were to say you get six hours off every day, it will actually help working-class kids more."
"I love paying tax I came from a background where I was you know my family on welfare I went to a state school I wouldn't be where I was I'd probably be dead I love paying tax I think I think everything I get is half mine."
"Universal Health Care is a wonderful thing."
"Basic income is a very good idea."
"The welfare of the nation directly impinges on the wealth of the nation."
"I thought, 'Whoa, that's the idea.' So, getting the money into the hands of the people directly into the hands of the people."
"When universal credit was first proposed eight years ago, it had widespread political support to ensure that work always paid more than claiming."
"If we are His concern, He is more concerned about our welfare than we could possibly be."
"I want to know what is going to be most beneficial to you."
"If you can smell the pigs, they need to move."
"A democracy only survives until people figure they can vote largesse from the public purse."
"It is no secret that in Sweden Finland Norway Denmark and Iceland the state plays a central role in protecting people."
"Lived by the best within us we're drawn toward welfare, happiness, health, healing."
"The prince issued a new decree: all killed and wounded subjects of the kingdom will be provided for."
"Child support is for the child, it's not for her."
"There should be a working welfare state provided by the central government."
"There is something I need if I am to rule Mandalore, a solution: government with a stable economy which encourages investment while maintaining a strong welfare state."
"Let's look at the real facts. Less than four percent of the federal budget is spent on welfare in the first place."
"He wasn't interested in protecting the wealth of the already privileged, the monied, the aristocrats, what he was interested in is: How can we raise the estates of the least among us?"
"The only healthy way that I know of is the Islamic context where you are taking care of that woman and you take responsibility for her welfare and that of her family."
"With Pluto going into Aquarius, there will be a lot more Universal welfare."
"I hate corporate welfare. I think it's the biggest perversion of capitalism out there."
"I'm receiving Medicaid and pretty soon I'm gonna start receiving assistance for housing and bills and even food."
"Imagine if that money went directly to families."
"I thought, somebody better check on the kids."
"We need to protect our seniors, we need to get people back to work."
"We must end welfare as a way of life and make it a path to Independence and dignity."
"I think we need a big debate and review of the way benefits policy is working in this country. I think the way this government has taken those reforms but really driven them hard sanctioning people for being minutes late for a job interview is just wrong."
"Socialism does not signify everything by the people but everything for the people."
"For it to be a real democracy, democracy's got to be something more than just government of the people. It's got to be government for the people, for their needs, for their socio-economic well-being."
"People would struggle to feed themselves if they were just relying on their government welfare payment."
"The best form of welfare is a job."
"His primary concern as a political economist and a moral philosopher is the well-being of the poor."
"I hated being on welfare, but it saved us more than once."
"King Hona was truly a king after his people's hearts, he made sure everyone had enough to eat, the children had schools to go to, and the sick were well taken care of."
"The capitalist system, the private enterprise system in the 19th century did a far better job of expressing that sense of compassion than the governmental welfare programs are today."
"Questions of legitimacy regarding the Royal Family's ability to provide for the people's needs arose."
"Yo, somebody check on that guy, bro, yeah, I need bro to like, I need somebody to like see if his desk is fine, like, yo, somebody check on that brother, bro."
"Every child deserves to have a roof over their head and food on the table."
"I want all dogs to have a lovely life."
"The Lord plans for your welfare, to give you a future with hope."
"In doubling the child tax credit in tax year 2019 alone, 40 million American families benefited."
"We believed Abby deserved the best care and happiness, and we wanted her to have the means to enjoy life to the fullest."
"If anything is morally better, it is better for a population to have higher welfare than lower welfare."
"Costa Rica's commitment to Public Services underscores the nation's dedication to its citizens' welfare."
"A new form of solidarity even between formally antagonist classes could only be established by reconstructing the nation-states in the form of welfare."
"It is not the job of the welfare state to make moral judgments."
"What could be done to benefit every single person along the way?"
"There's going to be new systems like we might need Universal basic income."
"Seek this first, seek people and the welfare of people first, and then get that priority straight and everything else seems to work out beautifully."
"I hope she's okay because that did not look alright."
"Cat welfare gives me an enormous sense of well-being."
"Replacing the welfare state with [universal basic income] is going to be the rare case where you have side effects that are not unintended side effects that are terrible, but unintended side effects that have the potential for rejuvenating America's civic culture."
"...we all say things like government should care for the poor, government should take care of the disadvantaged, government should help the elderly, government should help failing businesses, government should help college students, and other deserving segments of our society."
"The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery could not have done."
"The welfare state is very destructive."
"It's a myth that the welfare rolls are filled with able-bodied men."
"You really can develop a horse to be both athletic and happy."
"I see a great industry paying taxes and looking after people."
"We want the deal. We want to take care of our workers."
"I think human rights are important because in a society that respects human rights, there will be less suffering and higher welfare."
"I don't consider that good and I would apply that same principle to all sorts of different welfare government expansion."
"I'm very sensitive to any injustice and I guess it gives me an outlook that if everybody does well, we all do well and it's helpful for our, for our country and the world and I believe in supporting the general welfare wherever I can."
"I think it's important and I kind of repeat that if everybody does well, we all do well and I try to fight tribalism and injustice because it makes, it's just good for the general welfare."
"The blood pattern raised my concern about Carman's welfare."
"If you find some interventions that make people happier or less depressed or less anxious, that's like in terms of welfare, that swamps any effects on productivity."
"Should you do it? That's a question not about the budget of a government but the welfare of the people."
"Finance is a powerful tool for improving human welfare."
"And that's a cornerstone of the idea. It's meant to help protect the people who are very poor."
"A country that makes Better Lives for its people is a good country."
"People aren't forced to make these choices if we have adequate welfare services."