
System Improvement Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"I believe in the potential greatness of a public education system done right."
"Critiques of your system are very important, even if you like your system, because you should understand the drawbacks so that you can design that system better."
"Challenge them, make them sweat, and create a system where things aren't working, there's a feedback loop."
"We have a machine that works really, really well. It's a brilliant system of government. We just need to get rid of the gunk that's stuck in it."
"You never replace a system by tweaking it; you have to build a better model and people will come."
"They've outsmarted us. They've done some things that we don't agree with. We've got to fix our system to compete with China."
"Let's just remove the RNG. Come on, it will make people engage with the system more."
"Let's bring back justice points. They would allow for upgrades to mythic plus gear without wasting a seasonally capped currency."
"We could learn from other systems to figure out, when we have failures, when we have poor outcomes, or when we have near misses, how to prevent them from happening again by spreading those lessons throughout an entire system."
"The Wizard's Vault is easily the most consumer-friendly version of this system that I've seen."
"The vision of our company, for example, is that we want to improve the systems of the world for everyone everywhere."
"We should have a system which encourages people looking at their own system."
"We need changes to the mod economy to make it more interesting and impactful. I want to feel powerful again."
"You cannot forgive student loans. You have to fix the system before forgiving students. Fix it first."
"Democracy doesn't always produce perfect results but you can tailor systems within a democracy to increase the likelihood of getting those good results."
"The legislative machinery is not functioning at a high level, we need to improve the rules and practices."
"There's a lot of interesting things you can do there."
"Generally, we want to add or improve systems that better celebrate players match to match as well as across seasons."
"It turns what I feel is a silly, antiquated system into something that's actually FUN."
"It's hard to fix human systems without fixing human incentives."
"We must improve existing systems and explore new ones."
"We are now much better in dealing with pedophiles."
"It's a great way to increase the excitement of progression without removing too much choice in the game."
"It's not a maintainer system, it improves upon what you already started with."
"We have to provide some way for people to trust the medical system."
"The system needs to vet them better and incentivize good hard work."
"How do we really enable them to also feel part of a system which in theory in the 21st century should be fueling all sorts of opportunities?"
"You learn from it, you change the system, you resolve the issue, you fix the problem, whatever it is, and you keep going."
"I think these systems should be improved, not to perfection should there ever be such a thing, but as much as we're capable of improving it."
"Our goal is to create a system that improves the options available to our new and veteran players alike."
"Maybe it makes more sense to maneuver from the inside of the existing system."
"No system is perfect, but we can do a lot better than we're currently doing."
"I think things like the education system need to get up to scratch with how this works and educate children properly."
"Forcing a cue system with eight people... is a step in the right direction."
"Even if you're not building them yourself yet, it's shockingly easy to immediately improve a system from an OEM especially by just going through a few of these things on our list and trying to address that one issue at a time."
"Disruption is an absolute necessity in enabling change. Disruptors are super important to alleviate stress that comes as systems develop dysfunction or misalignment over time."
"Moving to a 100% client-server architecture means simplifying flows and ensuring a more solid experience overall."
"We can now actually create that much better, more efficient systems and kill the middlemen of necessity."
"The system of in-battle communication was reworked to become more clear, informative, and useful."
"Everybody knows that we'd have a much better system if we had a single-payer system."
"It's all but completely fixed the action economy issues that pop up from time to time."
"The front three looks a lot better. The system looks a lot better."
"It doesn't need to be what an old system was from 10 years ago but worse."
"We've successfully upgraded NT to version 4.0."
"We're always trying to improve those systems and make them better."
"YouTube needs to fix its review system; this is absolutely wrong."
"They've improved it by like a factor of at least five in my opinion, to what it used to be."
"Next up we have the competitive changes coming in to fix our currently flawed rank system."
"Coverage needs to be a regular recurring thing to create an aspirational system."
"Indeed Mac OS becoming more secure with each new release."
"Overall, I think this is a really, really good addition to the game's profession system."
"We're also making a big change coming up which will loosen the stacking restrictions on armor 2.0 mods."
"This is a pretty big change, huge quality of life update that we need."
"Lots of room to improve upon the current system."
"AlphaFold II made the system fully end to end."
"I think their job was to remake the game's graphics, kind of updated for modern systems, update the game itself."
"This new system in general feels pretty promising because it gives more reason to play and progress in battles 2."
"I'm not up in arms about how bad the EF scale is because the select committee is working on a fix."
"The glitch is getting fixed so that's really good."
"I think this is a much welcome change that many people will appreciate."
"We heard from players that they want us to see us take a look at competitive system as well as our battle pass."
"Both of these systems are constantly improving, receiving new software updates constantly."
"I will be the president who finally fixes education in America."
"Getting a system that's not nearly as hard-ass as the one we had, I'm struggling to understand how that's a bad thing."
"The only logical way forward is to get the virus under control and fix all the failures in the system."
"Gen 6 was a big step in the right direction."
"We're building a better system for the future."
"It's very relaxed right now like yeah actually the system is this update I feels like it's up another level right now because one thing I dislike from previous version is not aggressive enough."
"We're gonna fix it to where it is permanently closed. You'll have all the boost."
"Better to start with a working thing that you can see is working properly and then slowly make modifications and learn how that changes over time."
"Overwatch competitive does need a rework and it's just not a great system."
"The states are going to have to take an extra step and change the state ID system as well and if they do both of those things I'm actually incredibly optimistic that we can have a secure and fair elections."
"The new system is just better for the game... it's more fun and exciting."
"You deserve this, Taurus. Luck turning in your favor, unconditional love, bliss, and happiness."
"If we remove the rating system entirely, would it be better for levels and their quality to speak for themselves?"
"When errors happen it points to a deficiency in the system and it gives you an opportunity to focus on the deficiency and then improve the system as a result."
"I'm escaping the prison because I was just like, yeah, the improvements they made were good."
"Bitcoin appears to be a major ESG improvement on the existing system."
"The economic abundance that's created on that, that's the flip side of this as well as the ability to fix our broken systems."
"I think another consideration or improvement for this system is encryption."
"It doesn't help to complain; let us change the system."
"The closest thing I have to an answer to fix this broken system can be summed up in two words: invest locally."
"Our system is flawed, there's no doubt about that. But 2020 has actually been a year which displays a great improvement in our development system."
"I took a system that's in the dark ages and I modernized it."
"We need to focus on bulletproofing our systems and hiring A-players."
"Let's complete the work, let's build a great education system, and let's have opportunity for all our children."
"We are committed to ongoing action both today to improve people's journey through the benefit system as well as advancing the longer term reform."
"It's a very good system and a great improvement over the previous system."
"This would help for performance, of course, because now, unlike Spanner and Facebook paper, we'd have purely local rights, much faster from the client's point of view."
"I think it's so important that that reflective practice piece is built within the system."
"This system upgrade has really allowed us to simplify the way we mix."
"Everything we do to build resilience is really helping move our system forward."
"I'm really happy with the system at the moment but like I said I've been wrong about this in the past so I'm always open to refining the system and making it better."
"WSL 2 is about 3 to 6 times faster depending on what you're doing."
"The system has been much better because we've been on the front foot."
"I would rather see a more adjustable system as an upgrade."
"I'm cautiously optimistic that this will allow the system to make overall better long-term decisions."
"I wanted to see more of that work brought into the system."
"This is a better system in my mind."
"A system can always be improved, but the American electoral system is actually the most secure in the world."
"Reporting medication errors helps identify system errors and consistent failures to prevent future errors."
"With a rolling upgrade, each node is upgraded one at a time."
"It's going to make for a very very swift and vast healthcare system."
"They've done a very good job of making the system more sense for power users."
"My system sounds better now; it sounds clearer and it was free."
"I helped the company to save money by streamlining the office supplies ordering system."
"We will therefore be changing our use of number sequencing to help us identify cases that we have touched before."
"The beauty of these kind of systems is this can all be updated in software and the software updates come over the air, they come over Wi-Fi."
"I would love to see these issues get fixed because if we struggle with them and we see them every day, I know that veterans out there who are doing their own claims are seeing them."
"This very crafty system is a game changer for them."
"With the right actionable information, we can work to build on the development of better governance systems."
"We all know what we're all doing, we all can contribute to it, and hopefully make it a better system in the end."
"We need a better system for Affordable Health Care."
"The system is broken, and we must work together to make it function correctly."
"The spreadsheet pretty much turned a good trading system into a fantastic dream system."
"So it's going to help our systems, take them to the next level of understanding and belief because Allah (AJ) is supporting."
"My system has definitely evolved quite a bit over the past year."
"You just added a whole two terabytes to your system."
"We're doing a lot of exciting work in the area of traditional finance, uplifting their systems and streamlining so they can get a real-time view into their cash flows."
"We will deliver a system that's more convenient and easier to use than the current system."
"This should hopefully increase the reliability of this system."
"So, as a result once we have the multithreading support in our system, we can exploit the thread level parallelization and we can improve overall performance of the system."
"The Orion system uses what's called Active Flight Control, and that capability significantly improves the crew's safety over a passive type system."
"This is all good; this is how the normal system works, but how can we modify it?"
"It's easy to blame humans, human error is a symptom of a system that needs to be redesigned."
"One of the most interesting problems that you should be working on if you're a student and you want to make a difference is how do we get these systems to be much better at these sorts of things."
"We have learned a lot from the tragic fatality of Zimer Perkins and we've striven to use it to strengthen all the components of our system."
"It is basically used to find the maximum expected improvement of an overall system when only a part of the system is improved."