
Skill Building Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"Confidence isn't something that you are born with; it's a skill set."
"You're compounding your knowledge, you're compounding your skills, and now you're more valuable."
"Insure a future income... Make yourself recession-proof by continuing to learn new skills and building a strong personal brand."
"High-income skills. How I define high-income skills is a skill that has the potential to make you over $100,000 a year."
"This is how you teach children, this is how you teach spouses, this is how you teach strangers to really be confident in their ability to declutter."
"The best way to ensure that you're that hiring manager's number one pick is to do everything you can to be building skills and experience that set you apart from the competition."
"I just don't see how skill gaps and investing into skill is a bad thing."
"You train yourself to take action... you are building the skill of confidence."
"It's more about simply shooting the gun and building skills without the gear."
"Gordon Ramsay didn't get to where he was just by screaming in front of a camera, he got there through practice and experience."
"Use this time wisely... develop new skills, create order out of chaos."
"The mindset of the mastery mentality: pick one high income skill."
"It's never too late to start a new hustle after making a new year's resolution to focus on building marketable skills."
"Doodling is the best kind of skill-building activity that you can do."
"Don't let a single job in a single company control your outcome build your skills make sure you're marketable throughout the marketplace."
"Happiness is a skill. It is not given but it is created."
"What you're doing is building the foundational core to your feminine voice."
"Then you're able to focus on that to learn more. Then when you learn that, then you figure out this other thing and you keep building, right?"
"Bossing your way there can be an extremely lucrative way to make a lot of money on your way to 99."
"I'm going to rush farming 7, mining 7, and foraging 7 and I'm going to show you guys the fastest way to unlock this."
"Any method of learning that you can leverage to create more value for yourself is appropriate."
"The time for talk is pretty much over... we should be pairing that with one to two hours in the very least of practical information, how to skill building."
"Confidence is indeed a skill that you can build."
"He's gonna get it before the baby comes so I'm hoping that we're gonna build up some of those patience skills."
"Building alone is cool but building together not only gives you long-lasting memories but a lot of skills along the way."
"Once you learn how to do that, you can really build anything. Being self-taught, it's about being in a position where you can really go far."
"If anything, I think that's a skill that we should all work on cultivating."
"Learn to build something that's more professional level."
"It's more about giving you the tools, so you can do this all yourself."
"As a beginner trader, your focus has to be on building consistency."
"Because learning things and being educated and having these skills, well – it's a really empowering thing!"
"You're not going to get good without practicing."
"Repair is a practice that builds up a whole bunch of really valuable skills: analytical thinking, problem-solving."
"This is a great beginner lathe project."
"It's a good way to build something for your portfolio."
"I love life drawing I love it I can't say it enough I can't even explain how much it helped me build confidence and build skills in every way that you can't imagine life drawing would do."
"Brilliant gives you the ability to dive into math and science topics so you can really learn them and get ahead in your studies or your career."
"I promise that if you will commit to yourself that you will learn the things that you need to learn, whether you're Googling it, you get a course, you search out opportunities, you just commit to yourself and to learn these skills, you will build one upon the other."
"...the more you do this stuff your skills will compound."
"Just practice, you're going to have to practice."
"Keep practicing and keep building those skills."
"Take it slowly, keep practicing, and keep up building those skills."
"Tracing and copying help to build muscle memory."
"Yeah, it's not so much about learning how to fire a rifle, it's about delivering skills to that kid so that when they get out of there they're of more use and respect society a lot more."
"...confidence is built based on skill, so many people avoid building skill in life."
"Taking action is the most important thing and practicing these techniques that I taught you in this video is what you are going to need to focus on in order to build your business."
"I firmly believe that if you continue to build your skill and craft, even if you end up in a local theater, if you're good enough for that job, you'll be able to do what you're doing now."
"Practice is going to be your best friend."
"That's a skill that people learn in therapy or through reading the book and through practicing."
"You have to repeat things, that's you practice an instrument, you practice driving the car, you practice doing these things and then it became real."
"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."
"And not paying somebody else to do things for you that you could learn how to do and at the same time, improve your decision-making skills is critical."
"Getting into advanced mechanics should be your number one priority."
"Racing Sims are one of the funnest ways to hone driving skills, learn new track layouts, and drive cars that you may never get to experience in real life."
"Struggle now so you can build the skills necessary to do great work and become even more productive later on. That's the philosophy of programming the hard way."
"Sometimes we're too harsh on ourselves and don't give ourselves the opportunity to really grow and develop our skills."
"Every job that you take is either strengthening or weakening your resume."
"Turning it down as you build your power and proficiency on the bike, awesome, man."
"The literal greatest compliment is when you guys say that I have empowered you to try a power tool for the first time."
"Practice is all it takes and it gets better and easier the more you do it."
"Just a lot of quiet time and, yeah, there's a lot of opportunities to practice your hobby or to learn a new skill."
"We're all about instilling sewing inspiration as well as sewing confidence so that you really believe you can do it because you can."
"Tackle the hardest projects. Take on projects that will test and stretch you, leading to greater confidence and skill."
"Your first bike doesn't and shouldn't be your forever bike unless it was gifted or willed to you and of course you're gonna start on something else. It's okay to start smaller and increase in engine displacement and size as your skills increase."
"You as a brewer need to build that skill and build that understanding before you can really leverage these items and then make the best possible beer using them."
"Even if you don't bring these projects to production, they look really good on a resume and show that you understand business needs."
"If you can do those things, then you can also work on your technique."
"It's empowering to have built my business to where it is and to have learned how to do all of these new skills."
"Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice the easier breaking these down will get and the more confident you're going to feel in picking out some of these key details."
"As we build towards 100 gaming skills along the way, I have a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you in the very next video."
"Buying a gun that allows for training to be successful and for you to build confidence and build your skill set is going to be the most important thing in the beginning."
"Consistency helps build skills, develop your style, and produce a body of work over time."
"Once you master [starting and stopping], stick welding is going to be infinitely easier for you."
"You feel more confident about making ganache at home."
"Start by cooking simple food you're familiar with to build your confidence."
"If you do the same thing over and over again, what happens is you build automatic skill."
"For all you young people out there, consider spending your money not on video games but on tools."
"Basic counting with dictionaries: start simple and build your skills from there."
"The more you do this, the more experience you get."
"Cutting hair is not difficult to learn, just go slow, take your time, and with some patience you should be able to get a pretty decent haircut."
"If you're looking for a project for a woman or for yourself, I recommend the Ada lounge set. This is going to make you feel so confident in your sewing journey because you're going to learn how to add a neck binding, you can add pockets, you can make them in shorts or pants."
"...it's a really nice one... just to get warmed up and just to have a little practice at this Stitch."
"Increase the skill, figure out where you're struggling."
"The only way you're going to build this skill for yourself is through practice."
"Focus on building skills, not just making fast money."
"If you want to learn to become a better motorcyclist the right way, I have videos to build your riding skills."
"Do these drills every single day to build the muscle memory."
"The game does change and if you aren't building skills that sort of work through all the tiers of the game, it's going to be much harder to move up and stay up as well."
"Doing that builds a lot of skills as well and skills that you'll have for the rest of your life definitely."
"Build your skill set, build your competitive advantages."
"I think there's a couple of key concepts that you can apply straight away even if you haven't fully fleshed out your drawing foundation, even if your perspective is not 100%, I think there's a lot of things that you can take away and start practicing."
"Tools are scaffolding to build skills over time."
"If you've never been solo camping I do have to say that getting used to the quiet and the solitude, it's a skill much like the skill of cutting chicken."
"In a few days or a few weeks for a little time little practice over time you're going to have some amazing quilting skills."
"We want you to learn how to skateboard and we have everything you need on Braille Army."
"Practice your chord tones by practicing your chord tones."
"There is something to be said for being able to gain the skills necessary to beat several hard levels in succession rather than simply managing to get lucky with one at a time."
"You're learning a new skill, you're building towards something great."
"And then probably the best way of nailing it is hands-on practice. Hands-on practice, that's what we need to do."
"...learning how to get better with money is just like any other skill that you are trying to learn..."
"Practice is something that is so great when cooking."
"Welcome to Skill Builder, I'm Robin."
"Just strike an arc and weld for a short length, then do it again and again until you're feeling good."
"It's all about building those skills and having fun doing it."
"This is a wonderful skill-building exercise."
"If you've never sewn before, I recommend it as a hobby."
"Experimenting really builds up confidence and skills."
"Ultimately, I want us to just have confidence in the clothes we're wearing, to feel accomplished, grow some skill sets, and know that we can make garments without any worries."
"I am so thrilled to have another method, another skill, another technique in my bag of tricks."
"It's a fun sewing project that even a beginner seamstress can handle."
"Start small, start building up your skill level when it comes to Furniture flipping."
"You can do this. You might need to build a couple skills into your toolbox."
"This cat Beanie is super beginner-friendly so from round two and onwards it is the exact same thing so once you get the hang of it which I'm sure you'll be able to you can definitely finish the whole Beanie."
"So you want to make lots and lots of your granny square and it will get easier with each one you do."
"But once you get the techniques down you start to get brave."
"So right now, I'm just going to do some mini driving, and I don't want to slip the clutch excessively."
"Exploring your history and tradition as a drummer can give you more tools for your toolbox and make you more employable."
"Confidence comes from doing something repeatedly."
"It's not a lack of motivation, it's actually a skill deficit."
"You can't avoid the hardness. Like, you can't avoid the hard time. The hard time is where you create the skill to overcome the thing."
"Confidence is an action and it's a skill. In life when you want to try something, making yourself just take the action, that's what builds it."
"I make YouTube videos to express my creativity, to document my life, and to help me develop skills."
"A great way for you to continue to practice that plant care skills."
"If you do something a lot, you get better at it."
"I am always looking for ways to make life easier, learn a new skill, figure out a tip or a trick, and that is why I love Skillshare."
"Fall in love with the business you're running because you're building a skill set."
"Practice, practice, practice. Whatever you practice, you're going to get better at."
"It's always good to teach yourself new skills, to learn new skills, learn by trial and error the old-fashioned way."
"If you still have a few years ahead of you before you retire, now is the time to go ahead and start working on your skills."
"You just learn the skill and then you teach."
"There's really nothing you can't teach yourself to do if it comes in the mind, and it really takes practice and repetition."
"It's a place where I can teach students how to do basic skills in the kitchen and prepare them to enter the workforce in one manner or another."
"With a little bit of practice, you will be a pro in absolutely no time whatsoever."
"Pick something new to master and invest in it."
"It's all about this exchange, like building skills you can leverage to make your life more remarkable."
"We want to teach you how to fish, that's very key here."
"Let's go ahead and get into it, and I'll show you how we can build this aim trainer."
"If you can practice correctly and repeat the process, you're going to get better and better."
"To get better at something, you have to practice something."
"My goal is to help you become the drummer other people want to jam with by teaching you the core non-glamorous skills that get you mastering the drums and playing songs faster."
"It's always worth the effort to learn new skills, this time it's machinery tool setup stuff, and always share with others."
"That's what's so cool about these kind of projects or a motorcycle or a tractor, especially for a young person because you learn so many skills doing this kind of thing that will translate into your next project."
"The more times you do something, the better you become at it."
"If you want to develop your skills, you've got to learn how to overcome those obstacles."
"It is our passion that keeps us connected to the process, it enables us to face new challenges, it sustains the thousands of hours required to learn new skills and the endurance to overcome obstacles."
"We love helping you learn and helping you get the confidence to tackle your boat project."
"...another thing that is really important if you were wanting to grow in self-sufficiency is to learn skills."
"The more we practice things, the better we get, the stronger we get, and our skills get stronger."
"You kids don't know how to sew, I'm gonna show you how to sew."
"Once you build this skill, it will serve you for the remainder of your life."
"I got my first teaching job as a result of my involvement in pageants and I learned a lot about staging a show."
"You'll be building things that you can put into your portfolio and be ready to create your own projects too."
"We love teaching these five moves in this order because the skills are going to build on each other."
"We're going to start with the basics and build on the basics till we get to the end."
"The more that we can do now, the more skills that we can build, the more infrastructure we can have in place, the more successful that we will be."
"You have to do like deliberate practice where you're pushing yourself."
"Playing with a variety of toys and showing functionality with toys is key to engagement and skill-building."
"The idea here is all about practice."
"What are you doing to sharpen your skills each day?"
"I enjoy working here and want to better understand how I can continue to grow in my career. What skills do you think I need to continue to master in order to get promoted?"
"Making art everyday is really about building those skills so when you have something to say, you have the skills to say it."
"The only way you get confidence is by doing reps and getting good at what you're doing."
"You need to build that skill of self-confidence."
"The more you build, the better you get at it, and you'll be able to figure it out."
"The best way to learn is to start building as many websites as you can."
"The idea is to pick something small, build your skill set, build your confidence, and then over time start working your way up."
"Focus on your skills, focus on your practice."
"You are building the skill of being able to take action when you don't feel like it."
"Skillshare is all about hands-on learning."
"I'd like to share that stuff with you to help save you some money, build your confidence, and help you maintain some accuracy with this thing over time."
"Effort counts twice because effort helps you build your skill."
"Have you ever wanted to build your collection, learn a valuable skill, all at the same time?"
"The more you do it, the better you're going to become."
"We're going to learn a lot of CQC stuff, obviously the shoot house, force on force, mission planning. It's going to be really good."
"The workflow series is where every two weeks I try to teach you something or give you a skill that you can use in your agency or in your in-house team right away to take your webflow websites to the next level."
"Gardening is probably going to become an increasingly popular skill to develop in the coming years for many Americans."
"Practice is going to make perfect."
"This is a hobby, you need to learn."
"Thank you for sharing all your knowledge; I now feel comfortable in starting my next weaving adventure."
"Get into a position where you can get a trade, where you can get a skill that you can take out with you."
"You can help them to acquire skills and do something for themselves."
"You have to get good at this, and this is going to stair step you into the agency to make more money."
"It's about building properly and being a master properly."
"Build a skill... and then you're gonna have a lot more success."
"Get educated, learn some skills, and you'll be ready."
"The Waiters Academy has another course free online; this is the waiter training course where you're going to learn all the skills you need to be a top waiter in the world."
"You can stream classes and build your skills on a variety of topics."
"Cosplay is a form of expression; you get so many skills from doing it."
"Electives can help students dive deeper into a topic or hone a particular skill or just explore a new area."
"Practice makes perfect, and from doing it and doing it, you will get better and better."
"Practice makes perfect, that's what they say, isn't it? And it's true, the more you practice, the more you will improve."
"It's all about empowering people and giving them a skill that can last for a lifetime."
"Start simple, learn the basics, learn how to operate a sewing machine."
"Dancing builds fluidity, stamina, and coordination."
"Let's make a start on our skill Builder quilt along."
"I always like to do something that is both educational and helps you expand your skills and also create something worth framing and hanging up on the wall."
"Why wouldn't you gain the skills to make good quality, highly nutritious, amazing tasting food?"
"There's a tremendous need for the ability to write well... that's a skill that I'm actively building, and one that you can actively try to build."
"With Skillshare, all the classes are so structured and they provide literally everything you need to know to learn a new skill."
"The beauty of college is that it gives us the opportunity to dive deep into any field and gain skills that help us make our dreams a reality."