
Economic Advantage Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"And Navi takes the lead. This is looking really great for Navi; they're very far ahead economically."
"It's the US that benefits it's the reserve currency that is entirely the US."
"Scalability is why this is such a great thing."
"Mexico, a nation with abundant natural resources, a young and productive workforce, and a favorable location, overtook China as the biggest supplier of goods to their giant customer next door – the United States."
"This is from day one, having a Tesla semi will beat a diesel truck on economics from day one."
"Largest store of value by a large margin and we are the largest trade currency by a large margin as long as that is the case the United States has the exorbitant privilege."
"It's like a 99.9% off sale or 100,000 extra free... it's just the best deal you'll ever see in your life."
"Royalty and streaming company is a superior form of business."
"If you unshackle the American entrepreneur we run circles around these people."
"The number one asset we have in the United States is our flexibility."
"Immigrants benefit dramatically if you own a business here."
"HelloFresh is 72% cheaper than dining at a restaurant."
"Hard Bargain: buying and selling prices at vendors are much better."
"You need to get your bread up... your life could be better than someone with perfect credit because you have money."
"He is a popular figurehead which gives us extra stability in war support."
"Certifications man... the person that doesn't have a degree and got a certification in cybersecurity makes well more than anyone else."
"Renewables are now between seven and nine percent cheaper."
"Renewable energy is so cheap that it beats fossil fuels."
"This concept of farming jungle camps is how you passively get ahead throughout the game."
"The best analogy I can give is, if I make money, does it get easier to make more money? Yeah, usually."
"For a minimum of 20 years, natural gas and electricity prices here are in the bottom 10 percent of the United States."
"The people that benefit from inflation are the people that are financially educated."
"If you refinance your mortgage, chances are you're saving a ton of money."
"The rich and the financially educated are becoming richer."
"The system rewards those who are financially educated."
"Adding all those small margins up together make for a nice weekly paycheck."
"Texas is affordable for residents and businesses."
"I don't mind eating out because it's amazing food, and the amount it takes me to eat out in Dubai, I make more than that while I eat that food."
"The value of your vehicle goes up rather than down."
"Most chemicals are derived either from oil-based naphtha or ethylene that comes from natural gas because the United States has more natural gas than anyone else and at a lower price point."
"It's a great pack at a really good price point."
"Tesla has very strong margins and strong margins allow them the flexibility to lower prices if they need to and work through those periods of time."
"Money is going to increase in your life, exotic food eating, or exotic food and how will that you eat that how will you eat exotic food only when you have money."
"Money allows you to have more Lords, more armies, everything. If you have any problems in this game, it can just be solved by money."
"Anyone who has a stable energy provider can kind of write their own check."
"A strong dollar is great if you have lots of dollars."
"We get paid to advertise while we're advertising."
"Senators, this cannot be our future. Do not concede, Mr. President. Fight hard. This cannot be the future of America."
"Those extra percentages really do compound earnings really fast over a longer period of time."
"It's good food for you, it's good for the environment, and it's good for your pocketbook."
"China's use of silver initially gives the country an unexpected benefit."
"Electric vehicles could be undercutting gas-powered ones by more than 20 percent in terms of costs."
"Large CS leads are more valuable than kills, guys. I guarantee it."
"The dollar is the cleanest shirt in the laundry... it's in such a good position."
"This is going to come out way ahead on depreciation, way ahead on maintenance stuff."
"Paraguay is a very affordable country for foreigners."
"We've got low cost of living, amazing opportunities for you to land a new job."
"Countries and companies which invest in renewables will really see a major advantage."
"The countries that can make batteries for electric cars will reap decades of economic and geopolitical advantages."
"It's a tremendous benefit for us to be the reserve currency of the world, and it's a tremendous responsibility."
"Countries that have an ecosystem that can support various big players in various different industries have a distinct advantage."