
Environmental Sustainability Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"Environmental sustainability is very much recognized today, everyone is talking about the need to not destroy biodiversity, to be sustainable within resource consumption use."
"By getting people out of poverty, we fix most environmental problems."
"Nature places this restriction: if you want to last longer, conserve resources. If you waste them, you may expect that they will be exhausted and their values will be no longer available to you."
"Being vegan is the only way we can be sustainable with our planet because a non-vegan diet is destroying our environment in so many different ways."
"Since 2016, the company has upcycled 33 million chopsticks that otherwise would have ended up in a landfill."
"Every bit of plastic ever made will eventually end up as waste."
"You cannot have seven billion people burning oil and gas and coal indefinitely."
"This is not about saving the planet. This is about ensuring that the environmental conditions that have made this planet habitable for us, that they actually continue."
"The best data indicates quite clearly that if you can get poor people up to a point where they are producing $5,000 US GDP per year, they immediately start to take a medium and long-term view of environmental stability."
"What if your plane could fly with 97% greater efficiency, less noise, and zero emissions?"
"The reason to recycle isn't so much to keep these things out of the landfill, it's that we've already done a lot of the work necessary to turn this into the next thing."
"We are essentially living on an ecological credit card that our kids will have to pay."
"For more than 300 years, the village of Hari in Japan has thrived on an interconnected system of canals, streams, rice fields, and kabata."
"Electric car sales have doubled versus last year... we're on track to actually hit 100% electric car sales well before 2030."
"We are not running out of water. A million years ago, how much water was there on this planet? Still, the same amount of water is here."
"Everything on this boat is about minimizing our environmental footprint and maximizing our ability to explore off the beaten path."
"The idea is to get humans back into eco state stability with the natural environment."
"Every single product we announced today uses reclaimed ocean-bound plastics, helping to protect our precious oceans while bringing you the cutting-edge technology you expect from Samsung."
"Apple's corporate operations have been carbon neutral since 2020."
"What you've got is a carbon pump, pumping the carbon into the soil."
"Now is the time to create millions of good jobs building out the infrastructure and clean energy necessary to save our planet for future generations."
"You humans will love eating cauliflower steak; it's a plant-based protein and better for the environment."
"There will be no future for us if we destroy the environment that sustains us."
"Shouldn't we just focus on producing less in the first place?"
"Meat and milk contributing to greenhouse gasses but if the animal is grazing on grass and in an integrated agricultural system, some of those greenhouse gases are actually sort of the carbon is returned to the soil and environmental impacts are reduced."
"It remains our plan to climb Mount Sustainability...that point at the top symbolizing zero footprint."
"Clean beauty started the conversation around environmental sustainability."
"Ocean currents and tides are an enormous amount of renewable energy just waiting to be harvested."
"Economic progress and environmental progress are actually aligned."
"A world that will certainly have a much smaller animal agriculture industry."
"Reducing meat and dairy consumption can help reduce carbon footprint."
"An economy is not just a question of what we produce, it's everything from how we organize care to how we keep our ecosystems alive."
"You know what I'm saying? They think we can have the same comfort as we do now without fossil fuels."
"We must accept that infinite growth on a finite planet is suicide."
"We think that gas powered vehicles are going to be obsolete within the next five to ten years."
"I think it's how you are doing it and is it sustainable, is it good for the environment, those are conversations that need to be had."
"Innovation is a good answer to many of the problems that the Earth faces."
"Roughly nine out of ten plastic bottles in Finland are returned for recycling."
"Without water, we don't have an economy at all. It doesn't matter if it's gold or silver, whatever you want to call it. It's all created by water itself."
"We design and carbon offset everything so it's completely carbon negative."
"Clean water technologies are the most important."
"We need a lot of different people to work together to reduce the digital divide, to have Net Zero regions, to strengthen our ability to be more prepared for the next Health pandemic."
"The world needs to move towards renewable energy."
"We're getting to the point where I think the we as the people are starting to demand that these companies take like environmental issues."
"Every nation in the world depends on its natural environment."
"Disneyland recycles 4 million pounds of cardboard, paper, and other materials annually."
"We have this opportunity now to tell those corporate Agra see people, 'Okay, go ahead, maximize profits, but only do so within the context of always heading toward creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and peaceful world.'"
"Building an economy on sustainable energy is not just doable, it's a better choice."
"Planetary sustainability coming into sharper focus now and in the months to come."
"We should hit around 50 percent of electricity from Renewables within another 10 years."
"Redwood now has drop off points with Best Buy to collect these old batteries."
"Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy economy."
"I love the fact that the way we're going to get away from fossil fuels, I love the fact that these are all the metals we need to go and build those batteries. I mean, it's the most amazing coincidence that I've ever encountered."
"Aluminum is safer and more recyclable — it’s already one of the world's most recycled metals."
"The world has the chance to join in the shared objective of creating a safer, stabler future for our people and for the planet."
"All that electricity is coming from the solar, so this is coming from the car parks."
"Nothing will benefit human health and our chances for survival more than the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
"Material wealth is less important than maintaining the country's environment and culture."
"It's a force that developers would love to harness, particularly in Brazil where 80% of all the country's electricity is created by hydropower."
"Norway has the highest numbers of electric cars per person in the world."
"South Australia ran on 100% renewable energy for six and a half days straight."
"It's about making real transportation, which is a cleaner, greener way to travel, the better choice."
"Generating reliable nuclear fusion could ultimately save Earth and all forms of life by eliminating our dependence on the sun."
"Our best bet by far is to invest in renewable resources which is solar and wind."
"We can reverse chronic diseases and climate change."
"For the first time in human history, we have a glimmering little hope of living in balance with nature."
"We need to reinvest in biodiversity and learn from indigenous wisdom."
"Hyperloop networks will connect major cities, allowing rapid, efficient, and environmentally friendly travel at speeds that exceed 600 miles an hour."
"Hope she's okay, she's probably just had something to do today she's pretty popular after all."
"Tied with every single poster purchased from their website, this plate has teamed up with the Forest Garden Project to plant trees in Tanzania aiding the fight against chronic hunger, poverty, and deforestation in the region."
"Recycle, compost, rummage, sort out recyclables - all ways to contribute towards the eco footprint."
"Maintaining a true zero waste lifestyle is not possible for many of us."
"Using a reusable water bottle is better for the environment it's cheaper and really it just makes sense."
"Royal Caribbean recycled 43.7 million pounds of waste in 2018."
"The fifth permaculture principle: 'use and value renewable resources and services.'"
"Investment in hydrogen energy to power vehicles and heat homes will create thousands of new jobs and reduce carbon emissions."
"We need to figure out a way that doesn't look like us liquidating the planet out from under us."
"If human beings are going to sustain our civilization long into the future, we have to cut our addiction to fossil fuels. It's a given."
"Tree burials offer a eco-friendly approach to burial, fostering new life in the form of a tree."
"We cannot sustain taking stuff from our environment and putting it in a hole in the ground forever."
"There's no planet B for ordinary risk-averse people."
"What's really important too is we want to be able to continue to innovate... what are the best ways to preserve our water, how can we produce energy in different ways?"
"It's about whether we're going to be passing a habitable environment to our kids and grandkids."
"Imagine a world where energy was so clean and abundant that it was no longer a limiting factor in the growth of civilization."
"Freight rail is the most environmentally friendly way to move goods over land."
"Norway is committed to sustainable development by promoting renewable energy, implementing strict environmental regulations, and supporting eco-friendly practices."
"We should start focusing on Real Change rather than just letting corporations sell us what they think is sustainable."
"Last for the footwear, we're going to be looking at a very, very sustainable brand."
"Keep your city clean and functional - waste treatment is a necessary part of city planning."
"A plant-based diet is the key to individual health, a stable planetary future, and ending the dreadful suffering we inflict on billions of animals every year."
"It's possible to grow the economy really fast and possible to bring down carbon emissions as well."
"We need to be producing so much renewable energy now."
"The cleanest type of energy you can imagine."
"Preserving our oceans and maintaining livelihoods is not something that's mutually exclusive. In fact, it is part of a virtuous cycle."
"We deserve to have a planet that we can live in. That food can continue to be produced, that our coasts won't become inundated with storms."
"Bitcoin can solve that, it can actually green up energy resources like flare gas that otherwise would be vented into the atmosphere."
"Soil is repairable and improvable, we don't need to buy land based on the quality of soil."
"Biodegradable means to break down into smaller parts that can be reabsorbed by nature."
"To be actually healthy and have systems in place to take care of our seniors, to have clean air and freedom and democracy."
"I want a future and I want my children to have a future free from racial terror and they need an environment that can sustain life for generations to come."
"Electing leaders that will put people and planet over profit is the only way that I will have a future."
"Granola finally goes on to finish off gas once and for all."
"Soil building, if following some good principles doesn't have to be rocket science."
"I think if we all want breathable air and drinkable water we need to learn how to live with less."
"Nebia is a revolutionary shower head that saves you money by using 45 percent less water but with a stream of water that's way more powerful than what you get with other shower heads."
"France recycles about 96% of its nuclear waste."
"Smart water management is not just about using less. It's also about maintaining the massive stores of fresh water beneath our feet."
"We all deserve a better clean while contributing to a healthier planet."
"So, if you're thinking of buying a motorbike, buy the electric motorbike because that's where things are heading."
"It celebrates by launching a new 99% recycled Tesla Roadster."
"Changing from a war economy to a peace economy is as important as changing from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"If you made a classic series of cars all electric, what a great rebirth that would be."
"Making crypto green is the future of cryptocurrency."
"The quicker we wake up, the less damage is going to be done and hopefully we can actually thrive on a healthy planet."
"Renewable energy is so cheap that it beats fossil fuels."
"All of our drinking water comes from mother nature but it might not always be there to meet our demands."
"Renewables seemed like good news that opened the door to a very hopeful future."
"The French take their produce maintenance very seriously and became the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food since February of 2016."
"I tell people, I declare to you, the facts are the numbers are that these CEOs are investing $50 billion... to electrify their entire fleet right now."
"Dedicate at least five 10% of your garden to growing native plants."
"Can you imagine a country that irrigates plants with salt water?"
"No less than 85 percent of all wastewater is reused."
"We just want people to use water efficiently."
"What could possibly matter more than sustaining the planet's ability to support life?"
"It's thanks to the tireless efforts of individuals that not only keeps this trail open to explorers like us but makes it possible by restoring the wells and the water they provide."
"Continuing to promote catch and release is crucial for sustainable fishing."
"We have no choice but to figure out how to use the water we're already extracting from the system more efficiently."
"In order to thrive and help our planet overcome its greatest challenge, nuclear Power needs to evolve. This is the Future of Nuclear power."
"This way of living won't last forever, and when it's done I would rather there's more of the natural world left rather than less."
"Are we going to be totally fine for the next few centuries? Let's talk about this."
"People are like well a lot of people say or ships are like the dinosaurs of alternative construction this one even has a bathtub I mean how far you can take it you know water storage you can have a bathtub in you."
"If seven and a half billion people did one thing a day to bring balance and harmony."
"Using geothermal energy to mine bitcoin is pretty [__] cool."
"I'm for human flourishing then earth prosperity."
"I want to be super clear: you should not only not shut down nuclear power plants but you should also reopen the ones that you've already shut down."
"Refillable water stations provide better-tasting water for free on many cruise ships."
"At Apple, we are constantly innovating to conserve resources and protect the planet."
"We have to move towards not just a plant-rich diet, but ultimately a plant-based diet."
"Home charging at the moment is the key to making an electric vehicle work."
"We're also committed to recycling at all of our cell factories."
"IBM says it's figured out how to make cobalt-free batteries."
"You're getting a much better yield of trees by planting acorns."
"Prince Harry is dedicated to fostering sustainability within the tourism sector."
"The Aptera is all about Energy Efficiency, which I absolutely love because that's what the ultimate goal is for electric vehicles."
"Agromining is one of the tools we will need in the future."
"Buying clothes secondhand not only saves money, but it also helps the environment."
"The world without having to use oil and using abundant sources is a better world."
"The move to sustainable energy and the role that batteries are playing in it is crucial."
"Infinite water was something we never had previously."
"The Lord made a wonderful, sustainable planet."
"You can complain about the EV revolution and the costs and the job cuts and all of the downsides which yes exist or you can get to work and find solutions and provide a sustainable future for your people, your investors, and your company."
"Will technological advancements allow us to Halt the degradation of our natural environments and increase the carrying capacity of our planet?"
"Use of renewable sources is very important to reduce pollution because emission of greenhouse gases has augmented to a greater extent as a result of human activity, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface."
"Major changes in how food is produced are needed."
"We will get to a fully renewable grid... it's happening very quickly."
"I have a very sincere kind of positive outlook on the wind industry because it just makes sense."
"It's clean energy, it's almost like wind power. No, it's very clean energy."
"All of Earth can easily be powered by solar and wind."
"Renewable clean energy and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions."
"A framework that will create millions of jobs, grow the economy, invest in our nation and our people, turn the climate crisis into an opportunity..."
"The sustainability experts conclude that there's no outcome that doesn't include a massive near-term decline in the human population."
"We're talking about a livable planet and an inhabitable future for Humanity and every other species on this planet."
"We don't necessarily have the resources that we think we have."
"Our sails are apparently the first to be fully recyclable."
"Our ability to serve our customers, our ability to drive economies, our ability to run an environmentally responsible company, well, it wouldn't be possible without a strong infrastructure."
"We have saved over millions of kilograms of electronic waste and textile waste from waste piles."
"We live on a finite planet, and our materials economy operates as a linear system. You cannot run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely." - Annie Leonard
"The EVECO Z is designed to be automated, eliminating all accidents entirely and providing the advanced capability to help drivers with their priorities."
"I'm happy that I'm a big part of a sustainable future."
"Holding the line until Teslas make up 50% of cars on the road."
"But if I weigh the value of the advent of 100 mile per gallon safe transportation for adults with ultra low emissions, I mean art is important. But right, let's make something worth."
"As long as we focus on reusing the waste of fuel, we're going to be okay."
"From my point of view, electric mobility has won the race. And considering the high volumes we are targeting for, I think the customer will also benefit from the economies of scale, decreasing prices."
"It's all interconnected and it makes sense from a public health point of view, a cost point of view, a personal health point of view, an environmental point of view, for us to give up animal products as quickly as possible."
"Crucial innovation is needed to break down China's dominance in the sector without sacrificing environmental quality."
"Reduce and recycle. This lot generates compostable and recyclable trash."
"Globally, renewable energy capacity is forecast to increase by over 60 percent between 2020 and 2026, reaching more than 4,800 gigawatts."
"Nothing goes to landfill, there are no gas lines, everything is electric."
"We do need to change the way we generate electricity, very primarily the way we transport ourselves."
"Capitalism is incompatible with the Earth's limits."
"It's likely going to take more recycling combined with more nickel mining to ramp up lithium-ion battery production in tandem with EV demand."
"Sustainability has to be our top priority... our ability to live well on the earth depends on it."
"If we don't get our stuff together and start making a conscious effort to change the ways of living out here, we'll be doomed."
"Luxury meets efficiency in the Lexus RX Hybrid lineup."
"Recycling just seems like a really key and fundamental aspect that they have not talked a lot about that seems like huge promise."
"We really need a global Marshall Plan for poverty, the environment, and sustainability."
"We must have a sustainable energy solution. In fact, it's total logical if it's not sustainable."
"We should not be using more resources than necessary."
"I love supporting companies that are moving towards better materials for our environment."
"Traditional indigenous practices are part of a wider effort to restore the natural balance in our food systems."
"For every piece of apparel in the Kanagawa Wave collection that's sold, Razer will fund the recovery of one kilogram or roughly two pounds of marine plastic."
"When human beings using artificial intelligence they will understand themselves better and I think there will be a millions of ways people will live in a healthy earth and protect the healthy earth"
"Everybody will be moving to plant-based diets over the coming decades."
"We've innovated to a point where you don't need to clear-cut those floors anymore."
"Bees are important for self-sufficiency. Having a resource like this book is extremely important."
"Mega packs are being used to help communities achieve these goals in Australia."
"Canada is a reliable partner, supplying clean energy to the world."
"Congratulations to kaduna State... installing solar panels you know we've always talked about that to move away from Petrol and move more to gas and solar lights."
"The rise of ESG business strategies is becoming more and more significant."
"As far as we know, and even so, it's often just used as sort of a Band-Aid for an unwillingness or inability to adapt one's lifestyle in a more sustainable manner."