
Intellectual Exploration Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Could deny such intellectual prowess? How close, if sound, would Anselm's ontological argument get us to the divine?"
"Sometimes questions can be more important and leave a bigger legacy than the attempted answers."
"I'd like to announce my new book, 'Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.' Unlike my previous book, 'Beyond Order' explores, as its overarching theme, how the dangers of too much security and control might be profitably avoided."
"We've always thought that like you can theorize about anything."
"Seek out... very interesting people... large margins of air... always thinking about... love on my friends."
"We don't even know now what the right questions are."
"the joy and the wonder of writing there's still so much that we I haven't said and we'll have a chance to discuss"
"I really enjoy the way you shine light on these ancient texts and these questions of translation. It opens up a whole new realm for people to explore."
"Different lights... shine on these questions... get many different shadows."
"I think there's something to figuring out stuff that's true."
"Speculation actually has value to it. It helps open our eyes, helps open our minds to what's possible."
"At this point, the prospect of transhumanism stops being an intellectual exercise and becomes a question of subsistence."
"Speculation actually has value... it helps open our minds to what's possible."
"Just by changing our geography we change history, and I really like looking at this map and imagining what complex network it could have spawned."
"Passionate about thinking for yourself... willing to explore it rather than follow the public opinion."
"You won't get to the right answer if you don't ask the right questions."
"The set phenomenon has resulted in numerous books, thousands of pages of unpublished material, and the development of a philosophy that has changed the lives of many of us."
"Understanding the higher mind... big dreams, big ideas, big thoughts."
"The greatest weapon that you have against existing beliefs... is curiosity."
"Our book is an invitation to think deeply about what we are and how to live better lives."
"There's so many things out there we don't know we should know."
"The whole point of theorizing and brainstorming is coming up with new ideas."
"It is far more important to ask the right questions than to give the right answers."
"Wondering is the impulse for insight the more often you wonder the deeper you wonder the more seriously you wander the more systematically you wonder the more likely an Insight will arise."
"Wide-ranging discussion of physics and cosmology."
"The more you study math, it turns into philosophy."
"We need to create spaces where we can ask questions."
"Science fiction helps us imagine the philosophical, practical, and moral implications of real encounters between aliens and humans--an intellectual testing ground cloaked in the trappings of fantasy to make it more digestible."
"There is value in exploring different religions, sciences, and paradigms."
"Even if you don't always agree with Jordan, you're always going to find out something you didn't know before."
"It's the kind of questions you ask that's really more important than the answers you get."
"Asking questions is what we need to be doing big time."
"I became addicted to the feeling of thinking in a completely new way."
"Holding it and being scared to interrogate it because you might change your mind you owe yourself and you will owe the world better."
"The idea primarily is to challenge our preconceptions and our biases."
"A mind-blowing idea from the past will bounce back, leading to exploration and success."
"Philosophy illuminates the spiritual continent on which the rest of us sleepily dwell."
"The more we know scientifically, the more plausible... the concept of a creator... becomes."
"I genuinely enjoy conversations where we're both exploring ideas where somebody might even challenge me on some information."
"Most likely we are looking for our intellectual equals in the wrong place."
"It's about questioning things it's about finding what's real and what's true and training your mind to poke holes in that box."
"We have a big gap between science and ultimate metaphysics, and that gap can only be filled by true religious thought."
"Forcibly be open-minded to both possibilities."
"It's gonna open up a bunch of different perspectives."
"It’s about time we discussed an obscure concept in physics that may be more fundamental than energy and entropy and perhaps time itself. Ready? Action."
"Literally all of David Graeber's work is worth checking out."
"Philosophical questions are the most important ones."
"Mathematics is a portal into a big and magical world."
"No single set of eyes can see it all; let's dig as deep as we possibly can when searching for the objective truth."
"In the right question reside the right answer."
"If you find yourself to be a progressive and you find yourself in the throes of Destiny's commentary, then seek a little further. Scratch the surface, and you will recognize that it is a little odd."
"What emerges in this book is a fascinating philosophical analysis of metaphysics, magic, language, mathematics, and much more."
"Brief Answers to Big Questions explores some of the most complex questions in science."
"At a time when bands were not re-exploring virtuosity or they were in a very paced intellectual way, they were an exuberant band, you know? An exuberant band that were fun, but were virtuoso."
"Ideas push us to further understand our place in the universe."
"It really is like downloading some intelligence from a higher Dimension."
"What we need are roomy questions... questions with room in them."
"Everything we're talking about is not new at all, but we'll keep rediscovering it in different languages and different variations."
"Through employing this concept of difference, we can open ourselves up to the idea of deferring our certain interpretation until later."
"It's just so cool that there's multiple like just philosophies and approaches to doing this stuff as well."
"We have to break from the social agreements... reach for information and knowledge that is beyond the boundaries of what's currently accepted."
"Science is the natural other side of spirituality."
"It's not about finding answers, you're asking questions because you're trying to find the better questions."
"How do we generate good ideas? How do we examine an issue comprehensively?"
"All of this is appealing because it is ideas we are walking brains that test the universe that we're in."
"I think it's an interesting philosophical question."
"The fact that we can talk and conjecture and prove and study these ideas, these astonishing intense infinite concepts, shows that our curiosity, our logic is not bound by simply applications in the physical world."
"Knowledge, Reality, and Value by Michael Huemer is so good for someone who really wants to see what is philosophy and how do you think philosophically."
"The opening of this coming future is at one point given the name 'thinking' or 'thought'."
"Upstream is where I go deeper with some of the world's most interesting thinkers to map the constellation of ideas that matter."
"Conceptual art causes viewers to engage in this really individualized process of intellectual exploration."
"There's no limit to the logic here."
"Theoria meant a kind of journey you went on that would change your perspective."