
Gaming Nostalgia Quotes

There are 532 quotes

"For me, Sonic Adventure took what made Sonic so great and continued to expand upon it. It didn't always work, but when it did, it really knocked it out of the park."
"I miss the days of peak gaming when Mass Effect was firing on all cylinders and when Rocksteady could do no wrong when it came to Batman."
"Road Rash on the 3DO is a game that many people cite as their favorite amongst the system's entire library."
"I was in middle school when Super Smash Bros. came out on N64. To say that I loved this game would be an understatement."
"There will never be another game like Black Ops 2."
"Gold, Silver, and Crystal... they're not just good for their time period; they're refreshing and valuable to replay even in current day."
"Love it or hate it, spell making was a huge feature in the old games and its removal from Skyrim bothered some people."
"Walking into an arcade in the 90s was one of the great wonders of the world."
"I just really like having the real hardware. It's cool to have the real games; it's cool to have the real hardware."
"When you put into motion an approach based on love and respect, your results will forever remain in motion."
"Yo, for those who know, know. Please comment below if you played this game back in the day."
"The original PlayStation has a very special place in my heart."
"I'm about to open this new, remastered version of one of my favorite childhood games that the developers have sent me. I have not played this yet."
"I think Shadowlands is attempting to give back the essence of what classic really gave people."
"GoldenEye, one of the most important games of my childhood, has come to Switch and Xbox this week."
"My favorite system of all time is the Nintendo 64."
"Generations perfectly captures the appeal of Classic Sonic..."
"I truly felt that Modern Warfare was a special game much like how I feel about the original Modern Warfare."
"Despite the relative ease that comes from beating this game, I will say I always get a hit of nostalgia whenever I beat the game or listen to its ending music."
"We will never be able to play Sonic runners at least in its original form ever again."
"It's impossible to talk about a series like 'Monkey Island' without indulging in some nostalgia."
"A game so 80s it should really only be available for the NES." - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
"I'd like to see this one come back on modern platforms one day."
"Nick arcade epitomized the dreams of many young gamers in the '90s."
"The arc of first hearing about a game to playing it is way different now than when I was a kid."
"Players still yearning for the incredibly challenging old-school tactical gameplay."
"The Super Nintendo controller came out, and my personal preference, oh yes, the Super Famicom."
"Half-Life 1 is still worth playing 23 years later."
"One of the reasons why I enjoy that is this game is not that old okay it's from the Xbox one generation so if you wanted to play something that you know existed uh several years ago a few years ago whatever you can in its entirety."
"A horrible night to have a curse, yo, big reference to Simon's Quest, big Castlevania 2 reference."
"Sonic Advance sees Sonic return to the realm of 2D side-scrolling just like in his prime."
"Super Nintendo Entertainment System: the go-to system when thinking of the best games ever made."
"None captured a feeling of mystery and discovery quite like Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple."
"The settlement building brought me back to the hours I spent decorating my player homes in Morrowind."
"This is the spiritual successor for me for Star Wars Galaxies..."
"Kirby Tilt and Tumble is like reason 1001 why I need to get myself a modded backlit wide model GBA."
"I don't understand how Skies of Arcadia is still just completely left on the GameCube and the Dreamcast essentially right."
"This game has to be one of my most favorite games of all time and was a huge part of my childhood."
"Maybe a personal pick too because the original Ravnica, I'm sorry, original Ravnica has like nostalgia for me."
"Final Fight kind of should come back, it's still one of Capcom's great legacy titles."
"This game is all about having fun, it takes all it's basically a massive cheesy throwback to all of the classic survival horror games way back in the 90s."
"Ragnarok Online is probably the og anime MMORPG everyone either knows or has played."
"It's a shame we might never get another game as good as these."
"Always love watching a Fallout run, grew up playing the games with my brother and brings up some great memories."
"Popped in a cartridge to your SNES and boom that was it man you were ready to go."
"They really do not make games like this anymore."
"Revelations is crafted from the heart for people who followed these games since the franchise's inception."
"Wouldn’t it be fun to share your childhood RPG saves with your friends, or to be able to change a Pokemon cartridge battery without losing your team?"
"We just thought it'd be really fun to take a closer look at Halo 2 Vista of all things. It's just something different."
"And yes, you can play as Bill Clinton. It was the '90s, what are you gonna do?"
"They just don't make games like this anymore."
"Before Call of Duty, before Battlefield, before even Medal of Honor... there was Delta Force."
"This is a game that I grew up with, it was my first Final Fantasy and I think it's pretty much still my favorite Final Fantasy."
"I'm not mad, I just miss being hyped about Halo again."
"The PlayStation 2 library is full of hidden gems that are really fun to play even today."
"Blazing Chrome is a love letter to classic run-and-gun shooters."
"Is Fable as good as I remember? Yeah, it actually is, maybe even a little bit better."
"I'll bring back a Jinzo, you know that's what you want."
"I want this to be exactly what the thousand-year door was."
"Seeing them retain their Nintendo 64 moves, I was like, okay, that made me really happy."
"It made me really happy because it means that maybe Jet Set Radio could make a return."
"It's been 14 long years since the first No More Heroes game came out in the Nintendo Wii and blew my mind."
"It doesn't go the extra extra mile to modernize the game that does feel a bit dated in certain areas but isn't that the whole point of a remaster or a remake technically or a remodeling I guess if you if you think about our reinvention."
"The bottom line is the whole point of classic was to go to a time before cash shops dominated the game."
"It's hard to believe this game has been around for 20 years now."
"As a kid who had a GameCube, this was never an issue, these were the games I would be playing regardless of whatever console I own."
"But let's be honest, most people don't have one of these sitting in their gaming room anymore."
"The Genesis Virtual Console had a truly spectacular lineup, with most of Sega's own hits represented."
"A remake of it is pretty exciting especially since it really hasn't been available on Modern Hardware under normal circumstances until this."
"It began as a simple solution to use up monitors but 30 years after its debut Punch-out continues to be in the hearts and minds of those who played it."
"Your opinion is just as valid and I can't wait to hear it."
"This brings me back to memories of the first nights in Minecraft."
"The Neo Geo is one of the few pieces of hardware from the 90s era that still has a sense of mystique and mystery about it."
"Raiding in vanilla compared to today: whilst we can't truly go back in time ourselves, we can go back in time to when the game was back then."
"I used this Sergio Guerra back in FIFA 16 and he was utterly god tier."
"In other news, Nintendo's mini NES comes pre-loaded with 30 classic games for just $59.99."
"The NES version of Contra is one of the best 8-bit games ever made."
"One of the games was Kung Fu Master, and I always, always had like, maybe a quarter, so I had to make every life count."
"After playing 64 again, you can climb all the trees; in those games, you can climb so I came here and tried to climb these palm trees, but nope."
"There was a time where Halo 3 released and everyone liked Halo."
"Legacy of Goku... it was a good time to be a Dragon Ball fan."
"Goldeneye was probably the best first-person shooter of the period."
"Get in the Nintendo 64 on Christmas Day 1997 will go down in my lifetime as one of the most memorable game and experiences of my time."
"People want to feel like they're playing the same thing that they did in 2014."
"Anyone who grew up with San Andreas will tell you that it's one of the best games ever made and I concur."
"I first discovered klonoa when blockbuster was a thing and I remembered seeing a ps1 game with a cute little black and white dog accompanied by a Blue Spirit thing walking around dark cave sitting on the store shelves."
"These games are amazing, I used to love playing Crash Bandicoot Warped."
"It's a really fun game so if you're a big fan of Ragnarok Online it definitely brings back memories of that kind of style and era of MMO gaming."
"You traverse all of it on foot here rather than in the Regalia... one of the greatest cars in the history of video games."
"Let's take one last look back to give our appreciation for the season four roster."
"This game is very true to what Resident Evil was."
"Thank you so much for watching this video. Let me know what you thought about in the comments below. Did you play emulators and homebrew on your original Xbox? Do you still play it today? Give me a thumbs up if you did."
"No RPGs have really worked like this since like [__] point-and-click adventure stories back in the day."
"It wasn't the game alone that made those memories great, it was the combination of your lifestyle factors."
"This is what you want. I know this is what we've all wanted since the release of Morrowind so many decades ago."
"I miss this game so much, remote duels makes me so much happier because we're actually able to play our cards and just experience what dueling is all about."
"The big one was our 'Zet: The Jewel of Fairmore' finally announced, it's a spiritual follow-up to Zelda CDI but good."
"I assumed like many of us who enjoyed the original game had just kind of made peace with the fact that there was never going to be a sequel."
"I personally still love Halo. I thought Infinite was fun. It's definitely not the Halo that I grew up with, not the Halo that I loved, but it's okay. Some of that spark is there somewhere, it's like deeply buried but it's there."
"It reminds me of one of the first times we saw battles for Rome 2 back in 2012."
"Do we really want this old-school style shooter back? Yeah, we damn well do."
"The animation of quackshot and it's catchy genesis stone music was what stood out most to me."
"We need to all go back a little bit and remember how good this game was, is, and can be."
"It was a treat getting to go back and replay the game that got me into the franchise."
"Exciting possibilities for classic PC titles to benefit from ray tracing enhancements."
"The entire retrospective really makes the release of Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated and the announcement of the upcoming platformer The Cosmic Shake all the more impactful."
"Mario 3 will always be like definitely like one of the best games of all time. I mean, it holds up today like so damn well."
"We are so close to 5,000 likes on that video, and what that means is I'm gonna go back to limitless games and open up a sealed vintage EX Dragon booster box."
"Can you imagine if Super Mario Bros 1 had all these power-ups?"
"The graphics at the time were amazing. I had never seen a game like this before."
"This scratches the games I liked on Super Nintendo goldeneyes literally N64."
"When I played Street Fighters a kid Chun Li was my main."
"Battlefront 2015, now looking back on it, I love this game, I really do."
"More Nintendo 64 games are on the way. Pilotwings 64, Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Stadium 2, 1080 Snowboarding, Excitebike 64."
"His sound pack absolutely breathes life into this old classic."
"One thing is for sure if any SNES RPGs are going to be remade they had better offer a mode that is the classic game untouched."
"Sonic fans just want their damn games back. That's it. They want to play them and preserve them on new hardware."
"Nothing was like the vaults of glass though."
"Overwatch at launch felt magical... It was impossible not to love."
"I'd love to hear some of your best Forza memories and stories in the comments. Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!"
"I love this one so much because I love first off I love classic Sonic I love Sonic Mania and toaster girl did a freaking phenomenal job with this."
"Astro's Playroom is a love letter to PlayStation fans. It's all about nostalgia."
"We hope you all can enjoy this reanimated piece of Nintendo history."
"Let's just gain some perspective and remember or imagine what it was like to play Doom back then for the first time."
"Perhaps this is finally info of Jack and Daxter coming back in some way."
"Sonic Origins is a collection of Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Sonic CD."
"From NES classics to modern marvels, glitches are the unexpected magic of gaming."
"It almost looks like um, it looks like fallout 2. Remember? I don't know how many people remember the old school Fallout games but they were, they were isometric as shit."
"My favorite systems on this device are the 16-bit era consoles like the Genesis and the SNES."
"The idea of being able to play a Pokémon game where you were the Pokémon always interested me, especially when I was a kid."
"Blizzard were finally doing it. Classic WoW was going to be a dream made reality." - Narrator
"But we wanted to make sure that we kind of recaptured that feeling of the first night of Minecraft."
"100 percent brought me back to the days of playing Halo. Just I think there's just something about the gameplay. I don't know, there's like the mechanics and gameplay in this game just feels so unmatched compared to so many other games."
"There was no definitive way to beat the game, and therefore people made speedruns with different rules, such as having three hearts only, no sword, or the winning sword only."
"The death of Flash has taken its toll on GirlsGoGames... most of the classic games we grew up with are unplayable."
"Just know that at the end of the day I adore this game. It's one of my favorite games of all time."
"Rainbow Six Vegas is still a ton of fun today."
"I don't mind waiting, I just want to replay Vice City real bad."
"As soon as I had that realization was when I got on a fast track to growing and scaling."
"Luigi's Mansion remains to be one of my all-time favorite games."
"Honestly, I'm excited. I really enjoyed Kanto Tour. I do like Johto as well. You know, I get really nostalgic about these old Pokémon games all the way up to gen 3."
"I don't see why you can't have the same philosophies that made games like EverQuest and World of Warcraft classic the greatest games of all time in my opinion while at the same time not having some more flashy and fun to play characters like that."
"Grand Theft Auto has some of the earliest gaming memories for me."
"10th edition alone seems a huge concept to me which might sound a little bit over the top but it's just that in honesty I never anticipated when I was 10 years old opening my second edition box set in all that nostalgic Glory."
"I miss these old tiny games. Baldur's Gate seems good so that's nice."
"Parasite Eve is one of those IPs that's kind of been in hibernation, but I think it's high time for that series to be given to a developer that can do it justice."
"Forest starting zones in MMOs are nostalgic and cozy."
"Discovery like back when I you know when I was growing up we were talking about the NES yeah and like so there wasn't the internet so you had to games were full of Discovery like every game you played you have to figure things out."
"Some of those core memories growing up as a Nintendo kid. A lot of my fondest memories were centered around Mario."
"When Nintendo revealed that they were doing a 3D Mario All-Stars collection back in 2020, I was excited not only to replay it again but to share my love for the game."
"Gax was really hyped to watch back in the day."
"Every now and then there comes an online multiplayer title that just defines or screams being from a particular age of gaming."
"In about 11 days time, Call of Duty Cold War is going to become one of those underrated COD titles that fans look back upon fondly."
"Maybe it's the fact that it's a throwback to the small cutscenes we got on the NES with the original Punch-Out, or maybe it's just the fact that he's not afraid to rock the bright pink."
"It's every video game nerd's dream accidentally finding a buried trove of unsold video game cartridges consoles and computers."
"For me, it hit all the same highs that the fascinating characters I met in Metal Gear Solid did 20 years ago."
"Ask and you shall receive, the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP."
"Samus returns is a love letter to the original version of the game."
"Nintendo, when are you gonna do it? Bring back F-Zero, come on, seriously!"
"Oh yeah, the Snowboard Kids games, I talked about these a lot in the N64 video, but the Snowboard Kids games are awesome."
"Hitting someone in the air with a spin fuser for instance is something that a lot of old school Tribes players practiced."
"Nothing says wasted potential more than Sonic the Hedgehog's short-lived, almost non-existent career on the Saturn."
"Time walking introduced a new way to experience old content."
"When you are well-slept, you are just much more effective, and you are much more efficient."
"Maybe it's time for another ssx game from ea."
"Older games are great. In a lot of ways, when I look at older single player games, they always stand the test of time."
"This really made me want to go back and play Dead Space."
"Circle of the Moon was my first GBA game and it's still my favorite in the series. Go magician mode!"
"Recompleting Mega Man X4 was just as fun as I remember it being."
"Now 20 years later almost and probably that many playthroughs as well it remains the game that not only made me fall in love with Final Fantasy as a franchise but probably made me fall in love with gaming."
"This is another game that, to me, feels kind of like a throwback to something from the mid-2000s, something like a Darksiders-style game."
"Old habits die hard. I fucking loved System Shock 1."
"I've never enjoyed a game like I enjoyed Sonic Mania here's in memory of my grandmother who passed from cancer many years ago."
"This track is almost 26 years old and the hit boxes are still too big."
"But by today's standards that's stuff's sort of low-hanging fruit no no the real [ __ ] was the pokemon bootlegs."
"This is the first video game that I ever bought."
"The Gameboy Color holds a special place in my heart for being the first handheld system I truly fell in love with"
"There's just something about the Mega Man 7 run that was always appealing to me."
"Classic Megaman still rocks, delighting players and influencing young creators alike."
"Nostalgia might play a huge factor it might love for the franchise but Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are still so my favorites in this series."
"Mega Man can dream, the Mega Man Anniversary Collection as previously stated in our review of one two and three acts as a great way for consumers nowadays to play through the Mega Man legacy with today's standards."
"That is such a Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time kind of vibe."
"The nostalgia, like my childhood literally in Yu-Gi-Oh Mastero, is finally here!"
"We need to get back to focusing on the basics. A Master Chief story with great writing, the Halo soundtrack, custom game options, refine the art style, armor customization, Forge, big team battle, sandbox arena shooter."
"I am really excited to see Mario Strikers here. I've been talking about the GameCube version forever now."
"Wow definitely some Pokemon I have not fought against in a while this almost feels like a 2014 team with the Mungus Tyranitar the clotser and the scissor but then there's an armor version of mimikyu very interesting."
"Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was and still is one of my favorite one of these types of games."
"My favorite level of all time that I enjoyed learning the most and that I just look so fondly back on is Forest Temple by Michigan."
"If you think about GTA, you remember Nico, you remember Claude, you remember visiting Vice City."
"It's just sad that these older maps are all better than the 2042 maps."
"It looks like a return to the style of even Mario Brothers three."
"Just release Mario Kart Double Dash from the Gamecube on the eShop for switch."
"I love co-op modes, being able to play with friends like even you and I, a long time ago we did the Splinter Cell fun, separate game in the game."
"Kingdom Hearts 3: Convolution and nostalgia."
"Night Dive Studio is the guys who are making this, they've done a lot of work making remakes of classic games and I really respect them for that."
"The Sleeper Simulant was the best weapon in Destiny 1 and it has returned to reprise its role."
"I think above us just wanted them to release a modern warfare 4 right we basically just wanted them to give us modern warfare 2 once again but with different guns and different maps and different kill streaks."
"All these years later and we still don't have a modern port of Resident Evil 4 with motion controls... crazy."
"It honestly feels like a true proper follow-up to games like Turtles in Time, the Manhattan Project."
"Other old school games that hold up super freaking well."