
Pharmaceuticals Quotes

There are 324 quotes

"Eventually we will know how this works and maybe we'll even develop a pill instead of a gene therapy that could reset the age, not just of the eye, but the whole body."
"There is millions of years of evolutionary engineering behind creating these molecules so that they help us with host defense, they fight bacteria, they mop up bacterial products, they modulate inflammation."
"We can save virtually all of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and those generic medications come from overseas."
"The pharmaceutical industry is not interested in a drug you only take once. They only do drugs that you take every day for the rest of your life. That's where the money is."
"Medicine can be good, too much medicine can be bad."
"Safety is the issue because most drugs on the market have side effects. What we do is completely different than any other drug discovery program that's ever been done."
"If pharmaceutical companies were nationalized and run on a state-run basis or even cooperative basis, they would be as effective, if not more so."
"If you had a drug that improved your metrics the way that exercise improves your metrics, it would be like a blockbuster trillion-dollar thing."
"Too often, the profits of pharmaceutical companies are placed before the actual health and well-being of the American people."
"A drug for any company that could treat Alzheimer's successfully would be seen as just a goldmine for Wall Street and a huge gift to society."
"Holy crud, in fact, this is a psilocybin-containing mushroom which, according to studies, is as effective as the leading antidepressant medication."
"The idea that there is a mushroom out there that has been used culturally for millennia and seems to be better at addressing some of these things than our modern pharmaceuticals is fascinating."
"The American public is financing pharmaceutical research and development and then being rewarded for that investment with the world's highest prices for medicine."
"We, the public, invested early in these medicines. We reduce the R&D costs for pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, in the back end, the public should have received some sort of return in the form of affordable prices."
"You have to realize that a clinical trial on a blockbuster drug published in a top medical journal... is worth an enormous amount of money in terms of confidence."
"Disease mongering is a marketing scheme of pharmaceutical companies to persuade us to use fear and to use our trust in science in an extremely deceptive way in order to persuade us to go on different kinds of drugs."
"The Indian economy is largely a service-based one, and the past few years have only seen that trend intensify, with one big exception: pharmaceuticals."
"This company was simultaneously making a chemical that induced estrogen and promoted breast cancer, and making a chemical that blocked estrogen production and was being used to treat breast cancer."
"Metformin makes a lot of sense and again its longitudinal data is incredible."
"It's not a drug problem; it's a Big Pharma problem."
"Trochestron is just the rarer and slightly more anabolic version of ectostrone."
"Americans do bear the brunt of the cost because other countries are free-riding, but we also capture the industry upside."
"People's lives are always at stake, and I'm really glad that when I'm in pain, a pharmaceutical company may have invented something that'll make it better."
"Prescription drugs are the leading cause of death in America."
"Viagra Works in a sense to improve endothelial function via the nitric oxide Pathway to help with erectile dysfunction in men and women"
"It's not like Amgen actually didn't try, they paid millions for it, because they thought they were gonna make trillions."
"Quality control and safety are the dominant factors traditionally in the pharmaceutical industry."
"Leftists are fighting passionately to defend the profit margins of the pharmaceutical industry even as big pharma uses an entire generation of children as lab rats."
"Do you sometimes feel like the suggestions and recommendations benefit the state and their ability to control, and pharmaceutical companies in their ability to make profit?"
"Most Americans see drugs and pharmaceuticals as the primary intervention."
"Under this transformative order, Medicare will be required to purchase drugs at the same price as other countries pay."
"You don't take some AIDS drug that you have that's seven dollars and make it like eight hundred dollars. You don't do that."
"You purchased a drug that's already existed, you hyped the price up on it beyond measure."
"I believe that what all of us in this field ought to be trying to do is to make medicines to benefit as many people as possible."
"To see why, you really just have to look at the huge number of pharmaceutical patent applications being put forth."
"I think that they want to get to the bottom of things also we're working our drug companies our pharmaceutical companies are working very closely with China and with India as you know and with all over the world."
"The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective."
"This is a very, very promising novel class of medications."
"Merc's COVID pill... might be a little less effective than people first thought but U.S regulators may still give it the green light."
"When will the pharmaceutical companies be held responsible?"
"Pharmaceutical companies were more evil than you thought."
"Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer behind oxycontin, aggressively marketed it to doctors as a less addictive painkiller."
"Hydroxychloroquine is a cheap generic drug that's manufactured by over 10 facilities in the U.S. alone."
"It's still a frank allegory about pharmaceuticals greed corruption and human ignorance."
"To me, Xanax is basically the descendant of volume and volume is really just this 1950s nervous housewife drug."
"When asked if he would have done anything differently, he simply said he would have raised the price higher."
"These three companies are announcing that pharmaceutical glass packaging will now be made in America. That's a big step. That's a big statement."
"Every joke has its truth: big pharmaceutical corporations lobbied government and the media to try and convince people to take their drugs."
"I spend a lot of my time now getting people off pills."
"Every social media company is working hand-in-hand with big pharma and the government."
"America what it do it poisons us with food then it sends us to the pharmaceutical people right who's given us something just to treat symptom of what we're doing with the food."
"Purdue comes in big Pharma they hire all these marketers to go out and pitch their drugs that are non-addictive FDA approves on this and and you know pushes all these doctors to now start prescribing to Billy Billy's The Varsity High School."
"For most medications, you're talking about single-digit thousands, not hundreds of millions as have now been given around the world."
"A pill developed by Pfizer that may dramatically reduce the risk of being hospitalized or dying."
"We've approved a record number of affordable new generic drugs."
"Drug prices have come down for the first time in over 50 years."
"That's why because if that Ivermectin did treat covid they couldn't get their emergency use authorization and they would have lost that hundred billion dollars."
"Vertex Pharmaceuticals is known for being one of the first biopharma companies to employ rational drug design over combinatorial chemistry."
"The vaccine is ready so a company can make billions and billions and billions of billions of dollars."
"Asia's richest man has stepped down, he's the owner of a Chinese drug maker that currently has a virus vaccine in the works."
"The pharmaceuticals spend about 17 of our total medical budget."
"There is ample evidence that many of the prescription drugs... are actually promoting and causing the mental health crisis."
"Celebrities endorse pharmaceuticals if it works for them and if they disclaim all of the risks."
"Pharma had always wanted to help people seeking medical help at night."
"It is the pharmaceutical company that is facilitating the aggressive behavior that is promoting addiction in our community."
"The largest lobby in Washington DC is the pharmaceutical industry. It owns both parties."
"It was a spectacular improvement over amphetamine, it was a psychedelic that had very interesting effects."
"FDA approvals are the mother of all catalyst plays."
"The pharmaceutical industry is enormously greedy."
"Even maybe a generous interpretation from what we are now seeing about early results out of the Pfizer trials."
"There's a pill that is 6 cents a pill and it's three times better than the Pfizer pill."
"All of the pharmaceutical stuff stems from plant-based medicine."
"Dr. Fauci's agency profited off of the Covid vaccines."
"Corporate crimes of drug companies go unpunished."
"If there were a drug that could do for human health everything that exercise can, it would likely be the most valuable pharmaceutical ever developed."
"Neurotin suppresses formation of rogue plasma cells."
"Whether it's a fringe, social media theory or a pharmaceutical drug product, the rules of evidence are the same."
"Generic drugs are the exact same thing as a brand name drug."
"Chemistry is the underpinning behind all modern science. Without chemistry, we wouldn't be able to accurately measure medications, study how long they stay in our system, or what their effects are."
"Rapamycin, the drug that blocks mtor, is a universal anti-aging drug."
"If you guys want more big pharma videos just let me know in the comments below as always because this definitely barely scratched the surface on the big pharma industry."
"China's major exporter of ibuprofen ingredient, sparking a global run on medicines."
"One thing that's written down in black and white is Pfizer made a hell of a lot of money."
"Pfizer has become a household name over the last 12 months."
"It's from the Earth, that's where it should be from, not Big Pharma."
"I will strip vaccine manufacturers of their special liability exemptions because it's the right thing to do for this country."
"Soulgenix estimates peak U.S. sales of SGX 301 to hit 90 million dollars."
"It's like we have Pfizer Sharia Law... you can question God in America but you can't question big pharma."
"This new drug worked as well as an existing cancer drug but without all the toxicity."
"One way to do that is temporarily suspend pharmaceutical intellectual property rights."
"How do you make people not shoot people in malls? Stop giving kids pharmaceuticals."
"We have to measure the health of our economy not based upon how much money the drug companies are making."
"Bristol Meers is making key Acquisitions right now that are worth billions of dollars."
"The FBI confirmed they had such communications... in an investigative file... related to these issues... concerning Pfizer."
"The best weight loss drug on the planet is really just affecting satiety and satiety per calorie."
"The argument that psychopharmaceutical promotion has placed sufferers' needs before those of its shareholders is very difficult to substantiate."
"A lot of us are tired of pharmaceuticals; they're expensive, a lot of times they're addictive, and they have side effects."
"It's all about what is socially acceptable and financially lucrative to the drug companies."
"Pharma explains that if he successfully establishes a new Guild, he can have local pharmacies sell his medicines."
"Heroin was first manufactured in 1898 by the Bayer pharmaceutical company of Germany and marketed as a treatment for tuberculosis as well as a remedy for morphine addiction."
"The pharmaceutical companies suppress vaccines and cures to make money off treatment."
"Fentanyl is an opioid and what that means is it's a painkiller in its pharmaceutical form."
"Generic drugs are copies of brand-name drugs that have exactly the same dosage, intended use, effects, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety, and strength as the original drug."
"Pharmaceutical company isn't here to help you, it's a corporation."
"Watch this space. There's going to be a lot of drug development in this area."
"Rarely does a drug come along that revolutionizes the health care industry, and Ezaprine does just that."
"The vast majority of the people know the pharmaceutical industry is ripping us off."
"Raising drug prices does seem a little greedy."
"I think either one day we'll look back on this and laugh at how absurd it was or we'll be in real trouble because if drug companies control medicine we're going to be very medicated and very unwell."
"We're the number one country in the world, but we have a favorite nation. So, if somebody has a drug, in many cases, it comes from a plant, the same plant it comes from, it's the same pill, it's the same medicine or medication, whatever. The lowest country charges."
"I really hope that the work we're going to do is going to allow us to broaden that access and then maybe also make act as a role model to Pharma to do more of that too like open sourcing medication."
"It's prevalent. Every second ad is either Cialis or Levitra or Viagra."
"Now it's generic because everyone is out there saying, 'Why would you spend 20 bucks a tablet when you can get it for 8?'"
"You can't believe anything in our culture when it comes to pharmaceuticals. But we may find out in 20 years that this gives you pancreatic cancer. But as of right now, people who are studying it are fairly positive about it."
"I've had it with the pharmaceutical industry profiting off of addiction."
"Happiness can it be bought in the form of a pill the drug they've designed is a feel-good pill and it's possible to view brain candy as an indictment of the happy as a clam and excited to be one drug called Prozac."
"Better living through pharmaceuticals is what I always say."
"Labs were set up and capsules began to come through for testing over 10 million recalled pills were tested in total 50 capsules were found to contain cyanide across eight bottles."
"In practice I would probably still introduce more biofilm disruption but you can see a little bit with these Pharmaceuticals."
"Our country wants us to stay sick, I'm a really skeptical big Pharma these days."
"I think the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want us using them and I've seen miraculous Transformations that have taken place with psychedelic drugs."
"We are the architects of our brain's destiny, not pharmaceutical companies."
"I just feel we've had such a... It's just me that drug companies don't care about people."
"In our country, in 1997, we changed the rule so that allowed pharmaceutical companies to advertise on TV."
"Drug companies are doing this strategy all the time. Between 2005 and 2015, almost 80% of new patents were for existing drugs."
"By the way, Shkreli jacking up the price of Daraprim by 5,000%, it was 100% legal, even though it feels like it shouldn't be."
"Martin Shkreli became the most hated man in America after raising the price of his company's life-saving drug over 5,000%."
"You know, medicine's collapsing but what's happening in the Pharma, very Pharma driven field of Psychiatry right now is disturbing."
"Factors affecting drug stability include temperature, moisture, light, air, dosage form, and container storage."
"Some common drugs with reduced times of stability include antibiotic suspensions, insulins, glp-1 analogs, drugs requiring refrigeration, and nitroglycerin tablets."
"Orthocycline is the brand name for ethanyl estradiol norgestimate. It's an estrogen-progesterone hormone combination."
"there are many other psychedelic substances out there we have to study these plants before they go extinct and see what's in them i don't think people realize how many medicines they take were originally discovered by plants."
"Which law encourages drug companies to develop drugs for rare diseases? The Orphan Drug Act of 1983."
"The system is designed to promote pharmaceutical drugs, devices, procedures, and hospitalizations."
"We live in a time where pharmaceuticals are in some ways more present and available than ever before."
"So these drugs were amazing and drug development is going at light speed right now in the space and it's just really cool to see."
"You literally have an oxycontin sales rep going out and meeting with a doctor."
"The only time we see recoveries like this is when people don't touch the pharmaceuticals."
"The medical system in America is not a healing system; it's a maintenance system driven by pharmaceuticals."
"Branded medicine... they're asking you to pay three times the price for what is quite literally paracetamol."
"That's how long did it take for fenfen to be a popular drug before they discovered the heart lung defects."
"Pharmaceutical companies influence doctors to prescribe medications."
"The pharmaceutical industry is not interested in the drug you only take once."
"These are very, very profitable drugs."
"Pharmaceutical interventions can be helpful. But we have to look at, what are we treating with them? And what are they in the service of?"
"they're considered to be bioequivalent if the 90% confidence interval is between 80% and 125%"
"The overall net effect of the drug industry's effect on society in the last few decades, forget about innovation for a second, the overall net effect has been negative."
"This is the time for you to start improving your knowledge, to start upskilling and learning everything you can on these drugs because you will have to provide a lot of information."
"For the first time in American history, Medicare is negotiating with the pharmaceutical industry to lower some of the most expensive prescription drugs in America."
"Big pharmaceutical companies like J&J and MC have agreed to negotiate drug prices with the federal government."
"I get an ad for nose spray, I get an ad for breathing strips, I get ads for Vicodin addiction rehab centers, it's just..."
"The pharmaceutical medical industry will not restore the wastelands of human health or the destruction of the planet."
"Antidepressants were first developed in the 1950s and have become progressively more common in the last 20 years."
"The 1962 Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments essentially ensured that drugs not only were safe but also that they had to be efficacious."
"The drug company doesn't make a drug. They make the product labeling."
"By your sorceries, by your pharmaceuticals, your distribution and administration of drugs, you will deceive nations. Nations will be deceived. Wow, this is too much."
"In the next few years, in the pharmaceutical world, brain health is going to be a trillion-dollar industry."
"So that's the story of Seroquel seroquel and its generic equivalent quetiapine."
"Almost every single case, doctors who got gifts from pharmaceuticals prescribed more pharmaceuticals."
"Your day-to-day job as a pharmaceutical engineer could be discovering new drugs, figuring out how to scale up production, or conducting tests to determine the efficacy or the safety of that new drug."
"It's much more cost-effective for them to give you a steady supply of pharmaceutical drugs than they do from just giving you one shot of test a week."
"Canada spends approximately the same amount as the UK on pharmaceuticals despite having only half the population. There are also no out-of-pocket caps on spending."
"...we don't just make drugs, we need them."
"...everyone is different so we respond differently to different medicines and Gene technologies have enabled us to work out how different people might respond to medicines and by analyzing your DNA that means you can identify the most suitable drug for someone to have..."
"Pharmaceutics must be close with their patients. Our craft leans not on skill but on heart. In accordance with that conviction, throughout my interactions with my patients, I've always sought to understand their hearts."
"...increasing pharmaceutical company revenue."
"It's like when they first discovered opiates or antibiotics. The whole peptide world is going to be the biggest breakthrough in the Pharma industry."
"Bee venom is seven times more expensive than gold. Bee venom is used in the pharmaceutical industries, on what it heals is arthritis, there are researchers that have proven on its healing capacities or abilities on cancer, breast cancer."
"We use metagenics quite a bit, it's pharmaceutical grade."
"The Sackler family, owners of the company that invented OxyContin, downplayed the risks of the drug’s addiction and exploited doctors’ confusion over the drug’s strength."
"...people who do not need the drug because they are not diabetic are being prescribed it because it makes the pharmaceutical industry money obviously and personal responsibility and accountability for your health is apparently too hard for people in 2023..."
"The only discernible difference between you people and high-grade pharmaceutical morphine is that morphine doesn't judge."
"Just sit around and wait for another company to develop the drug."
"Our lead molecule, Blue181, essentially is a non-narcotic and very effective painkiller, because it's 50 times more potent than morphine."
"Big Pharma is an extension of greed."
"The fact that these companies prescribe drugs that are so strong without having done medical research about potential brain damage, the long-term side effects that may occur years after a person gets off the drug, seems completely diabolical."
"Prescription drugs are typically far more expensive in the United States as the US doesn't regulate or negotiate drug prices."
"Listen, in a rainforest, we've got 50% of all of our pharmaceuticals from rainforest plants, yet we've only examined 10% of the plants in a rainforest."
"Drug companies are now developing drugs to mimic the effects of intermittent fasting."
"There are literally pharmaceutical companies, multi-billion-dollar-a-year pharmaceutical companies buying and owning hospital chains."
"Johnson and Johnson is a global pharmaceutical giant."
"You can have ads on television for drugs."
"The pill companies don't make money when you're healthy. They make money when you're sick."
"The drug companies create literally create the solution to the sickness that they're feeding you."
"Another little sliver of that, another little linguistic trick that I often apply is do away with the word 'side effect.' Just literally do away with that word. Act like that word doesn't exist. Everything a drug does is an effect."
"We're not anti-pharma, we're anti-side effect."
"We're not anti-pharma, we're anti-side effect, pro patient, pro safety, pro data."
"These attributes can really affect the stability, the bioavailability, and the manufacturability of our drug products."
"Pharmaceutical quality is assuring that every dose is safe and effective, free of contamination and defect. It's what gives patients confidence in their next dose of medicine."
"...and because they have to conform to the strict standards of the FDA they are stronger more consistent and tend to work much better than compounded hormones."
"...cannabis can do that Pharmaceuticals claim to do that cannabis does achieve so therefore it's easy here."
"Pharma is a bit like a magician I mean they're right in front of you yeah and what are they doing they're promoting cholesterol lowering drug statin with almost no benefit"
"...it wouldn't matter what it cost you'd put any price on it Big Pharma would ensure that we paid it if it a drug were even as a fraction this powerful so that makes no sense that we continue to ignore the evidence here."
"It's so much in line with the testimony that this committee has heard over and over again about PBMs."
"The pharmaceutical industry is skyrocketing. There's unprecedented growth, and a lot of chemical engineers can squeeze their way in."
"Most pharmaceuticals should be used for a much shorter period of time than they are."
"Once you learn how to apply the formula, you can basically use it for 99% of the medication dosage practice throughout your career."
"Smooth submissions bring life-saving medicines to patients faster."
"Kratom consumers use kratom as an alternative to dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals."
"Can you say that you believe that if a major pharmaceutical company knew they could be making a swimming pool full of Scrooge McDuck gold coins but some kids might get autism they would pull the vaccine off the market?"