
New Experiences Quotes

There are 2073 quotes

"You must detach from the experience you healed from in order to give yourself the opportunity to enjoy new experiences without the painful residue of the past."
"God does that with us too – he might be inviting you right now to do something you've never done before because he plans on taking you to a place that you've never been before."
"It's going to be new for everyone, but yeah, a bit scary time, honestly."
"It's a whole new world for all of us out here."
"You guys might be going on some sort of trip."
"It felt scary and awful because it was so new, but then at the same time, it was like, oh, this is permission. This is permission to feel."
"I always find it so exciting when you get on board a new ship for the first time."
"Putting yourself in situations where there's a lot of new information and you're out of your comfort zone is crucial."
"The Boeing 747 represents travel, seeing new places, and meeting new people."
"There's nothing like waking up in the morning and just having a brand new game to play."
"It's unusual because it's a new location, a new house, new people, but I really enjoyed it. I'm very grateful to all of you for this wonderful day."
"Expanding your horizons can mean physically moving to a new city or country, or just going on that trip you've always wanted."
"I'm not going to lie, I've never done this before, but it's time to make you guys some money."
"This makes me excited. I'm gonna ride with it because there's not a whole lot that's made me excited like this in a while."
"I tried Dungeons and Dragons for the first time today."
"Andy's introduced Sarah to a whole outdoor world of hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and backpacking that she'd never known."
"My mind was stimulated; my senses were taking in something new, something different, something not my studio or laptop or social media analytics pages."
"It's been one heck of a journey leading up to this particular point, but now here we are. I'm super super excited."
"Bro, I'm so happy. You know, I watched Mugen Train, I knew how that was gonna end up, but now here, I'm going in blind."
"Whether you've seen the old series or not, there should be something here for you in this one."
"We've been like cooking new foods and trying new recipes and stuff, which has been really, really fun."
"I always enjoy these crawls, and it's a fun way to explore these festivals and try something new."
"I'm always down with new experiences like that because even if it sucks, at least I got some perspective. I have an experience that no one else really has, so I think that's like super valuable."
"Now I have this book tour, which is a new adventure for me, and it's been incredibly gratifying."
"It's crazy, because now I have a lawyer, I have never had one."
"Travel is in the stars for you. Explore new horizons, new connections."
"In 2023 there is an unmistakable aura of discovery."
"Here we go, laboratory of ecology and natural sciences. It's new Pokémon Snap!"
"I bought a TV a couple months later. I've never owned a TV before."
"It's going to be so different from your past, your upbringing, the people that you've dated before. There's a whole new chapter opening up, and this person is going to open your eyes to very new things as well."
"New players can now experience the memories of the old players for themselves."
"I like doing new things and it's definitely a new thing."
"We bear it as long as we don't shut ourselves off from the new wonderful things that come."
"To be something you've never been, you must be prepared to do things that you never dreamed you could do."
"The idea of this is an infinite loop of new game plusses but with some added variation. You could never get more powerful but you could always explore new wonderful worlds."
"To get something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."
"You're always doing something new and learning new things and skills."
"Look, I just got like a Christmas present and I want to try it all out right now."
"It really is fun to see somebody enjoy that for the first time."
"Be open to new opportunities and experiences."
"Life is not over after 30, but you gotta do something you've never done before."
"Always an honor and always a pleasure, guys. Thanks for introducing us to new stuff."
"Start a new hobby... it's a great way to break that pattern."
"I was in over my head on my first day as a teacher."
"I feel like I'm in a place where I want to try newer things."
"You open them up into new levels and new dimensions in life."
"Diversity is the spice of life, offering something new and exciting to customers."
"Step out of your comfort zone and try something new."
"There's always something new and awesome to happen when you least expect it."
"I love trying new things. I love doing new things, I love branching out."
"I've been wanting experience and this will be a new experience for me. Don't worry about me."
"Gotta love her reaction when she first sees the house."
"I love that you got me to do something that I would normally never do in myself think it's really cool well."
"You start enjoying stuff that you don't think you enjoy."
"When God is ready to give you a new experience with Him, He will allow you to be put into a situation that only He can get you out of."
"I'm just excited to be on the main monitor. This is a new experience for me."
"It's a change of reality. It's a new reality."
"It's never too late to get into Kingdom Hearts"
"One thing as well, right, that I told myself that this show I'm gonna do more of is try more new stuff."
"I never played Microsoft flight simulator but I think I'm going to try and pick up a flight stick for Starfield."
"Everything's new around here today so welcome to the workshop."
"I wanted to sing a new song, have a new adventure."
"It's nice, like nothing new has come out in a while, so to be playing something finally is exciting."
"Seeing things differently... ready to make new memories."
"It's cool to have someone kind of take you out of your comfortable zone."
"Kingdom Hearts is a game about branching out fighting on opening yourself up to new people and experiences and somehow finding that inner strength to unlock the path ahead."
"I think it's good to try out new things, and hopefully we’ll all have a fun time listening to me talk about this movie because, folks, I'm excited to share with you."
"It's the biggest visual change as Ralph said so that comes with a whole new set of challenges." - Ben
"I feel like I've stepped into a different world."
"I think that illustrates that hunger, that craving for something new."
"Once you cross the threshold, you're in a new ordinary world."
"People really want new ideas, new senses, new meaning."
"You know, I just found out about them today and it's so much fun."
"Let God lead. You haven't passed this way before."
"Step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences."
"You're ready to step foot into new experiences."
"It's okay to spread your wings and you just have to stay open."
"Mario 128 would deliver a fresh new experience."
"Even sitting here at this moment in time saying that I have a baby makes me smile because it still seems unrealistic. I'm still a kid myself. Little Hendrix, yeah, little Hendrix. So yeah, we're very happy, he's awesome."
"I think we may have just made one of our new favorite dinners. This is fantastic."
"Being scared means you're trying something new, being embarrassed means you're learning."
"What's cracking guys? Omar Yousaf here back with another video, back with the all-new series for 2019. This is very important. You see, I want to stretch out, try new things."
"I'm very very excited to get into this pack."
"I've literally never done anything like this in my life."
"I had no idea how much fun this was gonna be. I did not do this last year."
"There's a lot of great things, guys. It's exciting to finally play a new game."
"This is Meadowbrook farm, we've never been here before so this is gonna be a brand new sight to see."
"So, what better group activity to have than to go explore the new tunnel system?"
"I feel like I've rented a helicopter. I feel like I'm flying over a completely new landscape."
"Vacation energy: doing things differently, trying new things."
"It's our first time working here and it's just like Minecraft."
"I'm excited to grow with god and yeah, kaylee what are you most looking forward to, I'm being honest the bonds the relationships oh for sure everything like we're not going home this is technically like an apartment but with learning and friends."
"I'm most looking forward to being in an entirely new environment I've been in this house for a very long time living the same way with the same people so I'm excited for in a completely different environment."
"You have to wipe the slate clean in order to have a truly new experience."
"Feels like a new pair of underwear... the best thing you've ever done."
"This new setup was pretty fascinating, and of course, a first for me."
"This ain't that. This is a whole different reality."
"Anytime you do something for the first time, stands out a little bit more."
"They want a new experience with you this time around."
"Welcome to the new kitchen, where I'm very excited to offer you a new kind of streaming experience."
"The lengths the Bethesda team has gone to create some new experiences is, for lack of a better term, stellar."
"It's a real treat to meet new people, make new friends, get out there, and have fun."
"Joining up was a bit of a change but I'm not scared about change."
"But when a story isn’t beholden to narrative conventions, and when we’re willing to be uncomfortable, we get to have new experiences."
"I gotta live her best life okay like I'm gonna be gonna go see I just want to like see you know like experience like new things so yeah me and Peyton are gonna plan a trip to go to Tulum."
"A Mixture of Shock and Excitement Washed Over Him."
"Make sure to break out of the bubble, try things you haven't tried before."
"He got to play a character he's never played before."
"Experience something new, it's a real adventure!"
"This is gonna be one hell of an adventure. Welcome to Babylon."
"Thanks so much for your support over 30,000 views! This game is new to me, and we're gonna continue the campaign."
"As you come into the age of light, worlds will open that you never knew existed."
"Doing new things can also feel overwhelming, and these three things in particular have been on my list for so long."
"Seriously, I couldn't have asked for a better first day."
"It's very invigorating, isn't it, moving somewhere else, somewhere totally different?"
"Living in a van has opened up a whole new world for me."
"This is interesting, I definitely suggest if you haven't seen this to go check it out."
"My first video into Kingdom Hearts and I'm already having a lot of fun."
"This could be the start of a new Mazda love affair."
"The ratings actually, um, this is the first time I've ever done something like this."
"Alright, I'm going for it. Bowling league, here I come."
"Carving our own path, carving a new path, doing something new, doing something different."
"Some of you are about to meet a new friend, and there's going to be a new experience through this friendship."
"It's always nice seeing fresh faces come in."
"Once that starts happening, let me tell you, it gets very, very exciting."
"This is going to be a new way to experience a new medium."
"Environmental socialization is key to getting dogs comfortable with new experiences."
"I'm sober. I started skateboarding today for the first time at 51 years old."
"There are so many people that have not experienced MLB The Show, and now this is their chance."
"The shelf days. Now I've got a confession to make, I've never actually owned a pair of shell toes before. So this is actually a first for me."
"I got lit filler for the first time in like so we were in a new place with new people."
"Kiki is positively brimming with excitement to leave home for the first time."
"I'm really loving this challenge so far because I've tried so many new places."
"It's cool to make new friends and make new memories."
"Popping out for a bite to eat has taken on a brand new meaning."
"I had no idea what a cricket ball felt like, and now I have one. Let's go!"
"2021 is gonna be a year where... I'm also gonna check out some new things."
"I've had all kinds of new experiences today, it's even been a little fun."
"For the first time in my life, I was going to be a DJ. I felt like nothing could stop me unless I put a sign over my head."
"Expose yourself to new opportunities and learn from mistakes."
"For the first time in a long time, we have genuinely no idea."
"I just feel like I'm on another planet. I love it."
"It's fragile, it's new, it's a new beginning."
"You're taking a leap of faith, trying something new."
"I think a lot of people go into it afraid there's really nothing to be afraid of there are pros and there are cons."
"Isn't this fun I don't think we've done this before."
"This is our second uh Jason Sudeikis uh thing on the channel and our second soccer thing on the channel so it's gonna be cool seeing them combine."
"There's always a sense of excitement in the air when you're entering an airport."
"They've got a new look... hours of your day in a very good way."
"Doing something that you might never have done before."
"Don't be hindered by old habits that need to be changed. Look to new experiences with optimism and trust that they will bring favorable and positive effects."
"It's ridiculously good, I'm super oh my god there's a whole city down there."
"You have a home and clans and you have the ability to see a new world."
"My first time in your life, awesome. I hope you're enjoying the experience."
"Naraka Bladepoint might finally be the game that draws me into battle royales."
"Becoming a new mum is pretty amazing, best guys in the world."
"Taurus individuals might find themselves stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing new experiences in the coming year."
"Seeing something new doesn't sound too bad anyway."
"There is value in experiencing new things you know it's good for your brain it's actually really literally good for your brain."
"Change your life, change the taste of it too."
"Metroid Prime Hunters: A whole new game in online multiplayer."
"New tools definitely forces you to learn new skills and pushes you to places that you might not have otherwise explored."
"I'm kind of late to this thing, but still, I'm glad I experienced this."
"I think I've never learned so much about myself than I did in those three weeks like when I look back it was only three weeks and yet it was so dense in terms of new experiences new friendships going out of my comfort zone constantly."
"I want to encourage you guys... whatever thing you want to try this year... it's never too late."
"It's exciting to be part of something fundamentally new that no one else has seen before."
"I like that moment like I like like the reminder that like you are traveling to a whole different place." - Alana
"Hopefully we wake up confident and just ready to start the day for our sea adventures."
"You've got to challenge what you like and just try something new."
"The minute they hand you your baby, it feels like you've transcended into a whole new paradigm of experience."
"Play has no limits...really about speaking to innovation and speaking about new experiences."
"Colors are brighter, and the world is brand new."
"I just tasted that Maple vinegar butter glaze that is delicious I've never thought to do something like that before and I am a convert."
"The city of Aila itself was unlike anything the young boy had seen."
"Spread my wings and fly a little bit like I never have, like a new baby bird leaving the nest."
"It's time to set an intention to put yourself out there in a very exciting and new way." - Stella Wilde
"Embrace the adventure; explore new territory."
"New experiences are important... new people, new relationships, new things..."
"I finally got here and I'm absolutely loving it."
"It's just been so, so exciting to have something new."
"I'm just really excited for it. I've never played a regular Ironman before, and I mean that's kind of what this is."
"Welcome to a game called Surviving the Abyss."
"And you never get used to this we've done this a million times and this this feels like the first time."
"There's nothing quite like exploring a new place for the first time."
"Most importantly, have fun. It's a new adventure."
"The tiles are probably my new favorite texture."
"You might find something that you've never even seen before and you might be obsessed with it."
"Embarking on new adventures, exploring new places."
"Feels like I'm wearing like a whole new shoe."
"It's hard to say this is a no-pressure situation because... new people and face."
"Versatility and openness to new experiences."
"Let's not waste any more time, let's hop into a new game."
"I've never done this before, I am so excited."
"I tried something new and I had a lot of fun doing it."
"If you're a Warhammer fan, I ask that you give this new universe a chance because it really is something interesting and unique."
"Every time I go to events there's new faces there and new creators... It is so amazing and exciting to see that."
"It's such a change of pace... it's totally different vibe."
"I I just had the time of my life. I moved from a small town in upstate Connecticut and went straight to the Sunset Strip with a pile of 500 flyers from my band."
"That's why I love meeting new people... because that version of me exists out there."
"When he's trying something, he's trying it for the first time every time."