
Accidents Quotes

There are 564 quotes

"The cause of both crashes was faulty software, which caused the airplane to nose dive uncontrollably."
"Accidents sometimes can be very good for somebody... Joshua made me a much better person than I was before, because I realized that the most important thing is living and life."
"A giant firecracker exploded under his chair."
"There are no accidents. That's one thing I've come to realize very fully."
"Stuck under the barbed wire fence because I got confused on which pedal was which."
"It's nice to see Vlad because in another save file... he used the dryer and he didn't clean the vent, and the dryer started on fire and burned him to death."
"Every 30 seconds, there's been a car accident linked to drowsiness."
"The comet family in France, their house was hit by a meteor."
"Accidents happen, and I will make up for it."
"The absence of accidents doesn't necessarily mean you're safe."
"This is the one method that can most definitely be chocked up to an accident with zero file play."
"The dumbest way I have been injured? Probably crashing the Lambo."
"Overconfidence leads to accidents, okay? Simple."
"Fortunately, incredibly, no one is expected to have life-threatening injuries and they are all expected to recover."
"Money is everything, and accidents can be... beneficial."
"He's been found right now and he takes a hit to the head, unintentional obviously."
"Sometimes crashes do happen, and it's absolutely not the fault of the rider."
"Most people's biggest fear when it comes to cycling is crashing."
"Crashing is another unavoidable right of passage."
"I don't think it was an accident no I don't think it was either I think they wanted to see the reaction people would have."
"I'm sorry, I think I knocked over your books. Don't worry about it, it's my fault for not cleaning up."
"There is no such thing as an accident. Every collision has a story as unique as the people involved."
"Accidents do happen so I mean thankfully everyone's okay, yeah the only thing broken is a skateboard and that's just an object no lives were taken that's all that matters I mean we can agree on that."
"I feel like we're going to be in stadiums one day."
"I think more often than not it's an honest mistake or an accidental thing and so it's like hey I'm I'm sorry that that happened if I had known better I would have done the thing."
"A little piece of paper with glue caused an accident but the paper and the glue are not to blame. Humans are to blame because humans use that tape in their own place for their own purpose."
"That was just a genuinely bad idea, and my YouTube guardian angels will be delighted to know that I was wearing closed-toed shoes and safety glasses during that whole process."
"I love going fast but I hate when I slam into that wall or I fall off the edge I just can't see it coming in time."
"Tragedy struck while rehearsing it with the cinematographer Helena Hutchins who was standing at the camera's monitor to set up the shot."
"There were probably between 130 and 150 crashes."
"The collision over the Grand Canyon is one of the most significant accidents in the history of commercial aviation."
"Two 737s have gone down in startlingly similar ways."
"One of those food drops broke in midair and now it's raining soup."
"No one knows what tomorrow or accidents may bring."
"Tragedy struck on one occasion when a machine fell into the Nets taking many workers with it."
"A lab accident caused so much damage, suffering, and death."
"On impact everyone on this flight had survived but the subsequent fire became the killer."
"The pressures of get-there-itis sparked a fatal series of mistakes."
"Accidents are going to happen with vessels, it's unfortunate but it's true."
"I had it first try and I dropped it on the floor... yeah, so that was a bit silly."
"Everybody likes that. I mean, people like seeing me break my arm."
"When people get scared, that's when people accidentally get shot."
"People were like, dude, he literally danced so hard he got knocked out."
"The resounding thunk of the glass when the cat makes contact with the door."
"The bigger the horsepower, the harder they crash."
"Kevin, did you run over a group of monks? Please, Kevin, tell me you didn't run over a group of monks."
"I loved every second except for the part where my strap broke."
"It's wild, it gets really wild, you burn yourself next thing you knew you didn't lost an arm."
"I swear some space, oh, I accidentally clipped a policeman."
"Any accident that you can walk away from is a good one."
"Some of our greatest achievements might've been total accidents."
"Physicist and inventor Percy Spencer discovered microwaves by accident."
"Classic me... I've wiped out three cars, no one let me near a supercar on a racetrack."
"You remained aware and you did see the cup. Knowing did you see it, you walked into it."
"The greater the speed, the greater the car accident."
"There is no bad things, only happy accidents."
"It felt like those comic strips where a character slips on a banana peel."
"One wrong turn, one branch in the eye, and everything changes."
"I killed a guy by accident, but I'll take it!"
"Number 8: Clumsy kangaroo hits fence while hopping out of backyard."
"Listen, once you've lit something on fire and the fire department comes, I don't think there's going back."
"No one could have anticipated or thought that someone would introduce live rounds into this set."
"It's a fascinating lesson about the random dimension of accidents."
"Half a second before, half a second later, they wouldn't have had the accident."
"Real glitch art is what happens by accident in the world around us."
"Accidents do happen. In this instance, when the missile was ejected from its tube, something malfunctioned."
"No matter how prepared you are, sometimes the [__] can still happen."
"Nobody got hurt, which is the most important thing."
"Okay, wait a minute, how the heck does a cow fall from the sky? What kind of world are we living in?"
"I felt there's a picture before and I'm standing outside of her door like where are you it's Jenna and then the next picture I had fallen all the way through her closed door."
"90% of people killed during the HALO jump got tangled up in their chutes and drowned."
"You usually don't want to fall very far below fifty dollars on an accident."
"Anyone can have a crash, just ask Piers Morgan."
"It's like having a pet that, like, you know that if you do set up this mousetrap of events, you're gonna get poop on the carpet, but you just, you don't feel it until it's too late."
"Table saws send almost 50,000 people a year to the ER... since 2003, 65,000 amputations from table saws."
"It was this accident that resulted in this 90-page report."
"Looks like this vessel was refitted for asteroid mining. The crew probably died due to instant radiation burns. Ouch."
"It's very fortunate that more people weren't killed."
"Mistakes: Moving the RV without unplugging from the power pedestal was a bad day."
"Accidental falls are the most common cause of death in the outdoors."
"People really just need to think about their actions. Because if you really think about your actions, you could prevent a lot of what we call accidents."
"Sadly, Jeremy told me that there's something like five other crash memorials in this general vicinity."
"You learn everything through your accidents."
"Accidents can start things and start events into motion that spin out of control very quickly."
"Logan getting bitten in the face by Bowser is entirely on the parents in my opinion."
"It feels accidental, it does not feel like this was the plan."
"That's accidental. As soon as possible, he tells you that's accidental."
"If this is really an accidental situation, justice doesn't typically play a part of that."
"Yeah, I was reading something on, I think it was Reddit even, where someone was driving and a kid started walking out into the street playing his Pokémon game."
"As far as the fracturing of the wrist and so forth, that probably was from the roll."
"Accidents happen and forgiveness is the only way to move on in life and be happy."
"Accidents are gonna happen so I'm not gonna sit here and cry about it."
"Sometimes the best things in life happen by accident, but the accident can only happen when you allow yourself to do things outside your comfort zone."
"I received a black guy from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and hopefully that never happens again."
"Derailments near water sources pose significant risks to communities, yet they continue to occur."
"People get used to a very regular stair pattern very quickly so... it's more likely for someone to have an accident."
"Just received a call to a dog that's been hit by a car. Don't know too many details but apparently it's in a bad way."
"Never underestimate the humble plate glass door."
"Accidents will happen... respect and friendship will always prevail."
"Gravity can bring you to your demise whether it's a steep snowfield or a narrow pass... I'm sure the numbers of falls in the back country over time has probably increased."
"No matter how experienced you are, accidents can always happen."
"If you ever hit someone's car, or you just generally do something, just take it on the chin and the best thing to do is just be honest."
"Helping people recover from serious injuries and people who have been in really difficult accidents."
"Since 1945, over 60 criticality accidents have been recorded, leading to at least 21 deaths."
"Accidents are rarely caused by one single event; they are usually the consequence of multiple points of failure."
"We don't make mistakes, just happy accidents."
"The footage is going to be more than good enough to prove that the person behind you at the roundabout rear-ended you because they were playing with their telephone."
"The body of the shiny new truck was riddled with holes and glass shards littered the ground."
"Just like the others, only this time you left the plug in and the tap running."
"An accident takes only seconds, but the injuries can last a lifetime."
"It's like insurance, right? I pay, we all pay insurance. I have no intention whatsoever of going out and getting in an accident, but it happens, it should happen."
"It's my first time, accidents do happen."
"Christmas is a time when lots of people have accidents at home you know they stay around the Christmas tree too long or they fall down the stairs after too much eggnog or something like that."
"When you are in an accident or there's something you need to show, look for video. It exists, it is everywhere."
"Of course, it was absolutely the worst day I've ever seen, people crashing everywhere."
"Happy accidents, guys, happy accidents."
"These things happen, so she's naked in the back."
"Sometimes [__] happen when somebody's upset."
"No one can control children 24/7, and things like that happen."
"We learn from every accident, even though they're tragic events."
"Accidents happen, sure, but not like this."
"We were used to an airplane crashing every now and then. It was a fairly common occurrence, but not two very safe airliners."
"The real risk of nuclear weapons is some freak accident. So far, humanity has been lucky, but how long until our luck runs out?"
"And some of the best things that are ever discovered are because of an accident."
"The accidents would also lead to a huge improvement in the safety aspects of Formula 1 cars."
"When people get into a car wreck, they get into it because they're looking at what they're trying to avoid."
"The crash goes down as one of the most shocking, violent, and memorable crashes in Formula 1 history."
"When people ignore rules they cause big accidents in a moment and even lose their lives."
"At the end of the day, dropping your bike, it is super embarrassing. It happens to all of us at some point for sure."
"History is littered with happy accidents that have made our lives easier, tastier, and well stickier."
"What if you live somewhere where it rains a lot? What if you happen to be laying on the couch and you accidentally roll the windows down in the middle of the storm? Well, that kind of sucks."
"I totally understand that accidents happen I'm just thankful that I had a backup camera and that I'm able to finish filming and get this video out to you"
"A candle falling on the carpet, burning right through the carpet through the pad all the way to the concrete, that's not what I would expect to see."
"If you have pets and they're having accidents, this is the product to buy hands down."
"There are no accidents. There are."
"Now a lot of people don't know this but they do raise the gross accident rating."
"Many persons take the point of view that all these happenings are accidents, they arise from circumstances which we do not understand and we cannot overcome."
"Having a buffet? Oh, did you just spill a little bit? Good job for cleaning it up!"
"I can't be a nice guy anymore, I can't be a nice guy because the news were [__] [__] down my throat every time I accidentally get in a car accident hence the term accident."
"Let's see whoops, we accidentally hit our model behind."
"I've seen only a couple of major dive accidents."
"Miraculously, both truck drivers were unharmed."
"Surveillance footage from a BP gas station in Detroit captures a reckless driving incident that resulted in a fiery crash."
"A lot of the other stuff might've been broke because of things falling over."
"Accidents happen and it is what it is."
"Tragedy struck when an avalanche claimed the lives of seven people in the expedition."
"While most authorities write these cases off as alcohol-induced accidents, anyone caring to take the time to look more closely at the details of some of these cases will undoubtedly find they paint a picture that is quite unsettling."
"...I know I wasn't able to cover every notable train derailment and accident from 2023, but I still hope you learned something after watching this."
"Ultimately the case of Air France Flight 358 was put down to pilot error and shortcomings at Air France."
"I got too confident one afternoon. I tried to step from a branch before I had firmly grasped the next one. I fell about 20 feet and broke my arm really bad in two places."
"Then sometimes people get hurt by accident by whoa falling off that ladder ouch hitting themselves with something falling off that skateboard and boom they're laid up for a while ouch"
"Flight 311 flew 27 miles north of the airport into airspace commercial airliners normally avoid at all cost."
"Brandon Lee was accidentally killed right at the end of production during the shoot of this movie."
"Ants got into this bag of chips I left out overnight and they all died."
"Police in Turkey tried to stop a pride parade with water cannons, accidentally creating rainbows."
"The wrecks that killed drivers are the ones where you say that didn't look so bad."
"Since 1950, whenever the U.S has lost accidentally launched, fire, detonator, or had a nuclear bomb stolen, it was referred to as a 'broken arrow.'"
"The Superman actor suffered a fatal gun wound."
"There is no mistakes here. We have some happy accidents sometimes, but we don't make any mistakes."
"You should never need to get to that problem unless you melt it in brake fluid or something like that."
"Staircases: friend of mine slipped broke his neck and died he was 21."
"... accidents happen. Even if you're working with a guy and sometimes because of the fucking physics involved in lifting heavy people up over your head, accidents happen."
"She said there was an accident and a candle spill."
"I'm not a good driver. I got into 16 car accidents before I went to college."
"We've had some really bad accidents on that bridge."
"I don't know her grand but look accidents are going to happen yeah not well that what's she was protected she wasn't killed fall all right you know I had this on when I got blasted in the head by the crane it was oh that thing's it was an old one though"
"You need legal representation when you are in an accident, when there is an injury, and it's actually way easier than you think to do so."
"We got a call for I think it's a Duramax that is kind of crashed and busted itself up out here on the Arizona strip."
"Always wear a helmet. All it takes is one accident and you're brown bread."
"This trip did not go over too well. One son Jamie ran through a window and cut his eyelids open."
"Happy accident painting, bye for now."
"Mistakes are fine, happy accidents I guess."
"It's nice when things come accidentally."
"We don't make mistakes, you know. We have happy accidents."
"It's amazing how easy it is to make it look like an alcoholic died in a single car accident."
"There are no accidents in a perfect universe."
"The car itself, as well as its parts, were connected with numerous accidents, causing serious injuries and at least two deaths."
"I got so much charcoal in my eyes."
"How legendary would that be? I mean, like, streamers have done some pretty crazy things on stream but, like, to have the balls to straight up accidentally choke on a granola bar and die?"
"The metal that you wanted to keep just cut your son open."
"That's where it happened, Kale Yar and Donnie Allison crashing, spinning right into the wall."
"Darwin awards, at least the way we've done them, are supposed to be accidents. They're stupid people doing dumb things and we both laugh at them and learn from their mistakes."
"The tree fell, it was not fine. I brought it in to be fixed, and then presumably it was fine."
"It's okay when accidents happen. That's true if they happen occasionally."
"Distracted driving for us, it's everything. It just takes a split second to be distracted where a traffic collision can occur."
"Last year 8,000 people were killed or injured in drink driver related collisions."
"Sometimes the best thing that happened is looking at it from a different perspective; accidents will do that."
"I remember my first ever race that I watched was with my dad and that was when Ayrton had his big accident. It was quite shocking, you know, when that happened."
"Anybody can have a one-time accident, even two or three accidents, right?"
"Accidents like these end very grimly."
"I love when like [ __ ] up [ __ ] happens as you just knock something over."
"...crashing his drone into the team's scoreboard was asked to stop Flying his drone at spring training and accidentally cut his finger open with a drone before it starts in the ALCS."
"We set ourselves up wrong. And then we target fixated, head-on collision."
"If a plane crashes and nobody is killed, they say it was a miracle that no one was killed."
"He had a massively crash with Romain Grosjean at Monaco in 2015, and at Spa in 2016 he was barging other drivers off the road."
"I usually give Klaus the benefit of the doubt and assume there are very few accidents or coincidences that he's not planning for."
"Weather coupled alongside with pilot inhuman error is one of the primary causes of plane crashes."
"Accidents will be insanely rare like 100 times less or more than what they are right now."
"Adults with ADHD certainly have a higher rate of ordinary accidents."
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