
Sweetness Quotes

There are 3703 quotes

"I love how the Masa pulls through with its authentic true Masa flavor without being too sweet. It doesn't get sweet until you get to the cajeta and that crispy sugary crust on the outside."
"Who knew it was possible to be so sweet you can turn into a cavity and die."
"I have exactly zero sugars in my tea because I'm already sweet enough."
"That one's very sweet, not as sweet as you, but still very sweet."
"The sweetness of it makes this a good treat."
"Fans went ahead and assumed, now that's sweet."
"There's no rock to it, it's all just sweet. It's all like, yeah, there is no."
"Like the nougaty inside of a scrumdiddlyumptious bar."
"That's a wonderful sweet illustration of that guy."
"Renaissance tables were reveries of sweetness."
"And that is an amazing way of finishing off a traditional brunch with something sweet, something delicious, and something you're dying to tuck into."
"They saw you as someone very sweet and caring, someone who was helping them heal."
"Success is much sweeter when you have someone like you to share with."
"Oh yeah, that's really good. Way better. I mean it's still a little bit dry at the end but it's sweeter."
"It's so like well balanced. It's definitely pretty sweet like a lot of Korean food has sweetness in it, I've noticed."
"Marshmallow fluff on a plate, if you want something soft, sweet, and wholesome, here you go."
"I think it's really sweet, it says love yourself first."
"I think this was a special. Dustin, this had like a sweetness."
"Honestly, it smells good. Smells kind of sweet."
"The qualities of the Lindt chocolate seemed to be that it was sweeter."
"There was just something about how sweet a bread could be."
"Weekend brunch with sweet french toast and waffles—it's acceptable after something really sweet."
"It tastes sweet and it tastes delicious but it's got zero grams of sugar."
"There's just so much sweetness between you two."
"Oh my gosh, this is the sweetest thing I think I've seen on the server yet!"
"This is really nice, never had noodles this sweet."
"You're really sweet, you know? I love how you spoil me."
"I'm getting down when I'm live on the beat kinda like ice cream, my lyrics are sweet."
"My heart is melting right now, that is so sweet, and I'm just so grateful."
"Who has the biggest sweet tooth?... definitely me..."
"The 'Umbrella Academy' fandom: it is the sweetest fandom I've been in."
"I started this new series on my channel, it's all about sweets, it's called sweet tooth."
"I thought it was really sweet. I was a little like nervous but I was expecting to be like taking force but he actually like took the reins really."
"Vanilla 28 is the perfect mix of sweet and elegant."
"Perfect by Marc Jacobs, the perfect amount of sweetness, floral, and fruity."
"That was like a very sweet day of friendship and love."
"The sweetest thing, it's like peanut butter and jelly."
"It's sweet, I like it, I enjoyed this movie a lot."
"All of these guys are unique, they're sweet, they're special."
"Meg Donnelly is the cutest and she's very sweet."
"Stay safe, have some fun, and oh, you're sweet."
"The portrayal of friendship between Roux and Jules was very sweet and fulfilling even when there was no romantic aspect."
"I always thought this song was so sweet to be honest because the lyrics literally say like, 'Will you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me?'"
"You can't win everything, but when we do win it's gonna be a lot sweeter."
"You can fix all that... just by adding a little sugar to the formula."
"You're so sweet, like they just want a piece of you."
"The actual realization of the romance between the light Fury and Toothless was so sweet."
"The further you get from the ruby pinkish flush of a watermelon, the less sweet the watermelon will be."
"Little gifts like that are so sweet. Well, sweet in a literal sense, I suppose."
"Everything felt super exciting... it was like everything was sweeter."
"Anything with sprinkles is automatically 10 million times better."
"What are you doing to me it's so sweet and Rich."
"You are the sweetest baby in the world to me."
"It's everything. It's so sweet. It'll burrow itself in your heart and live there forever."
"Those gummy bears may have been sugar-free, but that story was sweet as hell."
"That was so sweet. If you show the flower to everyone, you really are the best boyfriend I ever had."
"The lie is much sweeter than the truth but it's only a temporary sweetness..."
"There's something really sweet about some of the chord progressions going on."
"This win feels sweeter than a box of donuts."
"The idea of sharing, that concept we learn when we're little kids, is sweet."
"If you had Kool-Aid right alongside this, you'd be like Kool-Aid is sickeningly sweet. This is not sickeningly sweet. It's really sweet compared to the other ones."
"She found her strength and a second chance can be just as sweet."
"It will make the breakthrough that much sweeter."
"I think I'm gonna cry; it's so sweet."
"The secret to chocolate is that it's who you share it with."
"They were so concerned and so sweet."
"The American dream is very refreshing and cold, and despite all the sweet-sounding ingredients, it's not overwhelmingly sweet."
"They were being so sweet with each other, so cute together."
"It was the sweet sweet taste of victory."
"English lavender... it's got the sweetest, softest smell."
"It's very sentimental, and it's very sweet."
"You seem like someone who really is very kind, really is very sweet and loving, and goes out of your way to help anyone."
"You're the sweetest person that I know and the most loving person that I know."
"They see you as someone very sweet, very lovable, and someone that they want in their life for a very, very long time."
"We should be weaning people off ultra-sweetened products."
"Who doesn't love cinnamon brown sugar?"
"You're as sweet as a Christmas cookie."
"There is something really sweet about the neighborhood."
"How can a brownie be so delicious without being too sweet?"
"Sweetness 10 out of 10, textures 10 out of 10, the balance 10 out of 10, the Oreo flavor 11 out of 10."
"Peace is a very peaceful baby, very sweet, laid back."
"When you're kind and sweet, you get what you want."
"Skittles are a powerhouse in the candy industry."
"It's like maple syrup milk, imagine if maple syrup were a cereal."
"You're sweet, you're innocent, you're beautiful."
"Turkish Rose, it literally smells like a sweet Rose."
"It's work, but it's sweet; it's a labor of love."
"Look how big this cotton candy is, and it's so cute."
"He's actually the sweetest guy ever; he's so nice."
"It's just really sweet and really lovely."
"It's sophisticated to me, it is sexy, sophisticated, sweet."
"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."
"Angel cake is spongy, light, and surprisingly healthy."
"I'm actually in a very good mood because Kiko wrote me a very sweet note before he left for school today."
"Haley is stealing the attention already everyone is obsessed with her she's so sweet."
"They were obsessed with her in the sweetest way, and she was just their precious Inga."
"I'm obsessed with the smell; I can't describe it, but it smells really sweet, like a cupcake."
"I love essence so much, video is so sweet."
"Wow, this is so amazing and sweet."
"This is literally the land of sweets."
"Like the flavor in my life, you make my life sweet."
"It's really sweet, it's a really good hybrid flavor."
"His words were the sweetest I'd ever heard."
"There is a sweetness to them, such a gentleness."
"Maggie was just about the sweetest person I had ever met."
"It's even sweeter than I ever hoped."
"Oh, I missed you too. You're so sweet."
"Now my life is sweet like cinnamon, like an effing dream I'm living in."
"There's a real sweetness, almost childlike about them."
"To have a lover is truly as sweet as sugar."
"That's just pure sweet; it really tastes like a dessert."
"It just feels really sweet and comforting and like easy, like you guys just joke around."
"Maple candy. I love those maple sugar candies."
"That's just kind of sweet if you'll be honest with me, you're fine."
"Everyone is kind and he has been very sweet."
"This is a cookie. It's delicious and sugary."
"I love love love it because it's like you guys could be very sweet and you are, but as soon as somebody you don't like switch."
"The apple cobbler... striking a balance without being too sugary and sweet."
"When you can finally be together...it's just so sweet because you would have waited so long."
"You're like a nice coffee that I put several creamers in."
"Life is very full indeed of every sweetness."
"He is rather sweet and he'd be such company for Jonathan and Judy even if it's only for a little while."
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be tomorrow."
"We just experienced. That was the sweetest moment I've ever experienced."
"I mean, that grapefruit just gives us just a little bit of sweetness which is so good."
"God made everything sweet. He's not bitter and He made nothing bitter."
"Barry Allen's beautiful rescue of Iris West and a cascade of hot dogs, it's just so sweet and heartbreaking."
"Canada, you're not salty up there, you're just so sweet."
"...definitely recommend adding the sugar."
"How could someone not listen to a sweet person like her?"
"This person is coming in. They miss your nectar, um, in a nice sweet way."
"...you're both quite nervous when you're both physical with each other you're not what you call experienced in physical stuff so it's really cute it feels very innocent and yeah really cute and really sweet."
"That lobster is so extremely sweet."
"They really see you as like an angel or a messenger of spirit, someone very, very sweet too, someone who's a lot of sweet words to say."
"It's just so freaking good, it's one of the best iris fragrances ever. We're talking designer, niche, indie, I don't care, all of them, it's got this creamy sweetness to it that is just amazing."
"There's something about you being very sweet or looking very sweet in the way that you look."
"This person is going to try to come back to you in a very sweet, kind of like endearing type of way."
"I mean this is filling, oh my God. My condensed milk, condensed milk, it's just like diabetes in a cup."
"that's the stuff right there, you know it's sweetness. It's sweet."
"It's so fluffy, and I heard that this bread gets even sweeter and tastier the next day."
"Honey on a summer day, I'll stick with you through the wind like honey on a summer night like a summer day."
"A beautiful sweet loving and delicate little girl."
"It does remind me a little bit of Castilian when the chefs were just so sweet."
"Hopefully it's a partnership that can grow pretty sweet."
"That would actually be pretty sweet."
"She's so sweet. I'm shameless, I'm out here trying to steal her gifts."
"Everyone loves a sweet treat from the Sweet Shop."
"I thought Marshall making pancakes was really sweet."
"That is seriously so sweet and so generous of her to offer her time like that."
"Suma finishes his dish and it is an apple Rado which is delicious for its sweetness and lightness."
"This is more about those times you get just cravings and you don't want like 10 cookies but you just want something sweet that'll hit those spots."
"Fabulous flavors and really nice and sweet, definitely that custardy texture."
"This is so sweet and I'm really excited."
"If you want just like a sweet feminine Ultra girly Ultra sweet fragrance that is Ari."
"Don't turn down a girl who asks you out sweetly," he agreed, promising to go on the sweet treat.
"Your connection is full of sweetness, full of pleasure and joy, full of genuine love."
"How sweet it is that's icing on the cake"
"There's like an endearing sweetness coming through from you guys."
"There is a sweetness in the surrender."
"I will never get tired of watching Grace's interaction with the characters, it's just the sweetest thing."
"They find you very inspiring, they find you very sweet, they feel like they're destined to be with you."
"Orange Aid is a sweet and mildly Tangy red-orange hue with a fruity Citrus touch."
"There's nothing sweeter than these Asian pears."
"I gotta give it a nine and a half out of ten. It's not too sweet, it's just good."
"I've got strawberry flavored sweeties."
"Eating sweets made by the person he loved made him feel like the luckiest man in the world."
"He's sweet, but he's very clumsy, dude."
"I got teared up. That's a really sweet moment."
"As I was feeding acorns to a squirrel, even just strolling through the market with my friends, I had this feeling—sweetness in those insignificant moments were incredibly precious."
"He's so sweet, he is my dream come true."
"Oh, I can't handle all this sweetness!"
"What a beautiful, sweet, nice ending."
"I still call him mommy in the middle of the night just to hear the cute things he says."
"There's no such thing as too much sprinkles."
"Follow the way of the hummingbird and you cannot go wrong. Every droplet of life becomes sweet, every moment worth savoring."
"You're as sweet as honey, you know that?"
"That was a really, really sweet cute movie."
"It does not need a frosting to make it sweeter, to make it more rich. It is perfectly rich on its own."
"Your parents may see your future spouse as someone who brings sweetness and kindness into your life."
"We had the sweetness of it between us, because of it."
"...what's life without a little sweetness I think you need a go-to dessert and can I make an argument for it to be a cake recipe."
"Double your sugar, you double your butter, you double your love. That's all I know about cooking."
"Moxxie and Millie: Easily the sweetest couple in Hell."
"Every time I kiss you, it's like your lips are sweeter than any candy, any dessert, anything."
"It just smells so good, like sweet but not too sweet."
"I love bees, I love honey, and in the analogy here, the bees, the worker bees in particular, are the priesthood, and the honey is the sweetness of the gospel."
"Your voice is so sweet, like wow."
"You're about as sweet as pumpkin pie and now you're getting whipped on top of that."
"I sprinkle a little bit of sugar in there, so, Jamaica is our thing, yeah."
"The duck was sweet as [ __ ]! It was like a mouthful of sugar."
"Whether you like it or not, live music is sweeter always."
"Consent makes it a little bit sweeter, it's a much nicer exchange."
"I legit met the sweetest girls, they were the cutest ever."
"They want you to know that they miss you greatly and they think you're so sweet."
"It just feels life just feels that much sweeter."
"She's Iconic in how sweet and lovable she is, essentially giving off the energy you'd expect from someone named Princess Bubblegum."
"I love when people do the other perspective ones, and a lot of the time I feel like it doesn't really work that well. But this one was like, it was good, surprising, but then also sweet."
"You have a sweetness to you. You see the romance and poetry of life."
"The unexpected sweetness of the word family."
"If you eliminate the ability to sense sweet, to perceive sweetness in foods, then you eliminate the preference for sweet beverages or sweet foods."