
Sunnah Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Expression of emotion is part of the Sunnah."
"No system creates more leaders for its people than Islam; that is the Sunnah of the Prophet."
"Our religion is not just based or founded upon the Quran... our religion is also based upon the Sunnah."
"Marriage is part of the Deen, part of the Sunnah, you should."
"It's a Sunnah of the Prophet, and you feel so good, it helps you, your health, your pain, everything else."
"The book of Allah is the central and most important core of the teachings of our tradition. The Prophet's Sunnah teaches us the book of Allah through his character."
"The best thing about the salafi people is they want to find everything from the Quran and Sunnah."
"Self-care is part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)."
"Think differently from everybody else. Your mind must be guided by the Light of the Quran and the Sunnah."
"You follow the Sunnah 100%. You trim your mustache because the prophet said, you're kind and tolerant to your wives."
"From within the Quran and the Sunnah, we get clear understandings of how it is we treat all types of illnesses, mental health included."
"The prohibition of music came in the Quran and the Sunnah."
"The first knowledge that will be lifted from people is the knowledge of understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah."
"Sunnah is not just the saying of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Sunnah is the saying, the action, how the Prophet looked, how his manners were."
"The Book of Allah has been translated into English, the Prophet's Sunnah, both of them are vast. But I'm encouraging people, read the Quran, read the Quran and come to know what Allah said about himself, and read as much Sunnah as possible, because those are the two sources."
"What keeps you close to Allah? The whole Quran and Sunnah."
"The goal is not the method. The goal is the Quran and the Sunnah and what the Sahaba are upon."
"Once you get into the ways in which each jihad is performed and the Sharia is deduced from the Kitab, you can see that the ulama are aware of the fundamental purpose of the Quran and the Sunnah, which is to make things easier for people and to make things merciful for mankind."
"The sunnah restores us to normalcy and it is that normalcy that the Quran addresses in its invitation that we should see the world and be astonished, delighted, amazed, and should embrace its creator."
"The Prophet said: 'By Allah, I fear Allah more than any of you, yet I fast and break my fast, I pray and sleep, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.'"
"Quran and Sunnah need a high level of understanding. Even in the time of sahaba not all sahaba could derive the H from Quran and sunnah. There is always Scholars among sahaba which other sahabah go and ask the of sah."
"Start now, start tonight, start tomorrow. This is the greatest sunnah prayer after the Fajr."
"It is Sunnah to praise Him in a worldly sense."
"The Sunnah is to eat in almost like a crouch, whereby the stomach is compressed and you don't eat so much food."
"The prophet disliked or prohibited eating while reclining back, while either lying down or reclining back so far that you... you know, you're basically like you're reclining or lying down."
"Generally, the evidence is the Prophet used to clean his plate and he used to lick his fingers."
"Our religion, we take it from two sources: the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet."
"Let's start advertising a better lifestyle option to our burdened compatriots which we could call Sunnah therapy."
"Nothing is going to give you the feeling that you're going to get when you start to understand the Quran and the Sunnah."
"Smiling is Sunnah, which means something our prophet used to do and recommended doing."
"It's like a sunnah to make other people happy."
"Allah has clarified the path to victory in the Quran and the prophet has clarified the path to victory in the Sunnah."
"The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) often reminds us to hold fast to the Sunnah."
"The Sunnah represents the normative and authoritative precedence of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)."
"The body of hadith is the main source for determining the Sunnah."
"The practice of the early Muslim communities is also a source for the Sunnah."
"The understandings of the companions and the consensus of the scholars of the community are strong indicators of what the Sunnah comprises."
"People upon the truth, people upon the clarity, people for the Sunnah."
"We can know who's following the truth by going back to the Quran and the Sunnah."
"All that has been narrated from the Sunnah with regards to these issues, if somebody does it with sincerity that the Prophet said to do it, then Allah's blessings will come."
"We talk about patience so you know that it is from the Sunnah that it is a greater act of worship."
"Seek knowledge and adhere to the Sunnah."
"We connect our hearts with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we learn our religion, we follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam."
"We don't accept anything unless there is a proof from the Quran Sunnah."
"We have to use the Sunnah of the Prophet as a guide to our lives, he was the healthiest."