
Textures Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Textures and lighting always go together; they're really buddies in 3D. You have to raise them together."
"Each layer is its own copy of the height map and weight maps."
"We're layering flavor, we're layering texture."
"There is no other material out there that is going to mimic the natural patterns veining and color that nature can provide you."
"Textures are really important to the visual appearance of a game."
"This is a palette for people who love to experiment with different kinds of textures."
"Oh that one is really Fresh So Many herbs and vegetables so many different textures of vegetables as well."
"Mixing textures is one of the easiest ways to improve your style."
"Textures in fashion allow designers to showcase their craftsmanship and experiment with unexpected combinations."
"First, the soft Ramen ridiculously enhanced by that Buria liquid, then the crispy beef, and you gotta make it crispy because if you don't you're missing an opportunity to have competing Textures in there, which is one of my favorite ways to eat."
"...we do need to move on but before we do, I'm just going to give you an opportunity to look at some of the Beautiful Textures and accessories we've got in here."
"My favorite thing about tacos is that not every bite is uniform, so you get a lot of different textures and flavors in each bite you take, and I guess that's proving its point over here."
"However, the oil sticks allowed me to really play with textures, and because I had to be loose, I really couldn't be refined. It actually makes for a pretty aesthetically characterful result, which I really like."
"Caponata is a riot of textures and tastes."
"Sometimes it's taking it too far, there's a lot of textures in that pillow."
"Use textures to add interest and detail without adding clutter."
"This, they're different textures, but still they all share the commonality that I want them all to be a little bit dirty, a little bit muffled."
"...the inside is also full of fun textures from the satisfying tender rice noodles to the crunchy carrots and the smooth but chewy shrimp and pork."
"It's giving you all the spice, all the different textures, the legumes, the fattiness."
"Wow, I love the different textures. You got the crunch coming from the cracker, you got the silky smooth from the sea urchin, yeah. And then that pickle gives it a bit of acidity, gives it a bit of freshness. You got the full balance in here."
"Use this in order to bring in these higher quality different looking textures and materials in order to make your models look better in SketchUp."
"The lovely thing about this pack is the speed you can get the mountains that are textured nicely placed in your scene in a few minutes."
"Different textures can be very helpful. Rubbing or pressing something with an interesting texture over your skin helps bring sensation back."
"...it's super into textures so I love mesh I love tulle I love vinyl latex faux leather."
"You can take pictures of anything and it's all about kind of like getting a nice texture."
"I always get more nuances of flavor and more interesting textures out of the wild caught stuff than I do ever out of the farm-raised stuff."
"...silky smooth textures and lighting effects that I'd never seen before..."
"They blend so nicely, they give textures so beautifully."
"I just went crazy with different textures."
"Textures give so much life and energy to a painting."
"I love the textures and the yolk fits perfectly. Y'all know I struggle with the yolk, okay? So it's a dream, it's very soft, it fits beautifully, it's a color I wouldn't normally pick."
"I just really love creating different textures."
"Photoshop has lots of tools that can give you very organic looking brushes, textures, things like that."
"You get really cool looking textures."
"A cube map is a kind of texture that consists of six individual 2D textures that are assigned to a 3D cube."
"Textures usually make things look more interesting."
"This way you will maintain a proportion between the textures and trees of your terrain."
"That's how you create a tonal look, you choose one color but you play with textures."
"Another useful thing is to paint textures; for example, I can put some grass there and some snow there."
"I loved the textures and tones for fall."
"An explosion of textures and different things going on."
"Just start off with something that we could finish and then just pick our colors from and then create some textures and patterns."
"UV coordinates are lookup coordinates in an image that defines the textured pixels."
"We also have a selection of different materials so we can add cobblestone, rust, and moss. But I'm going to stick with grass for now."
"Creating well-developed textures can bring character and interest to a world and contribute to compelling storytelling in environment art."
"This is almost like one of those super realistic Minecraft texture packs."
"It kind of looks like cracked mud or, you know, scales, something like that."
"These textures are based on real life planet textures, scans of real planets, so you can see that they've got a really nice realistic quality to them."
"Textures created entirely in the node editor are known as procedural textures."
"What if our player textures are 2k or 1000 pixels by a thousand pixels? You can't really have all of that in a sprite sheet."
"A truly beautiful combination of textures and flavors."
"My main tip for this process is picking a variety of textures for your decorations."
"These golden fritters with so many different layers, textures, and flavor elements are literally mind-blowing."
"My very first essential are the heavier fabrics like your corduroy, your tweed, your jacquard, your canvas."
"So now that we're mixing two rock shaders together, it's much harder to notice any tiling and it looks much more random and organic and natural."
"This is just magic, you know, we can see one texture going underneath the other one and it's not always the same texture that's on top."
"I want to bring in some beautiful textures."
"With their proclivity towards wearing wolf pelts and totems, it gives a nice mix of textures to work with."
"There are so many possibilities, especially if you also blend in textures, it can get very interesting."
"Finally, you may have noticed this gorgeous texture palette in the video. It is amazing."
"I love textures. I love figuring out how to make something look like something else. It's just fun."
"I'm in heaven, all sorts of materials, some are shiny glamorous, others are rusty, others are more cozy."
"I really love the sort of like painterly textures that you're able to get."
"The suit on top of the body is beautiful, there are multiple textures at play, it's mixed media."
"Crazy crispy, crunchy, so many flavors and textures going on: salty, spicy, sweet."
"Look at all the different shapes and textures in the wood; I love that."
"Using textures is a really great way to jumpstart your creative engine."
"It's so pretty, all these cool tones together and all the different textures and color."
"I like all the shapes and textures; it makes my little heart happy."
"Next tutorial, we're going to bring in some textures and we're going to apply these textures and prepare everything for when we start using some C# to make things do what we want."
"Now the texture I'm going to use is from an awesome free website called CC0 Textures."
"I feel like it's more fun when you have a stuffed animal that has two different colors and has a little bit of two different textures to it."
"It's useful for not just this but also for all sorts of procedural textures and things like that."
"We are coming with a new texture and mechanics in the closest future."
"If we take our hide seams slider and we increase this, suddenly we've got a texture that's going to let us hide any seams of any texture."
"I love textures, and textures are great."
"I'm not going to stress about that. I think that little accidental textures like that are beautiful and unique."
"These are actually the only two textures we're going to need to make some very realistic books that actually have variation."
"The more textures we use, the more realistic it's going to be."
"So, with that out of the way, let's begin on attaching texture coordinates to particles."
"I remember just being really taken with all of the colors and the textures."
"It includes a lot of paper textures and cover texture options, and a ton of design elements as well as pre-made designs to help you fill up your pages and make them look really good."
"Materials and textures are another really common concept in 3D game engines."
"Textures are going to be key when you are wearing a limited color palette."
"Look at these textures and colors; these are so much fun."
"But today we're gonna look at a couple of advanced techniques and also how we can retexture objects we've already downloaded from the 3D warehouse, as well as some transparent textures."
"This is a lovely way to make some very visually interesting textures or trippy psychedelia."
"That's an example of how you can load in just three textures and it can make a really big difference."
"The beauty of working with photo textures is that you're working with true randomness."
"I love pairing a lot of textures together because it makes it easier for me, and I can enjoy fashion when it feels like something."
"This mix is delicious, so many different flavors and textures."
"You can actually download some textures that align with real-world manufacturers."
"Textures are one of the most important things for image quality and the presentation of the game."
"This is kind of an important thing to add to a lot of your textures if you want to go for realism or just have a little bit more detail."
"Poly Haven is a really cool site, it's beyond having just textures, it has 3D assets and hdris."
"Textures are way more useful if they're seamless."
"So seamless textures, very, very useful. Let's learn how to make them."
"It looks so like expensive and it just had like all these textures that made it look like a really well put together summer dress."
"It can be scary, the textures are so wild."
"We're just going for some good, like classic autumn tones, really nice textures, like nothing too crazy going on."
"I'm a big fan of this palette, I'm a huge fan of the color range of the different textures."
"I think fall is all about layering in different textures."
"I love that I can play around with different textures to get a different look."
"It's very organic, the patterns and textures that she uses."
"It was fun to actually dig in and use them and remember why these beautiful textured sparkly shades are so pretty."
"The great thing about autumn winter is that tones and textures really speak volumes about your outfit."
"Wouldn't it be neat to have a whole blanket or a whole quilt filled with different kind of textures?"
"I love the textures and tones on it."
"I love all the tones and the textures in this outfit, and I love the detail on the shorts mixed with the terry towel material on top."