
Industry Analysis Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"The question remains: is he a true independent phenomenon or the product of industry manipulation?"
"The feeling we're getting is AMD leapfrogging Intel in a significant way."
"Twitch, in 2021, had a 70.5% market share, and in 2022, they've increased their market share to 76%."
"My question is, what do you guys get right that other manufacturers are getting wrong?"
"The single biggest thing that America has right now going against it is that we have four or five companies, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, that sucks up the enormity and the overwhelming majority of all talented technical human capital."
"There's such a high proportion of those professions that are still in existence today."
"It is already very good that 10% of the factories can survive normally."
"I love looking at all the little small trends that are happening in design, but I think when you zoom out, you start to really look at what's really driving all of these micro trends."
"On the negative side of the ledger, we considered major console and software flops, scandals, tragedies, and games that had an average critical reception of 30% or lower."
"What's interesting is that I would consider almost none of the big budget AAA game releases to be especially good."
"All things considered, this was probably the best launch we've had in recent months."
"The turnover rate of big companies is less frequent in different industries like real estate."
"Friday afternoon, get your people together, have fun, draw your strategy canvas one-page see what the industry does."
"This area hasn't seen the same disparity collapse as the Rust Belt because it never went as all in an industry as the Rust Belt did."
"If you look at the past twelve months, it's number two behind Call of Duty World War Two."
"All I'm saying is do your homework you know get out there look at stuff and and and see it for what it is and if even Mayer is an excellent photographer I love her work she's certainly worthy about being talked about on the show."
"At this point it's worth answering the question what is the path forward for crypto."
"Maybe this film's biggest flaw is the fact that it's literally going up against one of the greatest opening executions of its industry."
"Intel missing a node... indicative of where the technology industry is going."
"Expectations are through the roof. Owlcat has a history with games like this as well, so with experience and budget, we can expect Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous to be a good one to watch moving forward."
"Progenity disrupting a $20 billion industry, fundamentally undervalued."
"Descenders came out on February 9th and since then the game has essentially made more money in its first month than Rage Squid's previous game made in its lifetime."
"Tesla is within a year of that type of run rate when just six months ago 12 months ago some analysts even more bullish analysts were expecting Tesla to produce that many cars in 2030."
"Silicon Valley's growth couldn't go on forever."
"Are solid-state batteries really this big of a deal? Let's take a look at how we got here."
"Each of those to me are such fascinating examples of modern Blockbuster filmmaking done at the highest level."
"Twitch is still doing just fine, it's got a seventy-five point six percent of the streaming market."
"MMA has kind of leveled up in a way that again it's not to argue that it couldn't be bigger but it's already reached that kind of a point where I don't think it can be a whole lot bigger."
"PlayStation needs better competition to force the platform to up its game."
"I'm kind of curious if that's gonna benefit it in any way are they gonna push it harder is it gonna cement it as being like okay this is legit it's gonna stick around for a long time because the cosign is a pretty big deal."
"The concentration of the semiconductor sector in Taiwan is not a risk but is the key to the reorganization of the global semiconductor industry." - President Tai England
"For those of you currently dumping on Kathy Wood and ARK Invest, much like the folks who were dumping on me about..."
"Subaru's success is a lot more important than a lot of players actually realize."
"When it comes to the business model, this actually has quite a bit going for it."
"Viewership for social cooperative games are much higher than competitive multiplayer games nowadays."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable they are in a league of their own and they have won the decade."
"The gaming industry iceberg looks a whole lot more like this."
"I'm here to throw my hat in the ring on what's going on surrounding Hogwarts Legacy and just have more of a conversation on where we are at as an industry."
"Tesla's competition is really not Toyota... Tesla is not competing with those people because they're not even in the running."
"Legacy automakers are building a trap for themselves."
"The current dips in plant-based Alternatives don't reflect a vegan demise."
"Who I think is more dedicated to dominate the live streaming platform services industry in three to four years? I think it's YouTube."
"This CPU is more of a refresh than some of the others in the 13th gen family."
"The global launch industry is about a $5 billion/year industry."
"Behind every multimedia trans species corporate feud there's a simple truth. This just happens to be the truth of Mario vs. Sonic, the Real Truth!"
"One [ __ ] song and the reason why, in my opinion, is that because there are tons of industry-backed and supported songs that are way [ __ ] worse than Friday."
"If Tick Tock is so bad why is YouTube pushing shorts and Facebook pushing reels no one cares about those seems like they're salty they can't compete LOL."
"Competition is a great thing and Call of Duty hasn't had any real competition over the past couple of years outside of like battle royale."
"The overall Singaporean semiconductor sector continues to do alright."
"Analysts are already predicting a billion dollars in the first week of sales."
"Why change something that's not broken? It's smooth, everything that you need is there."
"Logical and reasonable discussion about the criticisms of the MLM industry."
"Blizzard's recent turmoil paints a broad picture of changing corporate culture."
"Tesla had far outpaced the growth of EV adoption and how all the EV hype was overblown."
"I think ARK has done an incredible job in explaining what they do."
"Every decision they make is a fucking smart one."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"Analysts are widely expecting the industry to rebound in the next few years, but there are some caveats."
"It just shows how dominant that PlayStation has been this generation compared to the Xbox series X and S."
"Every genre is a fad, but a few artists transcend and have lasting power."
"Does the lure of basic baby bait for tons of profit drag these newbies down or is it secretly the next Pixar bursting with cinematic potential to be some of the best of the best?"
"AMD is just not even close right now, it's not even a contest."
"Gold and silver mining industry remains one of the extremely few sectors not trading at all-time bubble level highs despite being more profitable than ever."
"This is clearly the outlier...but it's maybe a glimpse at what Intel could do."
"I think that this question is smart because it opens up that dialogue around... well, how much of a movie is just the story and how much of it is the studio machine?"
"The thing driving Epic to make their move was the hot buzzword of 2021. The metaverse. What is it? Even the people writing an unhealthy amount of articles about it don't know, but Tim Sweeney does."
"The more you dig into the Chinese chip industry, the more you find political connections being more important."
"The story of Mixer is one that will be remembered for some time - it's the story of possibly the best Twitch competitor failing yet to slay the beast."
"If you landed from Mars and came here and saw this wireless industry, you would get back on your ship."
"I just want to talk about why Riot Games really does have the formula and they have what it takes to change the industry."
"United Spirits remains the best bet in the listed space on India's liquor industry."
"Folks used to say that Tesla was misunderstood as a car company when it was really, you know, an energy and tech company. Could it be the same for being an AI company in the future? Could that bolster the long-term argument?"
"The semiconductor industry is not only a technical marvel it is also a capitalist business."
"We know that we used to hold problematic views."
"Depending on what you're gonna do, you're just gonna see them both claim victories all over the place."
"The structural problems with the media, which is one of the most socially exclusive industries in Britain."
"Air Products, a very boring business, has a really great moat."
"Marvel's still on the right direction; I think everything's in good hands."
"The big question: Is Switch still competitive with the other platforms?"
"This is just a company that has too much capacity versus demand. I think they've reached saturation and the competition is coming and coming heavy."
"Baseball is in an interesting spot right now."
"I was right the whole time it is absolutely struggled and been propped up to exist and as I said extended by the pandemic not killed by it extended."
"Despite being massively down, Tesla's margins are still industry-leading."
"The very fact that we had to ask the question is, did Iger get involved? The very fact that we even had to ask that question is proof that this thing has gotten out of hand."
"Elon Musk was asked who his favorite retail Tesla analyst was, and he named you."
"I think there's a big ideological disconnect between the traditional labor movement and actual heavy industry workers."
"The established brands should be looking at this and thinking, 'Huh.'"
"They've been very late to get to the EV game."
"This is a lot what I'm gonna try to get back to over the next year or so and just trying to get back into the nitty-gritty of these companies and really diving into them and showing you guys everything I'm looking at."
"It's going to be interesting to see where this truck winds up coming out on top."
"The RISC-V world is immature compared to the ARM world."
"I think if this were PlayStation buying Bethesda, we wouldn't be having this conversation." - Jonathan Dornbush
"The biggest story ever to hit crypto really in my opinion."
"If you guys want more big pharma videos just let me know in the comments below as always because this definitely barely scratched the surface on the big pharma industry."
"If you take a look over here at steam charts Call of Duty barely stays in the top 10 anymore."
"The airline being a duopoly with Trans-Australia Airlines."
"Rap just continues to dominate the charts more and more."
"There is no Roman reigns problem, there is a WWE problem."
"It's important to recognize where gaming has been to understand where it is and by extension where it's going."
"How do you feel about the Warner Brothers HBO Max deal not only as a viewer but also from a business perspective?"
"The statistics is a favorite of journalists and industry executives because it defies the misconceptions still making the rounds."
"Staking services are not uniform, so one-off enforcement actions and cookie-cutter analysis does not cut it." - Hester Pierce
"Lincoln truly knows what they're doing in the luxury segment."
"Some games live and die by their promises of originality, while some make bold claims to revolutionize the entire scope of games."
"Casper described the situation to Business Insider as a perfect storm as McDonald's businesses are reportedly booming in the area."
"This documentary...a complete and utter takedown of Dan Slott by Disney, his employers."
"Another factor that I think makes the price target too optimistic is the number of new industries that Ark is predicting Tesla will successfully dominate."
"We're kind of scrambling into action here because today Microsoft's very own Phil Spencer posted a blog laying out the land in terms of next-gen and the Xbox vision."
"It really highlighted it whereas amd's just kept taking a big big double-digit sometimes 20 gains forward."
"What matters in our view in container shipping is not so much how many ships exist... what matters is how much capacity we deploy in our networks compared to the demand that we have." - Soren SKU
"The rise of artists like Corpse and Jaden really drives home a lot of the trends that we've been seeing for a while."
"I want to talk about the comic book industry... see if we can glean any hints for how to make Comic Skate better."
"Let me know if you agree or disagree with that and let me know if there's any high quality compounding company that I'm missing."
"There's no EV market... competing with all vehicle manufacturers."
"Financial report shows strong growth in almost all sectors, with healthy market growth in aerospace tech and mining industries."
"If you're disappointed by Alder Lake, it's because you only looked at Rocket Lake and maybe you forgot just how far behind Intel has been from AMD for, in my opinion, the past few years."
"Intel wins here. It's funny even up until last night I had some contacts in the industry talking to me about how they're unsure if Alder Lake will actually be better overall gaming."
"The Souls-like combat system is so it's not going anywhere right it's not like a battle royale that may phase out in a few years."
"Competition is crucial... we need different platforms... YouTube is the Pied Piper but competition is good."
"So if you really want to have a fair comparison, we should just be looking at electric vehicles sold globally per company, that's it."
"This is all about a lack of innovation and I think you see that pipeline finally starting to pick up which is good, it's the green shoots."
"The funeral industry is based on bad science."
"Microsoft Dynamics is giving tough competition to its competitors like Salesforce and other industry giants."
"Study what works specifically in your industry. Look at other accounts who are capturing attention without having a face attached to their account."
"Do you agree that Disney's just in a rough spot and they'll probably get their footing back?"
"It's amazing how we as a community, as a culture, we have not been given the wherewithal to dig into industries."
"I don't necessarily love investing in industries that are inherently distressed."
"Top-down questions involve estimating industry sizes like the US fast food market or the annual revenue of a market leader like McDonald's."
"So one of the things that I use this for sometimes is if I have a client reach out to me and they are in a specific industry what you can actually do is look at some of the leaders in that industry and see what they are actually doing."
"Every single industry sector that buys cloud from Google is showing strength right now." - Ruth Porat
"Residual values are predicted to be strong with industry experts cap predicting that this e-hybrid variant will retain 63 percent of its original value after the standard three-year or 36,000-mile ownership period."
"It's a sad thing, but it's absolutely happening. If you needed another reminder just how bad sales are, at least for DC Comics, I made this video not too long ago talking about DC comic sales in January of 2022."
"WWE has become far more appealing for AEW talent to come over than it was a year ago."
"In the world of enterprise software, the vast majority of the economic rent of that industry converges to the benefit of typically one and maybe two providers over the long run."
"Guys like Chris Jericho and Sting and Edge and Christian and others we're skewing a little older."
"celebrities like Michael Jackson and Prince have talked about how Hollywood is basically slavery"
"Analyzing the forces that act on an industry will help to understand the attractiveness of that industry."
"As this secular trend's playing out in media, you can see the winners and the losers."
"Don't go there if you want the beta for a company. I think the best way to get a beta for your company is to look at the business your company is in and find the betas of other companies in the business, take an average."
"The question of what exactly makes a pop star successful is a really interesting one."
"Magic quadrants are really powerful because this analysis group Gartner, they take a look at all the players within an industry."
"Every year I like to see the industry react to trends from previous years and try to predict coming trends."
"The strategic position of the firm and its realities are determined not only by competition with its traditional direct competitors but also by four forces in the industry's environment."
"The Five Forces model... evaluates the root causes of profitability in an industry."
"Understanding the forces that shape industry competition is the starting point for developing strategy."
"Because crypto is significantly open source, we have an unprecedented ability to measure this developer value creation flywheel in an emerging industry."
"The comic book store model is not intrinsically fallible; it's just that every industry needs to look at itself from an outsider's perspective."
"Evaluate the management, the company, and the industry in which the company operates."
"Who's the real driver of displacement creep? Is it regulators, is it manufacturers, or is it customers? The answer is yes."
"I've never seen a breakdown of the future of the live streaming space so well explained."
"Industry research is a big factor and plays a big part in an equity research analyst's role."
"I think things are better and they are worse at the same time in the music industry."
"If you're going to look at the sector, you're going to look at industry averages, apply some common sense."
"This chart is not an ideal situation or something that I'm dreaming for in the future; this is a state of the industry address."
"There's no such thing as a clear winner in this space, and anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you a particular flavor of bias."
"Porter's Five Forces is a framework that can help you understand an industry's attractiveness at a moment in time."
"Porter's Five Forces describe the profit potential of an industry and shape a firm's strategy."