
Social Consciousness Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I think an important way to be socially conscious is to have emotional intelligence."
"Investors across time have become a lot more socially conscious."
"You don't have authentic diversity unless you have a critical consciousness of your positionality."
"You can utilize your free will while being conscious of others."
"It had successfully turned the conscience of America against its own government."
"U2 captivated audiences around the world with their riveting raw intensity and their highbrow passion for social consciousness."
"The more open you are, the more woke you're going to be."
"Pat Tillman was an unselfish, socially mindful, and politically aware guy who died serving his country."
"May Allah bless him and may Allah bless all of you for watching this video with us."
"The Mayflower has become a symbol. It has become a part of our social consciousness."
"Each piece comes with a personalized message and meaning, truly making it the perfect gift. You can take comfort in knowing that you're shopping with a socially conscious brand as well."
"The times we're in now, yes, there's more consciousness."
""Huckleberry Finn" would take on even more of a socially-conscious slant than much of his previous work."
"Being woke doesn't happen overnight you don't just wake up and you're woke."
"I think they're more socially conscious and empathetic and more aware of kind of things that affect them and affect the world so I actually do think things will get better."
"My responsibility is to promote social awareness, stimulate your consciousness, help you elevate, and understand the imminent threats and dangers that surround you so you can know how to evade those dangers."
"Consciousness and worse conditions, there's no question you're heading for the path of revolution. This is quite clear."
"But I am saying be mindful of the fact that there are people in need around you and very close to you don't have to look very far to find people in need."
"I encourage all of you to exercise the barest minimum of social awareness if at all possible."
"I just feel weird going there and buying a house when I know there are people that don't have houses."
"This is the most socially conscious ad out of all of the commercials I saw."
"If you were truly woke... being woke is knowing about all the little things happening behind closed doors."
"Sometimes people, especially people in that beginning phase of the evolution of becoming conscious, they angry and they looking for leadership. I'm not trying to be a follower. I'm trying to create more leaders."
"Focus on gratefulness as practice will raise your level of social consciousness."
"Be considerate, be cooperative, be the person who gives somebody a seat on the bus."
"We're not ignorant, we're calling stuff out."
"I was raised with a very strong sense of social responsibility."
"If there's ever a time to be woke, it's now."
"We need to be really bothered once in a while, about something important, about something real."
"The most successful rap artists...are people who managed to do both, who managed to be socially conscious while also reflecting hip hop's more materialist side or its more street side."
"What does socially conscious business really mean?"
"Corporations are going to just become more and more socially conscious as time goes on."
"Not everyone is cut out for competitive racism."
"How bad our country needs to be aware of all of the types of things and just the [ __ ] in general that goes on in our southern border."
"Can you talk about that history, its ties to slavery, and how we should think about race instead?"
"I'm in the business of creating this type of learning environments because I think we're in pretty dire need of a generation who is conscious of each other's humanity."
"I'm so encouraged by the existence of teachers who are socially conscious."
"They care about social issues like the environment and animal wildlife which is all progress."
"Our young generations... they have built a space of consciousness and awakening within the restriction that has been left."
"Be more aware of your surroundings and the feelings of other people."
"You can only be as woke as the year you're in."
"It's right to be upset and right to be aware and stay aware."
"The poverty-stricken and independent population achieves a social consciousness at a rapidly accelerating pace."
"Our national consciousness has been forever transformed because of hundreds of years in slavery."
"Stan Lee was a visionary; he was super socially conscious."
"Younger consumers are more likely to intentionally support like-minded brands."
"BTS was socially conscious since their debut, leaving a clear impression on their fans and creating some kind of fandom etiquette."
"Our young people today are still quite aware of their surroundings and what is going on in the world today."
"We have to talk about being socially conscious; everybody in this room wants companies to be socially responsible."
"They work really well in a society together, they do their part and they're pretty conscious of the effect they have on the community as a whole."
"Millennials and especially Gen Z are so much more socially aware, so much more cohesive."
"Keep your eyes open, stay vigilant, pay attention to what's going on in this world."
"The older I get, the more I am conscious of the way that I smell around others."
"The defense by violence of the rights of property immorally obtained... has considerably weakened people's natural consciousness of justice."