
Pigeons Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"I've never seen a pigeon eat a Taki, so I feel like maybe they don't like spicy."
"Pigeons are literally made of refuse. Their kin, there it is, listen, it is a biological function that converts the garbage you throw on the ground into a bird."
"The domestic pigeon is actually the oldest domesticated bird."
"Nobody is born cool, except of course pigeons who don't fly away when you walk near them."
"I'm not gonna lie, that's kind of a beautiful pigeon."
"You did scare the hell out of some pigeons though."
"Pigeons carry diseases but no more than any other animal."
"Pigeons are low-key broken like they're mad talented for no reason."
"The most expensive pigeon ever sold was a 2-year-old Belgian pigeon named New Kim, bought for $1.9 Million."
"Pigeons haven't always been treated as pests. They used to be seen as a valuable source of food and fertilizer."
"Can some pigeons count? They can probably say at least count to one."
"You've never been in New York, and as someone who used to be afraid of pigeons, I know that's something."
"Like most rational humans, we consider pigeons vermin, flying bird shit dispensers."
"Pigeons could be very intelligent."
"Pigeons mate for life, so we wouldn't be getting him a new partner, but we can definitely get a new pigeon friend for him."
"The inventor had an obsession with pigeons."
"The pigeon is a messenger of the deity here, so you can see a lot of pigeon motifs in the shrine."
"What do real pigeons do? They fight crime, of course!"
"Once I started to work past my pigeon prejudice, I realized pigeons are lowkey broken, like they're mad talented for no reason."
"Pigeons have 340° vision and can even see wavelengths of light invisible to us."
"Pigeons could be taught to tell the difference between a Picasso painting and Monet."
"Pigeons could be trained to tell apart malignant breast tumors from the benign."
"Pigeons have an ability to count that rivals primates."
"I went from highly impressed to lowkey concerned with how smart pigeons are."
"Pigeons went from war heroes to people actively trying to wipe them out."
"Pigeons, despite their derpiness, have even been credited with saving hundreds of lives during World War II."
"The humble pigeon was a major asset to espionage."
"Pigeons made the perfect undercover operatives for gathering intelligence behind enemy lines."
"What's clear is that pigeons have an incredible sense of direction, one that humans have been relying on for millennia."
"Pigeons served as a mail service throughout the Middle Ages and were the fastest courier service available until the invention of the telegraph."
"During World War II, the British used nearly a quarter of a million birds across multiple branches of the defense services."
"Pigeons were so valuable during the war effort that they received medals for their service."
"This makes this an extremely special group of pigeons to be this beautiful and to also be superior long-distance racers."
"How do these pigeons get dropped off in France, 600 miles away, without any maps or directions, and how do they find their way home?"
"What marvelous little creatures they are."
"These are racing homing pigeons, the athletes of the air."
"I never thought that I'd wind up being who I am with pigeons and having been... I just stayed with the things that I've loved all my life."
"I am who I am. There's no way I could get out of pigeons. I was born with them, and I'll die with the birds."
"Happy pigeons make healthy pigeons."
"I'm very, very proud of these birds."
"Pigeons are the rightful owners of the city skies today."
"But pigeons haven't lost their most amazing ability: always to get back home."
"It was thanks to this feature that they were so valued throughout human history."
"I think the best way is to make four pigeons from different families as grandparents."
"The pigeons that Derek has are second to none, they're absolutely phenomenal in your hands."
"I have a bit of an addictive personality, that's one of the reasons why I just like pigeons."
"Pigeons are a way of life, really, aren't they? They're not a hobby, or you want to win."
"You are in a true sprint widowhood loft, and guys, this is very rare for Derrick to allow anybody in this loft, you're getting a real treat today."
"This is the best of the best of the best, the Vandenbolt, Sagan, Dicaprio."
"I try to enjoy pigeon to the max."
"I definitely look for balanced pigeons."
"How I wish guys you can hold these birds, you know you're going to be inspired."
"The pigeons that brought these messages back were widely fêted."
"It's known as the pigeon Olympics of the world."
"Hey, if they come back from 600 or 700 miles as a young bird, even if it takes them two weeks, consider that bird to be a good breeder for you the following year."
"Most say pigeons can't comprehend human language, but this one can."
"My goal with this video is to not only help you understand basic pigeon body language but also to be able to identify and understand what their individual quirks are as well."
"I first got into pigeons as a very small lad at the age of about seven."
"Try to enjoy the sport and look at it to see even if you're close and realize that your pigeons did an amazing job."
"If you make it to the Netherlands, it's like going to pigeon heaven."
"These are racing pigeons, some of the best genetics in the world."
"We are 100% sure that the children are born in a box or children of the pigeons inside."
"In summertime, it's nice here; you can see the pigeons from far away come home."
"Older pigeons can be great, they've been exposed to so many things."
"It's always been my ambition to try and share the passion I have for rising pigeons to as many people as possible."
"He thinks for himself, that's part of observing pigeons, that's where the skill of pigeons and you get to know each individual little character."
"Pigeons are actually fully domesticated, one of the oldest domesticated bird species that exist."
"Pigeons are pretty clever, almost every study that's been done on pigeon intelligence has just indicated more and more intelligence than we previously thought."
"If anybody wants to take my advice, get on the phone and get yourself a couple of pigeons from this fellow."
"Ultimately, you need really good pigeons."
"When you see a pigeon come back home from great distances away, it's just so amazing to see what they can do."
"The most important thing in the game is quality pigeons."
"That's the power of these pigeons; they can win because they're world champion breeders."
"Pigeons are a really great option, I think, for most people if you want a bird."
"They are really cool; they make really great pets. I love pigeons."
"We keep pigeons because we like them, and we like to see them flying."
"The biggest thing I enjoy the most about pigeons is waiting for them to come home."
"Let's hear it for the pigeons. First up, pigeons are brilliant navigators, and can find their way back home from over 1,000 kilometers away."
"Pigeons were used as spy photographers to take pictures of enemy territories in World War I and II."
"A pigeon that wouldn't quit, you want one that gets in the sky and decides he's going to come home."
"I love talking about these pigeons, I got my first ones in 1983."
"I always wanted pigeons when I was a little guy."
"Pigeons are found all over the world, especially in areas which are or were once important trade routes."
"Pigeons have been a major influence and a part of my life."
"The famous pigeons of St. Mark Square waddle at the feet of the varied crowd streaming on the Square."