
Publicity Quotes

There are 471 quotes

"There's no such thing as bad press...but to be fair there's a double-edged sword that comes along with it."
"Publicity is for those who are rich that are aspiring to be wealthy; the purpose of being wealthy is to be hidden."
"Haters give you more free press than the fans."
"Terrorism is a way of leveraging a very small amount of violence to produce a massive amount of fear by targeting innocents for no apparent purpose other than generating publicity."
"This would be the last photograph taken that day, capturing Yardley's last embrace with her head coach, Julie Meyers, both were unaware this exact moment would soon be on the national front pages."
"Queen Mary understood the value of publicity; she regarded it as her royal duty to cooperate with the press."
"Rasheeda and Kirk, y'all played with your marriage too much on this TV for a dollar."
"He goes outside and he sees it. It's low and it was actually all over newspapers the next day."
"He's just being groomed early on in his life so they know every step, every image, and everything he does in the public eye."
"The power of earned media and more importantly the power of no such thing as bad press."
"Elon sure knows how to keep himself in the news."
"I always use the Kardashians as an example to this - every single time they're coming out with a new season they have some type of scandal or some type of drama going on."
"All in all it just it's good publicity for Australia Australian models and right now I feel like I'm being treated like a bad guy."
"Once the bad publicity is died down you'll either cascade into the pits of oblivion or go out doing something incredibly stupid."
"You couldn't ask for this kind of publicity in the inverse right if when you get David Hogg coming out and agreeing with you that's all that's all you need."
"The type that if he could, he would be in the news every day."
"A million dollar tournament is like a very cool headline."
"Widespread publicity was generated by the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case of 1961."
"Showing it to the world and showing it to the media is something that we are very excited about."
"There's no such thing as bad press for anybody. It's all promotion of something."
"This may very well end up a perfect example of the Streisand effect."
"I think this leak was done by the company to generate a bit of Buzz because take to interactive the company who owns Rockstar Games their stock has been slipping for a long time it's down like 50."
"Even a princess can overdose on intrusive publicity."
"Having your book banned as an author is the best possible thing that can happen to you."
"The unusually public denunciation of Tim Ballard is particularly newsworthy."
"The more publicity this video gets, the more likely the sports gaming industry will improve."
"You're going to get to a point where everything you do is news."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity, right?"
"The Walton case received considerable mainstream publicity and remains one of the best known instances of alleged alien abduction."
"Consider the source. Most criticism, you know, they say that there's no such thing as bad press. It's true. And Trump proves that."
"Season Two is about the consequences of the publicity that surrounds Jesus and his followers."
"The more they bash Cardi the more they put her name out there."
"It's a PR stunt, get this out there and let everyone see it."
"The lawsuit is a legally frivolous publicity stunt."
"All that’s needed to break through to whatever Sly’s next level may be, is to find a way to get Sly in front of more eyeballs at the right time."
"We show for the first time the actual Lordstown pre-order agreements... while the agreements entail zero commitment on the part of the buyer, they include clauses about the parties agreeing to work on press releases to announce the deals."
"Donald Trump sells newspapers, say whatever he will about the guy, he moves product."
"Howie hasn't had publicity like this in 15 years."
"The more articles, the more terrible articles they write about me, the bigger I become and I don't just mean fatter I mean people know who I am."
"Because it would get me trending hello I mean getting cancelled is basically like a quick way to get publicity but not the good kind of publicity."
"Taco Bell stepped up anyways and brought ten thousand tacos in a helicopter. That's awesome Taco Bell."
"There is no such thing as bad press if they spell your name right."
"Part of my stupidity is that by publicizing this maybe it'll stop because it's never been publicized in the past like it's been now."
"The skeptical people, I called them my unpaid publicists."
"Little Nas X isn't that talented, but he's trying to get people to talk about this."
"Word of mouth is the best publicity you can get in the restaurant trade."
"Maybe all publicity is good publicity in the end."
"A hater is actually the best form of free advertising."
"I guess all press is good press and it looks like this shoe is more hyped up than it was even just a couple weeks ago."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity. Tell that to Alex Jones."
"Laura Loomer took some illegal immigrants and jumped over Nancy Pelosi's wall at her house."
"With the entire world watching their every move they began their dig without any preparations."
"Harry and Megan make better headlines than the king and Camila or William and Kate."
"They're just doing these things to get people talking about them."
"Capitalism, not socialism, sent Jeff Bezos into space today."
"You cannot undo organic publicity, you know what organic publicity is? It's a brand new thing."
"Was this a publicity stunt intended to cast a more positive light?"
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"Yakido quickly capitalized on the publicity and names her as their religion's holy night."
"This is what we wanted, you know. I wanted controversy and we've got it."
"I'm literally gonna lean into it, and I'm gonna tweet something like, 'Oh, saw I was trending. Here's my (beep) palette link, bitch.'"
"You get all the exposure and positivity of being linked with a player like Harry Kane."
"Publicize your paper as important as publishing it."
"Someone's done a good job at exploiting my life," she said, adding, "I feel like this should be an open court hearing."
"My dad had publicity. 'Oh, you got a Mafia father.' I fought."
"Some good publicity for our big buck-toothed friend."
"Negative attention is better than no attention at all."
"If people want to say that it was fixed, fine. As long as they spell our name right, that means they're interested in us."
"Journalism is publishing something that somebody doesn't want you to publish and everything else is simply PR."
"Negative publicity? All publicity is good publicity. I can handle anything."
"King Charles got eggs thrown at him, not a good thing to do unless you just want the publicity."
"America's mayor live is featured on q-u-x prominently."
"It's a brilliant way to get a ton of free publicity... the anti-Disney or the alternative."
"This is a win-win for him, it gives him publicity, it gets the artist publicity, and we get to burn SHIB at the same time."
"The extraordinary decision by Harry to show up unannounced seemed designed to undermine his brother's carefully scheduled appearance."
"They're getting a lot of earned media, a lot of free traffic just by making good quality entertaining content."
"All exposure is good exposure, some people say."
"...the more research the more publicity the better as far as I'm concerned."
"The stunt show got wide scale free PR which subsequently translated to being picked up by several retailers in the US."
"It's a public fight on the biggest streaming platform in the world, Netflix."
"My plan was go to half a mill and then pull out, get 20 minutes of free press, we're good."
"The case had made national and international headlines."
"I've made another cameo. It's like what the second or third week I've been on the Asheville weekly."
"There is such a thing as bad publicity, and in fact, it can damage the company long term."
"The only way you force people to change the system is by saying something publicly."
"Sometimes you don't have to do that to get your intend and result when you look at like how much free media attention we got out of that thing like doing that thing was such a [ __ ] unbelievable no-brainer."
"Their real-life chemistry goes beyond PR for Bridgerton."
"They say there's no such thing as bad advertising or bad publicity. I disagree."
"Connor, you're saying that the interest is low for the fight, but the last fight you announced was a thousand articles written in a multiple day span, 10,000 articles written about my fight with Mike."
"Truman went to Great Lengths to remain in the spotlight at all costs."
"Relevance is why there's no such thing as bad publicity."
"All attention is good attention as far as media goes, right?"
"It definitely did put me in a limelight position where everyone's like, 'Oh, so people are Googling you and then they're asking what else does she do...' So that really did help my business. It helped my numbers. It helped my classes."
"A lot of entertainers, including fighters, forget that the world is a public platform now."
"I'm officially his fiancee and today we're doing a photo shoot for a magazine spread so the whole world knows it."
"It wasn't until the early 70s that the Met Gala began to garner much more publicity."
"The more controversial things Tate says, the more clippable they are, the more clippable they are, the more likely they're going to lead to sign-ups to the university, the more sign-ups to the university, the more money for Tate."
"Good or bad publicity is still publicity for me."
"When people talk about me, they give me free promotion."
"Controversy of this scale... instead of really doing any damage just helped to grow the profile of the Kat Von D brand."
"We're constantly trying to be in the news. What do you do? What would you do this week?"
"My client is still Presumed Innocent, and the publicity that has tainted so many people throughout the county, through the state, through the nation, that's not evidence."
"I'm just saying thank you to Gunner TV for making a hate video about me that totally backfired. Bro, I'm so grateful because thousands of people subscribed from Gunner TV and a lot more people ordered my trifold."
"It's something that people would pay millions of dollars for that kind of notoriety, and it happened for free for us."
"The only form of bad publicity is no publicity."
"I feel like it would actually get a lot of people's attention."
"Having a publicist is just basically telling the person, 'This is the best way to avoid people getting hurt and drama.'"
"Once it's out there, it's out there forever."
"... at least create some publicity if the car hangs together that's the big bonus."
"Get ready to maybe even be publicized in some way. Enjoy the limelight."
"...but her story got out with this movie."
"They were on the cover of every magazine, every newspaper."
"When they go on TV to talk about their book, that's costing you copies."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity minus a few topics."
"Taylor Swift doesn't need a boyfriend for publicity."
"Command attention at all costs, whether it be good publicity or bad publicity because no matter what if you're talking, you're relevant."
"Ryan Garcia has sparked controversy once more. If not, he and Floyd Mayweather seem to have orchestrated a remarkable coup in the annals of boxing."
"The last thing you want to be is ending up on the front cover of a newspaper whether that's in Dubai, London, Miami, being like you're the nastiest hairiest dude out there, it's the last thing you need in your life."
"How people could publish ideas that are sort of against the mainstream and yet still get some publicity for their work."
"It's very good for publicity. But if you don't believe in them, you don't believe in curses. Simple."
"...the haters the trolls the people that talk about you they're free publicists have as many of them as you possibly can..."
"...if you haven't got people talking about you then there's something wrong..."
"...doesn't it smack of wanting to stay in the public eye and create drama?"
"All press is good press, even bad press."
"There's no such thing as bad press, baby."
"Mark Twain's book Huckleberry Finn was banned in his local library and his reaction to that was 'oh that'll sell US 20 000 copies for sure'."
"The more random a coupling seems to be, the more likely people think it's PR."
"Every criticism is good publicity."
"There is no such thing as bad publicity."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary. Any publicity when you put your name out there to 50 million people is good publicity."
"The only thing that matters in any kind of election is earned media."
"Despite her challenges, Monroe remained determined to revive her career and restore her public image through various publicity efforts."
"Caroline was fiercely determined to stay out of the public eye."
"Tell the people out there because we need more audience and I appreciate your help."
"People see what we do, they see it on YouTube, they see it on Embedded, they see it on the Countdown. Careful when opening overhead bins, items do tend to move during flight."
"...the attention is good for the industry."
"We had all these press companies reaching out to us, we had no press team, they're all like hounding us to meet with us and I'm like this is insane."
"And most importantly for scientists, just getting this picture is, of course, great publicity."
"Naming a sandwich after me got them Gail King publicity, you know what I'm saying? It just goes to show you, you never know where it's going to come from. This deli now is going to be featured on CBS This Morning just because they got a sandwich named after you."
"I feel like people like society has gotten to the point where people know to do fake publicity couples themselves now because it's like such a thing."
"Everybody to get people to look at it, it's bittersweet though."
"Our next winner didn't stay Anonymous and she didn't need publicity for trouble to find her."
"But the you know it's like the it's like I'm just joking about that but the you know it's like oh someone someone catches us as the Glizzy guys eating a Glizzy in public and it's like wow wow orchestrated viral stuff yeah."
"They think that you are a star, and I do feel like this person wants to publicly be with you."
"Imagine being the first major football club to have a woman as a coach. It would have brought massive amounts of publicity."
"It's not necessarily about winning over the people that we know, it's about putting it in places that people haven't heard about us."
"You made a move to get press to get awareness to create controversy. That's why you made the move."
"You don't need to do content like that. Gets people talking though, doesn't it?"
"All publicity is good publicity. Whether you hate me or love me, I'm gonna have these followers and this engagement, I'm gonna sell my products."
"Psycho turned out to be the perfect storm of good timing, Amazing Word of Mouth, ultimate shock value, and absolutely brilliant publicity."
"...I've been through some things with Serena mostly good and sometimes this comes up and it's annoying when it happens but I suppose it's better than not being talked about at all."
"That's how the media machine works. But not only as a media personality do you work the media machine because you understand it, you also can create controversy about yourself to keep your name out there, right?"
"There's no such thing as bad press. I don't care what you want to call me, if you're going to use my name towards somebody else, it's good for me."
"Vince made the right move by not giving WCW any further publicity."
"I mean, I transitioned pretty publicly online. I de-transitioned even more publicly online."
"Bad publicity is better than no publicity."
"...it was only more recently when actually the press got hold of one of the cars which was our main demonstrator and and really got hold of it and told everyone about it."
"It's open to the public. Get your tickets, link's gonna be in the description."
"The more information, the better. There's no such thing as bad publicity."
"I've had so many good results with these slinky glide cables that to be honest it's better off for what they cost to just slap a set on there and forget about it."
"The credibility for its allegation is very low, it did however provide some possible publicity for the American Venus."
"Some people say any press is good press, well, I don't agree with that."
"The job of a court of appeals judge, which I've been doing for 15 years, is about as isolated from the glare of publicity as you can get."
"But so this was published, I mean, it did, there were articles and defenses written, but I think it's surprising how little attention it's gotten."
"I made it popping. Not all promotion is good promotion, especially when you're facing shots."
"The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information, often via the internet."
"...the way she tells the story... when she woke up she had like over a million views on it. This was able to generate a lot of publicity for the story... she was able to smartly ride that wave all the way to publication."
"Classic Harry, it's like all he ever does is say, 'Why does the Press want these stories about me? Let me shovel them to the Press.'"
"It was a good troll, right? We both got paid, it was something to talk about, right? Keep it publicity, good publicity."
"Nothing I have done has been done solely for the thrill involved or for the publicity"
"People would want to hear that. It's like the Beatles again, just like they want to hear Josh yesterday saying something bad. Slip of the... He just said the s-word. It was an accident."
"My intention is to show the public what's going on here and show the you know the trial that everyone's been watching."
"She definitely got people talking about her, she's got crazy exposure."
"I hope we don't hear much from them in the future after this docu-series is out because that's what they wanted, right? To tell their story one final time."
"The harder decisions came when I was trying to decide whether or not to publish because the one thing I feared most was being a public person."
"...they say there's no such thing as bad publicity, right? It's beneficial for them to be talked about constantly."
"Our task is to make people interested in our dirty laundry, just not the way it actually looks."
"It creates more conversations, good or bad, they're f****** talking about it, right?"
"We put in the work and to see the billboards go up, to see people talk about them, to see publications outside the country..."
"If they don't talk about me, it's going to bother me. All press is good."
"He did not want publicity from demons."
"There are so many exciting fighters, there are so many different pathways to reach the public. These are very, very exciting times."
"Joe Biden just did an interview with Cardi B. Doesn't do a lot of interviews. He just did one with her."
"DOA tweeted, 'If Say So hits number one, I'll show you guys my boobs real hard.' This tweet made headlines."
"Having your name ring bells and being in the news is just like infinitely valuable. Steve Jobs said if he was down to his last dollar he would spend it on PR."
"You don't think Billy Corgan cutting a promo on Vince McMahon wouldn't give me a bunch of free clickbait? It would."
"Gigi was a self-promoter right from the beginning. He would do an interview with somebody that had a zine that got 20 people. He didn't care how big the publication was."
"It's kind of like that saying like any publicity is good publicity."
"Kai knew how to gain attention, he knew how to stir the pot and create a buzz around his name."
"A good publicist will know that there are certain venues that match your book and develop personal relationships with the people at those venues."
"If you try to keep me out of your content, you look stupid in the end because everybody's talking about it. Why aren't you?"
"The Kardashians maintain their fame through calculated publicity stunts."
"There is such a thing as bad publicity."
"We're bringing public millions of views to each player. We have gotten scholarships. There have been guys giving scholarship offers from our videos. A lot of guys are grateful for the publicity we bring to the program."
"So if I want to make it completely private, I can. If I want to make it public, I can."
"Everything fell apart on the first night on purpose, but you can't pay for marketing. Everybody wrote articles about it."
"This scandal, it actually blew over quite quickly, and a lot of people just either forgot about it or just didn't care."
"...as a man should have the confidence to approach a woman because as a man if you don't have the confidence to approach a woman, how are you going to have the confidence to go out and earn a living to protect and provide for your household?"
"All publicity is good publicity if you're a porn star."