
Psychological Manipulation Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"By causing you pain, by agonizing and torturing you, the narcissist reasserts control, regains a sense of mastery over his life."
"Indoctrination... they break you down at first, then they change you."
"Gaslighting is to manipulate someone by psychological means into doubting their own sanity."
"Gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time, a driver of disorientation and mistrust."
"Successful propaganda doesn't mean convincing you that black is white or up is down. It means confusing you to the point where you lose your mind."
"Gaslighting makes people feel like they are losing their grip on reality."
"Human beings can be manipulated with cheap and shallow tricks."
"Gaslighting is where you tell somebody something not true and then when they respond to the untruth you blame them for responding to the untruth."
"The fifth density negative entity is apparently very, very incredibly wise and powerful. It can travel through time and it does a very, very intense analysis of your psychology to try to find the weakest points that it can exploit."
"This kind of false consciousness and psychological manipulation that happens because of this kind of mentality, this careerist delusion."
"Cults use these techniques to recruit people."
"They've hired a literal team of psychologists that are out there figuring out how to hack your reptile brain."
"Double binds occur in relationships where targets feel compelled to figure out what the manipulator wants and provide it."
"The gaslighting they engage in to distract from their own oppressive behavior."
"Go for someone's children, and you will have a slave."
"Gas lighting is when you feel a certain way...someone else is making you doubt your reality."
"We all have our own habits and routines, and if you can disorganize somebody's habits then you can give them new ones."
"There is a demand that one confess to crimes one has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced in the name of a cure."
"MLMs work at an almost lizard brain level, exploiting the most American belief that all you need to succeed is an opportunity, hard work, and dedication."
"Gaslighting is essentially trying to make a person question their own feelings, their own sight."
"The whole point of the game is the Blair Witch manipulates you, Ellis, into becoming Carver."
"You're just not a threat to it anymore. But when you engage and you point the finger and you're pushing up against that resistance, it's like, 'Okay, you want to mess around with me? Well, I'm going to pull you right back into my construct.'"
"When we are frightened, we're more susceptible."
"Gaslighting is where one person's reality is denied so the narcissistic person can maintain their own reality."
"Gaslighting happens on so many levels... you don't realize how often we undermine somebody's opinions, thoughts, feelings."
"So I'll provide a couple interesting stories first and then I'll give you my perspective on the psychological tricks and the strategies these scammers use to manipulate people to send them money."
"Change the code of somebody's subconscious mind, and they have no choice but to think, feel, act, and consequently get different results."
"Fear is an illusion that's created in people's minds and it's also a tool that is being used to control the minds of men and women."
"You can be manipulated to believe in something that goes against your Natural Instincts."
"When you refuse to bow to their intimidation, it just makes them so mad. That's what they want."
"It's the whole point of the struggle sessions, is to get you to say things that you don't believe in and then you start believing it."
"It is psychological warfare, it is diabolical."
"He was a mass psychologist of really diabolical genius."
"The big lie involves that if you tell a gigantic lie frequently and forcefully that people sort of assume there must be truth to it."
"If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."
"Narcissists try to make you believe that you are the narcissist."
"Gaslighting is any attempt to convince you that something is wrong with your mind."
"The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy so that he cannot fathom our real intent."
"We understand the psychological manipulation is a tool of white supremacy."
"Gaming isn't just games anymore, it's exploiting psychology for profit."
"Love bombing basically involves showering recruits with attention and affection to entice them into the cult."
"Gaslighting, which is the deliberate denial of your reality, is designed to Foster self-doubt."
"The covert narcissist is equal parts hurtful and cowardly."
"It undeniably uses the mechanics and the psychology of gambling to manipulate people."
"That's what a narcissist wants: control. You are a toy that exists on their shelf."
"Guilt is a manipulation tactic, trying to make people feel guilty because the manipulation part is you acting in a way so that they do exactly what you want."
"Love bombing is regarded as a precursor to abuse."
"The three emotions: confusion, excitement, and fear. If you know how to instill confusion, excitement, and fear into a man's heart, you're gonna make him obsessed."
"Programming describes the deliberate conditioning of different dissociated parts of one identity that has been intentionally created through trauma."
"It's this idea that you can get people to deny their own experiences because you're promising them something that is not always 100% true."
"The worst type of tyrant is the one who thinks they're tormenting you for your own good."
"A young FBI agent must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help her catch another serial killer."
"Tell a big lie long enough a big lie enough and often enough it's kind of a weird phrase tell a big enough tell a lie big enough and often enough people will begin to believe it."
"Just test that... how do you make the other person be hurt?"
"It's not you, you're not going crazy. These people are deliberately seeking to press your buttons, to provoke you, to feel so their ego can be fed."
"The definition of gaslighting: making you feel like you're overreacting and blowing things out of proportion."
"They constantly try to make you be afraid, so they intimidate you in all sorts of ways."
"The common ground that I've found with pretty much every single cult from the very beginning is they like to control people and they like to replace your authentic personality with like the new personality."
"You can engineer human behavior by tapping into fears and trust networks."
"Gaslighting to bamboozling: a sudden change."
"The victims of his crimes were nothing more than guinea pigs to him, just test subjects, just games to play until they eventually succumbed to his poisons and died."
"I know what it is to be a victim of a cult-like situation. The person kind of gets in your head and reprograms what you've always known to be true."
"Narcissists use us like a drug and narcissists have this way of sucking the life from you."
"If you control consciousness, you control what we think and feel."
"Brainwashing develops psychological techniques to make outsiders think like us, unlocks transmissions and symptoms."
"Gaslighting is incredibly insidious and cowardly."
"This person may try to tear your self-confidence down because you're more vulnerable when you're insecure."
"Tony's vision may be the most compelling out of all of Scarlet Witch's mind games."
"That's Jupiter's delight... it's this brain-body reaction that feels unconscious for the individual; they feel that they've manipulated you and they can't help but show their glibness."
"Got into the guy's head and he didn't even realize it."
"Don't let anyone Gaslight you to believe otherwise."
"Remote work one, don't let anyone Gaslight you."
"When something is always your fault no matter how much you positively change yourself, your decisions, or your behaviors, that's when you should realize that you are not the problem in that situation."
"Narcissists target people who care and then take advantage of them."
"Scientology's manipulation level is so high, they don't actually need to use physical threat and violence."
"They're gaslighting not only you but themselves at this point."
"Successful manipulation is about making the person think it was their idea."
"Cult leaders use fear of ostracization to keep group members in check."
"Gaslighting is a thing that narcissists, sociopaths, and Psychopaths do often."
"The narcissist needs his intimate partner to emulate his original mother because he needs to time travel to the period where he has failed to separate from Mommy."
"Narcissistic abuse is self-punitive, in the sense that the narcissist seeks to punish himself via the agency of his intimate partner."
"The narcissist perceives submissiveness and compliance as the ideal traits in an intimate partner, as it allows him to convert her into an enemy, a demon, a persecutory object."
"The devil has spent his entire life observing you, he knows what makes you tick and how to make a temptation maximally tempting."
"Turn him on and make him desire you and then back off and watch him chase."
"When people tell you not to worry about it, usually what they really mean is don't think about it."
"A narcissist has to work very, very hard at distorting reality."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"Interrogation is not an argument. It is a subtle conversation with a lot of ploys, tricks, and roses to get the person to give you information that they are not aware they're giving."
"Some gaslighters may not be completely unempathic or entitled."
"Gaslighting is a process of psychological abuse and manipulation."
"The conversation is not a conversation, it's more so a chess game of the two moving their pieces trying to achieve a checkmate to make the other bend to their will."
"Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation."
"In the devaluation stage, the target is manipulated to assume the narcissist's own shortcomings and unmanageable chaotic behaviors."
"Boundaries and manipulation are two different things."
"Gaslighting is when a person who has sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies purposely manipulates a person into believing they have a problem that never existed."
"If you feel like at the end of the conversation it's always your fault you're probably either getting darvoed."
"Another way casinos and loot boxes exploit weaknesses in your brain is by creating what's known as an illusion of control."
"It tricks your haters to stop judging you, to feel sympathy for your suicide, temporarily absolving you of your sins."
"This Bane isn't just a physical threat to Batman, he's a psychological threat to society."
"An entire family had been brainwashed, planted with false memories, and coerced into confessing."
"Hoovering is a compensatory grandiosity restructuring of grandiosity reconstruction measure which at the same time molds you, changes you, conditions you, and transforms you to become such a partner in a future shared fantasy."
"Men have this way of making you think you're crazy."
"Gaslighting is getting somebody to believe something that isn't true just for the purpose of controlling them."
"The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressors is the mind of the oppressed."
"Gaslighting is used for everything's okay, just like in the family, nothing's happening here."
"Claiming suicidal thoughts can be a means of manipulation."
"They exploit cognitive biases and human psychological weaknesses."
"What we are seeing here is a cult, and this is of the nature of that person as it were, give absolute sort of obedience and deference to a leader who controls the mind of individuals." - Archbishop Howard Gregory
"If I know you better than you know yourself, I can control you."
"Absolutely and the split it's it's perfectly possible for them not only to come across as but to be."
"He's lost his mind for what? For the delusions you made up in your head."
"Normally when we talk about gaslighting we're talking about the way an abuser twists your sense of reality and tries to make unacceptable situations acceptable to you."
"Parental alienation... it's gaslighting at its finest."
"They literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere. It doesn't matter whether they lie to them or whatever, the data are irrelevant." - Dr. Malone
"He's making you think you're going crazy. You're apologizing because of your diary. What?"
"It's easier to believe a cult leader because they're telling you how the world is."
"Devaluing you after a love bombing phase, that's a sign that you're in this dynamic."
"An ounce of prevention when dealing with a covert narcissist is worth 10 tons of cure."
"Gaslighting is really the process by which an abuser psychologically manipulates and controls a victim by using discrete lies."
"Eventually that fear will turn into obedience."
"It's too easy, and with each little life he snuffed out, his lies got bigger."
"Love bombing can tie into narcissism narcissists want their victims to get attached to them so they can exploit and control them and love bombing is an easy way to do that."
"The narcissist wants you to see yourself through his gaze. You fall in love with yourself."
"The CCP is simply evil, doing everything to grab power and control people's minds."
"Narcissistic abuse plays with the fundamental elements of existence and identity."
"Narcissists use projection to deflect blame and avoid guilt."
"Stalin said that you can motivate people with love or with fear... if you have narcissism you have both."
"You've been tricked into thinking you're nothing, and so what comes to the surface dominates you."
"Fear is a tool. They think I'm hiding in the shadows, but I am the shadows."
"A new political idea of how to control the masses by satisfying people's inner selfish desires made them happy and thus docile."
"You don't have to hack a machine, you can hack somebody's brain."
"They weaponized and created the term 'isolationist' as a kind of psyop."
"Psychopaths and narcissists have a way of getting into your life and cloning it if you allow them."
"The number one tool of an abuser is isolation."
"He observed how... the Nazis give you a role to play... the most effective propaganda was the one that gave people a role to play."
"When an innocent customer walks into Ikea what they're really walking into is a powerful psychological trap meticulously designed to make them overspend on furniture."
"The best prison is the prison they won't want to leave."
"When you tell a person who's vulnerable and codependent that they are healing you and helping you grow, that's how you give them their fuel to keep them around."
"Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push."
"Mental slavery is the worst form of slavery, gives you the illusion of freedom, makes you trust, love, and defend your oppressor while making an enemy of those who are trying to free you or open your eyes."
"I love this movie. I love these psychological manipulative kind of things."
"The stretching room is this haunted room actually stretching or is it your imagination? How f***ing insane is that?"
"Many times, the psychological and sociological manipulation ultimately comes from the theological distortion of the cults."
"These demons know how to frame you by putting the right people around you."
"You make me at peace with something that should be tearing me up inside, and I will undo whatever the hell it is you've done to me."
"Gaslighting gets its power and its harm when it is repetitive and especially when it is used by a person who is in a position of power or trust."
"Hypnotic techniques are used to alter mental states, undermine critical thinking, even to age regress the member."
"You are inside my mind, and I have created a world out of your greatest fear."
"Don't let your opponent think whatever they want; make them think what you want them to think. Manipulation."
"One way to spot an enabler is to see that they accept the narcissist's view of reality unquestioningly."
"Gaslighting is a mind game that backfires when the truth comes to light."
"Human perception of time is fluid and can be manipulated in purposeful and productive ways."
"Don't let anyone lower your value through manipulation tactics and through gaslighting."